Flip book software

I'm trying to source a decent, not too pricey Flip Book software suitable for Mac.
Currently, the company we hire to create them uses http://flippingbook.com/ but having looked on their website it appears it will only work on PC's.
Can anyone suggest something similar that will work on Mac?

As a person who reads information on the internet I can't tell you how much I dislike flip books. They are chosen by people who think they are cute rather than think about the customer experience. I have several nice PDF readers, I can download a PDF, zoom as I want, search, read offline, quickly print, I have control. Frankly if a business just throws a flip book at me I can't be bothered to look at their products, they obviously value gloss over actual use.
Hah! I just followed a link in the firs postt "Are your readers still dowloading PDFs from your site? Take advantage of FlippingBook technology and your audience will feel the difference."
Yes, right, we feel the difference all right and go elsewhere. This suggests there's something wrong or uncool about downloading PDFs. This is the sort of thought that would swap the car pedals around because the old arrangement is old fashioned.

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    I assume you are talking about Flipping Book Publisher software (www.flippingbook.com). I have done this very easily. In the flipping book software you need to make sure that the sharing feature is enabled and export out the .html file. Once you have exported and you have it installed on your website, click on the sharing button on your flip
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    Maybe a forum search on "Windows registry" would turn up some useful things. You're not the first to ask this. You might save yourself and everyone else some time if you'd simply do that.

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    I have been looking at better ways show our magazine on the web and like the FLIP BOOK format.
    Are you ok with the magazine not showing on Tablets? And the text is almost illegible because of the low res.
    When you look at this you will see that there is an issue with a white page showing at the front and the back of the magazine.
    When you export a swf you can choose use Paper as the background color. A swf movie's stage is one static pixel dimension, so if you want spreads the stage would be set to the spread dimension. You get the Paper background color to the left of page 1, which is the empty stage.
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    Thanks for all the help and suggestions!
    If anyone's interested I did find a site that looks like it has some good information regarding creating flip books (step by step) and they also sell page flip software that seems to work really well (as seen in the demos). Here's the site:  http://www.pageflip.hu/  (PageFlip 3.5)  In the third paragraph of the home page there is a greyed out link "online documentation." Select that link and it will take you to their documentation on how to build a flip file using their software. Fairly simple approach. I will probably purchase this software.
    System requirements for PageFlip 3.5 — Any browser with Adobe Flash player 8 installed; Adobe Flash 8 to edit source files.

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    Please point this "Nobody here is under any obligation to answer your question…" in the "Community guidelines". Ether this rule is buried somewhere deep or it does not exist. Id like to point out that we are your customers granted you're our only realistic choice, but we do not work for Adobe. So most of us do not know all the "in's and out" within trying to find Adobe product solutions. It would be very troubling if your customers became expert in navigating through your "community help".

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    healewis wrote:
    Hi to prevent me from downlaoding unwanted software again,  (i.e., Genieo) could anyone tell me where I can get reliable software that let me convert a pdf document into a flip book to view online of on a browser if downloaded?
    Just stay away from Softonic and any Torrent sites. I believe I read that C|Net's Download[dot]com has started to package adware with a few of their offerings, as they have been doing to PC Users for years. 
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    Why should that matter?

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    You can try eDocker CREATE! as well; http://www.edocker.com/edocker/edocker-create/
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    If the flip page the swf is in has interactive code asigned to it, such as whatever you use to flip the page, it could be blocking access to any clickable objects in the swf file.

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    Hi Mark,
    No need to restrict your choice to the preset Pages Templates. Do a web search and choose a Word template. Pages will open Word documents and templates. Or design your own:
    This is a Table I inserted into a blank Pages Word Processing document. Format the date column in Inspector > Table > Format > Cell Format. Select the first Date cell,then drag the fill handle down to increment the dates.

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    Please help.
    Thank you

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Snow Leopard is a paid upgrade. http://support.apple.com/kb/sp575 Call Apple to buy Snow Leopard. Then, make a backup, insert the DVD and upgrade. When it finishes, open  > Software Update

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    Hey Everyone,
    I created an catalog using indesign and now I want to convert that into a pdf flip book. I have exported it as a SWF then changing the SWF back into a pdf. It works great however, I keep getting a blank white page next too my cover page, and I really don't want this. I find it very distracting and visually unappealing. Is there any way to get rid of this blank white page? Or any other suggestions on how to create a flip book out of an indesign file.

    It sounds as if you're not checking the pagination properties of the chapter after the problem within the book file.
    The book file settings always trump the component file's settings.
    So this would mean that, if Chapter 3 is set in the book file to start on a Right page, the book enforces this by adding a blank page to Chapter 2.
    You should be able to fix this by selecting all the component chapters in the book, right-clicking and setting all the pagination properties to start on Next Available page, but I don't have 7 on this system so I can't give you the exact key strokes.

  • "Flip-book"  like image effect in Captivate 5

    Hello all ! New to the forum and pretty new to captivate over here ! I just wondered if you could help me with something ! How to make a flip-book like image effect ? There is an example on slide 3 of this Captivate example : http://www.adobe.com/products/captivate/educators/include/softskills_training/modal.html?w idth=752&height=440    Any help would be great !  And.. why is it everytime I press Enter it it drops the whole paragraph instead of making a new line ?   Thanks !
    I noticed the link doesn't seem to work,http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/captivate/
    The presentation I mean is called "soft skills training"
    Any help would be  great !

    Hi Scott.
    As far as I know, that is not a function built into Cp5.  It looks like some kind of flash animation/widget built otuside Captivate and then imported.
    If someone else knows otherwise, please chime in.  Or if that widget can be downloaded somewhere, I'd love to take a look at it.

  • Flip book images not shown in flash.

    hi, i am new to all this and i am after a bit help please.
    i made a flash flipbook for my images using photo to flippingbook, and i uploaded it from dreamweaver on to my site,
    the  problem is, it works great in IE but does not in Firefox, in Firefox  you can see the flip book and buttons but no images at all.
    i have  tried everything i can think of including checking the internet for  ideas but i am at a loss, i do not know if it something to do with the  code or not.
    can someonne please help or give mee some ideas so that i can try and sort this problem out.
    thank you in advance for any help, thanks michael

    mate just checked ther it works in IE still and is just a white square blank flip book with no i msges in firefox, i asked a few people and they say they see the same as me? i dont know whats happened.

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