Fingerprint matching algorithm.....

Hello i want to make one algorithm which can compare two finger prints. Can anyone please help which would be helpful. I have studied JAI API but it is too large to learn. I am having academic requirement for this project so that i need some to the point help which can satisfy my current requirement...
Any Comment will be very helpful to me..
Thanks .....

Your question is confusing.
There are two steps
1. Find one or more algorithms to implement pattern matching and perhaps more specifically finger prints.
2. Implement those using a language.
You do not do step 2 until you have completed step 1. And the JAI API could only be used with step 2.

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    Hello all,
                    I work for a group at Texas A&M University researching two-phase flow in reactors.  We have been using IMAQ Vision and had a question regarding the use of edge detection in the pattern matching algorithm.  I had seen the webcast entitled “Algorithms that Learn: The Sum and Substance of Pattern Matching and OCR” ( and in the webcast it was mentioned that the pattern matching algorithm uses edge detection to, (as best I can tell), reduce the candidate list further and to perform subpixel location calculations.  However, I was wondering if this edge detection process is still performed if we do not use the subpixel location calculation (i.e. if we uncheck the “Subpixel Accuracy” check box)?  Also, if edge detection is performed in the pattern matching algorithm is it consistent with the method described in Chapter 13 of the Vison Concepts Manual (“Geometric Matching”)?  Finally, if edge detection is performed in a manner consistent with Chapter 13 of the manual, how does the geometric matching correlation number affect the correlation calculation that was performed in the previous steps?  Are they simply multiplied together?
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    I've read most of the section on geometric matching in the Vision Concepts Manual and wondered if the process described there for edge detection (or feature matching) was also used in the basic pattern matching algorithm?
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    Many thanks!

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    Have you tried google?

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    From what you wrote I would say:
    SELECT <WhateverYouWant> FROM <WhereverItIs>
    WHERE <TheAttribute> = <TheCriterion>
    So: '=' seems to be the best match 'algorithm' you can use.
    If I misunderstood your requirement, please elaborate.

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    Even if you have it in a different language it will be fine.

    i read something about this algorithm and i will try to explain, how i understood it. perhaps it will help you.
    well the algorithm determines how similar two strings are and return a value between 0.0 (strings completely don't match)and 1.0 (strings completely match).
    this value is calculatable with this formula:
    ��*(commons/LengthOfString1 + commons / LengthOfString2 + transpositions / commons).
    you see it is very important to know what commons and transpositions are. i will try to explain (my english is not very good:-)).
    commons are the amount of letters both of the strings have in common. but these letters must not have exactly the same position, but the fitting letter must be in an interval that is maximal half of the length of the shorter example the strings are "Jonos" and "Johnson".the length of the the shorter string is 5. half of this length is rounded to 2. well if you consider the third letter of "Jonos". the n have to be in the interval (3-LengthOfShorterString,3+LengthOfShorterString)=(1,5) of "Johnson".
    see: !!
    well it is german but there are images which explain what commons and transpositions are. see the bottom of page 13 (beispiel 9=example 9) and page 14. the amount of connected lines is the value for commons.
    the transpositions:
    transpositions=commons-(amount of crossing lines -the amount of crossing bundles)
    well i hope this will help you!

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    Thanks for any help.

    Thanks. I'll look it up. I actually got it somewhat working. I basically have a list of items. I pass that list with the specific character and position of that character to match. It returns a List of all items that have the passed in character at the specific position. I then do it again for the next character, in a loop. In my case, I am only looking for the first 3 characters to be a match. That gets us a "close enough" situation where the user can then try to pick from there.
    Thanks for your input.

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    Thank u
    [email protected]

    You should defenitaly take a look at :
    and of course the java sound tutorial at:
    JSResources is one of the best sites for Java Sound I know,
    it contains lots of useful examples and the FAQ section is also very handy for do's and dont's and how's :-)

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    *This topic was posted a while ago in "java programming" section but was suggested to try here
    Hi everyone,
    A couple of days ago I posted a topic on analyzing structure similarity between two web pages. After some researching, I know I need to work out some tree matching algorithms: tree edit distance algorithm(TED) and a improved version: restricted top-down mapping algorithm(RTDM). TED is about calculating the minimum operation cost(insert, delete, replace) to map one tree into another. RTDM further restricts the 3 operations to only the leaf nodes so as to improve time complexity.
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    Hoping that you can give me some guidance on these 2 algorithms. Not looking for codes but I need more details on them. Thanks in advance.

    For scientific research I prefer Scirus:
    Just two pages I found on a quick search:
    The latter might not be exactly what you asked for, but you might be interested in the listed publications. I have not taken a closer look.

  • How can I define a non-rectangular (eg. circular) ROI for pattern matching using IMAQ?

    I would like to create regions of interest that are not rectangular using IMAQ Vision Builder. Including polygons, circles, etc. I am using version 5.0.
    Thank you.

    The current pattern matching algorithm requires a rectangular ROI. See the IMAQ Vision Concepts manual for detailed info on how the algorithm works.
    Yusuf C.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    Hi throbi!
    You can view the source code of the 5th applet:
    The algorithm is mainly in the following file:
    You can remove some unnecessary methods, which are just for visualization, the result is less then 1000 lines.

  • Standards for match on card

    Hi all,
    It's 2 days that I'm searching this forum and reading match-on-card related topics. that was good but unfortunately I could not sum all the info up.
    So I'm so sorry for asking old questions again!
    1. Is there any standard for extracting biometric features by the readers(scanners)? I mean If I write my own matching algorithm how can I be sure that my card will work with all the readers? Do all the readers respect to any standard for extracting features and then sending them to the card?
    2. Do all the java cards have match-on algorithm implemented on them? If not, then what is that javacardx.biometry package for? It has a function named "match()" in it.
    3. What is the role of globalplatform here? As I understood GP's concern was all about the security not about standardizing the process of extracting biometric features, storing them on the card, matching them and other issues. Am I right?
    -Thanks in advance

    1. You need to worry more about the cards technology than the reader technology. Most if not all support 7816. As long as they conform to the standards, and you use the same biometric vendor hardware, you will be fine. You still need to weight your options of engineering your own or using a vendors MOC. I would chose the latter personally.
    2. MOC is dependent on the card vendor and your needs. Just because there's a spec doesn't mean it's implemented on your card. From what I could recall, adding "features" like MOC increased the cost so much that off card matching was preferred. Just use the card to store the biometric.
    3. GP was for the financial use of the cards. It was created to increase greater adoption throughout the industry. JC didn't offer the security needed by the financial industry. So GP extended the JC to add additional security features that were missing. Because it was so well engineered, it's become a defacto standard on JCs.
    Keep in mind, I've left the JC industry for greener pastures, so some of what I mentioned might have changed

  • Anyone had success re-matching an incompletely matched album?

    iTunes Match did a reasonably decent job matching my music. The main exceptions seem to be where iTunes has a remastered version and I had a rip from a pretty old CD.
    On the other hand, I have a lot of cases where every song on an album but one or two matched. It seems incomprehensible.
    Has anyone had success getting a later match in that case? I've tried deleting the song from iCloud and re-adding it to iTunes, but it just uploads again.

    I've been looking at this some and it seems to be a combination of song length and price of song that throws off the matching. For albums that were only partially matched, when I look at the iTunes version vs my version, often times my version is a few seconds longer / shorter (due to the CD conversion process adding / subtracting seconds) or the iTunes song has a different price than the other songs on the album. (like $1.29 vs $.99 for the rest). The last song on a album is most likely for me not to be matched, probably because CD conversion may sometimes add length to the last song.
    I'm not saying this is right or how to fix it, I just think that's what is going on. The only thing I'm sure of that's it's NOT taking into account the ALBUM NAME (since I change many of mine and I still get matches). I also do not think it's doing any type of audio fingerprint match as that would take WAY too long to do on large libraries - even a 5 second sample on my 13,000 song library would take about 18 hours not counting transmission time). So it looks like song name, artist, song length and PRICE (for some reason) are the important factors for match.

  • ITunes Match: How can I tell if a matched song is from the correct album?

    Since iTunes Match uses my album art and metadata, is there a way to see the album art of the matched item from iTunes?
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    I have read that the matching algorithm isn't perfect and can match to the wrong item.   I have recently upgraded the quality of all my ripped music by downloading all the matches from iTunes Match, and replacing my local CD rips (I have backups).
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    Does the matching algorithm use song length/duration, or is it only using wave form sampling?

    Thanks for the help Jim.
    I'm not having any troubles with artwork changing, but I wish I were, because if the artwork changed then that would allow me to detect if the correct tracks are being matched.  
    I'm worried about waveform matching with classical music because I can have 2 pianists or 2 orchestras that play the same piece so it seems that the waveforms would be very similiar.   I have many CDs of the same pieces of music but by different performers.  For example, both performers play on a piano and both play the same piece of music.  Wouldn't the waveforms be very similar?
    So that's why I'm wondering if there is some way to get the artwork of the piece being matched, so that I can see what album it is coming from.
    Do you think if I deleted my artwork and then matched, that I'd get the artwork injected into my matched music?
    Thanks again for entertaining all my questions.  Really appreciate it.

  • Large size variations with IMAQ Pattern matching?

    Does the pattern matching functions work for only +-5% size variations? Which means that the pattern matching is made for static situations only? (With static I mean a static camera watching e.g. a moving assemblyline)
    I have a scenario where the camera is moving in 6DOF, giving my fiducials very much slant and very large size variations.
    Is it then not possible to use the pattern matching of IMAQ?
    The "IMAQ Vision Concepts Manual" says:
    "Because pattern matching is the first step in many machine vision
    applications, it should work reliably under various conditions.
    In automated machine vision applications, the visual appearance of
    materials or components under inspection can change due to factors such
    as ori
    entation of the part, scale changes, and lighting changes. The pattern
    matching tool maintains its ability to locate the reference patterns despite
    these changes."
    -But with my experience, this is not correct in my scenario. Actually, the pattern matching tool was not able to find a match in any of my tested images. My size variations were large in these images (probably 50-200%).

    Unfortunately the pattern matching algorithm NI currently uses is not a geometric (scaleable) pattern matching algorithm. The current algorithm works despite orientation, and some lighting changes, but not scale changes.

Maybe you are looking for

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