Flip4Mac; Windows Media Player

What is Flip4Mac exactly? A colleague told me not to download and install it because it wipes out other applications. Is it safe to install Flip4Mac? If so, are there steps to follow?
Recently, I tried to watch a TV program on broadband. No go. A message window appeared saying I had to have Windows Media Player. When I clicked "download now", a second window appeared with a yellow triangle alert symbol and the message "This may have an application". Again, what does this mean? Is it safe to download and install WMP?

Flip4Mac enables Quicktime to play Windows Media files.
When I clicked "download now", a second window appeared with a yellow triangle alert symbol and the message "This may have an application". Again, what does this mean?
Exactly that! It gives you a chance to stop the download or install in case you were not expecting it to be an application. Just carry on.
These are the downloads and the settings you need in order to view/hear pretty much everything that the net can throw at you: The setup described below has proved repeatedly successful on both PPC and Intel macs, but nothing in life carries a guarantee!
Assuming you already run OS 10.4.9 or above and have Quicktime 7.2, and are using Safari 2 or 3, download and install (or re-install even if you already had them) the latest versions, suitable for your flavor of Mac, of:
RealPlayer from http://uk.real.com/player/
Flip4Mac WMV Player from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft)
Perian from http://perian.org/
Adobe FlashPlayer from http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1ProdVersion=ShockwaveFlash
In Quicktime Preferences, under advanced, UNcheck Enable Flash, and under Mime settings/Miscellananeous only check Quicktime HTML (QHTM).
In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them).
Important: Now repair permissions and restart.
The world should now be your oyster!
You should also have the free VLC Player from http://www.videolan.org/ in your armory, as this plays almost anything that DVD Player might not.

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    This is what the support site says.
    Content providers can protect Windows Media files from unauthorized playback by using a technology called digital rights management (DRM). A Windows Media file that has been assigned digital rights is called a "protected," or "licensed," or "secured" file.
    To play a protected file, you must obtain a license (a kind of electronic key) from the content provider. In many cases, the Player can acquire a license for you automatically when you attempt to play the file. In other cases, the content provider may not issue you a license until you pay a fee or provide additional information, such as your e-mail address.
    Content providers can issue several different versions of DRM licenses; however, Windows Media Player 9 for Mac OS X only supports version 1 licenses. This means that you might be able to play some protected files, but not others.
    We have informed our content partners about this issue so that they can decide whether to offer version 1 licenses to their customers who use Macintosh computers.
    Its worth a try.

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    Download and install Flip4Mac; Windows Media Player is outdated on Mac OS X, and should not be used. If you want to use WMP anyway, open the file with StuffIt Expander.

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    The following list covers most all video playback needs for the Mac:
    Flip4Mac Flip4Mac
    (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported)
    Real Player
    Adobe Flash

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    There is indeed a version of Windows Media Player for Macs. However, it is version 9 whereas there is a later version for PC's that is much more full featured. In addition Microsoft have recently officially discontinued Windows Media Player for Mac after not updating it for years. This means that it does not work with Napster unfortunately. However you can use Windows Media Player for Mac to play back Windows Media Files without copy protection (DRM) such as windows media files from the internet. To do this you can install Windows Media Player for Mac. Alternatively Microsoft suggests that you use the Flip4Mac windows media player plugin (www.flip4mac.com/wmv.htm) which allows you to play back Windows Media files using Quicktime Player.
    I find this to be a superior solution (It is also free) as the experience is more seamless and it supports more formats. Therefore I suggest you download and install this and do not install windows media player.

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    Unfortunately, the Windows Media Player browser plug-in will not work on an Intel Mac which is why you must use Flip4Mac. The Windows Media Player (installed in your Applications folder) will work on its own, but you have to download the .wmv file in order to view it.
    In most cases websites don't check for WMP specifically so any .wmv media is automatically played by Flip4Mac.
    Note that after installing WMP you will need to reinstall Flip4Mac in order to replace the WMP plug-in or Flip4Mac will no longer be active. You should restart the computer after installing Flip4Mac or it may not work properly with your browser.

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    Is there any way to make WMV files open in Windows Media Player the way they used to in Safari 3 instead of either downloading or opening in QuickTime with Flip4Mac?

    Not very easy but it could be done.
    If the file opens in QuickTime (via Flip4Mac) you can use the Movie Inspector window to "find" the URL. Then open that URL directly in WMP.
    You could also dig through the page source code or use the Safari Activity window to find the URL.

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    rapha3lla wrote:
    After I upgraded to Snow Leopard, a friend told me I could download Windows Media Player for free to view some mpeg files required for a class I'm taking. I googled Windows Media Player Mac Snow Leopard and downloaded the newest version, and nothing. The window opened to a garbled mess. I posted a question about this on this forum previously and was told to use Flip4Mac instead. I've tried to use Flip4Mac at least 20 times and nothing ever happens. Before Snow Leopard, I would download it and it would just not work at all. After Snow Leopard I down loaded it again and now it's telling me I must have Quick Time installed. I DO HAVE QUICK TIME INSTALLED! I have the icon for QT and it opens (toolbar at top,etc) when I click on it. But WMV(Flip4Mac) is not recognizing it. Can't they just fix the Windows Media Player or SOMETHING so I can do my classwork without having to run to someone else's computer?
    This may what you've already tried, but there's a beta version of Flip4Mac available:

  • Windows Media Player plug-in issues - Safari 4.0.5 on Windows 7

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    It really drives me nuts to open IE8 only to play some WMV files in the browser. I hope someone can shed some light on this issue.
    Strange thing I noticed: I can't see how I can manage my plug-ins. There seems to be no tab for it in the Safari settings and in the program-files folder I can only find Java.
    Thank you so much for your time and effort.

    I looked up the internet but can't find anything on this. As no replies here too I guess I'm the only one. The other thing that struck me is the enormous CPU usage when playing flash in the browser. Up to 95%-100% cpu usage when playing HD flash content. First I assumed it was a Flash issue but Internet Explorer never used more then 35%-55%. I then assumed it was just Flash in Safari. Strange thing is, if I maximize the window the cpu load actually drops to 55%. I only get high cpu usage when flash is played in the Safari window. I guess that means it's something to do with the browser and not an isolated flash 'bug'.
    Also still no luck playing WMV in the browser itself. Maybe time to look for yet another browser. A shame as I like the Safari browser a lot. MobileMe and iPhone are great to sync bookmarks and the look and feel is great. The engine is not so good unfortunately.

  • How do I force Safari to use Windows Media Player as my default WMV player.

    I am subscribed to a educational program called "the Epson Online Experience", and the entire program is in Windows Media Player videos. I was using Safari and Mac OS 10.3.9 with no problem what so ever, until Quick Time updated itself. Now I can't get WMP to play at all in Safari, or in Camino or IE either. The browsers just keep trying to play the link in Quick Time.
    I did download Flip4Mac, but with no luck. The links now appear to open, appear to be downloading the buffer, but will stay on that screen for hours if I allow it.
    Does anyone know how to make Windows Media Player the default media player in Safari? or for that matter, in Camino (or if I MUST, I guess I would be willing to try it in IE too if I could make it work.
    Thanks for the help!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions. Your post seems to have been lost in a sea of Safari problems.
    Usually items triggering media players create a file, which is downloaded into your system. Check your download folder for the file. If you can't find it, access the same file again via Safari.
    Once you locate the file on your HD, click on it. Then, command key + I will bring up the info panel for the file (or simply select "more info" in the preview panel if you're in the finder's column mode). Go to the bottom where you'll see "open with". There, you see "quicktime" listed as the app. for opening the file. Click on the drop down menu and find the Windows player and select it.
    Back to the info. panel - select "change all". This will revert all files of this type on your HD, plus future files to the Windows Media Player. Double click on the file to activate the video. Future selections in Safari will automatically open the correct media player. One other note, for the player to open automatically, you must check "open safe files after downloading" in your Safari Preferences>General panel.
    Post back with results.

  • Problems with Windows Media Player for OSX and IMAC G5 Intel Duo

    I was able to download Windows Media Player 9 for Mac but when I surf on the net and I click on the WMP files, instead of opening automatically, it downloads the content and only then lets me open it.
    Also, with live streaming, when I click for the window to open it will say that: "Some content on this page requires an Internet plug-in that Safari doesn’t support. The application “Windows Media Player” may be able to display this content. Would you like to try?".
    Except that I already downladed WMP... It worked fine with the PowerPc G5 so it must be the Intel chip. Please help.
    Imac G5 20" INtel Duo 2GHZ   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    Imac G5 20" INtel Duo 2GHZ   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Microsoft has abandoned WMP for the Mac and has ceased development. You may wish to consider and alternative!
    WMP 9 for Mac is not a Universal binary, so it does not run natively on Intel iMacs. It runs using Rosetta. If the WMP plugin is installed in HD/Library/Internet Plugins/ for it to run usable by Safari you must be using Safari with Rosetta.
    I have two versions of Safari, Safari - Uni & Safari - Rose, Uni runs natively and Rose uses Rosetta. To make a Rose version;
    1. Right-click Safari and choose Duplicate
    2. Rename the copy whatever you like to tell it from the other; ex: Safari - Rose
    3. Right-click Safari - Rose and choose Get Info
    4. In the top pane of the Info window check the box Run using Rosetta.
    You need to use Safari -Rose for websites with WMP multimedia material to get it to play in the browser.
    There are also WMP replacements that you can use with Safari such as Flip4Mac and others. Here is a Discussion that covers many of the alternatives;

  • Windows Media Player for MAc and other issues

    I just bought a mac a week ago.
    Decided to do the switch since the person at the store told me I could use the win XP interface. Anyway after installing the win xp, i realised my laptop doesnt not recognise the drivers.I got no sound, no airport. I am not too sure if the service pack is the issue. I am using service pack one.
    Since I need to listen to some online lecture recordings and my xp doesnt have sound, i have to use it on MAC OS. But as the problem is the site kept telling me to install Internet explorer 5.5 and above and after install IE for MAc 5.1, it ask for Windows Media player. I installed flip4mac and media player for mac ..it still doesnt work...
    I am truly sad to see the difficult in using a macbook and i kinda regretted getting it. It just getting on my nerves....
    can someone please guide me or do you have any similar problem?

    sound, no airport. I am not too sure if the service
    pack is the issue. I am using service pack one.
    Yes the service pack is an issue if you're using Boot Camp to run XP. If you don't have SP2, you can try running Parallels Desktop (http://www.Parallels.com) which doesn't require SP2.
    Since I need to listen to some online lecture
    recordings and my xp doesnt have sound, i have to use
    it on MAC OS. But as the problem is the site kept
    telling me to install Internet explorer 5.5 and above
    and after install IE for MAc 5.1, it ask for Windows
    Media player. I installed flip4mac and media player
    for mac ..it still doesnt work...
    Some streaming media sites are not compatible with Mac OS X. Are these online lectures for school? I would simply ask the person running the class to help you get support. They can tell you pretty quickly if it's possible to listen with a Mac. If it's not, you should be able to do it from XP with either Parallels or Boot Camp (provided you have an SP2 version of XP).
    I am truly sad to see the difficult in using a
    macbook and i kinda regretted getting it. It just
    getting on my nerves....
    There are times that using a Mac (with 5% market share) is frustrating because many websites don't follow standards properly. If the web designers blow it off and only support Windows, 95% of the users are still happy and don't complain. That's lazy and infuriating but it happens quite a lot. There's even a name for it: Mac Marginalization.
    So you will run into this from time to time. The best solution on the Macbook is to get one of the Windows environments up and running properly. But you should still complain LOUDLY to the people who set up the bad website. The only way this will change is if users let lazy site administrators know that they are MAD about it.
    G5-B Dual 1.8, Blackbook, PPC Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • How do I find plugin for Windows Media Player in MacPro

    In my previous PowerBook G4 I have been able to access TV newscasts from Europe, in streaming video, especially from Channel France 2. To do this, I have used Microsoft's Windows Media Player 9 for MacOS X, which comes with an asx plugin and it works fine. When I installed WMP in my new MacPro, the plugin was not installed. I queried Microsoft on how to solve this problem and I was informed that Microsoft no longer supports WMP 9 for the Mac and has no plans to upgrade it. Consequently, my alternative could be found in Windows Media Player components for Quicktime by Flip4Mac. This plugin allows you to play Windows Media Player files in the Quiktime player directly. I went to the FlipMac web site and downloaded it only to discover that the existing version will work only for G4s, not Intel Duo Macs.
    Microsoft's media player 9 for the Mac is being used internationally for streaming video.
    Does anyone know of an alternative plugin that would work and where do I find it?
    iMac G4, PowerBook G4 and MacPro Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    iMac G4, PowerBook G4 and MacPro Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    iMac G4, PowerBook G4 and MacPro Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    There is flip for mac and VLC
    Give this web site a look see.
    Your solution makes sense. But when I downloaded and installed VLC Media Player for Macintosh, I found that one needs to have a developer's experience to figure out how to make it work. It isn't as simple as Windows Media Player 9 which works easily after you determine Preferences. Video streaming from news outlets is instant. Instructions from videolan on how to use its media player are confusing. Is there a simple way or easy steps to set up VLC to play streaming video from network news outlets with player embedded in their web site? That's all I am interested in. Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

  • How do I export FCP movie to a WMV format (Windows Media Player friendly)?

    I am puzzled. How can I export FCP movie to a WMV format or Windows Media Player friendly?
    Thanks in advance.

    You need a third party app to do this... AVI is the only format that you can export from FCP that's windows media friendly... WMF's can be exported with flip4mac... http://www.flip4mac.com Probably the best of the apps...

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