Flash Player Update funktioniert nicht

Mein Update bleibt immer bei 87% stecken.
Da mein Englisch nicht so gut ist, kann ich die Hilfe-Anleitungen auch nicht so recht verstehen.
Wer nennt mir den Trick? [email protected] ist meine spezielle e-mail-Adresse für dieses Problem.

1. Könnte überhaupt ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Update des Readers und der Probleme meines Flash Players bestehen?
Klar könnte es! Sicher irgendwas mit den diversen Sicherheits-Patches die sich ja letzten Endes auf eingebettete Flash-inhaltre in PDFs beziehen... Sofern nicht in dne Optionen des Flash-Players selbst dazu was auftaucht bzw. in den Multimediaeinstellungen vom Acrobat, würde ich mal stark tippen, dass irgendwo eine .plist noch gelöscht werden muss... Gibt's sicher irgendwo einen schlauen Artikel dazu...

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  • Adobe Flash Player Update Service 11.3 r300 has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are

    I get following message:
      Adobe® Flash® Player Update Service 11.3 r300 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    How can I solve this?

    Listen. This service is, has been and seemingly will be: FREE. So while emotions are running on the hot side of the guage, let's remember; it is FREE. Adobe owes no one anything. Now who's to blame, really? We, the people are to blame. Why? Because everyone has been ok with the fact that one company essentially designed and released a technology for streaming from the net. One company. And almost all of us are using this one company's technology to stream; for FREE.
    But now we are not ok with it when, after we are prompted to update, we have the issue of it not working? We all never saw the ridiculously high potential for this one company to screw things up, intentionally or otherwise? What the ramifications, that we are now experiencing, might be? Nah, we just took it for granted that we would continue to be served. Well the serve came, everyone. Mistake or otherwise.
    It's like this country [US], up until four-years ago. Everyone was either running around with snow shovels and hefty garbage bags to gather all the money they were making or sailing the seas of expectation and an, 'I am out there to get mine' attitude, and then the sh*t hits the fan and now people are complaining? About the very system until four years ago was spoon feeding them poolside with mai-tai's? While it was crushing everyone else in the known world?
    No doubt it seems incredulous that a multi-billion dollar company has an IT department that would include in an update, for their own software, that would be inconducive to working. No doubt. But keep in mind: we are all either using browsers by Apple or MS. Anything happens to these browsers, including a virus or anything else that threatens our use of them and...?
    So climb off the haughty, 'I deserve' crap and walk on the solid ground of trying to resolve this issue here at Adobe and around the net. If we were to band together, as the 99%, we could solve this, no problem. But then that holds true with resolving this fictitious economic downturn nonsense, that we solidly take for truth at face value, because our mainstream media says so. But no other species on this rock flying through space would know what the f*ck we were talking about.

  • Flash Player Update disables "restore all windows from last session" in Safari on Mac

    I am on Mac OS 10.9.5, using safari 7.1.2.  Adobe Flash Player Update loses all safari windows when after update the installer automatically opens safari and just opens flash player website; the "restore all windows from last session" is grayed out in history. The "reopen last closed window" is also grayed out. It has been happening ever since and happened again when I just installed Flash Player ver
    For all other normal working situation I can close safari and reopen and see that I can "restore all windows from last session" and there is no problem.  But on flash Player install (set on manual install), the problem is annoying and costs me a lot of time to restore one by one from history.  I do not think this is a Mac or a Safari issue, but will update to Mac Yosemite help if Adobe Flash Player is updated differently in that setup?
    Please help.

    Update: I called adobe flash player technical support phone number 1 877-587-1877.  They want $59 (warranty only 6 months) to fix this problem as they use a third party to solve this issue; they themselves provide no support.  Or buy the paid version.  They insist it is my network issue which I absolutely can not believe.
    It is adobe Flash player update that forces reopening of safari and wracks the safari losing all windows from last session. That is not my network.  Adobe does not have a proper safari compatible flash player update.
    Besides, this is a known problem at Adobe and they are not fixing it and want money to fix it one person at a time!  They also shared that 25% to 30% of the installations have this problem... wow!! and they still will not fix it in a general update!  I wonder if safari has a plug in update that can fix this?

  • How do I install adobe flash player update

    I've downloaded  the adobe flash player update. It says thank you, here are some more products I might like, such as photo shop etc. I don't want them.
    But I still can't play videos on youtube etc.

    First uninstall all previous versions of flash player by using Flash Player Uninstaller then install Adobe Flash Player Software.

  • Running without Adobe Flash Player Updater Scheduled Task

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    I am also unable to remove the Scheduled Task using a script that works on other tasks, on the same workstations.
    Is there an mms.cfg setting that will instruct the installer to skip the Task?
    1) Uninstall the Scheduled Task from all workstations in my environment.
    2) Install future updates without the Scheduled Task.
    I have already tried mm.cfg with these lines:
    It still runs the update process every hour.
    I have explained that it hasn't been causing a problem, but running this many processes on so many computers for no reason is causing some concern.
    My organization also does not allow big bang automation included with this product.
    Has anyone managed to shut off the Updater process from running?
    Thank you

    Hi Ethan,
    try creating an MST file, with Fx, Wise package studio...
    Edit the CustomAction “NewCustomAction1” added the parameter “-au 2” to the Command line argument.
    you should do that for both:
    If you are using both of them..
    Or you can delete the scheduled task with schtask /delete "taskname"
    Br Jens

  • Help needed installing Flash Player Update on Mac

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    This is the OS (Apple) prompting for the password, not Flash Player, therefore, the password is your Apple password, not Adobe ID password.  Please see What userid & password do I need to install Flash Player?

  • I can't install adobe flash player update on my macbook pro. Goes to " Device" lather then download

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      1. Save downloaded files to "Downloads" folder.
          Safari > Preferences > General
          Save downloaded files to:
          Select "Downloads".
    2. System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
        Press the "Delete All" button.
        Install Adobe Flash Player.
       Download it first.
       The next step is important.
       Click Safari in the menubar and select “Quit Safari”.
         Follow the prompts and install the Flash Player.

  • Adobe flash player update service 11.3 r300 has stopped working, what causes it and how do I fix it?

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    This may help.
    Good luck,

  • Error:  Flash Player  "Adobe Flash Player Update Service 11.3 r300 has encountered a problem ..."

    I get the following message as soon as I boot up my PC:
    "Adobe Flash Player Update Service 11.3 r300 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
    According to Adobe, this is the first time they've heard of this issue.

    23. jbacinti, --Jul 22, 2012 2:30 PM    in reply to Carolo43
    Unchecking auto updates does not stop the message for me.
    Sorry to hear that too.  I actually recommended this to a few friends who were having the same issue, and it worked for them.
    But, I'm wondering....  Have you tried disabling the check for updates settings in both the (Window's Control Panel's) Global settings manager and the (online) Global Notifications Settings panel?  (That's the one on this page -- http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.htm l )  On that page, click on the "Globe with the Check Mark" tab and make sure that the box is blank.
    Hope this helps.

  • Adobe Flash Player Update 13._ _ _ _  _ _ _ _

    Downloaded Adobe Flash Player 13 a few days ago after Adobe kept prompting me to update for an enhanced video player experience with popups from Adobe.  Every time I go to play a video or game, this VERY annoying pop up askes me to accept or deny third party storage on my computer which also allows them to access my info. 
    I DO NOT ACCEPT, however, it is very resistant to disappearing after several attempts.  How do I get rid of this stupid popup.  I WILL NOT ALLOW A THIRD PARTY TO ACCESS OR STORE.
    Adobe people, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING by making this a part of your perfectly good program?  This is not something you make the public aware of before downloading.......shame on you.

    You're infected with adware.
    It didn't come from Adobe but it DOES use Flash Player to run the popups.
    There are literally millions of fake "Flash Player Updates" out there, and you most likely got one. It installed the adware with it.
    You'll need to run a throrugh system scan to remove the offending software, and afterward, ONLY update Adobe software from this site, to prevent a reoccurrance.

  • Adobe flash player update service 11,6  r602

    Hello im having problem getting rid of box saying {adobe flash player update service 11.6 r602 stopped working and was closed} it also says { a problem caused the application to stop working correctly windows will nitify you if a solution is available i can not click to to open the box it will only let me hit the close button can you help me thanks !!!!

    Download the offline installer:
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

  • I can't download/install Adobe Flash Player update version 11.7.700.169.

    I have tried several times to download and install Adobe Flash Player update version 11.7.700.169 without success. My OS is Windows XP with SP3 and my web browser is Internet Explorer. My current Adobe Flash Player version is 11.6.602.180. In the Adobe - Install Adobe Flash Player IE window I unchecked the checkbox "Yes, install Chrome as my default browser and Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - optional"  and clicked [UpdateNow]. Then I followed the installation instuctions. When I tried to run the installer I got an Internet Explorer Script Error dialog box.
    I then clicked yes on the Scrippt Error dialog box and it closed. The new version did not install. I still have the old version.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Download and run the offline installer(s) from http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/installation-problems-flash-player-windows.html#mai n-pars_header (under the heading Progress bar hangs...).

  • Adobe Flash Player Update crash

    "Adobe Flash Player Update Service 11.3 r300 has encountered a problem ..."
    I'm trying to answer this question, but don't know how to do it. So I'm starting new discussion.
    I’ve had this problem for over a month and have reinstalled adobe flash player multiple times.
    But now, I think I finally have the answer.
    My tech downloaded the adobe flash player “installer” today.
    But I think the key is to
    1) start / run,
    2) enter “services.msc,
    3) go to adobe flash player update services
    4) right click to get to properties 
    5) change startup type to ‘Automatic” and service status to “Stopped”.

    I stumbled upon something that worked although I don't know why the two items are related. I was resetting FireFox in another attempt to get the latest Flash player to work and noticed that my Java Console was disabled. I don't remember ever disabling it but I turned it back on and suddenly, the Flash player stopped crashing.
    Maybe this will help someone else.

  • Cannot download flash player update

    Can't download flash player update on both pc or my laptop

    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by clicking one of the following links.
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

  • Downloading Flash Player-update

    I tried to download the Flash Player-update, but i stopped on 30%. I tried several times, but it always stopped at 30% with the "downloading"-status under the progression-bar. I tried to uninstall Flash Player, and do a clean install, but it stopped at 30 % again! What to do?

    Are you using anti-virus software, if so, if you stop/exit the anti-virus software, does the installation proceed?
    If not, or if the installation still does not proceed after stopping the anti-virus software, please try the offline installer, posted at the bottom of the Installation problems | Flash Player | Macpage, in the 'Still having problems' section.

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