First Java Mail Program...some problems

Hi Friends,
I am new to JavaMail and i am trying to follow the following exercise:
I am using rogers high speed internet connection,so i enter the following:
D:\JAVAWORLD\javamail1.3.2-src\src\share\classes\demo>java msgsend -o [email protected] -M [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: hi
^ZI get the following error:
com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 authentication required - for hel
p go to
        at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.issueSendCommand(
        at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.mailFrom(
        at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
        at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
        at javax.mail.Transport.send(
        at msgsend.main( i went to that yahoo link for help,there are no settings for command line.Please tell me how to accomplish this..friends

Thanks Ananda,
But i guess,i should be able to access the rogers smtp server,because i have them as my isp.Moreover,it works fine with my outlook too.I even tried to use a free smtp server called "dumbster",i downladed it but i dont know how to use it.If anyone has some idea,please let me know.

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  • Java mail program

    Can anyone give me a complete seperate codes for sending mail, retreving a mail, and for mail attachements.
    If possible explain those codings also............ Because, i am new to this JAVA MAIl..........
    Plz,,,,,,, Help me soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn my frdsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    What was wrong with all the sample programs included with JavaMail?
    You did find those, didn't you?
    And you read the JavaMail FAQ, right?

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    Thanks everyone for your help

    See the Java mail API for more details (javax.mail if I remember well). This can be found at:
    Hope it helps,

  • Java mail program in java

    Can anybody suggest me the java code which sends mails using java mail api?
    Thanks & Regards,

    I have worked on it,so if you need code for the application,please write mail to me on my address [email protected]
    hopes u will get gud solution.

  • Problem with Java Mail Program

    Hi Everyone...
    Please help me to sort out this problem...
    I am getting this Exception while executing the code pasted below...
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send(
    at JDCSend.main(
    It's just a simple java program to send an email using JavaMail API
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.event.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class JDCSend {
           public static void main (String args[]) {
                  String from = "[email protected]";
                  String to = "[email protected]";
                   String host = "";
        // Get system properties
                  Properties props = System.getProperties();
                   props.put("", host);
                   props.put("mail.smtp.port", 465);
                   props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
        // Get session
                  Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
        // Define message
                  MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
                  message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
                  message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
                  message.setSubject("Hello, JDC");
                  message.setText("Welcome to the JDC");
        // Send message
              catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }

    You need to be identified by stmp server :
    // Send message with authentication!
    Transport tr = session.getTransport("smtp");
    tr.connect(MailHost, user, pass);
    message.saveChanges(); // don't forget this
    tr.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients());
    Read JavaMail Faq please!

  • Send java mail throws KM - problems sendMail

    I implementing the Java send mail post in
    send mail throws NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/MessagingE
    But I have a little problem with the sentence:
    <b>sendMailSvc.sendMail(mailItem, iuser);</b>
    The stranger is that NetWeaver protests to me that:
    <i>The Method sendMail(IResource, IUser) in the type ISendMailService is not applicable for the arguments (ISendMailItems, IUser)</i>
    But in the class, NetWeaver showme sendMailSvc.(Ctrl+Space) two Method send mail
    1) sendMail(IResource arg0, IUser arg1)
    2) sendMail(ISendMailItem arg0, IUser arg1)
    Why it does not take the second method? I do not understand
    Regards !!

    Thanks Detlev for your answer
    I  import IUser from :
    and initialize the variable user :
    <b>     IWDClientUser user;
         IUser iuser = user.getSAPUser();</b>
    but you say to me that it would have to use:
    how I can initialize the variable "user" for:?
    <i>ISendMailItem mailItem = null;
                   try {
                             mailItem = sendMailSvc.createMailItem();
                             mailItem.setTo("[email protected]");
                             <b>sendMailSvc.sendMail(mailItem, user);</b></i>     
    Regards for your help !!!

  • Simple Java Mail program

    Hi, i have written a simple code to send mail thru java... but it doesnt work... control never comes back after stepping in to the send function.. no exceptions.. no mails sent.. nothin.. cud someone hel me out??
    sometimes i get this exception after a long time:
    javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response;
    nested exception is: Connection reset
         at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.readServerResponse(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(Unknown Source)
         at javax.mail.Service.connect(Unknown Source)
    here is the code snippet:
    public void mySend() throws Throwable
    Properties p = System.getProperties();
    p.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
    p.put("", "");
    p.put("mail.smtp.port", "465");
    p.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
    p.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    Authenticator authenticator = new Authenticator()
    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
    return new PasswordAuthentication("vicky.bhandari", "password");
    Session session = Session.getInstance(p, authenticator);
    SMTPMessage message = new SMTPMessage(session);
    InternetAddress fromAddress = new InternetAddress("[email protected]");
    InternetAddress toAddress = new InternetAddress("[email protected]");
    message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);
    Could someone please help me out??

    Im currently having problems with the code below:
    public class SendMail {
         private static final String SMTP_HOST_NAME = "";
         private static final String SMTP_AUTH_USER = "[email protected]";
         private static final String SMTP_AUTH_PWD = "**************";
         public void sendMail(String recipients[ ], String subject, String message , String from) throws MessagingException{
         boolean debug = false;
              Properties props = System.getProperties();
              props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
              props.put("", SMTP_HOST_NAME);
              props.put("mail.smtp.port", "465");
              props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
              props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
              Authenticator auth = new SMTPAuthenticator();               
              Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, auth);
              Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
              InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(from);
              InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[recipients.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++)
         addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(recipients);
         msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo);
         msg.setContent(message, "text/plain");
         Transport tr = session.getTransport("smtp");
         msg.saveChanges(); // don't forget this
         //tr.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
         public class SMTPAuthenticator extends Authenticator
         public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
         String username = SMTP_AUTH_USER;
         String password = SMTP_AUTH_PWD;
         return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
    the error i am receiving is:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Authenticator
         java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
         java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
         java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
         java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
         java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    If anyone has any ideas it will be much appreciated
    Thanks in Advance

  • Implementing File Upload component + Java Mail

    Brief Intro : I have a form with some input fields. Upon submission of the form all the necessary information is submitted ro R/3 system and a mail is send to lets say administrators. I have Java Mail program for sending emails.
    My requirement : I want the users to give the FileUpload option in the form so that they can select the file and that file should be attached to email whcih I am sending upon form submission.
    1) How to check the path of the file where it gets uploaded.
    2) Does it get uploaded on the Server where I deploy my application.
    3) Any Solution/suggestion on how to implement the requirement stated above.
    <b>Chintan Virani.</b>

    Hi Chintan...
    File Uplaod UI Element is just to get the file path of the file from the client or presentation server i.e. our pc. Rest code to store the data is done in action of the upload button (not the browse button). So no file is formed automatically.
    Unless you write the code to read the file from the path selected, you cannot get the data bytes and unless you mention the path no file is made in the server.
    Better would be that you keep a file template in the mimes folder and at runtime you write to this file.
    The path of the file in the mimes folder is
    <Component Package>
    <File Name>
    This file can be attached to your mail as an attachement.
    Further reference...
    Re: how to create a file i mimes/ components folder
    Mahesh K.

  • How do I mix text and Html format in a java mail?

    How do I mix text and Html format in a java mail? some part I want to keep the text format, the other part I want to use Html functions(like fond, color, etc)

    You don't mix them. Pick one or the other.
    However if you want to have a text version and an HTML version, so that mail readers that don't handle HTML can see regular text instead, then you could produce a "multipart/alternative" message. There's an explanation of how to do that in this article:

  • My first java program!! ALMOST done..I hope

    I've just written my first java program (part of a class I'm taking).. It's feeling kinda awkward since I'm a C++ programmer.. I've written most of the code but I'm still having problems and I thought I should show it to you to get some help..
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Dice
    private static Random generator = new Random();
    int Die1, Die2, rolled, pairNum, pairSum;
    public Dice()
       int[] Dice_arr={Die1, Die2};
       new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
       public static roll()
         rolled = generator.nextInt(6) + 1;
         return rolled;
       public String toString()
         StringBuffer bfr = new StringBuffer("\n");
         System.out.println("Rolling Dice...");
          for(pairNum=0; pairNum==10; pairNum++)
            System.out.println("Pair"+pairNum+": "+Die1+","+Die2+" Sum= "+pairSum);
    public static void main(String args[])
          for (int dieNum=0; dieNum==2; dieNum++)
        }//end_func_mainI need main to instatiate the Dice class and then use the toString to print the dice numbers and their sum 10 times..
    I hope this doesn't need much effort,
    Thanks a bunch in advance..

    Right now, my opinion in java is that it's too
    complicated for no reason compared to C++..It's not too complicated, it's just that you are new at this.
    Here's a little example of a simple class with a simple main method, the rest figure it out yourself, and with time read some java books, you won't learn java just by knowing C++.
    public class Human {
        // See this as C constants (although they're not their Equivalent)
        public static boolean MALE = true;
        public static boolean FEMALE = false;
        //member variables.
        private String name;
        private boolean sex;
        /** Creates a new instance of Human */
        public Human(String n, boolean s) {
            name = n;
            sex = s;
        }//End of CONSTRUCTOR.
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        }//End of getName
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("[Name: " + name);
                sb.append(", sex: Male]");
                sb.append(",sex: Female]");
            String returnValue = new String(sb);
            return returnValue;
        }//End of toString()
        //Just the main program, it could be at another class.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Human h = new Human("Pablo", Human.MALE);
            String theHumanAsAString = h.toString();
        }//End of main method
    }//End of class

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    I created one apple I'd when I started using the iPad.  After some days, I had to create a new apple id
    as there was some problem with the first one. Now at some places still my old apple Id is appearing.  Pls adv how I change this to my new apple Id.

    Anything you downloaded with the first Apple Id will forever be tied to it, and will always require it to update.
    The question here is, why did you think you needed to create a new Apple ID? What was the problem with the first one?
    To get rid of th old one, you'll need to delete everything you downloaded with it, and then sign out of the ID in several places around the iPad. 
    Go to Settings->iTunes & App Stores->Apple ID->Sign out.
    Repeat the process, for Facetime, Messages, Mail and any other App you need to sign out of.

  • Problem in sending messages using java mail api

    Hi All,
    I have a problem in sending messages via java mail api.
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    String bodyContent = "ñSunJava";
    message.setText (bodyContent,"utf-8");using the above code its not possible for me to send the attachment. if i am using the below code means special characters like ñ gets removed or changed into some other characters.
    MimeBodyPart messagePart = new MimeBodyPart();
                // Set the email attachment file
                MimeBodyPart attachmentPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                FileDataSource fileDataSource = new FileDataSource("C:/sunjava.txt") {
                    public String getContentType() {
                        return "application/octet-stream";
                attachmentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fileDataSource));
                Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
                Transport.send(message);is there any way to send the file attachment with the body message without using MultiPart java class.

    Taken pretty much straight out of the Javamail examples the following works for me (mail read using Thunderbird)        // Define message
            Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
            // Set the 'to' address
            for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++)
                message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
    // Set the 'cc' address
    for (int i = 0; i < cc.length; i++)
    message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(cc[i]));
    // Set the 'bcc' address
    for (int i = 0; i < bcc.length; i++)
    message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.BCC, new InternetAddress(bcc[i]));
    message.setSubject("JavaMail With Attachment");
    // Create the message part
    BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    // Fill the message
    messageBodyPart.setText("Here's the file ñSunJava");
    // Create a Multipart
    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
    // Add part one
    // Part two is attachment
    for (int count = 0; count < 5; count++)
    String filename = "hello" + count + ".txt";
    String fileContent = " ñSunJava - Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party " + count + " \n";
    // Create another body part
    BodyPart attachementBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    // Get the attachment
    DataSource source = new StringDataSource(fileContent, filename);
    // Set the data handler to this attachment
    attachementBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
    // Set the filename
    // Add this part
    // Put parts in message
    // Send the message

  • Problem in retrieving email using java mail api

    In my project,i am retrieving mails from a particular email id.
    I am able to retrieve the latest mails and save it in a folder in my system.
    The problem is whenever i run the program eventhough the most recently received mail in inbox is retrieved and saved,again it is retrieving the same one and saving it in the same folder(not repeating).
    I tried to check the newmessages in the inbox using the folder.hasNewMessage() method in java mail api,but the method is returning false only regardless new mail is there in inbox or not.
    I want to read the unread messages only.Dont want to retrieve the already read mails.
    I got the mail retrieving code from the below site.(sorry not posting the code because it is so long and having 4 classes),39024620,39228060,00.htm
    Can anyone tell me how to read unread mails in the inbox?
    Thanks a lot

    hi parvathi
    i think your mail program is receving mails using imap
    the imap is only receve the mail from server but the pop is deleting the mails after receving
    use the following sample code
    package com.sfrc.mail.pop;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import com.sun.mail.handlers.message_rfc822;
    import java.util.*;
    * Owner: SFRC IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
    * Author:Arunkumar Subramaniam
    * Date :12-06-2006
    * File Name:
    public class AttachRecive
    public static void main(String args[])
    String popServer="";
    String popUser="pl";
    String popPassword="password";
    // Create empty properties
    Properties props = new Properties();
    // Get session
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    // Get the store
    Store store = session.getStore("pop3");
    store.connect(popServer, popUser, popPassword);
    // Get folder
    Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");;
    // Get directory
    Message message =folder.getMessages();
    Multipart mp = (Multipart)message.getContent();
    for (int i=0, n=mp.getCount(); i<n; i++) {
    Part part = mp.getBodyPart(i);
    String disposition = part.getDisposition();
    // Close connection
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Usage: "
    +" popServer popUser popPassword");
    Arunkumar Subramaniam
    SFRC IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

  • HT6030 I have many problems with my mail since I moved to mavericks. The filter is very sensitive, read mail appears as unread, I can't drag mail to the folders and more. I can't update the mail program as directed on this page, update says my system is u

    I have many problems with my mail since I moved to mavericks. The filter is very sensitive, read mail appears as unread, I can't drag mail to the folders and more. I can't update the mail program as directed on this page, update says my system is updated

    I don't think that a software update from Apple will solve the issues that you are having. You have a rogue installation. After you posted I have just done the following:
    Disk Utility can verify  my partitioned Volume (including my boot disk) AND REPAIR the non-boot disks on the same Volume without a glitch. It repairs the non-boot disks containing data smoothly.
    I have used Mail to send some mails from some Yahoo and Hotmail accounts to my Thunderbird client containing GMail accounts - absolutely normal.
    I have iLife '09 but my iMovie '09 and iPhoto '09 open in a jiffy and I see no issues here. I have 6GB RAM (Maximum) on an early 2008 Macbook Pro with a 750GB hard drive partitioned with 120GB reserved for the Boot Drive.
    I am sorry that I cannot help further but I am sure there must be a way to reinstall the software without having to revert to restoring your ML backup. I have two clones and if you have such I would attempt to do that through that rather than through Time Machine - that is of course if you have a cloned drive.
    Good luck!

  • Oracle Workflow Manager, Agent Listener, and Java Mailer problem

    I am not sure this topic to this forum, since this might be installation issue.
    But I am hitting a big wall.
    I had Windows 2000 SP4.
    I have already installed Oracle Database 10gR1, Oracle Developer 10gR2, and Oracle Workflow 2.6.3 Standalone previously.
    Including :
    - Oracle Workflow Server 2.6.3
    - Oracle Workflow Builder
    - Apache HTTP Server 9.0.4
    - Workflow Middle Tier
    Anything seems to right, including the Notification Mailer and the Business Event.
    And I had also made backup of them surely.
    I'd like to change into Oracle Database 10gR2 because :
    1. Some errors I found when I tried to call a Report from Oracle Form.
    Unable to connect to Report Server ...
    I thought Oracle Database 10gR1 is not suitable for Oracle Developer 10gR2.
    2. And in the OWF 2.6.3 Workflow Home Page, there was no Logout button (which I found in OWF 2.6.4)
    I removed my previous installation including Oracle Workflow.
    After strugglineg in the installation of Oracle Database 10gR2, now I am facing another problem with Oracle Workflow.
    I succesfully installed Oracle Workflow 2.6.4 Server and Oracle Workflow Manager (standalone version),
    and the Oracle Workflow Middle Tier.
    After I launch Oracle Workflow Configuration Assisstant, everthing seems to be normal.
    I succed to open the Oracle Workflow Home Page (and found the Logout button there)
    Next, I tried to navigate to the Oracle Workflow Manager.
    1. I start the OC4J_Workflow_Management_Container --> initialized
    2. OC4J_Workflow_Component_Container
    The following error line appeared in the OC4J command prompt
    06/05/26 10:31:40 LOG_ID_UNKNOWN : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Logger.Logger(String,
    int) : Logging to System.out until necessary parameters are retrieved for Logger
    to be properly started.
    06/05/26 10:31:40 LOG_ID_UNKNOWN : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainer.
    initializeStateMachine() : BEGIN [default implementation]
    06/05/26 10:31:40 LOG_ID_UNKNOWN : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainer.
    getNewWorkflowContext() : BEGIN
    06/05/26 10:31:45 LOG_ID_UNKNOWN : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainer.
    loadGlobalParameters() : BEGIN
    06/05/26 10:31:48 Unable to g
    et connection from data source because the following Exception occurred -> java.
    sql.SQLException: ORA-28000: the account is locked
    06/05/26 10:33:57 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (
    3. finally it initialized
    Next I tried to go to Oracle Workflow Manager from related link of Enterprise Manager
    It is said that the OWF_MGR is locked
    (I surprised since I had UNLOCKED the OWF_MGR after the installation and succeed to login at the Workflow Home Page)
    And the following error line appeared in the commaned prompt after that
    06/05/26 10:35:03 OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!
    06/05/26 10:35:03 Logical connection not closed, check your code!
    06/05/26 10:35:03 (Use -Djdbc.connection.debug=true to find out where the leaked
    connection was created)
    4. I re-UNLOCK the OWF_MGR and login to Oracle Workflow Manager
    I noticed that the Agent Listener and Notification Service is Unavailable
    (In OWF 2.6.3, The Agent Listener was started and Notification Service was waiting to be configured)
    I tried to start one of the Agent Listener, but the following error appeared
    ERROR: The Service Component Container is not running
    Well, I had the same problem when installing the OWF 2.6.3
    I tried to uninstall (remove) and re-install it like I had done before in OWF 2.6.3
    (based on someone's post in Oracle's forum)
    But this time, the re-installation won't fix this problem. (It was succeed in the OWF 2.6.3)
    Everytime I start the OC4J, using wfmgrstart.bat and wfsvcstart.bat
    the OWF_MGR is re-LOCKED(TIME) automatically.
    And the servlet (WFALSNRSVC and WFMLRSVC) are not running.
    I am worry, since I cannot use the Notification Mailer if this problem had not fixed yet.
    (In OWF 2.6.3, the mailer was not available until those servlet is Started)
    Sorry for the long post.
    Any help would be grateful.
    Many thanks,

    Finally, I have found the solution.
    Step :
    1. Start all of the Oracle Service, except for the OC4J
    If you have already started OC4J, then stop them
    Unlocked the <wf_manager_user>
    2. Search in your Oracle Home : data-sources.xml
    There should be two files,
    one is in the ...\OC4J_Workflow_Component_Container\application-deployments\WFALSNRSVCApp
    the other is in ...\OC4J_Workflow_Component_Container\application-deployments\WFMLRSVCApp
    3. Make sure, you create back up of them.
    4. Replace the following line
    should be look like this
    5. Now start the OC4J using wfmgrstart.bat and wfsvcstart.bat
    6. Next, login to the Oracle Workflow Manager
    This worked for me.
    Hope this will help someone who has the same problem.

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    I have some html code with javascript which calculates total marks. I inserted this in the first tab and my code works fine, but when i insert it in the second, third and so on it stops working completely(including the 1st tab). Is there something i

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    I have a scenario where documents need to be uploaded into SharePoint, triggering specific approval workflows depending on the destination of the uploaded document. I initially thought this could be done through one document library with a separate a