First A64 build - I have a few questions.

Hey guys, I just finished my first A64 build(Wow, what fun!!)...The specs should be in my sig. Anyway, everything seems to have gone without incident with the exception of a few minor things. Nothing major, just a few things that are bothering me...
First, when I finished installing Windows and went to switch the First Boot Device to Hard Drive it would not boot...It gets past the POST and then black screens...If I keep the First Boot Device set to CD-rom it works OK...By OK I mean it looks for CD's first, but eventually (after 1 or 2 secs) it loads up Windows from the Raptors...
Second, in the taskbar there is what appears to be an icon that has a CD drive and a green arrow on it...When I click it the option that is available is "Safely Remove Drive xxx" and both Raptors are listed...What the hell is that all about and what makes it go away?
Thirdly, what the hell is up with the temps on this thing? Sometimes after some benching it reads 55-56C, then other times it reads 40-42C under the same conditions(using the MSI utility and Everest)...Is it just something I have to live with?
Anyway, any help is appreciated...Thanks.

Hey Tet, you following me? lol...Still trying to get a few issues ironed out...
The problem I have is that there in no option for SCSI in the list for Boot Devices(unless it's called something else)...It lists the HD, Floppy, CD-rom, a couple USB devices and a few others which I can't recall off of the top of my head..In the Hard Disk Boot Priority there are 2 devices listed, the RAID drive and my slave drive...The first on that list is the RAID drive...There has to be something I'm overlooking, I'll keep trying...
As far as the sound goes, it looks like I'm SOL on that one, lol...I see some people have different opinions...I was hoping to get away without using the SB Live, but oh well, what can you do? I'll see if I get better framerates with SB live and let you know if I come to the same conclusions as Glenn...
Glenn, I've read through countless forums and have not seen any fix to the bouncy temp readings...A few people seem to have luck with flashing the BIOS, which I don't wanna have to do(this one is running pretty good) and some people are just giving up hope on getting accurate readings...This temp issue has been going on for far longer than I though and should have been addressed by MSI long ago, IMO...I haven't had an accurate temp reading since my old MSI KM2M combo!!...Are there any utilities that work better than others? All the ones I've tried are bouncy and read almost the same temps as any of the other utilities...Smart Fan, Everest and MBM5 are the ones I have tried so far with no real luck yet...
Thanks again for the replies guys...

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    1.) It appears as if one can not run a program from the home sreen and have it run in the background while doing other things? Does the IPhone not mutitask at all or verywell?
    The iPhone SDK does not permit ANY 3rd party apps from running in the background or multitasking. It does provide for push notifications which can simulate certain background activity in terms of receiving external notifications while the app is actually closed. This works reasonably well with IM apps, news, sports, weather, travel updates and some peer-to-peer games.
    2.) Are there any SIP Clients that work over 3G? All the ones iv tried say they are for WIFI only.
    Just how would the SIP server connect to the cell carrier 3G network? Do you know of ANY that do??
    3.) Maybe I play with it to much but **** the battery dies fast. Is there anyway to optimize the battery at all other then for me not to use it as much?
    3G voice and data connections are culprits. Avoid email push and frequent fetching. See this Apple article for detailed suggestions.
    4.) How can I remote lock it if I lose it or it gets stolen? I read somewhere this could be done.
    MobileMe Find My iPhone will locate, set a passcode lock and optionally wipe all data from your iPhone. You have to be a MobileMe subscriber.
    5.) Are there any other Shells/HomeScreens/Themes that can replace the standard 4x4x4 row icons?
    No. Apple does not permit this.
    6.) The speaker phone (when on a call) seems kinda low even when turned all the way up. Is there any way to make it louder?
    You can troubleshoot your iPhone as described in the User Guide - restart, reset, reset settings, restore. Or, get hearing aids
    7.) I am using the built in VPN client to connect to my works PPTP Windows 2003 VPN server but the client randomly disconnects through out the day. Is there any way to have some type of keep alive set or are there any other VPN Clients that I can use?
    See this Apple support article:
    BTW, discussion of "unauthorized modifications" such as jailbreaking is prohibited under the forum Terms of Use you agreed to when joining. Best not to even mention it or risk getting your post deleted.

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    1. I was told by Apple that using RAM other than the overpriced "Apple" brand would void the warranty (I typically use matched Mushkin or Crucial)- is there any point in getting the AppleCare insurance then?
    It won't void the warrantee (unless you damage the computer when installing it), but it won't be covered. If it goes for service, remove the non-Apple memory first (it's a good idea to do that first, anyway, to see if it fixes the problem).
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    Same as above.
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    No. Most ATA (or SATA) optical drives will work.
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    Many application remember the last monitor they used. Some (e.g. Graphics Converter) have preference settings to put the main window on one display, the controls on the other. Some (e.g QuickTime Player, VLC have view settings to put the full screen output on a selected monitor.

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    1. About 57 on mine
    2. Subscribe to iTunes Match at a cost of about $25 per year - 25000 song limit I think
    3. The iPad comes with a power adapter that plugs into a wall socket and that is the recommended way to charge it anyway. - not by using a computer
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    Parameters "nodeinfo" = NODE_VALUE
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    Funny you should mention Macs, but I'm thinking of my next computer been an iMac, and using the Parallel Desktop software so that I can have functionality of been able to switch to Windows when needed to run the programs that are not Mac compatibly. I'm swaying towards Mac has I have heard their OS is more reliable and secure compared to Windows, and the need to have anti virus and anti spyware programs on a Mac is not really needed, but I figure if I can run Windows on a Mac then I have the best of both worlds, anyhow back on to topic
    I do indeed take backups of the various libraries and related data for them.
    I have used the Dropbox app and was impressed, but I did prefer an app called iFiles which allows me to carry various files/files types around with me on my iPhone, such as PDF files, Word doc files etc.
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    Thanks for the help its much appreciated.

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    All hard disks make a bit of noise. The Classic uses a memory cache to allow it to stop the hard disk and thus save power. When you switch screens, the delay is due to the hard disk spinning up and/or searching for the next thing to display. In short, it's the price we have to play for 80/160Gb of space.

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    Use a Firewire not a USB drive.
    I have had many reliability issues, and compatibility issues with USB over the years (starting with the original iMac), right up to the PowerMac G5 and Mac Pro - devices not working properly with hubs, needing to be plugged directly into ports on the computer (even though there aren't enough), etc, etc.
    For me Firewire devices cause fewer of these sorts of problems.
    Firewire is "isochronous", basically meaning that you can pump "clocked" data though it in real time. USB works more like TCPIP, with the data chopped up into packets and later reassembled. (Thus, at a minimum, you have latency, that is, the wait for the data to be "put back together".) Second, the Firewire protocol allows more direct address to memory (including mass storage) with minimal intervention of the CPU.
    No collisions, no glitches. Firewire is rock-solid.

  • Hi, I want to downgrade from OSX LEOPARD to OSX TIGER but I have a few questions regarding this. My iMac is originally from 2007 it came preloaded with tiger. I have original install tiger discs version 10.4.10. Is it safe to downgrade or not please help

    Hi, I want to downgrade from OSX LEOPARD to OSX TIGER but I have a few questions regarding this. My iMac is originally from Sep 2007 it came preloaded with tiger. I have original install (2) tiger discs version 10.4.10.  I want to know if it is safe and what are the necessary steps to do so. Also by downgrading im wondering if a lot of apps nowadays support tiger for example I have photoshop version 5 and 4 these are very important to me. One last question does anyone know of any reliable virus protection for mac that doesnt slow down your computer? because I have read that a lot of them do so. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it! Here are the specs for my iMac 
    Model Name:
      Model Identifier:
      Processor Name:
    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:
    2 GHz
      Number Of Processors:
      Total Number Of Cores:
      L2 Cache:
    4 MB
    2 GB
      Bus Speed:
    800 MHz

    Most of the time a perception of general slow performance is the result of installing third party junk alleged to speed up, "clean" or "optimize" your Mac, or to look for viruses that don't exist. Ideally you would know what you installed so you can uninstall it, but if you don't know or aren't sure there are techniques such as Safe Mode and creating a temporary user account to confirm that suspicion.
    If you open Activity Monitor it may show a process, or processes, that occupy a lot of your system's time.
    Slowness confined solely to web browser activity is often the result of an inexorable progress toward websites that demand ever more processor-intensive tasks. If your slow performance is strictly limited to web browsing, you might try disabling Flash by either uninstalling it, or use utilities such as ClickToFlash that allow you to control what Flash content gets loaded. Flash in itself is not inherently evil, but there is nothing to stop websites or the advertisers who pay for them from writing horrible Flash code that can do everything from hogging 100% of your CPU's time to causing random crashes. You can watch Activity Monitor as in the above to correlate these troublesome web pages with performance degradation.
    You are correct; if your computer shipped with Tiger you may certainly revert to it. I forgot that Tiger was shipping on new Macs as recently as five years ago. To downgrade it would be necessary to completely erase your hard disk and boot with the Tiger installation DVD, followed by installing it anew. Such drastic measures are not necessary and you are unlikely to be satisfied with the results anyway.
    Assuming your system is free of third party parasitic junk attached to OS X in an ill-conceived attempt to improve upon it, that your hard disk drive is sound and the boot volume has enough free space to work with, by far the best performance-enhancing improvement would be to add more memory. Buy as much as your computer can use and that you can afford. 2 GB is not that much any more.
    Read the following for some recommended troubleshooting techniques from Apple:
    General purpose Mac troubleshooting guide: Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Creating a temporary user to isolate user-specific problems: Isolating an issue by using another user account
    Memory limitations: Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory and determine how much RAM is being used
    Identifying resource hogs and other tips: Runaway applications can shorten battery runtime
    Starting the computer in "safe mode": Mac OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

  • Just got a MB, Have a few questions

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    However I have a few questions about the Finder.
    The Hard Drive on this computer is 160GB, I have added 11 or so GB of music and a few other files, the computer says I have 123 GB remaining which is probably right. So my question is how much space does leopard Take up? (How much space is usually free on newly purchased computer?)
    How do you uninstall programs in OS X?
    Lastly, is there any easy way to tell where the hard drive space is being used? (Kind of like the pie charts in Windows Explorer)

    Leopard on its own takes up about 9 GB. An additional 4 to 5 GB is taken up by additional applications that come prebundled with a Mac. To find out what's occupying space, see my FAQ*:
    Most applications uninstall by just dragging them to the trash and emptying the trash. Some leave behind crumbs in the preferences or library folder, and come with their own uninstaller program on their disk image or optical disk installer. A few have no uninstaller but can be removed with
    Check with the vendor if there are specific system independent resources they install, so you don't find yourself with resources that won't survive a system update, or the installation of another application which require those resources to be of a different version, such as fonts.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

  • New mac user have a few questions

    Hi everyone i made the switch to mac today and i have a few questions
    1. How easy is it for me to update the Nvidia graphics drivers when Nvidia releases them ?
    2. Should i bother with Antivirus software ?
    3. what are some good sites for wallpapers and stuff - (wants to make his make look good)
    4. Any tips for a new mac user please feel free
    thank you for your time and help

    Hi mike and welcome to Discussions and the world of Apple,
    4) have a read/look at the following for a better feeling for your Mac
    Was a 'switcher' myself 4 years back and learned alot from them.

  • Want to switch from PC to MAC but have a few questions first.

    It's time for me to upgrade my old computer and I am seriously considering switching over to a Mac but I have a few compatibility concerns that I would like to address before making my final decision.
    I use my PC for business and regularly use Excel, Word and CorelDraw. I have numerous documents that I have created using these programmes. I was wondering firstly if I will have any problems loading CorelDraw onto the Mac and then will I find that I cannot open some of my old documents?
    I also have several other programmes that I have downloaded from the internet (for a fee) such as SiteStudio6 and I also have a webpage hosted by Windows Hosting. Will they by usable by the Mac or will I have to download them again for the Mac version (and presumably pay for them again)?
    Many thanks

    So if I understand correctly, I can use my Windows CD to load Windows onto the Mac and continue using Corel Draw and Site Studio 6 that way.
    It may need to be a retail Windows disc (the type that is sold separately) to do a fresh installation onto a virtual machine. If it's the type that comes with the PC, it often only works on that PC. But yes, that's the way it works. And as I mentioned, VMware Fusion has a feature that imports your current Windows installation from an existing real PC, so if you use that feature, you would not need to reinstall Windows or those apps. I'm not sure if Parallels has that feature. VMware Fusion is $70; Parallels Desktop is $80. Those are retail prices, so look for specials.
    I won't have any difficulty with my Word and Excel documents - Mac should be able to open them using one of its programmes. But do I have to purchase the Mac equivalent of MS Office or is it pre-installed?
    If you want Microsoft Office, you have to purchase it separately. There are different versions from the +Home and Student+ edition, to the business edition. iWork, which is Apple's office suite, can open typical office documents; you can download a trial version (it may be pre-installed) that is good for 30 days, so you can see if it will work for you. Even the built-in TextEdit app can open basic Word documents. iWork '09 is $79 retail (you can probably find it for less), which is less than any of the Office editions.
    I currently use Outlook to receive mail from my Windows Live Mail account. Is the Mac equivalent of Outlook bundled with the machine and can I import Windows Live Mail into it?
    Office for Mac includes Entourage, which is Microsoft's Mac equivalent of Outlook, although it is not exactly the same. I don't know how it would work with "Windows Live Mail." The next version of Office for Mac is supposed to have Outlook. The built-in Mac OS X email program is called Mail. It can connect to standard POP or IMAP email services. Again, I don't know enough about "Windows Live Mail" or "Windows Professional Hosting" to know how it would work with it. If it uses Exchange, Snow Leopard has built-in support for Exchange.
    It's a big decision as I doubt I will be able to purchase another computer for at least another 5 years or so
    You should probably buy AppleCare with the Mac. Then you are protected against failure due to manufacturing defects for a total of three years. You also get phone tech support from Apple for those three years. The standard warranty is for one year, with 90 days of free phone tech support.
    And keep in mind that current Macs are Intel PCs. Some say Intel Macs run Windows better that most "real" Windows PCs. At worst, if you cannot find a Mac solution that is acceptable, you can keep using your current Windows solution. And since you seem to be a creative professional, your actual work will be on what is usually the platform of choice for the creative types.

  • Just got a Macbook and have a few questions

    Ok, so I just got my Macbook laptop today and because I have never owned a Mac product i just had a few questions
    First off, is it safe to be plugged into the internet right off the bat or do I need to go out and buy some antivirus software? i have heard from some people that macs have built in antivirus and that they are also just in general less likely to get a virus then your average pc.
    also just wondering, when i play a cd the disk reader/laser? whatever you would want to call it makes alot more noise then i expected it to. i didnt know if that was normal or not, and just wanted some opinions from other macbook users. thanks!!

    On these forums, just about anyone you ask will say that there is no reason to get antivirus software. Most mac users don't have any installed. It's not viruses on the mac you really need to be worried about; it's stupid stuff like phishing or scams - things that don't have anything to do with the operating system - that you just have to watch out for. You'll be fine without antivirus software. The thing I really liked about my mac (windows user all my life; switched 6 months ago, haven't regretted it) is that instead of worrying about viruses and keeping my anti-virus/spyware software always up to date, I was just able to start using my mac, right out of the box.
    They do make antivirus software for macs. If you really are that worried about it, go to:
    The ironic thing is that it checks for windows viruses (someone correct me if I'm wrong) so you don't pass them on. A windows virus won't have any effect on your mac.
    Surf the net. Be productive. Stop worrying. Have fun. Welcome to Apple.
    ...not a bad little slogan
    EDIT - wow, a million people posted while I was writing this reply. meh.

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    hi gurus SQL> create view v1 as select s1.nextval from dual; create view v1 as select s1.nextval from dual *+ ERROR at line 1: ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here Are there only workaround? Thank you!

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    I was usying xmms without problems till yesterday, today i've tried to start it and i've got: [qwerty@CiciulO ~]$ xmms *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0xb6f4a5a4 *** Aborted


    Hi all,     Which is the BAPI used to Post an Invoice after the delivery has been made. Thanks, Madhan.