Flash player wont automaically install and there is no pop-up to click allow

I have uninstalled all Flash players and am trying to install the newest version.When I click Agree and Install I'm sent to the page of instructions on how to click on the bar above and click allow active -x .But there is no bar to click on.I cant find a way to install the flash plaer .

Download the offline ActiveX installer http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_ax.exe; save it to disk, then close all browser windows and run the downloaded installer.

Similar Messages

  • Flash player will not install and shockwave is enabled, what do I do?

    Flash player will not install and shockwave is enabled what do I do.

    You start by posting your operating system and browser here in a reply.
    That way we know where to begin.

  • Someone please help me with my flash player problems, i install and then told its not installed

    i have windows 7 only on my laptop now, but it seems that i have all the necessary products needed to play games etc.  I have all my programs that need updates marked to do so as available. I have noticed when i go to particular sites now , like games in FB or games thru my AOL they tell me i need to install the newest version of the flash player. so i do that, go back to that site, same notification appears to install. i dont know ALOT about my laptop but have learned enough to know that i should very well it should be there if i have installed it time and time again  correct? i dont understand the whole basis of what i might need for different sites/games. I have been playing the Big Fish game site since Dec. 2012 and it seems ever since i have been on a daily visit to that site SOMEHOW i cant play any other sites games now. so i read , do this, than this, if this or that is needed..........well it becomes a miss in my brain as to what they are telling/suggesting could be the problem. I truly need someone that has this knowledge to help me learn. i use to play on the webkinz world site for over a year, so last night i thought i would go back in there and again the flash player notice. so something has changed that i am unaware of it and how to solve it. i totally appreciate any help and time someone could give me. thank you,

    In any case, the Flash Player forum is here:
    This is the Reader one.

  • Flash player won't install for adminstrator, but will for child accounts

    I use the Family Safety on our computer.  We have accounts for our child, self (as administrator), and guests.  Flash player shows as installed and works on the child and guest accounts.  But, it does not appear as installed on my administrator account.  We use McAfee for protection, but that doesn't seem to be the problem.  I have tried installing and uninstalling several times. I have tried installing using internet explorer and firefox.  We have windows 7.  I don't know what to do.  It used to be installed.

    Administrator account: there is no flash player listed in the Manage Add-ons list.  Adobe Shockwave Flash Object is enabled.  When I choose to look at all add ons, ActiveX shows up and is also enabled.
    Standard Account: there is no flash player listed in the manage add-ons list.  Adobe shockwave flash object and activeX are both enabled.
    I looked in the "all add ons list" for both accounts, and there is not flash player plug in.  But flash player works in the standard account.  Am I missing a plugin?
    Just to try it I enabled a google toolbar.  Flash player still doesn't work.
    Thank you.

  • Hp DC5000 Adobe flash player won't install?

    Hello all, I have 2 identical desktop pc's Model HP DC5000 32-bit, after reloading XP PRO SP3 on the first then installing flash player 11 went 1,2,3 but on the 2nd pc I am having hell. I am running XP Pro SP3 and IE8, when I go to Adobe the flash player 11 starts installing and stops, error message only reads "installation encountered errors", I tried downloading the Adobe flash player from other sources so I can't figure this out,help?

    Hello, when I try to click on your link, I am getting "oops, page not found"? Also, when I look into the Flash folder, there 4 items:
    Flash6 .ocx
    KB923789 Setup Information file: The contents in this file are:
    Signature = "$Windows NT$"
    Provider = %Msft%
    Class = %ServicePackSourceFiles%
    ClassGUID = {4c1077af-28f5-4869-a262-cfa16ec45544}
    CatalogFile = %COMPID%.cat
    CopyFiles = Copy.Flash.Files
    DelFiles = Del.Old.Files
    AddReg = Default.Reg,Uninst.Reg,Actsetup.Reg
    DelReg = DelReg.OldPatches
    CopyFiles = Copy.Flash.Files
    DelFiles = Del.Old.Files
    AddReg = WXP2.Reg,Uninst.Reg,Actsetup.Reg
    DelReg = DelReg.OldPatches
    CopyFiles = Copy.Flash.Files
    DelFiles = Del.Old.Files
    AddReg = WXP1.Reg,Uninst.Reg,Actsetup.Reg
    DelReg = DelReg.OldPatches
    CopyFiles = Copy.Flash.Files
    DelFiles = Del.Old.Files
    AddReg = NT4.Reg,Uninst.Reg,Actsetup.Reg
    DelReg = DelReg.OldPatches
    DelFiles = Del.Flash.Files
    DelReg = DelReg.OldPatches,Uninstinfo.reg
    HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Advanced INF Setup\KB913433"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{1325db73-d9f1-48f8-8895-6d814ec58889}"
    HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Advanced INF Setup\%COMPID%"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%",,,"%SP_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayName",,"%SP_TI TLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayIcon",,"%11%\m siexec.exe"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%",,,"%WXP_SP_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayName",,"%WXP_S P_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","ParentKeyName",0x0000 0000,"OperatingSystem"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","ParentDisplayName",0x 00000000,"%WXP_PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME%"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%",,,"%WXP_SP_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayName",,"%WXP_S P_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayIcon",,"%11%\m siexec.exe"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%",,,"%NT4_SP_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayName",,"%NT4_S P_TITLE%"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","DisplayIcon",,"%11%\m siexec.exe"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","UninstallString",,"%1 1%\MacroMed\Flash\genuinst.exe %11%\MacroMed\Flash\%COMPID%.inf"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","Publisher",,"Microsof t Corporation"
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","NoModify",0x10001,01, 00,00,00
    HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%COMPID%","NoRepair",0x10001,01, 00,00,00
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%","IsInstalled",0x10001,01,00,00,00
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%","Version",,"%VERSION%"
    HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%","ComponentID",,"%COMPID%"
    54 = %ServicePackSourceFiles%
    System.Files = 11
    Msft                       = "Microsoft"
    Compid                     = "KB923789"
    CatalogFile                = "KB923789.CAT"
    KBNumber                   = "923789"
    Version                    = "6,0,88,0"
    Guid                       = "{5056b317-8d4c-43ee-8543-b9d1e234b8f4}"
    ServicePackSourceFiles     = "Windows Hotfix Source Files"
    SP_TITLE                   = "Security Update for Windows (KB923789)"
    WXP_SP_TITLE               = "Security Update for Windows XP (KB923789)"
    NT4_SP_TITLE               = "Security Update for Windows NT (KB923789)"
    SP_SHORT_TITLE             = "KB923789"
    WXP_PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME    = "Windows XP - Software Updates"
    GenericWarnWin             = "The version of Windows you have installed does not match the update you are trying to install."
    GenericWarnFlash           = "The version of Macromedia Flash you have installed does not match the update you are trying to install."
    FinishMessage              = "This update has been installed."

  • I am using an Mac PPC version 10.5.8 and I am trying to download the correct version of Flash Player.  I did once but I had to install a "Clean Install" of my computer and when finished I had put back the new Flash Player I just installed well every time

    I am using an Mac PPC version 10.5.8 and I am trying to download the correct version of Flash Player.  I did once but I had to install a "Clean Install" of my computer and when finished I had put back the new Flash Player I just installed well every time I try install the new player it is place in my Trash Folder and I can not get Player to work.  I did everything I was to install it correctly but it still does not install it correctly.  Can some help me.  Bob

    Some MacBook Pro versions cannot be upgraded past 10.6.8; others are maxed out at 10.7.5. newer models can go all the way to 10.10. So it is important to know exactly what version you have--there may be close to 40 variants produced since the MB made its debut in 2006.
    You can safely give us a snapshot of your model and its current config that will allow us to deternmmine your model and its upgrade potential, plus show it you have any software that may impede any upgrades. Please download and install this free utility:
    It is secure and written by one of our most valued members to allow users to show details of their computer's configuration in Apple Support Communities without revealing any sensitive personal data.
    Run the program and click the "Copy report to clipboard" button when it displays the results. Then return here and paste the report into a response to your initial post. It can often show if any harmful files/programs are dragging down your performance.
    Remember that, on leaving OS10.6.8, you lose the ability to run older softare written for older PowerPC Macs (yours in Intel-based). Programs such as Office 2004 will no longer work (min of Office 2008 needed to work on newer OS versions), and AppleWorks will stop working completely

  • Flash player has been installed multiple time without errors but bbc news website and even flash player help say it isn't. How do i get out of this loop? - using windows 7 ultimate and latest IE11

    flash player has been installed multiple time without errors but bbc news website and even flash player help say it isn't. How do i get out of this loop? - using windows 7 ultimate and latest IE11

    I have had the same problem for WEEKS and I cannot access any sites that use Flash. Flash has been installed on this computer since I bought it in 2012. I have allowed auto updates but for weeks the updates never get past Step 2 - is this because I do NOT want the Google Tool bar? I use NO tool bars as there is only 6 inches of vertical screen space. Is this because I uncheck wanting Chrome as a default browser?  It is already installed, I just don't use it.  I came to this site and ran the check is it installed and the system says it is either not installed or not enabled. Version 14 just downloaded about 30 minutes ago - but did not progress to Step 3 although a pop up screen came up with a finish button, which I clicked. WHAT is the problem and how do I fix it?  If this were just a compatibility bug between IE11 and Adobe they have had plenty of time to fix it.
    Stephanie HC

  • I just updated my macbook pro and now every time i go to youtube it tells me I have to download the new version of adobe flash player so i do and it still wont let me play it ..

    I just updated my macbook pro and now every time i go to youtube it tells me I have to download the new version of adobe flash player so i do and it still wont let me play it ..

    Assuming Allan's advice is not correct, and you do run the installer, I think I've heard of that problem and it involves removing the old Flash plug-ins, then install the new version. I don't use it so I don't know what they are called, but will be the /Library/Internet Plug-ins folder.
    You can go here and enable HTML5 in YouTube so you don't have to use Flash: http://www.youtube.com/html5
    Most(?) of the content is HTML5, but you may run into videos where you still need Flash.

  • Adobe Flash Player 10 when installed closes the whole computer as soon as it is selected to 'play' a video clip from U Tube or any other source, I have uninstalled it and the problem goes away but I cannot play the clip.any answers?

    Adobe Flash Player 10, when installed, closes the whole computer when it is used to play any clip from U Tube or other source. I uninstalled it and there was no further trouble but, of course, I cannot view the clip. If I reinstall it the same problem persists. I have contacted my 'computer guru' but his comment is that many of his clients have the same problem but it appears to be a problem with Adobe however many other friends have put in the version 10 Flash Player and have no problems. I do not appear to have any other problems with the computer such as viruses etc and it is scanned very day for such items. I would appreciate any advice you can give as it is very annoying, thanks, RAB

    Me too!
    On both IE8 and Firefox. Win 7 32 bit on IBM T42 - 1GB ram.
    Old laptop I know but the 10.1.x.x Flash Players worked just fine. Problem started with flash player.
    Now BBC TV live and iPlayer work just fine, however YouTube does not - audio but no video. Just a black rectangle where the video should be.
    Right click to get the menu and "settings" is greyed out. However select the pop-out option and the video plays. Right click on the pop-out and "settings" is available. So deselect "enable hardware acceleration", close the pop-out and refresh the window (F5) and now YouTube videos play. Switch hardware acceleration back on and now they don't.
    This video works fine with hardware acceleration enabled. http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/features/video/h264/
    These also work. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/stagevideo.html
    Something broken in 10.2, I think.

  • Flash Player is pre-installed in Google Chrome, but not enabled. Flash Player is not there among the plug-ins.

    Flash Player is pre-installed in Google Chrome (Windows7), but not enabled and it is also not there among the list of plug-ins.

    As we don't have any control over the installation process on Chrome, you'd need to seek help in the Chrome forums.
    That said, this seems very odd.
    Type the following in the address bar:
    Click Details and expand the list.
    Scroll down, and you should be able to find Adobe Flash Player in the list.
    If it's not there, I'd remove Chrome and just download it again from Google.
    Also, do you have any security or privacy software (maybe from a not-so-mainstream vendor?) that might helpfully remove Flash Player for you?

  • I have installed adobe flash player on my computer and this is not working please help

    I have installed adobe flash player on my computer and this is not working please help

    What is your operating system & version?
    What is your web browser?
    What means "not working"; what do you see instead of the expected Flash content?

  • I want to play candy crush on Facebook and it says i need latest version of adobe flash player, i downloaded it and it still doesn't work. i uninstalled and re installed and still not working. what is wrong? what do i need to do,

    i want to play candy crush on Facebook and it says i need latest version of adobe flash player, i downloaded it and it still doesn't work. i uninstalled and re installed and still not working. what is wrong? what do i need to do,

  • I have just bought a MacBook Air and i cannot play videos from the internet as it asks for a flash player to be installed i try to download Adobe flash player and it will not allow me to do so?

    I have just bought a MacBook Air and i cannot play videos from the internet as it asks for a flash player to be installed i try to download Adobe flash player and it will not allow me to do so?

    Ziatron is correct that Flash does not work on an iPad, but it does work on a Mac. See Adobe Flash Player

  • Cannot install Flash Player without a password and I don't have one.

    I cannot seem to install Flash Player without a password and I do not have one.  What to do?

    The password that's being requested (required) is your user account password ON YOUR SYSTEM (not for Adobe). You CANNOT install without an administrator account, and you CANNOT set up an administrator account without a password.

  • Installing Reader or Flash player on Windows 7 and I get a blank command prompt screen that does nothing. Help please.

    Installing Reader or Flash player on Windows 7 and I get a blank command prompt screen that does nothing. Help please.

    Try using the offline installers.
    Adobe Reader: http://get.adobe.com/reader/enterprise/
    Flash Player for Internet Exporer - ActiveX
    Flash Player for Firefox - NPAPI

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