Firefox resets my language bar to the default value (EN).

After upgrading to Firefox 31.0 I have problem typing in using language specific keyboard (PL - Polish Programmer). I set language at the language bar to PL. I can type in Polish fonts in other application like MS Word or Notepad. But as soon as I open Firefox or change focus to one of Firefox tabs the language value on the language bar changes back from PL to EN and I can't type Polish font by pressing Right-Alt (for example Right-Alt + s to type ś). I can copy Polish fonts from other editors and paste to Firefox, I can use check spell to insert correct fonts, but this is not what I want to do. I want to type in Polish fonts straight away. I haven't had this problem in previous version of Firefox. I will not upgrade to version 31.0 on other computers until this problem is fixed.

This may help:
A list of localized versions of Firefox, downloading the Polish one may solve your issue if your not already using that version? If your not already using that version I would suggest deleting your current version before downloading the Polish one

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    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

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    You can open them via these links in a Firefox tab:

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    ALTER SYSTEM set <parameter> = <value>; - if not using SP file. and also change in int file.
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    <blockquote>Locked by Moderator as a duplicate/re-post.
    Please continue the discussion in this thread: [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=702631&forumId=1]
    Thanks - c</blockquote>
    == Issue
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    == Description
    How can I get the default value of a particular preference in FireFox?.
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    == User Agent
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

    Dear Friend,
    Here when you have the callableSattement as ?=proc(?), the first ? is an output parameter. So you should register it as out parameter using registeroutparameter.
    Then you can get the value from the outparameter using callablestatement.getXXX().
    Try that way.
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    Can you post a screenshot that shows a different default value of one of those prefs?
    Note that it is possible to modify the default value via a mozilla.cfg file in the Firefox program folder.

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    the publisher can set the multicast properties you listed to be the defaults for all of the subscribers of the stream.  in addition, the publisher can select whether or not "push" mode is used by changing NetStream.multicastPushNeighborLimit.  setting the limit to 0 disables push, setting it to non-zero enables push in the mesh, but only changes the actual push neighbor limit for the publisher.  if push is enabled for the stream, each peer will use push mode, but will start out with the global default limit (which is currently 4).  this is for safety.  we recommend you always leave push enabled.
    each peer (including the publisher) can change the multicast stream parameters dynamically.  changes are local to that peer.
    for the publisher to set the initial parameters for the stream that all peers will inherit as the default, the parameters must be changed on a new NetStream *before* NetStream.publish() is called.  example:
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       ns.multicastWindowDuration = 10; // change default for everybody
       ns.multicastWindowDuration = 15; // change window duration just for publisher, everybody else will start with 10 for this stream
    each subscriber can override the multicast stream properties locally, but the overrides must be set on the NetStream *after* receiving a NetStream.MulticastStream.Reset NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS event in order for the override to stick.  overrides must be reapplied each time the NetStream.MulticastStream.Reset event is received.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 7553: Fix the default value of the [skinPart] "required" attribute for asdoc.

    Revision: 7553
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-06-04 09:32:51 -0700 (Thu, 04 Jun 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix the default value of the "required" attribute for asdoc.
    Bugs: SDK-21488
    QE Notes: None.
    Doc Notes: None.
    tests: checkintests
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    ${ui:cond( uix.current.isNewRow, 'true', ui:cond( bindings.AddProjectNutsoverleg.value == 1, 'true', 'false' ) ) } notice the '.value' it could also be '.inputValue'.
    If not there is also an option to make sure that when the checkbox is empty a value is returned anyways this work like this:
      protected void processUpdateModel( DataActionContext ctx )
        //First look for the request parameter
        Object cbInRequest = ctx.getHttpServletRequest().getParameter( "nameofthecheckbox" );
        //We only need to do anything if it was not submitted
        if( cbInRequest == null )
          // Get hold of the Form Bean containing the record
          BindingContainerActionForm updateForm = (BindingContainerActionForm) ctx.getActionForm();
          //Get the binding for our particular column
          JUCtrlAttrsBinding checkBoxBinding = (JUCtrlAttrsBinding)updateForm.get( "nameofthecheckbox" );
          //Reset that explicitly to the *unchecked* value
          checkBoxBinding.setAttribute( 0, new oracle.jbo.domain.Number( 0 ) );
        super.processUpdateModel( ctx );
      }Maybe this helps.

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    It's inconsistent. What is right way?
    The default database blocksize of 10g is 8k.
    8 * 128 = 1024
    128 >= 2
    At least twice the size does not mean exactly the doubled size.
    There is no contradiction between the documentation and your observation in this case.
    Kind regards

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    where in i can set a default value but i can't apply cascading based on that default value. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
    Ramanjulu Naidu N

    Hey Ramanjulu,
    Take a look at the below article which I believe will answer your question.
    Daniel Christian (MCTS)

  • SRM 4.0- How to set the default values for product type (01) only for SC

    The radio button “Service” should not be visible.
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    How to set the default values for product type (01) only for SC
    We needs to use Search help BBPH_PRODUCT which having parameter PRODUCT_TYPE
    Here we can set defalut value 01 but it is not correct one since same search help is using several places.
    We need to limit the search help results only for SC.
    Kindly help out me ASAP.

    The easiest way to set defautl values is to edit the batch class.
    Goto the characteiristic and go to update values.
    In here you probably have something like 0 - 100 as a spec range.
    On the next line enter the default value within this range.  At the end of the line, click in the box in the column labelled "D".  This indicates the defautl value for the characteristic.
    If you need to you can do this in the material classification view as well.
    Just to be clear, these values will only show up in the batch record.  You can not have defautl values in resutls recording screens.

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    Can anyone advise where can i set the default value,

    if you want some default value in LOV. you go to edit list of value wizard-> UI hint->include no selection Item checkbox -checked.use labeled item first of list- and beside that put the label. but when you try to get value, it will show null.but you can manipulate in ur java , if it default value

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    I want to be able to change the default value of a comand when the vi
    is running. (I know how to do that with a right click when the vi is
    not running).
    In fact I would like the user of the vi to be able to choose a new default value for a command.
    How can I do that ?

    You can't do this on a running VI. If you have an idle VI, you can open a reference to that VI and use an invoke node with the Make Current Values Default method, but that will only work in LV (i.e. not in an EXE) and will affect all the controls. What you can do is save the values to a file and load them when the program starts. OpenG's File I/O package includes some VIs which will help you with that.
    Try to take over the world!

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    create table user_ind(
    ind_num varchar2(1)
    ,group_allowed varchar2(1) default 'y'
    ,view_allowed varchar2(1) default 'y'
    now i want to remove the default values How can i procede with this.
    Urgent .
    Thanks in advance.

    In Oracle 9i you cannot remove the DEFAULT, you can only change it to null:
    alter table user_ind modify group_allowed varchar2(1) default null
    You can check it using this one:
    select table_name,column_name,data_default
    from user_tab_columns
    where table_name = 'USER_IND'
    Best Regards
    Krystian Zieja / mob

  • Unable to populate the default value  using form personalization

    Hi, I need to default a value in order managemnt for waybill number
    shipping -- transaction - delivery - detail --
    In Order management
    Shipping - Transactions
    Source system -- Order management
    From Order number - Any ordernumber
    say find
    I want to default this Detail ( xxxxx) as Way bill
    value of :DLVB.DETAIL_LABEL
    I have put the following condition on form personalization
    Condition tab
    Triger event
    When new record instance
    Trigger object
    Processing mode both
    Actions tab
    Object type Item
    Target Object DLVY_S.WAYBILL
    Property name Value
    but it is not defaulting... Appreciate if any one has idea what is wrong in this.
    Edited by: 885022 on Oct 3, 2011 11:31 AM
    Edited by: 885022 on Oct 3, 2011 11:33 AM

    yes Srini
    as we dont have any option via personalization to set the default values ,it can be done through controller extension ,
    in processRequest method of extended controllere get the control for that particular field where u want to set the default value and set the value using fieldbean.setValue(pagecontext,value);
    in case of any particular case ,please post in the forum

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