Flash Player on Macs?

pardon me for being really stupid, but I developed a learning
object in Flash and just found out that .005% of the people in my
company have Macintosh computers. Will Flash content run on a

Thanks for providing us with the detailed description of your issue.
Can you please send me your SWF file? We'll check everything and give
you the reply.
Thanks in advance,
29.07.2011 12:26, minimalcomfort пишет:
Hi Anna
What i mean by "it doesnt play the last frame" - not sure how i phrased it exactly, is this:
the swf has 5 frames and all frames have interactivity - hotspots, for navigation or rollover which prompt actions such as playing mc symbols that are on each frame.
On the fifth frame there are 5 or 6 "hotspots" as such - movie clip symbols that are interactive while behind them, in the background, is an flv that's continuously playing.
So the problem is, that with Elmedia, when you click one of these mcies on the fifth frame, the flv and everything on that frame promptly disappears, in fact the swf stops and the Mac user gets the blank Elmedia screen.
I did, in fact, do a preferences check with her, and do NOT see why any of the settings there should cause the swf to end abruptly as such.
As for Elmedia free version NOT enabling one to have full screen swf viewing, well, i find that simply irritating. This said, Elmedia is quite superfluous when it is possible to view the swf in the HTML or the Mac Projector.
I do have a question about zipping software; because Mac projectors are so largeand comprised of tons of smaller files, to email it needs compressing, but my zipping software - winzip, is not being used by everyone; not everyone has winzip and/or is willing to download it, so my question, do you know of popular unstuffers/zipping and unzipping software which is prevalent among both Mac and PC users?

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    1/29/13 9:14:23.111 AM coreservicesd[72]: Application App:"Install 
    Adobe Flash Player" @ 0x0x7ffa02372980 tried to be 
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    brought  forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontASNs ( (
    ASN:0x0-0x597597:) ), so  denying.
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    brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontASNs ( ( 
    ASN:0x0-0x5b65b6:) ), so denying.
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    freeblks: 0, dangerlimit: 84
    I look forward to your  response.
    In a message dated 1/29/2013 6:27:35 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  General Error Message When Installing Flash Player on Mac
    created by Chris Campbell (http://forums.adobe.com/people/chris.campbell)
      in Installing Flash Player - View the full  discussion

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    Yes I can, but...
    Click >About This Mac and let me know what OS version you're using.

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    There are some who'll argue (quite successfully I might add) that I'm NOT a real person, but there are instructions here: (How to perform a "clean install" of Flash Player in Mac OS X)  that'll help.

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    Wow, IE for Mac is pretty old.  What Mac OS are you using?  I'm 99% sure you're going to need an older version of the Player, but I'll need to know the OS version to figure out which one.

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    Download the offline installer here: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/mac/install_flash_playe r_11_osx.dmg
    If it won't download directly, right click and "Save as"
    Go to: Mac HD/Library/Internet Plugins
    Trash the Flash Player.plugin file from there
    Go to: Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe
    Trash the Flash Player folder (the whole folder)
    Empty the trash
    Mount the DMG and run the installer.
    BEFORE opening any Flash content in Safari, open Safari>Preferences, and check the Security tab to make sure "Allow all other plugins" is checked.

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    Thank all that replied to my post. I was able to successfully install Flash Player following this procedure:
    1.   Mac HD/Library/Internet Plugins
    Verify that the Flash Player.plugin file is not present.  If it is, trash it.
    2.  Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash Player
    Verify that the Flash Player Install Manager folder does not exist.  If it does, trash the whole folder
    3.  Download the offline installer here: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/mac /install_flash_player_11_osx.dmg
    4.  Restarted in Safe Mode (shift key)
    5.  Mounted install_flash_player_11 
         right click on installer -> show package contents
         Contents -> Resources -> Adobe Flash Player.pkg  (installed correctly)

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    You can also use an app called SuperDuper to backup your system.

  • I can't install flash player on MAC

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    The dialog window requesting the password is an OS dialog window, it is not a Flash Player window.  I understand the confusion, but we can't modify a system dialog window with additional information.
    If you're system does not have a password, you should be able to continue the installation with out it.  Ignore the password field and click the OK button.  If your system does have a password and you don't recall what it is, I recommend Googling something like "reset lost os x password".  This search returns many results, and some vary depending on the OS version.

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    I have use the uninstall package three times, restarted the computer, downloaded flash player again but no change.
    Forgive my limited use of jargon - this doesn't make any sense to me but I've just spent 3 hours following instructions to no avail.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    the shockwave animation is not playing; and then this:
    Adobe Flash Player
                   You need the latest Flash Player and JavaScript enabled to view this content.
    PS, I followed the Tech Notes on troubleshooting installation of flash player for mac intel computers, to the letter, but no change!
    Thank you
    Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:37:28 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: can't install flash player on Mac OSX version 10.4.11
    What do you see on this page?

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    *Flash Player for PPC Macs*
    Adobe's last release of Flash Player for PPC Macs was in November, 2010 with release Subsequent releases are for Intel based Macs only.
    To check your installed version of FlashPlayer - http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about
    Read this whole post before proceeding.  You have to follow steps precisely and there is mention of an alternative version of Flashplayer at the end that some have decided to try.
    To update you should download:
    Flash uninstaller: [http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/865/cpsid_86551.html#prob1=uninst,os=m10.6,] Make sure you get the right one.
    Flash installer [http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp_10.1.102. 64_and_9.0.289.0_archive.zip]  Open the archive to reveal yet more archives and multiple files. Select: flashplayer10_1r102_64_ub_mac.dmg
    To install:
    1) Run Disk Utility and verify your hard drive.  If the hard drive reports errors then it will need repairing first (another topic).  If it verifies, run Disk Utility's repair permissions.
    2) Back up your hard drive, ideally to a bootable clone. A bootable clone will allow you to restore your hard drive to its original state should something go wrong.
    3) Quit all applications to ensure nothing is actively using Flash. You can even do the next step while booted to Safe Mode to make sure.
    [Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107393]
    [What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1564]
    [Safe Boot takes longer than normal startup|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107394]
    4) Run the uninstaller application. Adobe says, "Adobe recommends that you restart your computer before you install a different version of the player."
    5) Run the installer application from the .dmg file you got from the second download.
    6) Use Disk Utility to repair permissions on your computer. This is important when installing anything from Adobe.
    7) Restart your computer.
    Adobe installs things all over your computer. Simply dragging a file or two to the trash won't ensure you have uninstalled all old file components.
    Comments about Flash and Shockwave. [http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2769507]
    Flash player 11.1 hack on PowerPC - https://discussions.apple.com/message/16990862 - this gets FP to tell web sites you are running a newer version than you really are. This gets around web sites that don't really need a new version but think they know best. If they really do require it then this hack doesn't work.

  • Cannot install Flash Player in MAC OSX 10.8.2

    I cannot install any flash player inside my MAC OSX 10.8.2, installation error show installation window, what can i do?

    Have you considered updating your OS to 10.8.5 and then try: How to perform a "clean install" of Flash Player in Mac OS X

  • Flash Player for mac is not installing

    I am trying to reinstall the flash player i had. But when i click the "install" button on screen, all it is doing is directing me back to the adobe website. I have tried many other ways and its the same thing. The only thing i can install is some adobe debugger, in which just installs shockwave. I dont want shockwave as i dont know what that is. Anyone know why im being directed back the site?
    Also im running the lastest OS which is Maverick.

    ow to perform a "clean install" of Flash Player in Mac OS X

  • Is it now OK to download Adobe Flash Player for Mac?

    Is it now OK to download Adobe Flash Player for MAC?

    It's always okay. Hackers try to find ways to attack it, Adobe fixes it. Just like Apple releases patches for flaws that have been found. Just like Microsoft constantly releases security fixes for its OS and other software.
    No software is perfectly and forever safe, and unlikely ever will be. The only thing you must do in respect to the Flash Player is to only ever get it directly from Adobe. Never, EVER pay attention to any third party site that pops up a message about having to update flash. Especially if it tells you to download said update from their site.

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