Fixed term deposit has status reversed

1) If fixed term deposit has status reversed, is there anyway to re-instate it? 
2) When the transaction has status reversed, can postings still be carried out? 

Once you have status reversed, you cannot do anything further with the transaction. 
If you have already posted the flow before reversing, you can post the reversal of those flows in TPM10. 
Once you have reversed there can be no longer any postings that can be done to the transaction.  You need to create a new transaction for processing further.
P.S:  There is a separate forum for treasury applications and hence would request you to post there for getting better response.

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    I am a BW consultant and I need to Fixed Term Deposit - Cash Flow Tab - Document Number to BW. I checked the the base table VTBFHAPO and see that some document numbers are present and some are not.
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    Can you please suggest how can I link the Fixed Term Deposit to accounting document number.
    Best Regards,

    The table which you mention is the treasury table in which complete deal data goes. Document number only generates against posted flows. Therefore you can link FD on the basis of Posting status.1 means flagged for posting  but not posted (no document number is against them) 2 means posted (Document no. generated) 3. means flagged for reversal but not reversal entry done 4 means (reversal entry pass).
    You can see this in cash flow type of transaction . USE T Code:- FTR_EDIT and go to cash flow tab and change the layout to posting veiw.
    Narinder Pal Verma

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    Once you have status reversed, you cannot do anything further with the transaction. 
    If you have already posted the flow before reversing, you can post the reversal of those flows in TPM10. 
    Once you have reversed there can be no longer any postings that can be done to the transaction.  You need to create a new transaction for processing further.
    P.S:  There is a separate forum for treasury applications and hence would request you to post there for getting better response.


    Hi experts am asked related mony morket i want to post fixed term deposit intrest let me how to post intrest. i know fixed intrest bonds means under securities        t-code fwze at same way how to post fixed term deposit intrest. this is urgent let me post
    n regards

    Hello Anand,
    Let me try to answer you on how to post interest on FTD
    1. Use transaction TBB1 (Treasury post flows)
    2. For posting interest through this process certain things has to be in place
        a. check in TM03 that cash flow for interest has been generated
        b. check IMG-TRM-Transaction Manager-Accounting-Link to other accounting     components-Define account determination (here u have to see whether relevant gl accounts are assigned.
    3. Remember interest flow is generated by the appropriate Condition Type. So in case you are not seeing the cash flow for interest ,check the Condition Type as well.
    Do check and let us know the result

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    basically if you want to post a flow whether it is from FTD or security contract you have to define payment instructions if the flow is customized as posting relevant. So I guess that the flows for the security transaction (if I understand it right with the fixed term bond) are not defined as posting relevant resp. the assigned update types. Please check this setting.

  • Creation of Fixed-Term Deposit

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    - Analysis data is incorrect; correct your entries
    Please advice what is the cause of these messages and how we can resolve the issue.
    Thank you!

    this comes from the Market Risk and Basic Analyzer Settings.
    The message "Asset/liability indicator contains an incorrect value" is typcially issued, if the relavent derivaiton strategy is not maintained for deriving asset/Liability indicator. Check following customizing:
    Transaction SPRO -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Basic Analyzer Settings -> Automatic Integration of Financial Objects in Transaction Master Data -> Other Transactions -> Generic Transaction -> Define Derivation Strategy
    The definition here should cater for target field "FOB APKENNZ".
    Online help documentation should give you more information.

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    Hi Kalawiswis,
    To configure Acct Assignment Ref, please follow the follwoing series of links:
    Financial Supply Chain Management> Treasury and Risk Management>Transaction Manager> General Settings> Accounting> Link to Other Accounting Components> Define Account Assignment References
    If you are using standard AAR available, no need to create new, but recommended to create your own with correct identification parameters
    Financial Supply Chain Management> Treasury and Risk Management>Transaction Manager> General Settings> Accounting> Link to Other Accounting Components> Define Account Assignment Reference Determination (OTC Transactions)
    You can use the standard assignemnt or create your own rules for deriving AAR.
    Financial Supply Chain Management> Treasury and Risk Management>Transaction Manager> General Settings> Accounting> Link to Other Accounting Components> Define Account Determination
    This needs to be done after finalising your GL head where actual flows should post the amount with TBB1
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    Best Regards,

    Hi Madhusudan,
    firstly, can you see that your borrowing deal without an interest rate is successfully saved in the system? as far as I remember, you should not be able to save a fixed term deposit deal (Product category - 510 ) specifying interest rate equal to zero.
    on the other hand, there is an instrument, called Cash flow transaction (Product category - 540 ), where interest rate is allowed to be equal to zero. also, you can create mirrors for this type of instrument.
    so, in my opinion, you should be able to map your requirements - to be able to create borrowing deals without an interest rate and also get the mirror deal created - using the above described approach.
    hope this will help you.

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    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

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    example : T000

    No ..No...Siddesh,
    You are understanding my requirement in reverse.
    We are now not in execution of giving the access.
    i regret, if i am failing to explain my requirement
    A Auditor wants
    a). He wanted to know the users having S_TABU_DIS auth object with 02 value and assigned authroization groups.
    b). He wanted list of tables including Z tables that can be maintained directly thru maintenance view
    Auditor will do some excerse Directly Maintained Tables (vs) Authroized users
    He will come back with a list of tables for which we have to give the logs.
    I tried my best to explain my requirement.
    To summarise  - I repeat  i am looking  "List of Tables that can be maintained directly - When Client has status 'not modifiable" ?
    Thanks in advance for your time for this query.

  • OBB8 - Client clientnum has status "not midifiable".

    Dear All,
    I have given atuhorization of OBB8. But when user try to run OBB8, it gives Client <clientnum> has status "not midifiable".
    Our requirement is to Maintain Terms of Payment directly into production.
    Please advice below steps will work and is it advisable or not ?
    1.  In  SPRO -> Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payables-
         ->Business Transactions->Incomming Invoices/Credit Memo -> Maintain Terms of Payment.
       In Mainain Object if I check the "Current Setting" - will it work.
    If try to check the "Current Setting"  it will ask for Access key as object is going to modified ?
    Whether this object "V_T052" is advisable to modify ?
    Thanks in advance
    Thanks in advance

    Vinaya Reddy wrote:Hi
    > Yes i maintain SAP standard tables, you need to ask the basis guys to open the client and then modify the table.
    Yes this will do the trick to, but I would advise against it.
    Customizing tables should always be maintained in your development system an transported to production, don't open production for customizing, if you do so you can't ensure that the OBB8 table is the only customizing table that's changed in production - and overtime you will probably find your self in a situation where you have forgotten to close the productive client again, and that other types of customizing has been changed directly in you productive system as well. This can potentially endanger the stability and security of your system landscape.
    If you want to maintain it directly in production - change the recording routine on this table only in SE54. It's a change to SAP Standard, (and of course you should avoid changing the standard if it is practically possible) but you will keep the control of your landscape.
    And in my book it a bigger Sin to open your productive system for customizing, than it is to change this kind of SAP Standard settings - but that's just my opinion.
    Morten Nielsen

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    While managing fixed term contracts, we have the following issue :
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    Contract 3: from 01.03.2011 to 31.03.2011
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    Extreme case: the contract 3 is the first contract of the employee in the system (hiring and registration).
    Have you ever had this type of subject? What are the impacts on the payroll? Any information or document would be welcome.
    Best Regards,


  • Very very urgent error ''Worker 2 has status 'C''

    Hi guru's
    very serious problem i have to finish by today at anycost
    i am in the process of upgrading from 11.5.7 to
    OS AIX 5l 5.2
    applying patch 3480000
    i am at the end of the stage of 3480000patch, suddenly this script was showing running from longer period in the adctrl 'amsdatup.sql ' , it is not moving, what i did i tried to restart the worker using adcntrl but it is still having the same problem when other workers are waiting, suddenly the 2nd worker started the same script and finished that script, then i decided to skip the 1st worker, then the patch coming out. i tried to restart adpatch again then also it is coming out, and when i look in to the log file it has shown ''Worker 2 has status 'C'' please below i am pasting the 3480000.log file
    There are now 410 jobs remaining (current phase=A296):
    0 running, 1 ready to run and 409 waiting.
    Starting worker processes.
    Worker process 1 started.
    Worker process 2 started.
    Worker process 3 started.
    Worker process 4 started.
    Worker process 5 started.
    Worker process 6 started.
    Worker process 7 started.
    Worker process 8 started.
    Worker process 9 started.
    Worker process 10 started.
    Checking if all jobs have their actual and symbolic arguments in sync....
    Writing jobs to run to restart file.
    Reading jobs from FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table ...
    Evaluating symbolic arguments for worker 1 ....
    Fixed: file amsdatup.sql on worker 1 for product ams username AMS.
    Time is: Sun Feb 17 2008 02:06:57
    AutoPatch error:
    Invalid status when reading existing table
    Worker 2 has status 'C'
    Telling workers to quit...
    6 workers have quit. Waiting for 4 more.
    All workers have quit.
    Error running SQL and EXEC commands in parallel
    You should check the file
    for errors.
    please see my next post in that my worker log files

    sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/sgmtemp/prodappl/ams/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/amsdatup.sql &un_apps
    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************
    AD Worker version: 11.5.0
    AD Worker started at: Sun Feb 17 2008 01:46:51
    APPL_TOP is set to /sgmtemp/prodappl
    Worker id = 1
    Started by: adpatch
    NLS_LANG value from the environment is : AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
    NLS_LANG value for this AD utility run is : AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
    Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
    Already asked for the ORACLE username and password
    of Application Object Library.
    (The given username/password was: APPLSYS/*****)
    Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
    The status of various features in this run of AD Worker is:
    <-Feature version in->
    Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags
    CHECKFILE Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y
    PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y
    PATCH_TIMING Yes 2 2 Y N N Y N Y
    PATCH_HIST_IN_DB Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y
    SCHEMA_SWAP Yes 1 1 Y N N Y Y Y
    Reading product information from file...
    Reading language and territory information from file...
    Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
    Currently, the following language is installed:
    Code Language Status
    US American English Base
    Your base language will be AMERICAN.
    Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
    Reading jobs to run from restart file.
    Completed reading the to-do restart file. Ready to run jobs.
    The job currently assigned to this worker has status FAILED.
    Fix the problem then use adctrl to change the status to 'Fixed, Restart'.
    Setting parallel context: PARALLEL AUTOPATCH AT R115
    Evaluating symbolic arguments ....
    Done evaluating symbolic arguments.
    Restarting job that failed and was fixed.
    Time when worker restarted job: Sun Feb 17 2008 01:49:28
    Start time for file is: Sun Feb 17 2008 01:49:28
    sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/sgmtemp/prodappl/ams/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/amsdatup.sql &un_apps
    Time when worker completed job: Sun Feb 17 2008 01:54:55
    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************
    AD Worker version: 11.5.0
    AD Worker started at: Sun Feb 17 2008 02:06:54
    APPL_TOP is set to /sgmtemp/prodappl
    Worker id = 2
    Started by: adpatch
    NLS_LANG value from the environment is : AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
    NLS_LANG value for this AD utility run is : AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
    Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
    Already asked for the ORACLE username and password
    of Application Object Library.
    (The given username/password was: APPLSYS/*****)
    Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
    The status of various features in this run of AD Worker is:
    <-Feature version in->
    Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags
    CHECKFILE Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y
    PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y
    PATCH_TIMING Yes 2 2 Y N N Y N Y
    PATCH_HIST_IN_DB Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y
    SCHEMA_SWAP Yes 1 1 Y N N Y Y Y
    Reading product information from file...
    Reading language and territory information from file...
    Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
    Currently, the following language is installed:
    Code Language Status
    US American English Base
    Your base language will be AMERICAN.
    Connecting to SYSTEM......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPLSYS......Connected successfully.
    Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
    Manager says to quit.
    Time when worker quit: Sun Feb 17 2008 02:06:59
    AD Worker is complete.

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