Flex 3 rowCount thing for combobox happen in flex 4

I can't find a way to have the flex 3 rowCount thing for combobox happen in flex 4. I tried this:
<s:ComboBox id="cb" width="240">
                    <s:VerticalLayout requestedRowCount="25" >
but no change

Heres a skin you could try for the cb lol
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
<!--- The default skin class for the Spark DropDownList component.
The skin for the anchor button for a DropDownList component
is defined by the DropDownListButtonSkin class.
<p>In a custom skin class that uses transitions, set the
<code>itemDestructionPolicy</code> property to <code>none</code>
for the PopUpAnchor defined by the popUp property.</p>    
@see spark.components.DropDownList       
@see spark.skins.spark.DropDownListButtonSkin
@langversion 3.0
@playerversion Flash 10
@playerversion AIR 1.5
@productversion Flex 4
<s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
             xmlns:fb="http://ns.adobe.com/flashbuilder/2009" alpha.disabled=".5">
    <!-- host component -->
        * @copy spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin#hostComponent
    <fx:Script fb:purpose="styling">
            /* Define the content fill items that should be colored by the "contentBackgroundColor" style. */
        //    static private const contentFill:Array = ["bgFill"];
             * @private
        //    override public function get contentItems():Array {return contentFill};
             * @private
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
                if (getStyle("borderVisible") == false)
                    if (border)
                        border.visible = false;
                    if (background)
                        background.left = background.top = background.right = background.bottom = 0;
                    if (scroller)
                        scroller.minViewportInset = 0;
                    if (border)
                        border.visible = true;
                    if (background)
                        background.left = background.top = background.right = background.bottom = 1;
                    if (scroller)
                        scroller.minViewportInset = 1;
                if (dropShadow)
                    dropShadow.visible = getStyle("dropShadowVisible");
                openButton.setStyle("cornerRadius", getStyle("cornerRadius"));
                if (borderStroke)
                    borderStroke.color = getStyle("borderColor");
                    borderStroke.alpha = getStyle("borderAlpha");
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
        <s:State name="normal" />
        <s:State name="open" />
        <s:State name="disabled" />
    The PopUpAnchor control that opens the drop-down list.
    <p>In a custom skin class that uses transitions, set the
    <code>itemDestructionPolicy</code> property to <code>none</code>.</p>
    <s:PopUpAnchor id="popUp"  displayPopUp.normal="false" displayPopUp.open="true" includeIn="open"
                   left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" itemDestructionPolicy="auto"
                   popUpPosition="below" popUpWidthMatchesAnchorWidth="true">
        This includes borders, background colors, scrollers, and filters.
        @copy spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase#dropDown
        <s:Group id="dropDown" maxHeight="800" minHeight="22" >
            <!--- @private -->
            <s:RectangularDropShadow id="dropShadow" blurX="20" blurY="20" alpha="0.45" distance="7"
                                     angle="90" color="#000000" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0"/>
            <!--- @private -->
            <s:Rect id="border" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">
                    <!--- border stroke @private -->
                    <s:SolidColorStroke id="borderStroke" weight="1"/>
            <!-- fill -->
            <!--- Defines the appearance of drop-down list's background fill. -->
            <s:Rect id="background" left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" >
                <!--    <s:SolidColor id="bgFill" color="0xFFFFFF" />-->
                    <s:SolidColorStroke color="#555555" />
                <s:fill >
                    <s:LinearGradient rotation="75" >
                        <s:GradientEntry color="0x0e47a5"  />
                        <s:GradientEntry color="0x27c1f4" />
                        <s:GradientEntry color="0x0e47a5" />
            <!--- @private -->
            <s:Scroller id="scroller" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" hasFocusableChildren="false" minViewportInset="1">
                <!--- @copy spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer#dataGroup-->
                <s:DataGroup id="dataGroup" itemRenderer="spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer">
                        <s:VerticalLayout gap="0" horizontalAlign="contentJustify" requestedRowCount="15"/>
    <!---  The default skin is DropDownListButtonSkin.
    @copy spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase#openButton
    @see spark.skins.spark.DropDownListButtonSkin -->
    <s:Button id="openButton" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" focusEnabled="false"
              skinClass="spark.skins.spark.DropDownListButtonSkin" /> 
    <!--- @copy spark.components.DropDownList#labelDisplay -->
    <s:Label id="labelDisplay" verticalAlign="middle" maxDisplayedLines="1"
             mouseEnabled="false" mouseChildren="false"
             left="7" right="30" top="2" bottom="2" width="75" verticalCenter="1" />

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    <s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
        <!-- host component -->
        <!-- states -->
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            <s:State name="disabled" />
            <s:State name="normal" />
        <!-- SkinParts
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                       left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" itemDestructionPolicy="auto"
                       popUpPosition="below" popUpWidthMatchesAnchorWidth="true">
            <s:Group id="dropDown" maxHeight="184" minHeight="50" >
                <!-- drop shadow -->
                <!--- @private -->
                <s:RectangularDropShadow id="dropShadow" blurX="20" blurY="20" alpha="0.45" distance="7"
                                         angle="90" color="#FF0000" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0"/>
                <!-- border -->
                <!--- @private -->
                <s:Rect id="border" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">
                        <s:SolidColor color="0xff0000" alpha="0"/>
                        <!--- @private -->
                        <s:SolidColorStroke id="borderStroke" weight="1" alpha="0" />
                <mx:Image source="@Embed('src/com/mindspark/SkinTest1/assets/testSwf.swf#box2')"  id="background"  height="{dropDown.height}" width="{dropDown.width}"/>
                <!-- fill -->
                <!--- Defines the appearance of drop-down list's background fill. -->
                <s:Rect id="background2" left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" >
                        The color of the drop down's background fill.
                        The default color is 0xFFFFFF.
                        <s:SolidColor id="bgFill" color="0x000000" alpha="0"/>
                <!--- @private -->
                <s:Scroller id="scroller" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" hasFocusableChildren="false" minViewportInset="1">
                    <!--- @copy spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer#dataGroup-->
                    <s:DataGroup id="dataGroup" itemRenderer="spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer">
                            <s:VerticalLayout gap="0" horizontalAlign="contentJustify"/>
        <s:TextInput id="textInput" text="DOOOGs" skinClass="com.mindspark.SkinTest1.view.skin.TextInputSkin" />
        <!---  The default skin is ComboBoxButtonSkin.
        @copy spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase#openButton
        @see spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxButtonSkin -->
        <s:Button id="openButton" width="19" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" focusEnabled="false"
                  skinClass="com.mindspark.SkinTest1.view.skin.OpenButtonSkin" /> 
    Any help to what i am doing wrong, or a point to a good resource would be really super.  Thanks for the help.

    If you set the constraints rather than width and height it should work
    <mx:Image source="@Embed('src/com/mindspark/SkinTest1/assets/testSwf.swf#box2')"  id="background"
    top="1" left="1" bottom="1" right="1"/>

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12982: Fix for issue with exposing accessible names for combobox list items

    Revision: 12982
    Revision: 12982
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-15 20:44:23 -0800 (Tue, 15 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix for issue with exposing accessible names for combobox list items
    QE notes: none
    Doc notes: none
    Bugs: n/a
    Reviewer: Gordon
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Modified Paths:

    Add this to the end of your nav p CSS selector at Line 209 of your HTML file, after 'background-repeat...':
    margin-bottom: -2px;
    Your nav p will then look like this:
    nav p {
              font-size: 90%;
              font-weight: bold;
              color: #FFC;
              background-color: #090;
              text-align: right;
              padding-top: 5px;
              padding-right: 20px;
              padding-bottom: 5px;
              border-bottom-width: 2px;
              border-bottom-style: solid;
              border-bottom-color: #060;
              background-image: url(images/background.png);
              background-repeat: repeat-x;
              margin-bottom: -2px;

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    Hi camickr - I apologize for initiating new threads. Although I am aware that I should reply to follow-up, to me these was a totally different question from the others, although the context was the same.
    I'll be more careful though !
    Thanks for your reply. Actually I got the two (Boolean and Object) renderers working. The problem I am having now is that before I implented the rendering piece, once I clicked on a row, it got highlighted, however now, after implementing these, that doesn't happen anymore. How can I get it to behave as before, where it highlighted a particular row ?
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        table.setDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class, new TableRenderer());
       table.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new TableTextRenderer());
    //cell renderers
    class TableRenderer extends JCheckBox implements TableCellRenderer {
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
                                Object value, boolean isSelected,
                                boolean hasFocus, int row, int column ) {
              if( row >= 3){
                setBackground( Color.yellow );
            else setBackground(Color.white);
            return this;
      class TableTextRenderer extends JTextArea implements TableCellRenderer {
          public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
                                  Object value, boolean isSelected,
                                  boolean hasFocus, int row, int column ) {
        JTextArea label = new JTextArea();
                if( row >= 3 && column == 0){
                  setBackground( Color.yellow );
             else label.setBackground(Color.white);
      return label;

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    Please review the options below to determine which method is best to remove the Adware installed on your computer.
    The Easy, safe, effective method:
    If you are comfortable doing manual file removals use the somewhat more difficult method:
    Also read the articles below to be more prepared for the next time there is an issue on your computer.

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    Please don't shout.
    Has the unit EVER been jailbroke?  Has it EVER been dropped?  Did it EVER get excessively wet?  Did you EVER load a pirated developer's version of the IOS?
    If "No" to all the above, first try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  It could take well over an hour!  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow the on-screen directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore and you have IOS-6 or lower, go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  Also, if you have IOS-7, read this.

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    I have an I pad 2 . I have put things for sale on Craigslist but I cannot put pictures on the ad. Is there an app or something I need to be able to load the pictures to the ad. I also have an I phone4s same thing with it. Appreciate any info. Thanks iPad

    Yes there is; http://itunes.apple.com/app/+craigslist+/id373576667?alreadyRedirected=1&mt=8

  • I have an I pad 2 . I have put things for sale on Craigslist but I cannot put pictures on the ad. Is there an app or so etching I need to be able to load the pictures to the ad. I also have an I phone4s same thing with it. Appreciate any info. Thanks

    I have an I pad 2 . I have put things for sale on Craigslist but I cannot put pictures on the ad. Is there an app or so etching I need to be able to load the pictures to the ad. I also have an I phone4s same thing with it. Appreciate any info. Thanks

    There are Craigslist apps that are nice, but trying using copy paste. Go to your photos, select the photo. Hold down your finger on it to copy. Then in the body of the post, hold down your finger and select paste.

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    Chick3597 wrote:
    Regardless of apple updating something or another. I have no need for the additional questions and really don't want to allow them to bully me into compliance.
    You may have no need for additional but Apple does. They don't want your iTunes account to be hacked and then go complaining to them that their security procedures are not up to standards.
    Chick3597 wrote:
    So how can I continue in the good old fashioned way?
    Its really absurd to even ask this in light of the information that you have been given already. The "old fashioned" way is gone. It's Apple's store, Apples's rules and IMO - its a wise decision on Apple's part.
    You do not have to comply at all, but you will not be able to purchase from iTunes anymore, but nobody is going to force you to do something that you do not want to do.

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    I called Verizon tech support, and was informed that there is an option to close the Network Extender. This would allow only numbers on the white list to connect to the extender. Is the information I received incorrect? I spoke to them just the other day. Have you tried to configure the extender recently?
    My post asking for clarification is here: https://community.verizonwireless.com/message/1002928#1002928
    Thanks for any information you can provide.

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    Thank you for your help are you aware of any apps that will work the iso 4.2.1 system that will let you watch movies on the phone. Also I tried to down load something else the other day and got message that Safari wont let you open this is ther any to see if i have the latest safari on my phone?

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    This ios7 is the worst thing that can happen to apple phones . My phone is hanging all the time what should I do .

    Back up your iPhone and restore from backup. If that's does not help, restore your iPhone as new (not from backup).

  • When i active my mac pro all i get is a white screen and  it loading .. and when it fully loaded it turns off and the same thing keep on happening again

    when i active my mac pro all i get is a white screen and  it loading and when it fully load its turn off , and it keep on doing the same thing for hours

    Hi Shahenaz,
    It's a little difficult to understand exactly what's going on with your mac based on the description you gave. Is there anything else you could add? Is it stuck in a reboot loop? Or is it just showing a white screen forever?
    I had pretty much the same problem a few days ago, and was worried my mac was screwed permanently, but I got it fixed up no problem!
    Follow these steps to try and troubleshoot/fix the problem.
    1. Boot into OSX Recovery Mode
    First, turn off your Mac. If it isn't responding, or is stuck in a reboot loop, just hold down the power button until it turns off, and you hear the fans stop. Then boot it while holding the Command and R keys. If it successfully boots into OSX Recovery Mode, continue with this step. If not, skip to step two. (My Mac couldn't successfully boot into the recovery mode, so I had to go to step 2)
    Select "Disk Utility" from the list of options, and find your built in hard drive from the list on the left. Usually there are two listings/names for your drive. The first should be something like "500GB longchainoflettersnumbers Media". Then the one below will be a little easier on the eyes, named Macintosh HD, if you haven't changed its name. That's the one you want, click it.
    Now go to the "First Aid" tab. Click on the "Verify Disk" button in the bottom right corner, and let it do its thing. Once that's done, hit repair disk, also in the bottom right corner. If your disk is corrupted, you may need to run the repair process several times, before it comes up completely clean.
    Once this is done, select Shut Down from the Apple menu and, once your Mac is completely off, turn it back on like normal. If it works, great. If not, proceed to step two.
    2. SafeBoot
    Sometimes, when a mac is acting up and doesn't want to start, all it takes is a safe boot, followed by a regular restart. Or maybe you recently installed a program that either has malicious or errored coding that's causing your troubles. This is where Safe Boot comes in.
    Turn off your mac, and reboot it while holding Shift. (If you want to see the process that's going on in the background, boot while holding Shift, Command, and V. This will enter something called Verbose Mode).
    If it boots successfully into Safe Mode, great. If you believe that there's a particular program that you recently downloaded that might be causing your trouble, now's the time to delete it. If not, just reboot normally and see if it works! If it doesn't, or if your Mac didn't even Safe Boot like mine, proceed to step 3.
    3. Fsck!
    For this step, you're going to be booting your mac into Single User Mode. I'm not going to go into details as to what this step does, but it works for some people. Here are the steps.
    Turn off your mac, and reboot it while holding Command and S. The screen should go black, and you'll see some white text run across the screen, wait a few seconds, until you see the command prompt. Now type
    fsck -fy
    and hit the Enter key. This will run a series of system checks, which could take a few minutes. Be patient on this part. Once it's done, it will show one of two messages:
    1. "The volume (your Mac) appears to be OK
    2. "File System Was Modified"
    If you got message 1, type reboot and press Return. Hopefully your computer works after this - if not, proceed to step 4.
    If you got message 2, run the same command again until you get message 1. If it doesn't seem to be working, turn off your system and proceed to step 4.
    If you couldn't even boot into Single User Mode in the first place (like me), go to step 4 anyways.
    Step 4: Reset the NVRAM
    The NVRAM is another kind of RAM that stores data like the computer volume you had set before you turned it off, or the screen brightness, resolution etc. This memory is saved, unlike with regular RAM. Resetting it isn't harmful to your system, it will just put your screen brightness, volume, etc. to defaults.
    Turn off your Mac, and reboot while holding Command, Option, P, and R, and continue holding them down until you hear the computer restart again.
    I can't really explain why to do this step, I just know it works for some people, and seems to be what unbricked my MacBook Pro. If none of these steps, fixed your Mac, well the situation is looking pretty grim. Try setting up a meeting with a Mac Genius at your local Apple store. However, I know that many other people with these symptoms ended up having a logic board failure. Apple can swap out your logic board for a new one, but the price is pretty hefty, somewhere around $300 I believe.
    Well I wish you luck, I hope this helped you!

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