FIPS Compliant Libaries

Does anyone know when or why Apple does not have FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 approved modules and or algorithms inherent in the OSX framework? The proof that they do not exist is here:
The sad thing is even Microsoft is listed for their .NET APIs of having certified cryptographic libraries much how Linux relies on OpenSSL libraries. I will go on to further say that one of the reasons why the IPhone is not adopted into the federal and business workspace is this primary reason because RIM's OS and Microsoft's Pocket PC and CE versions have Certified solutions available.
What gives?

Thanks a lot for the reference and timely response!
Do you know of any IPhone apps that have been certified or better yet in the process of being certified. The apps I found such as eWallet, msecure, Keeper, etc. all say they are using FIPS compliant algorithms but non of their implementations within their app i.e. modules, have been certified either.

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    Hello experts,
    I am configuring an RFC destination in SM59 to send data to an external system via HTTPS.
    The partner requires FIPS 140 compliant cryptography (which means TLSv1 cipher suites) - or else they deny the SSL request.  Everything I have seen thus far shows SSLv3 as the highest encryption level supported in this scenario.
    Wondering if anyone out there has encountered something similar, and if TLSv1 is supported at all in this sort of integration scenario.
    FYI - SAP XI 7.0 SPS 16,  SAPCRYPTOLIB =  5.5.5.C pl22

    Unfortunately, the SAP Cryptographic Module is not FIPS compliant and at the moment there are no immediate plans to make it FIPS compliant.
    If you have any further queries regarding this issue you can contact the SAP Security team directly via the email: security at                                                       

  • System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant cryptographic algorithms, including encryption, hashing and signing algorithms

    I have enabled FIPS compliant algorithms,including encryption, hashing and signing algorithms in (Windows server 2012 R2 ), after enabling. My SSIS package is not working and i am not able open my SSRS also.
    So can any one assist in this.
    Regards, Surendran.G

    in latest security recommendation guides it is no longer recommended to use this setting (because it breaks a lot of stuff...).
    Consider turning it off if  you do not have strict resuirements for it.
    otherwise, You will have to investigate you code. SQL server forums would be the appropirate place to get help in troublesooting your code.

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    Any help, thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find anything to suggest you can.   
    Kind regards

    You enable FIPS compliance for the core AnyConnect Security Mobility  Client in the local policy file on the user computer. This file is an  XML file containing security settings, and is not deployed by the ASA.  The file must be installed manually or deployed to a user computer using  an enterprise software deployment system. You must purchase a FIPS  license for the ASA the client connects to.
    AnyConnect Local Policy parameters reside in the XML file AnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml.  This file is not deployed by the ASA. You must deploy this file using  corporate software deployment systems or change the file manually on a  user computer.
    You can get more information from following link:-

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    Below is the URL that lists the products that are FIPS, Common Criteria, etc, compliant. I dont see 4500 under FIPS but do see it under CC, which is in progress.
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    Below is the URL that lists the products that are FIPS, Common Criteria, etc, compliant. I dont see 4500 under FIPS but do see it under CC, which is in progress.
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  • Does SunJDK support fips compliant?

    I could see IBM JCE has FIPS compliant. Can we have samething for SUN. I would appreciate if I get the ans as early as possible.
    We are in process of ceritifying fips compliant.
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks a lot!! for your quick reponse.
    Here is the snippet .....
    public class HashKey {
    public static SecretKey generateSHA1Key() {
    SecretKey skey = null;
    try {
    KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
    skey = keyGen.generateKey();
    catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
    return skey;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // check args and get plaintext
    //args[1] = "/work2/tamil/test";
    if (args.length !=1) {
    ("Usage: java HmacSHA1KeyGenerator filename");
    public static void writeKeyToFile(String fname , SecretKey key)
    try {
    File f = new File(fname);
    FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f);
    System.out.println("key written successfully to: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
    catch (IOException ex) {
    works find If use SunJCE or IBMJCE getting an exception, when I try to use
    this configuration with IBM JCE ... inside our driver also we are trying to use the same kind of snippet.

  • Problem in using NSS fips mode for SunPKCS11

    I am trying to develop a FIPS compliant application using NSS as security provider for SunPKCS11. But when I was trying to run a simple testing program, I ran into the following problem:
    - If I have the following providers specified in, everything is fine /var/nss_test/pkcs11.cfg
    - If I remove the provider "", then the following exception is thrown out:
    Caught exception at ks.load X.509 not found
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at SimpleTest.main(
    Caused by: X.509 CertificateFactory not available
    at Source)
    ... 6 more
    I attached my setup details and testing program in the end.
    Has anyone else also run into this kind of problem? Can someone offer some solutions/suggestions?
    To be FIPS compliant, I think SunPKCS11-NSSfips should be the only security provider available in the system. If having other non-FIPs certified provider such as "" in the system, then the FIPS compliance cannot be guaranteed.
    There is a known problem in mapping the JCA keystore interface onto NSS's model of PKCS #11 modules, therefore someone suggested one should use JSS directly, instead of using SunPKCS11. If that is the case/only choice, it would be very disappointing....
    Am I missing something?
    The setup details and testing program:
    1) The cfg file "/var/nss_testing/pkcs11.cfg"
    name = NSSfips
    nssLibraryDirectory = /usr/lib
    nssSecmodDirectory = /var/nss_test/fips_db
    nssModule = fips
    2) The NSS fips security databases were created using the NSS tools "certutil" and "modutil".
    3) Testing program
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleTest {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    //load keystore
    char[] password = "myfips".toCharArray();
    try {
    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11");
    ks.load(null, password);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println( "Caught exception at ks.load");

    Hi user598986!
    OK, I understood that there is a problem with your code. But please would you be so kindly to tell us here what error exactly happens (the errormessage). Mabay after that someone will be able to help you.
    yours sincerely
    Florian W.
    P.S. If you enclose your code into tags it will be shown formated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • MBAM 2.5 FIPS Compliance Windows 7 SP1

    The only reference I can find with regards to FIPS and Windows 7 with MBAM is in the planning guide which says
    Supporting BitLocker Protectors -  Numerical password - applied automatically as part of volume encryption and does not need to be configured except in FIPS mode on Windows 7
    So, if I want to use MBAM in a FIPS compliant mode do I just need to enable the use of numerical password?  Or do I also need to make sure that the storage of recovery information is then disabled?

    For Win7, you would enable FIPS via GPO before encrypting, and then make sure you set up a DRA for recovery.

  • Setting FIPS compliance on Windows 2008 R2 RDP

    We have 2 diffent GPO for setting FIPS.
    We add Group Policy (under Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\LocalPolicies\Security Options) or through the "FIPS Compliant" setting in Remote Desktop
    Session Host Configuration. 
    This works for RDP in a TEST OU.
    FIPS compliance can be configured through the "System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing" setting in Group Policy (under Computer
    Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options) or through the "FIPS Compliant" setting in Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration. The FIPS Compliant setting encrypts and decrypts data sent from the client to
    the server and from the server to the client, with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-1 encryption algorithms, using Microsoft cryptographic modules. Use this encryption level when communications between clients and RD Session Host servers
    require the highest level of encryption. If FIPS compliance is already enabled through the Group Policy "System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing" setting, that setting overrides the encryption
    level specified in this Group Policy setting or in the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool.
    But, we have legacy GPO that sets the RDP to HIGH encryption.  It overwrites the FIPS Compliant for RDP. and RDP is only HIGH encryption.

    Install nmap then, Go to this link:
    copy the script and run from dos
    nmap -p 3389 --script rdp-enum-encryption <ip>replace <ip> with your server IP or DNS name. Script will display the encrption level.Example of script output:PORT     STATE SERVICE3389/tcp open  ms-wbt-server| rdp-enum-encryption:|   Security layer|     CredSSP: SUCCESS|     Native RDP: SUCCESS|     SSL: SUCCESS|   RDP Encryption level: High|     128-bit RC4: SUCCESS|_    FIPS 140-1: SUCCESS
    MCSE 2012

  • Steps to enable FIPS mode

    I have been looking around for a good SUN documentation on enabling java in fips mode.
    The below link is not satisfactory to get going and enable fips mode.
    Can anybody share detailed documentaion or steps to enable java in fips mode.
    Edited by: Sanj_M on Feb 2, 2010 1:35 AM

    1. How do I get a FIPS compliant provider.From a FIPS-compliant JCE provider vendor.
    2. The doc mentions two options to configure the provider
    Where will JSSE look for the configured provider.I believe it is jre/lib/ext but the vendor will tell you.
    3. How to test my application for FIPS complianceWell you could try to do any of the things described in the document you derided, such as enabling SSLv3 or a non-compliant protocol, and ensure that exceptions are thrown. However it is up to the vendor to provide you with a compliance certificate - this isn't something you need to test.

  • This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms

    Hi Guys,
    I am just going to jump right into it.
    We are using Kaseya for our IT management and with this we have the acronis backup system.
    On one of the servers (Main DC) we are getting the error below.
    The Server runs Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.
    Backup failed - Backup process could not start because of the following error: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic
    algorithms. at System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed..ctor() at SHAHashing.SHAHashing.CalculateSHA256(String text) at SHAHashing.SHAHashing.HashAndUnmask(String encryptedText, String keyMaskString) at KaseyaBackupCmd.KaseyaBackupCmd.GetUnmaskedPassword(String
    user, String coverPass, VSAEncryptionAlgorithm encryptionType) at KaseyaBackupCmd.KaseyaBackupCmd.DetermineNetworkPasswordToUse(String user, String coverPass, VSAEncryptionAlgorithm encryptionType, String acronisEncryptPath, String kaseyaTempDirectory, String&
    passwordToUse, NetworkPasswordType& passwordType) at KaseyaBackupCmd.KaseyaBackupCmd.RunVolumeBackup() at KaseyaBackupCmd.Program.Run(String[] args)
    We have no Idea how to fix this.  We looked at multiple articles regarding changing the registry and the web.config file etc. but we cannot seem to resolve it.

    On Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:39:56 +0000, Johan Eckart Yzelle wrote:
    I checked the GPO and System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing is disabled however MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FIPSAlgorithmPolicy is set to 1.
    How do i change the registry under windows settings > security settings > local policies > security options?
    Enable it, run gpupdate /force, confirm that the value is still 1, disable
    it, run gpupdate /force and then confirm that it is now set to 0.
    Paul Adare - FIM CM MVP
    Being a social outcast helps you stay concentrated on the really important
    things, like thinking and hacking. -- Eric Raymond

  • FIPS mode: only SunJSSE TrustManagers may be used

    I want to used a custom trust manager that accepts self-signed certificates as valid, and delegates to the SunJSSE TrustManager for other certificates. I also want to use SunJSSE's experimental FIPS mode with SunPKCS11-NSS provider.
    I cannot do both, since in the FIPS mode, the SunJSSE requires that only its internal TrustManager be used. Why is this required?
    Is there any alternative for this? I want to make sure the self-signed certificates are accepted.

    I cannot do both, since in the FIPS mode, the SunJSSE requires that only its internal TrustManager be used. Why is this required?Because self-signed certificates aren't FIPS-compliant?
    I don't know about FIPS mode but in the ordinary case you don't need a custom TrustManager to accept a self-signed certificate. You just need it in your truststore.

  • Anyconnect for OSX disconnects with FIPS warning

    Hi, I've recently set up an IOS based SSL VPN on a 1900 series router.  When I log in with the Windows client (ver 3.1.04066), I have no issues.  When I log in with the OSX client (ver 3.1.04066) I get an error about the endpoint not being FIPS compliant, at which point it drops the VPN connection.
    Any help here would be appreciated.

    I sorted it out.  There appears to be an issue with the 3.1.04066 OSX client.  I downgraded to 3.1.04063 and everything works just fine.

  • Lync FIPS 140-2 encryption for Data in Transit Certificate?

    I work for an organization that has deployed Lync 2013 throughout the enterprise. 
    We have no need for “Data at Rest” encryption on the servers or clients at this time, but we do have a customer requirement for FIPS 140-2 encryption for “Data in Transit”?  Does Lync provide data in transit encryption utilizing one of the National
    Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) approved modules by default? If so, have all the traffic types been “Certified” compliant (i.e. Server-to-Server, Client-to-Server, IM, Audio, Video, Desktop Sharing, web conferencing, etc…)? 
    I’ve read all the technet articles and looked at the following links, but it is not clear to me. 
    I cannot find the certification number and certificate for the FIPS 140-2 validation for Lync's encryption module on either the Microsoft or NIST websites.

    Lync Server 2013 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) operate with support for Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 algorithms if the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems
    are configured to use the FIPS 140-2 algorithms for system cryptography. To implement
    FIPS support, you must configure each server running Lync Server 2013 to support it. For details about
    FIPS-compliant algorithms and how to implement
    FIPS support, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 811833, "System cryptography: Use
    FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing security setting in Windows XP and in later versions of Windows at
    <linktext xmlns=""></linktext>. For details about
    FIPS 140-2 support and limitations in Exchange 2010, see "Exchange 2010 SP1 and Support for
    FIPS Compliant Algorithms" at
    <linktext xmlns=""></linktext>.
    For More information on FIPS in Lync server 2013 
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click ;Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer" Regards Edwin Anthony Joseph

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