Flex Mobile List Item Renderer problems

i have flex mobile list created with item renderer,i remove individual item in flex mobile list,it is worked very well,but some times i double click action or another scroll event using in list, last item doesn't delete in flex mobile list.it is repeated again and again.so anyone this problem faced,give me a solution.
i expect your feedback.Thanking You

Hi Alex,
I've searched a lot for that post (on this forum and on google). Not sure if this is the post you were talking about: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/161146
I have fixed the setter of the data not to also manage the state (I figured it was inappropriate there)... overrode the getCurrentRendererState, I'm managing the state staight from the data. When I run the following... All sold items show as sold... and normal states show as normal. When I try to hover over the normal state, it dosen't play the hovered state, and when I click to the selected state. These built in states don't work.
override public function set data(value:Object):void {
     super.data = value;
     ticketNumber_ti.text = value.slots_id;
override protected function getCurrentRendererState():String {
     var state:String;
     if (data.date_purchased != null) {
          state = 'sold';
          mouseChildren = false;
          mouseEnabled = false;
     }  else {
          state = 'normal';
          mouseChildren = true;
          mouseEnabled = true;
     return state;
On another note, the states only update, once I start scrolling, everything updates... I tried to validateDisplayList() to the List after setting the dataProvider with no luck.
Once I find a solution I will certainly add it to my Blog as I have not found a lot of solutions for this problem.
Any help is grteatly appreciated.

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                                3rd level object '2'
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    Basically, my DG is acting really weird. I overrided the set data function in the item renderer to refrsh the data and called its invalidateDisplayList. I also call the Datagrid's invalidateDisplayList function after each refresh.  The behavior remains the same.
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    Hi, Post a test code.... It will be a lot easier to help you Mich

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    // setup the scroll view
                    // setup the grid view
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    var imageClass:Class;
                    if(view == 1){
                        listy.layout = gridView;
                        imageClass = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(new gridImg())) as Class;
                        listy.layout = scrollView;
                        imageClass = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(new scrollImg())) as Class;
                    var x:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
                    var im:BitmapAsset;
                    im = new imageClass() as BitmapAsset;
                    var i:BitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    listy.dataProvider = x;
    And in case it's relevant, here's my embedded image code:
                public var gridImg:Class;
                public var scrollImg:Class;
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The red arrow shows the floating bar in Reader X, outside the visible area of the screen

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="
    creationComplete="{newDate = data.Date}">
    import mx.events.DataGridEvent;
    import mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher;
    import mx.formatters.DateFormatter;
    // Define a property for returning the new value to the
    public var newDate:Date;
    private var df:DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
    private function test(event:Event):void {
    newDate= new Date(dateFieldTI.text);
    DataGridEvent(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END, true, false, 0,
    "newDate", -1, null, this));
    <mx:DateField id="dateFieldTI"
    /////////////////////////////////////////// dateRenderer.mxml
    /////////////////////////////////////////////// Begin
    application ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    height="700" width="700">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var initDG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
    {Date: new Date("3/14/2007")},
    {Date: new Date("3/14/2007")}]);
    public var displayedDate:String;
    private function getDate():void {
    displayedDate = initDG[0].Date;
    <mx:DataGrid id="myDG"
    width="500" height="250"
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Date"
    <mx:Button label="getIt" click="getDate()"/>
    <mx:Text text="{displayedDate}"/>

    Hi Proeliata ,
    I am using mx.controls.DateField as itemRenderer in the
    DataGridColumn as Below.
    id="dgDetailsContainer" dataProvider="{alphaGroups}"
    sortableColumns="true" editable="true" width="100%"
    headerText="ETA Date" itemRenderer="mx.controls.DateField"
    editable="true" dataField="EtaDate" />
    While I was submitting the dataGrid values If I try to alert
    the EtaDate using the below call
    I am getting null value always.
    private function submitChanges():void
    Alert.show("EtaDate0 is"+alphaGroups[0].EtaDate);
    Alert.show("EtaDate1 is"+alphaGroups[1].EtaDate);
    Alert.show("Please choose Title and Alpha");
    Please help me to re-solve,If any one handled this scenario
    please provide me the sample code to update dataProvider.
    Back to top

  • Item renderer problem

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    <s:CheckBox selected="false"/>
    This was based on a google search.
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    Source List (list A) looks like this with these 2 columns
    Title    Test Link
    A         Link 1
    B         Link 2 
    C         Link 3
    Each of these links link to the actual list item in the destination list, so for example, link 1 is/sites/2013DevSite/Lists/Destination%20List/EditForm.aspx?ID=1
    So basically i want anytime the Link are clicked that point to another list's item to open in a modal dialog and the script below worked perfectly fine in SharePoint 2010 (online)
    <script language="javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script language ="javascript" type="text/javascript">   
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('a[href*="EditForm.aspx"]').each(function (i, e) {
    // Store the A tag's current href in a variable
    var currentHref = jQuery(e).attr('href');
    'href': 'javascript:void(0);', 
    // Use the stored href as argument for the ShowInModal functions parameter.
    'onclick': 'ShowInModal("' + currentHref + '");'
    function ShowInModal(href) {
    SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog({title: "Edit Item", url: href});    
    All it does is find the href tags for that particular value Editform.aspx and the pop modal works in SP 2010 online. So the site page is designed in such a way there is a content editor web part with the reference to this javascript file and the sharepoint
    list is right beneath it and this worked perfectly opening in modal windows in SP 2010.
    Since migration to 2013, this is what exactly happens
    1.) when you come to the site page, the modal works,
    2.) If you filter or sort on say the Title or Test Link column in Source list (lets say you select the Value A), the script does not fire at all, if i hover over the hyperlink, the who hyperlink is shown and does not open the hyperlink in the modal pop up.
    - This is important because i want to be able to sort on a particular item...
    Could someone please let me know what am i doing wrong and why is this not working when i sort the list. Thanks for all the help.
    Once again i am trying to open a sharepoint list item in Sharepoint 2013 from another list using Jquery

    A ListItem has its own unique row id so in all likelihood, an insert with the same data will result in a new list entry. The Lists Web Service however, has an UpdateListItem method which will take an update request. [refer
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/websvclists.lists.updatelistitems(v=office.15).aspx ]
    There is another note in the conference (marked answered) to your List Item Update problem. Probably worth a try too. [refer
    http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bee8f6c6-3259-4764-bafa-6689f5fd6ec9/how-to-update-an-existing-item-in-a-sharepoint-list-using-the-wss-adapter-for-biztalk?forum=biztalkgeneral ]

  • Flex 3 Item renderer in List dissapear and shifted place

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    I have search up on possible solution but they doesn't seen like working. I tried to put dataChange=”validateNow()” in the ItemRenderer but it doesn't work. I read something about useVirtualLayout="false" but it seen like my List doesn't have useVirtualLayout ?
            id="rowsList2" width="{VBoxCall.width}" height="{ scheduleViewerHeight }"
            rowHeight="{ scheduleViewer.rowHeight }"
            verticalScrollPolicy="off" verticalAlign="middle"
            alternatingItemColors="[0xEEEEEE, 0xDFDFDF]" itemRenderer="RendererState">
            <!-- Example to showcase Item renderer -->
                <mx:Object label="Mr Swabby"
                <mx:Object label="Mrs Harrington"
                           webPage="http://www.alabama.gov/" />
    Before (picture) http://i.stack.imgur.com/VxoeP.gif
    After (picture) http://i.stack.imgur.com/3qHO9.gif
    Any Ideas ?
    Regards, Mike

    Hi Alex,
    I've read your blog but I still could find the solution.
    I tried to override the set data but it is not working. Whenever I scroll to the bottom and move up again, all the buttons are gone.
    Please advise me on this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">   
                                  // Import Event and URLRequest classes.
                                  import flash.events.Event;
                                  import flash.net.URLRequest;
                                  override public function set data(value:Object):void{
                                            if(value != null)
                                            super.data = value;
                                            if(data.label == null)
                                                      if(data.label == null || data.label=="")
                                                                Button.label = "";
                                                                Button.label = data.label;
              <mx:VBox id="myVBox">
                        <mx:Button id="Button" width="90">

  • Image in item renderer issue for List Components

    I have an issue when I use an item renderer with an image in
    it. This happens when I do this with a List or TileList component
    that has enough items to create a scroll bar. What happens is the
    images load fine, then I scroll down and the other items and their
    images start appearing, but then the first and last images start
    loading the wrong image. I'll scroll back up and the first item now
    has a different image, and when I scroll back down, the last images
    changes too.
    Has anyone had this problem with image itemrenderers in List
    Thanks for any help.

    The creationComplete event is called ONCE and that's it. But
    each time an itemRenderer is recycled it will have its data
    property reset with new a new record from the dataProvider. Thus
    overriding the set data function lets you inspect the data and do
    what you want with it.
    Data binding in MXML <mx:Image source="{data.image}" />
    is set up by the Flex compiler. When the data property is reset it
    will trigger the data binding notifications. The Flex
    compiler-generated code will intercept that and update the Image
    source property.
    If you use MXML, then use data binding. If you write your
    itemRenderer in ActionScript, override the set data

  • Data provider problem in custom item renderer

    I have a complex, custom item renderer for a list. I add
    items that I extracted from an xml to the data provider using the
    IList interface. But when displaying the list, the items are all
    screwed up. Each rendered item has some parts which are initialized
    as different components depending on the values from the xml. This
    initialization is called in the item renderer for the
    creationComplete event.
    The weird thing is that when I output the dataProvider to
    check its values, some of the items have internal uids sometimes
    and sometimes they don't. If I output the dataProvider right after
    I add the items to it, none of them get internal uids. But from the
    initialize method, some of them do and some don't.
    To make things weirder, sometimes, as I scroll up and down
    the list, the dynamic components get all switched up. I'm either
    having a problem with internal uids or with the creation policies
    for lists. Or it's probably some simpler mistake I have yet to see.
    Anyone have any idea where the problem could lie? Any help is
    greatly appreciated.

    Any successful render must:
    1) override the set data property of the component
    Further, best practice is to store any data you need in the
    override set data(), and call invalidateProperties(). Then do the
    actual work in an override commitProperties() function.
    The framework is smart about when to call commitProperties
    efficiently. set data() gets called much more often.

  • Check box rendering problem in List.

    Hi All,
                I am using list component in my app and list component allows multiple selections. I am using an itemrenderer having the checkbox and label in hbox.
    Rendering is working fine. but when I selected three or four items randomly using check boxes in list and If I scroll it vertically (up and down) the selections of check boxes changedto another items. If I keep on doing this finally I will get all the check boxes selected. but I have selected only three check boxes.
                 I wanted get out of this problem. If i selected two or three checkboxes and when scroll it vertically it should remain as it is. Selections should not change... please help on this.. 
                     I am posting the code of Item renderer
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalGap="2"
        width="100%" height="100%"
            [Event(name="checkBoxEvent", type="com.comp.name.ui.events.CheckBoxEvent")]
                import mx.controls.List;
                import mx.controls.listClasses.ListData;
                import com.comp.name.ui.events.CheckBoxEvent;
                import com.comp.name.ui.filters.StringUtils;
                import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData;
                import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
                private var _listData:BaseListData;
                private var _list:List;
                public function init():void
                    this.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onChangeEvent);
                public function get listData() : BaseListData
                    return _listData;
                public function set listData( value:BaseListData ) : void
                    _listData = value;
                        _list = listData.owner as List
                override public function set data(value:Object):void
                    super.data = value;
                protected function handleClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                        check.selected = false;
                        check.selected = true;
                protected function checkBoxSelected(event:Event):void
                            dispatchEvent(new CheckBoxEvent(CheckBoxEvent.CHECKBOX_EVENT, data.mx_internal_uid,data as Object, true,true));
                            dispatchEvent(new CheckBoxEvent(CheckBoxEvent.CHECKBOX_EVENT, data.mx_internal_uid,data as Object, false,true));
                protected function onChangeEvent(event:Event):void
        <mx:CheckBox id="check" change="checkBoxSelected(event)" click="handleClick(event)"/>
        <mx:Label id="lb" width="100%" height="100%" htmlText="{_list.labelFunction(data)}"/>
    I have faced this problem in so many times in so many list component..  Please help me on this...

    Can any one please give a reply .. If you dont understand it please let me .. I will give you detailed explanation.. Please it is an urgent requirement..

  • TypeError: s.text(...).addClass is not a function on a Select list item jquery mobile theme

    i got a page with jquery mobile template, i got an select list item based on customers , when i touch the field, it display correcty all my customers, but when i try to pick some records i just get the error (i am using firefox firebug to see the error):
    TypeError: s.text(...).addClass is not a function
    ...ollapsiblebound",!0).bind("expand collapse",function(t){var n=t.type==="collapse...
    here is my query :
    nombre_cliente || ' ' || apellidos_cliente a, codigo_cliente b
    from sti_cliente
    codigo_compania in (select distinct codigo_compania from STI_COMPANIA_SUCURSAL_USUARIO where upper(codigo_usuario) = upper(:APP_USER))
    and estado_cliente = 'A'
    and (codigo_compania, codigo_vendedor) in (select codigo_compania, codigo_vendedor from VTA_MAESTRO_VENDEDORES where codigo_usuario = upper(:APP_USER)) or cliente_contado = 'S')
    order by nombre_cliente, apellidos_cliente
    i have supress a dynamic action based on the field, but seems the problem is something within the query.
    i am running on :
    Application Express
    Application Express Listener version :
    Application Express Listener server info: Grizzly/1.9.49
    thanks for any tip.

    PLEASE DO NOT post to long since expired threads.  The poster is probably NOT following this thread and your response doesn't really help them with their issue...
    Elephants wear tu-tus so they can hide in pine trees. Did you ever see an elephant in a pine tree? No? Well then, you know it works.
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    LuvMuffin Software
    Ruckersville, VA

  • Flex Mobile Project only lists "Google Android" in Target Platforms

    I just downloaded the masters colection cs5.5 and im am using FlashBuilder 4.5.  When I create a new Flex  Mobile Project, only Google Android is a target platform.  I don't see  Blackberry or iOS as options.
    I do see Apple iOS when I create a mobile ActionScript project.
    This must be due to a configuration setting.  Can anyone help?
    i have already looked at this peron post and i have tryed all of the sollutions and none of them seem to work http://forums.adobe.com/thread/867857

    That didn't help me either.  Ultimately, here's what I did.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled the software
    After it was reinstalled, I updated to the 4.5.1 SDK PRIOR to doing any other software update.
    Then I updated the Software
    The software update found all new items and installed them properly (which is what I believe the issue is -- if you update prior to using the 4.5.1 SDK it doesn't install the required bits).
    Now it seems to be working for me.
    Not sure if that's the problem, but that's how I fixed it.

  • Flex SDK 3.4 Tree Item Renderer Root Folder displays Tooltip for Child

    I have a Flex Tree that uses a custom item renderer.  The item renderer extends Tree Item Renderer and I add my button in commit properties (since the data is dynamic) and I use update displaylist to move it to the right position.  I set the button to be visible on rollover and make the icon invisible. On rollout I reverse that logic.
    When I have my item renderer add the button, it causes only one problem and it seems to be under certain conditions:
    - Single root folder for the tree
    - Upon opening the tree, the root folder displays the tool tip for the last child in the tree
    Any idea why the tooltip comes up?
    public function AssetTreeItemRenderer ()
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onItemRollover);
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onItemRollout);
                addEventListener(ToolTipEvent.TOOL_TIP_SHOWN, toolTipShown);
                addEventListener(ToolTipEvent.TOOL_TIP_CREATE, onCreateToolTip);
             * override createChildren
            override protected function commitProperties():void {
                if(data is IAsset) {
                    if(playBtn === null) {
                        playBtn = new Button();
                        playBtn.styleName = "previewPlayButton";
                        playBtn.toolTip = "Play";
                        playBtn.width = icon.width + 2;
                        playBtn.height = icon.height + 2;
                        playBtn.visible = false;
                        playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayBtnClick);
                } else {
                    if(playBtn !== null) {
                        playBtn = null;
             * override updateDisplayList
             * @param Number unscaledWidth
             * @param Number unscaledHeight
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                //Move our play button to the correct place
                if(super.data && playBtn !== null)
                    playBtn.x = icon.x;
                    playBtn.y = icon.y;

    You are not clearing tooltip if data is not IAsset

Maybe you are looking for

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