Flex error 1034: Type Coercion Failed

I extended the File class as AudioFile.  I only added one new property "category".  I intend to filter files out of a directory structure and keep the AudioFile objects in a simple indexed array.  I also want to add category info to the AudioFile object's "category" property.  The error is thrown after I call getDirectoryListing, assign the returned File objects to "content:Array", and then I iterate through "content" assinging each File object to an AudioFile object.  I thought that sense AudioFile is an extension of File that this would not be a problem.  The heart of the issue is how getDirectoryListing returns File objects but I need AudioFile objects.  My next instinct is to override the getDirectoryListing method but I can not find the class declaration for File.
Is there a way to cast the File objects as AudioFile objects?  Should I be using a different strategy for assigning category info to the File objects?  Maybe I should not be extending File class at all.  I am kind of stuck.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my code.  Please note that this is my first flex/air/actionscript I ever wrote.  I am using Flash Builder 4.5 and my target is Air Desktop.  The extended class AudioFile is in AudioFile.as.
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    public class AudioFile extends File
        public function AudioFile()
        public var category:String;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                        applicationComplete="init()" width="386" height="581"
        <s:VerticalLayout paddingTop="6" paddingLeft="6" paddingRight="6" paddingBottom="6"/>
            import AudioFile;
            import flash.events.Event;
            import flash.filesystem.File;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            private var audioObj:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
            protected function init():void
// Center main AIR app window on the screen
                nativeWindow.x = (Capabilities.screenResolutionX - nativeWindow.width) / 2;
                nativeWindow.y = (Capabilities.screenResolutionY - nativeWindow.height) / 2;
                // Get notified when minimize/maximize occurs
                addEventListener(NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGING, onDisplayStateChange);
// Handles when the app is minimized/maximized
            protected function onDisplayStateChange(e:NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent):void
                trace("Display State Changed from " + e.beforeDisplayState + " to " + e.afterDisplayState);
            private var masterList:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
            private var dgArray:Array = new Array();
            private var initDG:ArrayCollection;
            public function initData():void {
                var initDG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(dgArray);
            private function analyze():void {
                // ActionScript file
                var sourceDir:AudioFile = getSourceDir();
                var fileList:Array = new Array();
                var dirList:Array = new Array();
                function transverseDirStructure(sourceDir:AudioFile):Array {
                    var flag:Boolean = false;
                    var dirList:Array = new Array();
                    var fileList:Array = new Array();
                    do {
                        var contents:Array = sourceDir.getDirectoryListing();
                        for(var i:int=0;i < contents.length; i++) {
                            // test for isDirectory
                            var file:AudioFile = contents[i];
                            if (file.isDirectory == true) {
                            else {
                        if (dirList.length == 0)
                            flag = false;
                        else {
                            // recursion
                            fileList = fileList.concat(transverseDirStructure(dirList,fileList));
                    } while (flag == false)
                    return fileList;
                function filterExtensions(fileList:Array):Array {
                    var cleanExtensionsList:Array = new Array();
                    for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                        if (i.extension == ".wav" || ".aiff") {
                    return cleanExtensionsList;
                function filterSize(fileList:Array):Array {
                    var cleanSizeList:Array = new Array();
                    var maxFileSize:int = 350000;
                    for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                        if (i.size < maxFileSize) {
                    return cleanSizeList;
                function categorizeAudioFiles(fileList:Array):Array {
                    var masterList:Array = new Array();
                    var flag:Boolean = true;
                    var categories:Array = new Array();
                    for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                        for each (var x:String in categories) {
                            if (i.name.search(x) > 0) {
                                // Add name of category to the extended property.
                                i.category = x;
                    return masterList;
                fileList = transverseDirStructure(fileList);
                fileList = filterSize(fileList);
                fileList = filterExtensions(fileList);
                fileList = categorizeAudioFiles(fileList);
            private function generateRandom():void {
            private function setDestination():void {
                var file:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, dirSelected);
                file.browseForDirectory("Select a directory");
                function dirSelected(e:Event):void {
                    txtDestination.text = file.nativePath;
            private function getDestination():AudioFile {
                var destinationDir:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                destinationDir.nativePath = txtDestination.text;
                return destinationDir;
            private function getSourceDir():AudioFile {
                var sourceDir:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                sourceDir.nativePath = txtBrowse1.text;
                return sourceDir;
            private function setSourceDir():void {
                var file:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, dirSelected);
                file.browseForDirectory("Select a directory");
                function dirSelected(e:Event):void {
                    txtBrowse1.text = file.nativePath;
            // Control logic
    <mx:Form width="373" height="113" id="formChooseDirectory1">
        <mx:FormHeading label="1. Choose A Source Directory..." width="315" fontSize="13" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#CF71FF"/>
        <s:Button label="Browse..." fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="13" color="#CF71FF" id="btnBrowse1" enabled="true" click="setSourceDir()"/>
        <s:TextInput width="333" id="txtBrowse1" enabled="false" text="C:\Users\RokaMic\Bangin Beats"/>
    <mx:Form width="373" height="231" id="formAnalyze">
        <mx:FormHeading label="2. Analyze Samples..." fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="13" color="#00D8FF" width="245"/>
        <s:Button label="Analyze" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#00D8FF" id="btnAnalyze" enabled="true" click="analyze()"/>
        <mx:DataGrid editable="false" enabled="true" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#00D8FF" width="337" dataProvider="{initDG}">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File name" dataField="filename" color="#00D8FF" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Category" dataField="category" color="#00D8FF" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
    <mx:Form width="374" height="173" id="formGenerate">
        <s:Button label="Generate Drum Kits" width="342" height="52" fontSize="18" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#00FF06" id="btnGenerate1" enabled="true" click="generateRandom()"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="How Many?" fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="13" color="#00FF00" width="340">
            <s:HSlider width="206" stepSize="1" value="1" minimum="1" maximum="25" id="sliderHowMany" liveDragging="true"/>
        <s:Button label="Destination..." color="#00FF00" id="btnDestination" enabled="true" click="setDestination()"/>
        <s:TextInput width="332" id="txtDestination" enabled="false"/>

i copied this from your code:
      function categorizeAudioFiles(fileList:Array):Array {
                    var masterList:Array = new Array();
                    var flag:Boolean = true;
                    var categories:Array = new Array();
                    for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                        for each (var x:String in categories) {
                            if (i.name.search(x) > 0) {
                                // Add name of category to the extended property.
                                i.category = x;
                    return masterList;
                fileList = transverseDirStructure(fileList);
                fileList = filterSize(fileList);
                fileList = filterExtensions(fileList);
                fileList = categorizeAudioFiles(fileList);
does that contain line 129?  if so, where are those last 5 lines?
they don't appear to be part of the categorizeAudioFiles() function so there should be a compiler error about that last }.  or, you've nested a named function somewhere.

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                        //var dispObject:DisplayObject;
                        //dispObject = code here to get displayObject;//valid DisplayObject got
                        var focusManager1:FocusManager = dispObject["focusManager"];
                        var component:IFocusManagerComponent = dispObject as IFocusManagerComponent;
                        if(focusManager1 != null && component != null)
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    mx.managers.FocusManager is for Flex Components and does not work with any other objects.
    In order to set focus on an InteractiveObject (you cannot set focus on a DisplayObject which is not an InteractiveObject) use stage.focus.

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                flash.net.registerClassAlias("TestStructureInner", TestStructureInner);
                flash.net.registerClassAlias("VectorTestInner", Vector.<TestStructureInner> as Class);
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        TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert __AS3__.vec::Vector.<Object>@304fcb9 to __AS3__.vec.Vector.<__AS3__.vec::Vector.<Test0.as$30::TestStructureInner>>.
        TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert __AS3__.vec::Vector.<Object>@304fbc9 to __AS3__.vec.Vector.<__AS3__.vec::Vector.<Test0.as$30::TestStructureInner>>.
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    // mxmlc -debug Test0.as
        import Base64; // http://code.google.com/p/jpauclair-blog/source/browse/trunk/Experiment/Base64/src/Base64.a s
        import flash.net.registerClassAlias;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.Stage;
        import flash.system.System;
        public class Test0 extends Sprite
            static private const OPERATION_SERIALIZE:uint = 0;
            static private const OPERATION_DESERIALIZE_AND_FAIL:uint = 1;
            static private const OPERATION_DESERIALIZE_AND_SUCCEED:uint = 2;
            static private var staticStage:Stage;
            private var bar:Vector.<TestStructure>;
    * common functions
            static private function registerClassAliases():void
                flash.net.registerClassAlias("TestStructureInner", TestStructureInner);
                flash.net.registerClassAlias("VectorTestInner", Vector.<TestStructureInner> as Class);
                flash.net.registerClassAlias("TestStructure", TestStructure);
            static public function staticDeserialize():Object
                var byteArray:ByteArray = Base64.decode("EBUAG1Rlc3RTdHJ1Y3R1cmUKEwAHZm9vEAEAH1ZlY3RvclRlc3RJbm5lcgoBEAEABAoBEAEABA oBEAEABAoBEAEABAoBEAEABAoBEAEABAoBEAEABAoBEAEABAoBEAEABA==");
                byteArray.position = 0;
                return byteArray.readObject();
            public function Test0():void
                // Switching operation between the constants demonstrates failure/success in a couple of different ways.
                // SERIALIZE is just used to prepare the base64 string for subsequent tests.
                var operation:int = OPERATION_SERIALIZE_AND_FAIL;
                if (operation == OPERATION_SERIALIZE)
                    // outputs base64 string for subsequent tests
                else if (operation == OPERATION_DESERIALIZE_AND_FAIL)
                    trace("Fail case");
                    // perform successful one deserialization, then one failing one.
                else if (operation == OPERATION_DESERIALIZE_AND_SUCCEED)
                    trace("Success via re-registration");
                    // perform successful one deserialization, then another successful one.
    * serialize
            // outputs base64 string we use for subsequent tests.
            private function serialize():void
                var baz:Vector.<TestStructure> = new Vector.<TestStructure>;
                for (var i:int=0; i<10; ++i)
                    baz.push(new TestStructure);
                var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
    * deserializeOnceThenFail
            // perform successful one deserialization, then one failing one.
            public function deserializeOnceThenFail():void
                // save stage
                staticStage = stage;
                // the first deserialize will proceed without error.
                trace("Successful deserialize");
                // add an event listener in order to invoke error on subsequent frame
                stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doEnterFrameOnceThenFail);
            // remove event listener and invoke again.
            static private function doEnterFrameOnceThenFail(e:Event):void
                staticStage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doEnterFrameOnceThenFail);
                trace("unsuccessful deserialize2");
    * deserializeOnceThenSucceed
    * Here, we re-call flash.net.registerClassAlias on all our class types when running.
            // perform successful one deserialization, then one failing one.
            public function deserializeOnceThenSucceed():void
                // save stage
                staticStage = stage;
                // the first deserialize will proceed without error.
                trace("Successful deserialize");
                // add an event listener in order to invoke error on subsequent frame
                stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doEnterFrameOnceThenSucceed);
            // remove event listener and invoke again.
            static private function doEnterFrameOnceThenSucceed(e:Event):void
                staticStage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doEnterFrameOnceThenSucceed);
                trace("successful deserialize2");
    internal class TestStructureInner
              public var value:int;
    internal class TestStructure
              public var foo:Vector.<Vector.<TestStructureInner>> = new Vector.<Vector.<TestStructureInner>>;

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  • ActionScript 3.0: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert displayObject$ to DefaultPackage

    I'm a student I have a final project want to deliver it after two days.
    I'm making a drag and drop game, I watched a tutorial to do that.
    But after ending coding I faced a weird error!
    I've I checked that my code is the same as the code in the tutorial.
    This is the Debug error report:
        Attempting to launch and connect to Player using URL E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\DragAndDrop.swf
        [SWF] E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\DragAndDrop.swf - 87403 bytes after decompression
        TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert paper1$ to DragDrop.
                  at Targets()[E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\Targets.as:23]
    My `.fla` File is containing 12 Objects to drag and another 12 Objects to drop on it.
    The idea here is when drop the Object on the target the Object will become invisible and the target become visible (in `.fla` file `target alpha = 0`).
    I made two classes:
    DragDrop.as : for the objects that I'm going to drag.
    Targets.as  : for the targets that I'm going to drop Objects on it.
    Note: match function is to animate "GameOver" MovieClip When complete the game.
                  import flash.display.*;
                  import flash.events.*;
                  public class DragDrop extends Sprite
                            var origX:Number;
                            var origY:Number;
                            var target:DisplayObject;
                            public function DragDrop()
                                      // constructor code
                                      origX = x;
                                      origY = y;
                                      addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
                                      buttonMode = true;
                            function drag(evt:MouseEvent):void
                                      stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
                            function drop(evt:MouseEvent):void
                                      stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
                                                visible = false;
                                                target.alpha = 1;
                                      x = origX;
                                      y = origY;
                  import flash.display.*;
                  import flash.events.*;
                  public class Targets extends MovieClip
                            var dragdrops:Array;
                            var numOfMatches:uint = 0;
                            var speed:Number = 25;
                            public function Targets()
                                      // constructor code
                                      dragdrops = [paper1,paper2,paper3,paper4,paper5,paper6,
                                      var currentObject:DragDrop;
                                      for(var i:uint = 0; i < dragdrops.length; i++)
                                                currentObject = dragdrops[i];
                                                currentObject.target = getChildByName(currentObject.name + "_target");
                            public function match():void
                                      if(numOfMatches == dragdrops.length)
                                                win.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, winGame);
                            function winGame(event:Event):void
                                      win.y -= speed;
                                      if(win.y <= 0)
                                                win.y = 0;
                                                win.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, winGame);
                                                win.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickWin);
                            function clickWin(event:MouseEvent):void
                                      win.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickWin);
                                      win.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateDown);
                                      var currentObject:DragDrop;
                                      for(var i:uint = 0; i < dragdrops.length; i++)
                                                currentObject = dragdrops[i];
                                                getChildByName(currentObject.name + "_target").alpha = 0;
                                                currentObject.visible = true;
                                      numOfMatches = 0;
                            function animateDown(event:Event):void
                                      win.y += speed;
                                      if(win.y >= stage.stageHeight)
                                                win.y = stage.stageHeight;
                                                win.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateDown);

    Thank you very much for replying.
    - dragdrops represents: the dragable objects.
    - Targets obtaining the dropable objects by hitTestObject, then the dropable objects visible is turned to false, & the target visible turned to true.
    Dragable objects is a 12 elements all of them have an instance names: paper1....paper12.
    When I focused to the project I noticed that I forget to give the dragable objects an instance names!
    after making the instance names to them, a new error occures:
    E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\Targets.as, Line 11
    1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: paper1.
    This error is continuing to paper2, paper3.....paper12 !
    Please download my project, I must deliver it to my college in 24/12. I will never forget your favor. thanks.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/8mdg5w17vvryzso/Drag%20and%20Drop%20Project.rar | 715KB

  • Flash CS4 - Images in gallery will not show- TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot co

    So for my A2 studies I have to make an interactive product using flash. Long story short, I needed to make a flash gallery. I am using the "Zen Gallery Flash Component" and this is my code;
    galleryInstance.albums=[                                                             {                                                                         imagesFolder:"N:\ICT\ICT Unit 10\Prototype 3\images",                                                                       icon:"4.jpg",                                                                       items:                                                                       [                                                                                 {source:"1.jpg"},                                                                                 {source:"2.png"},                                                                                 {source:"3.jpg"},                                                                                 {source:"4.jpg"},                                                                                 {source:"5.jpg"}                                                                       ]                                                             },                                                             {                                                                       imagesFolder:"N:\ICT\ICT Unit 10\Prototype 3\images",                                                                       icon:"8.jpg",                                                                       items:                                                                       [                                                                                 {source:"6.png"},                                                                                 {source:"7.jpg"},                                                                                 {source:"8.jpg"},                                                                                 {source:"9.jpg"},                                                                                 {source:"10.jpg"}                                                                       ]                                                             }                                                             ]; galleryInstance.build(); 
    The user manual does not specify any more coding is needed (I read all the relevant parts and couldn't find anything). The problem is that my images do not show but when exporting the flash product, the gallery is fully functionon - it seems that it cannot locate my images.
    In addition to this, I get multiple Output Errors;
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::IOErrorEvent@2d09a709 to Error. TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::IOErrorEvent@2d09a709 to Error. TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::IOErrorEvent@2d09a709 to Error.etc..
    What am I doing wrong?

    I'm not sure, the gallery just appeares to be an SWF.
    This is all that came up when I clicked it (I had a look at the parameters and they don't seem to help in the addition of pictures).
    There appears to be no forum for this flash component :L

  • Type Coercion failed error

    My Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
            <mx:State name="addRoleState">
                 <mx:RemoveChild target="rLabel"/>
                <mx:RemoveChild target="pLabel"/>
                <mx:RemoveChild target="h1Box"/>
                <mx:AddChild relativeTo="roleForm" position="firstChild">
                    <mx:FormItem id="rNameId" label="Role">
                        <mx:TextInput id="roleName" />
                  <mx:AddChild relativeTo="roleForm" position="lastChild">
                        <mx:HBox id="h2Box">
                             <mx:Button  id="saveButton" label="Save" click=""/>
                             <mx:Button  id="cancelButton" label="Cancel" click="currentState=' '"/>
        <mx:Form id="roleForm">
            <mx:FormItem  id="rLabel" label="Role">
                <mx:ComboBox id="roleCombo" labelField="roleName"/>
            <mx:FormItem id="pLabel" label="Permission">
                <mx:List id="permDataId" width="75"/>
            <mx:FormItem id="h1Box">
                     <mx:Button  id="editButton" label="Edit" click=""/>
                     <mx:Button  id="deleteButton" label="Delete" click=""/>
                     <mx:Button id="addButton" label="Add Role" click="currentState='addRoleState'"/>
    I am getting the below error when I click 'cancel' button (where currentState=' ' event function triggers)
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "h1Box" to mx.core.UIComponent.
         at mx.states::RemoveChild/remove()
         at mx.core::UIComponent/removeState()
         at mx.core::UIComponent/commitCurrentState()
         at mx.core::UIComponent/setCurrentState()
         at mx.core::UIComponent/set currentState()
         at RoleInfo/__cancelButton_click()
    Please help me understand what is causing the above error.

    I was able to get your app to work under Flex 3.5 by making a few changes.  First, I had to add curly brakets around the RemoveChild targets and the AddChild relativeTo properties.  Finally, I removed the extra space in cancelButton's click method.
    Hope this helps,
    Here's the revised code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
              <mx:State name="addRoleState">
                   <mx:RemoveChild target="{rLabel}"/>
                   <mx:RemoveChild target="{pLabel}"/>
                   <mx:RemoveChild target="{h1Box}"/>
                   <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{roleForm}" position="firstChild">
                        <mx:FormItem id="rNameId" label="Role">
                             <mx:TextInput id="roleName" />
                   </mx:AddChild>               <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
                             <mx:HBox id="h2Box">
                                  <mx:Button  id="saveButton" label="Save" />
                                  <mx:Button  id="cancelButton" label="Cancel" click="currentState=''"/>
         <mx:Form id="roleForm">
              <mx:FormItem  id="rLabel" label="Role">
                   <mx:ComboBox id="roleCombo" labelField="roleName"/>
              <mx:FormItem id="pLabel" label="Permission">
                   <mx:List id="permDataId" width="75"/>
              <mx:FormItem id="h1Box">
                        <mx:Button  id="editButton" label="Edit" />
                        <mx:Button  id="deleteButton" label="Delete" />
                        <mx:Button id="addButton" label="Add Role" click="currentState='addRoleState'"/>

  • Type Coercion error when using Chart change event

    After upgrading to the Flex Builder 3 December build. I get a
    type coercion error whenever I subscribe to a chart "change" event.
    I get this error even with the "Selecting chart items" code sample
    in the Flex Help. Is this a known issue?
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
    mx.charts.events::ChartItemEvent@7107b81 to
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framewor k\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:9041]
    mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartBase/regionChangeHandler()[C:\Work\flex\dmv_automation\proje cts\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\chartClasses\ChartBase.as:4393]
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framewor k\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:9041]
    mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartBase/dispatchRegionChange()[C:\Work\flex\dmv_automation\proj ects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\chartClasses\ChartBase.as:4624]
    mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartBase/endTracking()[C:\Work\flex\dmv_automation\projects\data visualisation\src\mx\charts\chartClasses\ChartBase.as:4636]

    Thanks, it looks like somebody has moved the bug to the
    charting components bug base and set the status to new, so it will
    be investigated:
    Thanks again,

  • Sub-apps event passing in multi-versioned application - type coersion fails

    I have the following structure on an application I'm working on:
    AirWrapper, basically just an AIR wrapper for the core. Includes AIR specific definitions of various classes needed by the core.
        |---- loads core.swf using SWFLoader, contains functionality for handling data saving/loading, subapp loading, etc.
                 |-----loads subapp.swf using SWFLoader, with loadForCompatibility = true;
    From subapp.swf I'm dispatching a ServiceReferenceEvent (custom event), which is supposed to be caught by the core.swf. If I set loadForCompatibility = false, then it works as it should. However if I set loadForCompatibility = true, then I get a
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert fi.activeark.platform.events::ServiceReferenceEvent@1e0afeb1 to fi.activeark.platform.events.ServiceReferenceEvent.
    Now if I've understood the documentations correctly, the reason this error pops up is because the subapp is loaded into a sibling application domain of the core.swf and is therefore using it's own definition of the ServiceReferenceEvent (even though both the core and the subapp in fact reference the same .as file). My research on the issues suggests that I should be able to fix this by boot strapping the ServiceReferenceEvent class into AirWrapper. This should make both the core and the subapp use the same definition.
    The problem is that this doesn't work. Does anyone have any thoughts on why? Alternatively I would be happy if someone would suggest an alternate method for communicating between a main and subapp swf with loadForCompatibility = true (preferrably one that would allow me to pass custom events)? I need the loadForCompatilbility = true because we're expecting subapps to be created with different versions of the Flex framework over the life cycle of the application.

    Thanks Alex! I got it to work as you described. I realized that I of course also need to marshal every object that the event I send through references, which means even more extra code. Another issue is that the event that I'm marshalling is referencing an object that must implement a particular interface. What I've tried is creating a basic object, add references to the implemented functions, and then type cast it to the interface in question. I've also tried type casting directly but all fails. Is it possible to marshal an interface?
    Basically what I want to have happen is that the subapp I'm loading dispatches an event to the core. The event contains a reference to an object which implements an interface that the core.swf also knows about. The methods of this interface are then used as callbacks from the core.swf. If marshalling an interface is not possible, do you have any suggestions on how I could achieve a similar thing in some other way?

  • Problem with stage and Error #1034

    Well I'm newbie in AS, writing it only for a 5 days and I've come across error which gives me a lot headache. I was searching for solution to it for quite some time now and didnt understand what I suppose to do with solution.
    So, here is my problem if someone is willing to take a look at it.
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@ef6fb51 to flash.display.MovieClip.
    at Association_fla::MainTimeline/frame30()
    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
    at Association_fla::Association_12/prikazi()
    at MethodInfo-32()
    I have a lot of layers and movieclips inside my fla and so pasting all of my code isn' t an option, cause there is a lot of newb, memory wasting programming it could take hours for someone to look into it.
    Problem here is, if I understood it right, that my stage isn't a movieclip as I referenced it, most probably in this section of code:
    MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("result");    //  in  stage / association_mc
    Didn't have that error while doing same thing in other movieclips like:
    MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("home");  //  in  stage / instructions_mc
    And last question is: How can reference my main stage? I'm using MovieClip(parent) to get to it, but I see that everyone using just stage object from Stage class
    Thank you in advance!

    also reports call to undefined method :/
    1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndPlay through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
    After numerous checking code all over again and testing and tracing everything i found out that problem occurs when going to result label at Frame 31 when playing the result_mc movie.
    going from different movieclip to it gives this errors
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@ea9fb51 to flash.display.MovieClip.
    at Association_fla::MainTimeline/frame30()
    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
    at Association_fla::Association_12/prikazi()
    at MethodInfo-32()
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@1fc76b51 to flash.display.MovieClip.
    at Association_fla::MainTimeline/frame30()
    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
    at Association_fla::Home_2/gotoA()
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@1fc59b51 to flash.display.MovieClip.
    at Association_fla::MainTimeline/frame30()
    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
    at Association_fla::Highscorescopy_36/gotoM()
    resolved !
    found on one forum this answer, maybe it will help someone else
    I've just had the same problem myself. A bit of detective work revealed that it has nothing to do with the code, but occurs when:
    The swf is being run from a remote server.
    You have a custom class on the stage which has an instance name.
    The class is NOT declared as "Export in first frame".
    An instance of the class doesn't appear on the first frame of the movie.
    So the solution, in my case, was just to tick "Export in first frame" in the library symbol linkage options. This made everything work fine, but if anyone knows why this is then I'd be interested to know.

  • Error 1034: Converting movie clip to instance of a custom object?

    I have several movie clips on the stage that each have unique instance names.
    I need to instantiate them as instances of a custom class I have created. This is giving me an error, and I know I'm probably missing some simple concept somewhere, doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is.
    Here is my code:
    In the main timeline, I have (simplified):
    var puzzleAL:GeoGroup = new GeoGroup ("AL", "Alabama", 1, false);
    puzzleAL.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoTouchBeginHandler);
    function geoTouchBeginHandler (e:TouchEvent): void {
        e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoTouchEndHandler);
    function geoTouchEndHandler (e:TouchEvent): void {
        if (e.target.lock == false) {
        else if (e.target.lock == true) {
        e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoTouchEndHandler);
    It throws an error before the object is ever instantiated. It compiles, but at runtime I get:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Puzzleography_fla::Alaska_2@da0a0f9 to GeoGroup.
         at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
         at Puzzleography_fla::MainTimeline/goToFrame()
    My class code looks like this, if it matters:
    package  {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class GeoGroup extends MovieClip {
            public var abbrev:String;
            public var fullName:String;
            public var assignedOrder:Number;
            public var lock:Boolean;
            public function GeoGroup(abbrev:String, fullName:String, assignedOrder:Number, lock:Boolean) {
                this.abbrev = abbrev;
                this.fullName = fullName;
                this.assignedOrder = assignedOrder;
                this.lock = lock;
    I'm missing something obvious, I know it, but I'm new to OOP, switching from procedural, so I'm sure I'm getting a concept wrong somewhere.
    Thanks so much!

    yes, it makes sense and yes, you'll need to learn a little.
    I have 50 movie clips not linked to any actionscript in the movie.
    that's incorrect.  those movieclips are linked to all the actionscript that applies to their class.  so, even if those movieclips weren't part of the GeoClass, they still have all the properties, methods and events of the movieclip class (created by adobe developers).
    The fact these movieclips are actually GeoGroup objects extending the movieclip class, adds even more code to them.  and, so far that's all good and exactly what you should do.
    They are all on the stage. They are all named with their instance names "puzzleAZ" "puzzleTX" etc.
    no problem, usually.  (but in your case, a problem explained below.)
    I want to be able to add variables to them, such as strings and numbers, so that I can call puzzleAZ.size or puzzleAZ.fullName to get "XX Acres" or "Arizona" returned.
    so, in programming lingo you want your objects to be members of a dynamic (ie, you can add properties) class.  the movieclip class is just such a class.
    I created a separate class (GeoGroup) that extends MovieClip that has in it all the variables I need and tried to assign each movie clip to that class.
    here's the problem.  when you created your GeoGroup class you mandated that certain parameters be passed to the constructor.  when you add a class member (like each of those puzzle pieces) to the stage, the class constructor is invoked (along with everything else in that class).  However, no parameters are passed to your constructor so the flash compiler points out the issue and refuses to run your code.
    there are two ways you could proceed:
    1.  remove the parameters from the constructor
    2.  don't add any class members to the stage in the authoring environment.
    p.s.  this is your GeoGroup constructor:
          public function GeoGroup(abbrev:String, fullName:String, assignedOrder:Number, lock:Boolean) {
                this.abbrev = abbrev;
                this.fullName = fullName;
                this.assignedOrder = assignedOrder;
                this.lock = lock;
    the paramters that contructor requires are 2 strings, one number and one boolean.

  • Can't figure out why I'm getting error #1034

    var handsUpChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var handsUp:Sound = new Sound();
      handsUp.load(new URLRequest("audioFiles/finalAudio/song1.mp3"));
    var watUpChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var watUp:Sound = new Sound();
      watUp.load(new URLRequest("audioFiles/finalAudio/song2.mp3"));
    var cowboyChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var cowboy:Sound = new Sound();
      cowboy.load(new URLRequest("audioFiles/finalAudio/song3.mp3"));
    var casualChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var casual:Sound = new Sound();
      casual.load(new URLRequest("audioFiles/finalAudio/song4.mp3"));
      handsUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handsUpStart);
      watUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, watUpStart);
      cowboy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cowboyStart);
      casual.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, casualStart);
    function handsUpStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      handsUpChannel = handsUp.play();
    function watUpStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      watUpChannel = watUp.play();
    function cowboyStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      cowboyChannel = cowboy.play();
    function casualStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      casualChannel = casual.play();
    I'm trying to play audio using a MovieClip object. I have multiple other objects with the exact same code, just changing the variables, working perfectly.
    All it says is:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@1327340d1 to flash.media.Sound.
      at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
      at flash.display::Sprite()
      at flash.display::MovieClip()
      at Unit2_AudioFail_fla::MainTimeline()
    help please

    You appear to be naming the buttons the same as the Sound objects.  You will need to define different names for one or the other.

  • Error 1034

    i am trying to bring over some classes i made in as2 to as3.
    i've migrated everything appropriately but keep getting this error:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
    ball$ to flash.display.MovieClip. at
    test_animateClass.fla has a movieclip called 'ball' in its
    library that has linkage set to:
    export for actionscript
    export in first frame
    class: ball
    base class: flash.display.MovieClip
    and the .fla loads an external class into it, Animate, which
    then tries to use addChild() to add a copy of 'ball' to the stage
    when it's created. a movieClip variable is passed into Animate()
    from the .fla, which in this case, is the movieClip 'ball'.
    why does it have this error converting 'ball' to
    flash.display.MovieClip?? ball IS a MovieClip already..

    Originally posted by:
    it is able to create a MovieClip from the passed through
    variable with which it then visualizes itself through..
    This is exactly why I don't see the value of this approach.
    Why would you need to create a MovieClip from a passed variable? I
    can see it only if, say, you load an external swf --> get class
    definition from its library --> pass a CLASS into this function
    --> instantiate this class.
    If your Animate class is instantiated in the same swf where
    the ball resides - your approach is a huge overkill because you can
    instantiate ball directly inside Animate class. Based on the name
    of the Animate class I assume you intend to animate a passed
    variable. In this case - why not to instantiate and add to display
    list ball and such in the scope where you instantiate Animate and
    then just animate it? Or just pass an instance and place it in to
    Animate's display list? But, again, since you attempt to place the
    instance into the parent scope - why bother with all these
    difficulties and not to place ball directly in the parent.
    If you do not need to animate the instance - this approach is
    a double overkill IMHO. AS3 handles positioning and other
    DisplayObject properties beautifully. Its like putting microwave
    into an oven to bake a cake inside microwave.
    In any case I feel that something doesn't match up in this
    approach. Of course, there is no information about context in which
    you use it so all my thinking can be wrong.
    By the way, I see a lot of complaints about Adobe removing
    duplicateMovieClip method but so far the more I work with AS3 the
    less I see a necessity for this functionality - things can be
    easily instantiated AS3 native ways.

  • I'm getting error 1034

    Error 1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@2f27ecc1 to fl.video.FLVPlayback.
    I have a FLVPlayback module on the timeline with a working .flv video. When I compile, there are no errors, but the OUTPUT window gets this when I test the movie:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@2f27ecc1 to fl.video.FLVPlayback.
        at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
        at flash.display::Sprite()
        at flash.display::MovieClip()
        at Laser()
        at Laser/frame1()
    Laser is a class in an external package called LaserDevelop.as. There are no functions in the class using an FLV component or referencing the instance name (Stars).
    In frame 1 of the Flash movie timeline, I have this code:
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import fl.video.*;
    import flash.display.*;
    import comm.LaserDevelop;
    var LT:Laser = new Laser();  // create instance of Package external code
    Stars.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, rewind);
    function rewind(eventObject:VideoEvent):void
        Stars.autoRewind = true;
    Even when I comment out everything from "Stars.addEventListener" down, the same error results.

    1. Please tell me how to respond from within the forum (can't find a
    "reply" button).
    2. I moved all the code from the external .as file to frame 1 of the
    timeline. After removing the "package" and "public" declarators, the
    code all works fine from inside the timeline.
    For some reason, a package with the same code externally causes
    problems. Is it possible that using an external package for code
    requires every instance on the stage to be called from code making
    things you drag-and-drop to the stage non-functional?

  • Error:1067 - Implicit coercion of a value of type QName to an unrelated type QName

    I'm new in flex and my english not good. I'll try to explain
    my problem :(
    I have an application mxml and a component mxml. I imported a
    wsdl from .net webservice.
    In main mxml I added:
    <mx:Application .....
    <webservices:xService id="m_service"/>
    there is no problem for this. But when I added into component
    mxml like this:
    <webservices2:xService id="m_service2"/>
    I'm getting the following error:
    error line sample: (and 633 similar lines in
    responseMessage.wrappedQName = new QName("
    1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type QName to an
    unrelated type QName
    When I removed the <webservices2:xService
    id="m_service2"/> line from component mxml, I'm not getting an
    Flex 3.0 - sdk 4.0
    Thanx for your helps

    thanx your answer,
    I changed (like this:[WebService(Namespace = "
    but it doesn't work. I still have same problem.
    It's really strange problem. When I used in application mxml,
    it's working. But when I used in component mxml, I'm getting error.
    I tested the web servise in other test application mxml with
    following code: (it's working excellent)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    layout="absolute" xmlns:webservices="generated.webservices.*"
    import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
    private function test12():void
    <mx:Script source="***/ServiceAuthHeaderGetter.as"/>
    <webservices:TankInfoService id="m_service12"/>
    And finally I closed "Enable strict type checking" from
    project properties and the errors are disappeared.
    But now I got new problems with webservice :)
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    I guess <webservices:TankInfoService id="m_service"/>
    is null.
    But why?
    in component mxml
    I added xmlns:webservices="generated.webservices.*" namespace
    <webservices:TankInfoService id="m_service"/>
    my code is:
    the error:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method
    of a null object reference.
    Any ideas???

  • Why am I getting the error "Coercion Failed: Input cannot be null for this coercion"?

    I created a OOTB team site, with a OOTB document library and an OOTB "Approval - SharePoint 2010" workflow.  Under the workflow's start options I have "Allow this workflow to be manually..." checked.  On the next workflow setup page, I put
    myself in the Assign To field and put "test" in the Request field.  I left everything else blank. 
    Then, I setup a retention stage in the Information Management Policy settings for the library.  The event is Modified + 1 days, action is Start a workflow and I selected the workflow described above.  I set the Recurrence for 1 days.
    If I execute the workflow manually, it executes without error. 
    When the IMP executes the workflow, the status indicated in the column added to the library is "Canceled".  Clicking on the Canceled link opens the Workflow Information.  In the Workflow History section the Event Type is Error, User ID is System
    Account and Description is "Coercion Failed: Input cannot be null for this coercion". 
    Research shows that this error can be invoked when creating custom workflows that contain empty input fields when executed.  I would think that if there were required input fields in the workflow
    configuration, that the workflow would error when manually executed. 
    Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.
    Matt H.

    I had found that article previously but it doesn't seem to apply since this is OOTB and not a workflow created in SD.  I would expect that MS would have created the workflow in such a manner that it would work with IMP.  Besides, I don't think
    it's possible to edit the default Approvers workflow.  Also, I'm sure I'm not the first one out there to use the Approvers workflow with IMP.  If it was broken OOTB, someone else would have discovered it.  My guess is that there is something
    not configured correctly on the server, but I don't know how to start to diagnose it based on this error message.Matt H.

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