First Week of 2010

Hi All,
I'm using CFMX 6.1 and facing an issue in getting the currect Week number of week starting 03-Jan-2010.
Coldfusion returns 2 for #Week('03-Jan-2010')#, but I wanted this to be as 1, as it is the first full week of the year.
Is there any way to acheive this with CFMX 6.1?
Many thanks

Roll your own:
But first check whether someone's already done it and posted to

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    Thanks Jakob. You are correct.
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    Jakob Peterhänsel wrote:
    All I'm saying is, the error -50 from the Finder normally means there is something spooky going on.
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    Hi MesutU,
    When you remove first Exchange Server 2010 in your organization, please confirm finish following steps:
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    3. Move OAB generation server
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    6. Update any routing group connectors if 2003 is present
    7. Turn the old server offline for some days to check whether the new server works well.
    More information about How to Remove the First Exchange 2007 Server in a Coexistence Scenario (even if the version of Exchange server is different), for your conference:
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

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    Don't you just love those "discussions" where nobody defines their terms?
    If I'm not mistaken, the ISO (ISO-8601?) defines the first week of a period to be the first week that contains four days in the period. So that would be November 28 to December 4, if your weeks start on Monday, or November 27 to December 3 if they start on Sunday.
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    If you want to make this a Java question, the GregorianCalendar class implements the ISO's rules and you can callcalendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH)to see what it thinks. Note also the setFirstDayOfWeek method.

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    Edited by: 896398 on Jan 18, 2012 3:17 AM

    896398 wrote:
    how to get first week of the monthAssuming week starts Sunday:
    SELECT  GREATEST(TRUNC(TRUNC(your_date,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1,TRUNCyour)date,'MM')) week_start_date,
            TRUNC(TRUNC(your_date,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + 6) week_end_date
      FROM  dual
    / If week starts Monday:
    SELECT  GREATEST(TRUNC(TRUNC(your_date,'MM'),'IW'),TRUNCyour)date,'MM')) week_start_date,
            TRUNC(TRUNC(your_date,'MM'),'IW') + 6) week_end_date
      FROM  dual
    / SY.

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    Tests by some of the web sites and magazines claim that the iPhone 5 is in fact more rugged than previous models. That doesn't obviate the possibility of an assembly defect that would make yours more susceptible to damage, but if you dropped or impacted them and they cracked, then your warranty will not apply and you'll have to pay for replacement, either the AppleCare+ "deductible", if you purchased AppleCare+ with your iPhone, or Apple's normal out-of-warranty replacement charge.
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    The manual has a zillion typos, and fortunately for us in this forum, we have shared what we've learned.  The translation from Chinese to English leaves quite a bit to be desired, and hopefully, MSI will learn from Asus and Abit and get a better translation service.  In 2006 this is just plain stupid, especially with a $225 board   
    As usual, the mobo supplied tweaker utilities are just aweful.  They look like a hallucination from a Hunter S Thompson book, and they work about as well.  Core center is a sad state of affairs, and the rest of them just burrow their way into your otherwise stable system and cause it to have poor behavior.  And therefore as usual, the BIOS is the best way, if slowest, to tweak this bundle of parts
    Which brings us to the BIOS.  IMHO, the worst one I've seen on a high end board.  ZERO explanation for half the settings (this is not strange in and of itself, BIOS is still a black art, but in a tweakers board, we should have some basic explanation  )
    There seem to be adequate settings in the BIOS for all sorts of doodads and gizmos, but who the heck knows what half of them are.  Roger points out rightfully, that we now need to "Tune" across all these different intermediary bus structures and test.  But with the lack of info from either NVidia, MSI or anyone else for that matter, its kinda hard to know where to start.
    The board is clearly sensitive, which is a result of it being high strung.  This is no different than any "first out" product I've ever bought.  Most take 2 or 3 turns of the crank to get totally stable and forgiving.  This one hated my OCZ platinum EL 2Gb kit memory, and it brought out the worst in one of the SLI based EVGA 7800 GT COs.   These components worked in the Abit AN8 SLI (although not always great), but the MSI has ZERO tolerance for even the slightest pertubation from the memory.  It was BSOD city until I removed both of these components by process of elimination that took probably 100 hours
    Once I removed the bad components, and replaced the memory with Geil Ultra X 2x512 2-2-2-5, it worked great, ran Prime95 for 10 hours with no errors, and seems reasonably stable.  I've RMA-d the bad 7800GT CO back to EVGA, and will report back on how SLI behaves when I get the new one (cross shipped of course, I haveno patience )
    I also now need to replace the 2Gb RAM kit with something that the board will tolerate.  I may RMA the 2Gb kit back to OCZ and try another one, but I dunno.   I love OCZ but I have a bad feeling about this, even though they have great!!! support.  I may try OCZ PC4000 or the RAM that Roger successfully used.
    I did upgrade to the 1.16 BIOS, and found that some new things were added, as well as voltage control in Cell was a little better, but registration of changes in voltage is still a disaster.   I adjusted a bunch of times, it didn't register, and I ended up smoking a new A64 3700+ Diego with 1.95 volts, even though the BIOS claimed it was 1.53.  I had to rebot to see what was going on.   The Thermalright XP-90 kept the proc from melting down through the earth
    Finally, I hope this board attracts more people, and therefore more tweakers that can figure out all these gadgets and settings.  Everyone flocked to the Asus X16 SLI product, which is too bad, as this one needs lots o' folks to hack it up for us to figure out what is going on.
    The on board Creative audio sounds lousy to my ears, and I will replace it with an Audigy 2ZS gamer that I had in the Abit.  It just sounds better, but hopefully the drivers will not trash my newly stable system.   Creative scares me, they scare me alot.
    I've been able to get the CPU up to 2.4Ghz, with a .5 volt bump to the CPU and 2.9 volts into the Geil memory.  So far, so stable, no smoke coming out yet 
    I hope this info is somewhat valuable to someone on this board.  I will post details of all changes that I make, as others are doing, so we can at least take care of ourselves with this thing.

    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 01:17:10
    Which brings us to the BIOS.  IMHO, the worst one I've seen on a high end board.  ZERO explanation for half the settings (this is not strange in and of itself, BIOS is still a black art, but in a tweakers board, we should have some basic explanation  )
    There seem to be adequate settings in the BIOS for all sorts of doodads and gizmos, but who the heck knows what half of them are.  Roger points out rightfully, that we now need to "Tune" across all these different intermediary bus structures and test.  But with the lack of info from either NVidia, MSI or anyone else for that matter, its kinda hard to know where to start.
    first of all, i do think that all the settings in the BIOS have an explanation in the manual, even if it's a basic one. if that explanation doesn't tell you everything in detail, is because if you do need a detailed explanation of the settings, you probably shouldn't be messing around with those settings.
    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 01:17:10
    I did upgrade to the 1.16 BIOS, and found that some new things were added, as well as voltage control in Cell was a little better, but registration of changes in voltage is still a disaster.   I adjusted a bunch of times, it didn't register, and I ended up smoking a new A64 3700+ Diego with 1.95 volts, even though the BIOS claimed it was 1.53.  I had to rebot to see what was going on.   The Thermalright XP-90 kept the proc from melting down through the earth.
    wanna tell me how did you get 1.95V on that mobo?
    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 01:17:10
    I've been able to get the CPU up to 2.4Ghz, with a .5 volt bump to the CPU and 2.9 volts into the Geil memory.  So far, so stable, no smoke coming out yet 
    a 0.5V  bump? again, you must be joking. maybe 0.05V.

  • I have a Rocketfish mini display port to VGA adaptor cord for a macbook pro, it was working fine the first week, now it does not show what I am seeing on my laptop on my lg Flat screen tv. It only shows the space background but not any icons. Any help??

    Is there anything I should do to the TV or any settings i should do from my actual Macbook? It only shows the space background but not any of my icons or what i am seeing on my laptop screen. It is a new adaptor which was purchased last week.

    It seems as though though it may be a connection issue, possibly hardware or adapter. Make certain the connections are TIGHT.
    For software you may try a smc reset:
    Shut down the computer.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
    On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
    Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer. 
    Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.
    Try a pram reset:
    Shut down your Mac.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Option, Command (⌘), P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on your Mac.
    Immediately press and hold the Option-Command-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears. Continue holding the keys down until your Mac restarts, and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    If no joy you can take it in to an Apple store genius bar for a free evaluation make an appointment first.

  • BB Q10. Conclusions of the first week experience

    Hey there,
    I have moved from OS7 device to BB Q10 a week ago and here are my first brief conclusions (mostly for those who are yet considering of the purchase)
    good stuff:
    - the device looks good itself and it is completely not slippery;
    - I do like the new screen;
    - the OS 10 interface is interesting to me;
    - the camera is good;
    - BB voice messaging is supported over your carrier's network;
    - the browser works very fast (even though I use that rarely);
    - the battery is enough for one busy day;
    - there is a good Skype installed (however see also the notes below);
    terrible stuff:
    - BIS is no longer supported (well, someone might reckon this as an advantage; I say that there must always be a choice - either I use BIS or don't use it with my new device);
    - my gmail & yahoo imap free accounts hang up regularly on wifi when I come from network carrier to a place where I am connected to wifi (the wifi is always on and I have enough places saved in my device memory); when I enter my account settings it says i.e.. "The server for account XXX is not responding. The server name in your account settings might be incorrect, or the server might be temporarily offline. Check your settings to make sure the server name is correct and try again." I either restart device or switch off and on wifi so that it would resume for a while. With my carrier's network the email works fine.
    - there is no Russian text input by translit (see; I had to engrave my keyboard with Russian letters for the first time for the last 6 years, luckily I was in Russia for a while; all those who use Russian language with their BB device for now can't normally use that as long as they are outside of Russia (where you could engrave it for a modest fee).
    stuff to be improved:
    - it is not that easy to copy saved numbers from your contacts (you shall open editing and then copy it out of there);
    - it is not possible to paste the saved numbers in Skype (you shall thus develop your memory );
    - the birthday details from the contact list are not linked to a calendar (the question is then what is that data stored for?) - I have already skipped one birthday because of that;
    - there is no percentage of remaining batter on the top screen (you can only find that through settings);
    - whatsup is not integrated into the BB hub;
    - there is no Viber application for OS 10;
    - the choice of sounds to set up is extremely poor;
    - the OS 10 with its applications hang couple of times a day (either buttons on the screen are not responding or the power button does not dim the screen or smth similar take place);
    - when I read a message in hub it remains unread and it becomes marked as read only upon reviewing in particular mail folder.
    My overall conclusion is that the device with the new OS 10 is completely raw and flawed. I feel myself like a volunteer tester whereas I do not like such a role when paying a full price for a product that is considered as good and is widely distributed on a market. Such a new marketing approach of Blackberry would do no good for their success in a future. 
    I would seriously advice NOT TO TRUST even respectful brand and read open source info prior to a purchase

    Yeah the BB9900 worked excellent!  I still have faith in BB but my faith is wandering after all this waiting.
    I'm sure BLACKBERRY is monitoring all this and reporting it to management whereby they're aware and putting the mandate to their software development team to remedy all these glitches before bad news travels too extensively.
    I was amazed that the T-Mobile Rep's from 2 different nearby stores were telling me the same message (they didn't recommend BB10 due to customer complaints and software issues.  This along is enough to sink BB having all these rep's discouraging customers from buying BB phones. Where are the BB Dealer Rep's when you need them?
    I told the rep's that regardless of the current BB10 issues, that all the other BB phones and software work flawlessly, and that the network was stable, dependable and secure.  One rep told me they just don't have any feed back or much interaction with BB dealer reps.  If I was a BB Dealer Rep. I'd be in each T-Mobile store twice a week giving them updates, testimonials and giving my phone number out to customers who come in and have additional questions, which the store rep's cant answer.  That's what these BB Rep's should be doing...being advocates for BB.
    I don't think the BB Dealer Rep's are doing much, if any thing other than collecting a pay check.  These issues I  imagine will be resolved within 30-45 days.  If not, I'm sure they'll lose more than just stock prices falling. 
    As a Crackberry addict my fingers are crossed for Blackberry and that it recovers from all this whereby it becomes the powerhouse it once was for so many years. 

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    The logic is taking today's date and subtracting 7 days.  It uses that date to determine the week which when run today is week one of 2010.but if this is for this year then  jan8 if i deduct 7 wit will comes as jan1 which will be as 1 st week.
    i have to change code such way when this happened it has to show as previous week not current week
    can u guys help me out
    ex: if i run this on jna 8th ..the i get results jan1st ..but the day falls in previous week but its gives me current week... hwo to fix this..? here is the old code
      PREV_WEEK_DT = SY-DATUM - 7.
          DATE         = PREV_WEEK_DT
          WEEK         = YR_WEEK
          DATE_INVALID = 1.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

    wrote logic

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