Fly through camera collision detection

i want my camera to have collision detection in its simplest
form, i mean is there a way of saying to director this is the scene
and this is the camera and wala all good.
im using the fly through 3d action is it easier to setup with
if not what way forward would you suggest for me
i also want to perant an object to the camera so when it
moves it moves two.

Collision detection for a camera is not trivial. Not only
must you prevent the object that the camera is following from going
through walls, but you must also prevent the camera from cutting
through corners as it follows the object.
You can find a demonstration of Camera Following behavior at

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  • Camera Collision Detection - Is It Possible?

    I am making a 3D RPG game and I would like to know if it is possible to get collision detection on a camera created in Adobe Director 11.  I have my 3D character running through an underground maze and he detects correctly on the walls of the maze.  However, I also have a camera as a child to the character so this moves with him.  I have added a bounding-box to this camera but it still doesn't detect whereas the gunBB works fine, as does the characterBB.
    This is really confusing and I don't know what I am doing wrong.  Any help would be really appreciated!
    Thanks, Phil.

    Thanks for the reply.  It is not exactly what I am looking for as the script is different than the style I am using.  This is the script I have got so far, I have also added an extra camera to view what is happening.
    property pSprite, p3Dmember -- reference to the 3D member
    --property pLevel, maze -- Level
    --property pLeftArrow, pRightArrow, pDownArrow, pUpArrow -- arrow keys
    --property pCharacter -- character in the 3D world
    --property pTofuBB, pGunBB, gun --  character + gun
    --property gUseGun, hasGun
    --property pCamera, pCameraBoundingBox --camera and bounding box
    --property barrier,mountains,exitmaze
    --property door1, door2, turret, turretgun
    --property keylist, keypresslist -- for keys pressed
    --on beginSprite me
    --  -- define the 3D cast member
    --  p3Dmember = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
    --  -- reset the 3D world
    --  p3Dmember.resetWorld()
    --  pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
    --  pCamera =
    --  -- define level as 3DS level Plane - must all be defined after resetWorld()
    --  pLevel = p3Dmember.model("landscape")
    --  mountains = p3Dmember.model("mountains")
    --  turret = p3Dmember.model("turret")
    --  turretgun = p3Dmember.model("turretgun")
    --  maze = p3Dmember.model("maze")
    --  exitmaze = p3Dmember.model("exitmaze")
    --  pCharacter = p3Dmember.model("hero")
    --  gun = p3Dmember.model("gun")
    --  barrier = p3Dmember.model("barrier")
    --  door1 = p3Dmember.model("door1")
    --  door2 = p3Dmember.model("door2")
    --  -- stop hero walking biped animation
    --  pCharacter.bonesPlayer.pause()
    --  -- below for key control
    --  keylist = []
    --  keypresslist = []
    --  -- this sets up a list of keycodes to track.
    --  -- this code covers the arrow keys only, it could be changed to cover a full range of keys
    --  repeat with i = 123 to 126
    --    keylist[i] = i -- this creates a list of keycodes to track
    --    keypresslist[i] = 0 -- this creates a "last state" list that corresponds to the keycode.
    --    --keypresslist tracks the last known state of that key, so we can tell when a keypress has changed.
    --  end repeat
    --  -- key control end
    --  createBoundingBoxes
    --  createLight
    -- code used to create bounding boxes
    --on createBoundingBoxes
    --  -- create tofu bounding box for character
    --  tofuBB_MR = p3Dmember.newModelResource("tofuBox",#box)
    --  tofuBB_MR.height = 235
    --  tofuBB_MR.width = 235
    --  tofuBB_MR.length = 500
    --  pTofuBB = p3Dmember.newModel("tofuBox",tofuBB_MR)
    --  pTofuBB.worldPosition = pCharacter.worldPosition
    --  -- create parent child relationships
    --  pCharacter.addChild(pTofuBB, #preserveWorld)
    --  invisShader = p3Dmember.newShader("invisShader",#standard)
    --  invisShader.transparent = TRUE
    --  invisShader.blend = 50
    --  pTofuBB.shaderlist = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pCamera = p3Dmember.newCamera("camera")
    --  frontCam = p3Dmember.newCamera("frontCam")
    --  frontCam.fieldOfView = 35
    --  frontCam.transform.position = vector(-14150,-3100,-600)
    --  frontCam.transform.rotation = vector(90,0,180)
    -- ="frontCam")
    --  pCamera.fieldOfView = 75
    --  pCamera.transform.position = vector(500,1800,450) --450
    --  pCamera.transform.rotation = vector(90,0,180)
    -- ="camera")
    --  cameraModRes = p3Dmember.newModelResource("cameraModRes",#sphere)
    --  cameraModRes.radius = 200
    --  pCameraBoundingBox = p3Dmember.newModel("CameraBoundingBox",cameraModRes)
    --  pCameraBoundingBox.worldPosition = pCamera.worldPosition
    --  pCameraBoundingBox.shaderList = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pCamera.addChild(pCameraBoundingBox, #preserveWorld)
    --  pCharacter.addChild(pCamera,#preserveWorld)
    --  -- create gun bounding box
    --  gun.worldposition.z = gun.worldposition.z + 200
    --  gunMR = p3Dmember.newModelResource("gunSphere",#sphere)
    --  gunMR.radius = 218
    --  pGunBB = p3Dmember.newModel("gunSphere", gunMR)
    --  pGunBB.worldPosition = gun.worldPosition
    --  pGunBB.shaderList = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pGunBB.addChild(gun, #preserveWorld)
    -- code below used to light up level
    --on createLight
    --  -- create a point 'bulb' type light
    --  p3Dmember.newLight("Bulb Light", #point )
    --  -- position the light
    --  p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light").transform.position = vector(0,0,100)
    --  -- define light color and intensity
    --  p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light").color = rgb(255,255,255)
    --  -- Make the character model a parent of the light
    --  -- Bulb Light becomes a child of pCharacter
    --  -- This is done so that the light will always move
    --  -- with the character.
    --  pCharacter.addChild(p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light"),#preserveParent)
    --on keyUp me
    --  --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.pause()
    --  --if keypressed("s")
    --on keydown me
    --  if keypressed("c") then changeCamera
    --on changeCamera
    --  -- check the sprites camera and switch
    --  if ="frontCam") then
    -- ="camera")
    --     else
    -- ="frontcam")
    --     end if
    --on exitFrame me
    -- below detects which keys are pressed
    --repeat with i = 1 to keylist.count
    --inewstate= keypressed( keylist[i] )
    --if keypresslist[i] <> inewstate then -- this means the key changed status from whether it's up or down
    --if inewstate= 0 then
    -- they key was released
    --keyLastReleased = keylist[i]
    --if (keyLastReleased=123) then pLeftArrow = 0 -- 123 = left arrow key
    --if (keyLastReleased=124) then pRightArrow = 0 -- 124 = right arrow key
    --if (keyLastReleased=125) then
    --pDownArrow = 0 -- 125 = down arrow key
    --end if
    --if (keyLastReleased=126) then
    --pUpArrow = 0 -- 126 = up arrow key
    --end if
    -- the key was pressed
    --keyLastPressed = keylist[i]
    --if (keyLastPressed=123) then pLeftArrow = 1 -- 123 = left arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=124) then pRightArrow = 1 -- 124 = right arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=125) then pDownArrow = 1 -- 125 = down arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=126) then pUpArrow = 1 -- 126 = up arrow key
    --end if
    --keypresslist[i] = inewstate-- update so we remember its new state.
    --end if
    --end repeat
    -- by the time this repeat loop has finished, keypresslist will contain a complete index of what keys
    -- are held down, and which aren't.
    -- Note: most keyboards have a limit on how many keys they'll track simultaneously.
    -- gun collision start
    --if gUseGun = TRUE then
    --pGunBB.worldPosition = pTofuBB.worldPosition
    --pGunBB.worldPosition.z = 500
    --pGunBB.worldPosition.x = pCharacter.worldPosition.x - 150 --50
    ---pGunBB.worldPosition.y = -860
    --gUseGun = FALSE
    --hasGun = TRUE
    --end if
    -- gun collision end
    --on characterMove
    -- if the right arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate the character 5 degrees about the z-axis
    --if pRightArrow then
    -- rotate character and camera
    --end if
    --if the left arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate character -5 degrees about the z-axis
    --if pLeftArrow then
    --end if
    -- if the up arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character 5 pixels along the y-axis
    --if pUpArrow then
    --if (pcharacter.bonesPlayer.playing = 0) then
    --pCharacter.bonesplayer.loop = true
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 2
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- running"hero", 1, 6270, 8330, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 2067, 4130, 1)
    --end if
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 1
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- walking"hero", 1, 4200, 6200, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 0, 2000, 1)
    --end if
    --end if
    --end if -- bonesPlayer playing
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --end if
    --end if
    -- if the down arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character -5 pixels along the y-axis
    --if pDownArrow then
    --if (pcharacter.bonesPlayer.playing = 0) then
    --pCharacter.bonesplayer.loop = true
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 2
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- running"hero", 1, 6270, 8330, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 2067, 4130, 1)
    --end if
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 1
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- walking"hero", 1, 4200, 6200, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 0, 2000, 1)
    --end if
    --end if
    --end if -- bonesPlayer playing
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --end if
    --end if
    -- floor collision
    --thisPosn = pTofuBB.worldPosition
    -----thisPosn.z = 1000
    --tModelList = [pLevel, maze, door1, door2] -- removed wall as its no longer on level
    --tOptionsList = [#levelOfDetail: #detailed, #modelList: tModelList]
    --thisData = p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(thisPosn,vector(0,0,-1),tOptionsList)
    --if thisData.count then
    --totalCount = thisData.count
    --repeat with dataIndex = 1 to totalCount
    --terrainPosn = thisData[dataIndex].isectPosition
    --- if (thisData[dataIndex].model = pLevel) then
    --tDiff = (terrainPosn.z - pTofuBB.worldPosition.z) + 375
    --exit repeat
    --end repeat
    --end if
    --on checkCollisions
    --tModelList = [pGunBB, barrier, mountains, maze, exitmaze, turret, turretgun]
    --tOptionsList = [#maxNumberOfModels: 2, #levelOfDetail: #detailed, #modelList: tModelList, #maxDistance: 300]
    -- make 4 rays around character checking for collisions, 90 degrees apart
    --repeat with i = 1 to 18
    --returnData = p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition,pCharacter.transform.xAxis,tOptionsList )
    --if (returnData.count) then
    -- first in array is closest
    --end if
    --end repeat
    --on checkObjectFoundDistance thisData -- check distance from collision with objects
    --dist = thisData.distance
    -- check if distance is less than width of bounding box
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if

  • KeyPressed / collision detection

    I have a tile based platformer I am making and am having some trouble with the collision detection. I have it so that the game detects a collision before it actually occurs so that it wont happen in the game. However, it only appears to works right if i tap the arrow key into the wall, and if i hold the arrow key down i fly right through the tile until i let go (if i let go inside a block the hero gets stuck because it detects a collision anywhere i try to move after that). At this time i had the new coordinate to detect collision based on which direction i was moving gotten from keyPressed. Since this didnt work (assumed it was because the game loop and keyPressed dont take turns performing their actions) I made the new coordinate collision be detected from a method called in the main game loop and the result was that if I held down the key and flew into a wall, it doesnt stop exactly at the right spot (but I cant go through an entire row of tiles) but when I go the opposite direction from the collision (open space should work fine) it works fine until a point where in mid air it acts like a collision occured.
    I have tried very hard to find the error in my code concerning the collision detection and need to make sure these problems arent a result of limitations of keyPressed or something, but rather just the code i've written

    ok well I now have it set up so that before the hero moves it checks to see if the move is valid from each pixel starting at the hero to the length the hero moves in 1 directional press (using a rectangle that is the size of the hero, then has width 1 pixel larger etc until reaches the length of a move). The collision detection method returns true if there is a collision at any point, false otherwise. I tried to put the method in both the keyPressed method (for each case of a directional key pressed) as well as in the main game loop (not both at the same time) and neither worked perfectly and both worked about the same. Now the problem is that as long as the hero approaches the tile from a far away distance it works perfectly (a tile is 40 pixels in width and hero is 30), it appears that if the hero approaches from around 40 pixels out it will work but anything less and it will go through the tile as far from the 40 pixel mark it started (ie if hero starts at 37 pixels from tile and moves, it will go through the tile 3 pixels) then it can only travel back to the position it started even if there is no collision detected. Again, it appears that the hero must be about 40 pixels out (not sure if this is coincidence or it is exactly the length of the tile for a reason). Really can't figure this out, dont think there is a problem with the code i have written but probably i'm approaching the solution wrong

  • 2D Pixel Collision detection on XML tiled map

    I'm designing a game where the player can move through a city composed of 2D image tiles. Right now we have successfully got the pixel collision detection to work on a large single image consisting of an invisible mask image and a visible image that shows a cluster of buildings and objects. The mask overlays the visible buildings and blocks / allows movement based on the color of the mask. Black is a collision, white is open space, etc.
    But this technique won't work for the game, since there will be many cities and vastly larger than this little testbed. I cannot create multiple huge cities into one file - the file would be several megs large, and I'm looking at dozens of cities.
    My idea is to create tiled maps, which will save the coordinates for the various building/object tiles in an XML file. However, I do not know how to make the collision detection work with such a tiled map. Moreover, I don't know if constructing a mosaic city using XML coordinates is the best way to go - I'm open for suggestions. My goal is to simply be able to assemble a city from individual tiles of buildings and masks, and drive/walk my character through the city with pixel collision detection, without using the current setup of a single image and a single mask.
    Any advice/suggestions offered will be GREATLY appreciated! This is our first Java project, but hopefully we can make this work.
    Thank you so much!
    Message was edited by:
    Gateway2007 - clarifying that this is a collision detection based on pixels, not planes or other method.

    Sound like this might be too late of a suggestion, but have you looked at Slick at all?
    It might help with the tiling and collision aspects.

  • Using ModelsUnderRay Collision detection

    Ok first things first. I know you guys who have been reading
    my other post is going to get confused after reading this post so
    let me make myself clear. First yes I was previously trying to
    Havok, but I could not get my car to work with it. So This is why I
    am now asking stuff about ModelsUnderRay collision detection.
    Second, I found this tutorial at,
    and all things seem to go pretty good with using the max File the
    tutorial uses. Meaning I have not tried this on my car as of yet.
    In addition, considering that things seem to work with the
    tutorial, I now came up with a new question. Basically, if I am
    correct, I think by using the code below, this is not going to work
    with my car when the car is going up a hill. I conclude this by
    knowing that the tutorial just uses a character, meaning it is not
    like a using something like a car that has a chassis and 4 wheels.
    So my question is this... How can I get the chassis to follow the
    angle of the hill if I am using a behaviour that looks something
    like this...
    on collisionDetect me
    -- create a list to store collision data created by
    -- cast ray to left
    collisionList =
    p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition, \
    -- if models picked up by ray, then activate checkForCollion
    -- handler and send the collisionList as a parameter
    if (collisionList.count) then
    -- cast ray to right
    collisionList =
    p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition, \
    -- if models picked up by ray, then check for collision
    if (collisionList.count) then
    -- cast ray forward
    collisionList =
    p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition, \
    -- if models picked up by ray, then check for collision
    if (collisionList.count) then
    -- cast ray backward
    collisionList =
    p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition, \
    -- if models picked up by ray, then check for collision
    if (collisionList.count) then
    on checkForCollision me, collisData
    -- grab the #distance value from the CollisionList
    dist = collisData.distance
    -- check if distance is less than width of bounding box
    if (dist < pCharBoundingBox.resource.width ) then
    -- get distance of penetration
    diff = pCharBoundingBox.resource.width - dist
    -- calculate vector perpendicular to the wall's surface to
    move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    tVector = collisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    end if
    on keyDown
    -- check to see which key has been pressed
    -- and set the property relating to that key to TRUE
    if keypressed(123) then pLeftArrow = TRUE -- 123 = left
    arrow key
    if keypressed(124) then pRightArrow = TRUE -- 124 = right
    arrow key
    if keypressed(125) then pDownArrow = TRUE -- 125 = down
    arrow key
    if keypressed(126) then pUpArrow = TRUE -- 125 = up arrow
    -- if 'r' key pressed, return character to starting position
    if keypressed("r") then resetCharacter
    -- if 'c' key is pressed, then switch camera
    if keypressed("c") then changeCamera
    on keyUp
    -- when the arrow keys are released, set the properties to
    pLeftArrow = FALSE
    pRightArrow = FALSE
    pUpArrow = FALSE
    pDownArrow = FALSE
    on exitFrame
    on characterMove
    -- if the right arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate the character 5 degrees about the z-axis
    if pRightArrow then pCharacter.rotate(0,0,-5)
    --if the right arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate character -5 degrees about the z-axis
    if pLeftArrow then pCharacter.rotate(0,0,5)
    -- if the up arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character 5 pixels along the y-axis
    if pUpArrow then pCharacter.translate(0,5,0)
    -- if the down arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character -5 pixels along the y-axis
    if pDownArrow then pCharacter.translate(0,-5,0)
    -- move along terrain
    -- create reference for terrain (ground)
    terrain = p3Dmember.model("Terrain")
    -- store character's position
    charPos = pCharacter.worldPosition
    charPos.y = charPos.y - 20
    -- cast a ray down
    collisData =
    -- if model is picked up on ray.
    if collisData.count then
    -- store total no of models detected by the ray
    totalCount = collisData.count
    repeat with modelNo = 1 to totalCount
    -- check if over the terrain model
    if (collisData[modelNo].model = terrain) then
    terrainPos = collisData[modelNo].isectPosition
    -- find out the distance the character should move up or
    diff = (terrainPos.z - pCharacter.worldPosition.z)+45
    -- move the character
    end if
    end repeat
    end if

    I have been trying to work this out for ahwile and I got
    pretty close on getting this correct but there are still some
    glitches. So far I did a little research in the help files to see
    what the dot product does and this is how I got my calculations
    going so far
    --the code
    on beginSprite me
    I created 2 spheres and a box. Next, I then positioned them
    so that the first sphere is alligned with the front end of the box
    and then I aligned the second sphere to back of the box. I will not
    show you the code of beginSprite because all this does is for
    creating the models and there are no calculations going inside this
    handler. In addition, with these 3 models, my purpose is to say
    lets prtend that the box is the chasis of the car and the sphere
    that is placed at the frent end of the chassis are to represemt the
    2 front wheels and the othere sphere is to represent the 2 back
    wheels of the car. Also, I initlalised a timer to the following
    pTimer = (the milliseconds)
    end beginSprite
    ... note The timere is just for purposes of simulating a
    pretend upward movement for the wheels. See below which should
    explain it better then I can say it in words.
    --the code below is the calculations. The translations is for
    saying that I am pretending that the wheels are inclining up a
    hill. However, the wheels in the true game will be getting
    calculated by finding the distance of collion by using the
    modelsUnderRay function just like you normally would. By the way,
    all models and the camera are set to y is the up vector
    on exitFrame
    if ((the milliseconds) - pTimer) > 1000 then -- increment
    the calculations every one second
    pBall1.translate(0, 0.125, 0) -- This is for saying that
    this is the calculations that I am calculating the front wheels
    need to move up when they incline up the hill.
    pBall2.translate(0, -0.125, 0) -- Just like the front wheel
    pretend calulations but for the back wheels, and use a negative
    pos1 = pBall1.transform.position -- get the calculated
    position for the front wheels
    pos2 = pBall2.transform.position -- get the calculated
    position for the back wheels
    norm1 = pos1.getnormalized() -- not sure I understand this,
    but in the help files, it says that when you calculate the dot
    product of 2 vectors that have been normalized, you then get their
    norm2 = pos2.getNormalized() -- normalize the back wheels
    dotProduct = -- calculate the dot product
    of the 2 vectors
    pBox.rotate(dotAngle, 0, 0) -- I took a guess and thought
    that using the dotProduct will allow me to correctly rotate the
    chassis but the chassis is quite not rotating correctlly
    pTimer = (the milliseconds) -- update the timer so that we
    can recyle the above code again
    end if
    end exitFrame
    ... Ok, now like I said previously, the chassis is rotating
    almost correctlly, but if you continue to do this, and by after the
    third cycle, the front end wheels start to collide with the
    chassis. So in other words, the rotations look correct untill
    exitFrame is called for the third time and after which then the
    front wheels start to collide with the chassis.
    So I am wondering if anyone could help me out to fix this and
    explain what I am doing wrong?

  • Camera not detected

    When I connect my iphone to my PC, i get a message "Camera not Detected - check connecting cable and retry" My itunes does not automatically load up. I have to do it manually.
    I then synchronize photos on to my PC. It creates a folder called "iPod Photo Cache" with many subfolders beneath it. There is a file called "Photo Database" but no jpeg files. I do not know what software to use to view the pictures. Is it because the camera is not detected that I am not able to download pictures taken on the ipod as jpeg files to be viewed on my pc?

    rebooting phone did not solve problem.
    I kinda of solved my problem by going to Start, Accessories, and Scanner and Camera Wizard. Doing this i can get my iphone pictures. Even though they are not of order and rotated in all different manners. I have to go through this procedure each time I connect my cable.

  • Java 3d collision detection

    i loaded some villas models(.obj ) and i want to implement simple collision detection to prevent the user from walking through the villa models

    Note: The powerups do move around too, so, if the powerup and the character are in the middle of a translation (in between predefined grid positions), then I need to find out if their paths cross and react appropriately.

  • Tile Based Collision Detection

    I am following Tonypa's Tile Based Tutorials and I have to
    say, they are great. He covers everything needed, except for one
    thing I am troubled on - Refering to Tutorial 9,,
    Stupid Enemy, instead of an enemy I want to make this a NPC who
    walks around in a village. So what do I do to make it so that I, or
    the char, doesn't walk right over the enemy/NPC? I am trying to
    develop an RPG, and it would look silly to have the character walk
    on top of the NPC. Can someone provided a snippet on how to make a
    collision detection with the NPC and not walk on top/under the NPC?
    One last favor to ask: What if I want to talk to the NPC if I
    am within a half tile? Would anyone be willing to share info on how
    this as well?
    Thanks a bunch in advance

    Ok, let me see if I get the read correct here: you have your scenery objects as tiles and when moving your players/NPC's through the scenery you are not scrolling the background as you go, but when you get to s certain point you want to scroll the tiles of the background also, so you can have new scenery cycle in as needed an still have the tiled background objects and new tiled background objects work for collision detection.
    If my take on your project is correct, then you have to make your tiles addressed with relative addressing formulas as you'll probably need to do with your sprites also.
    So the way this will go is that you have to make an offset and add them into your formula based on your character position. Then based on your character position you can choose to scroll your tiles left, right, up, down or what ever you choose to support. As a tile falls fully off the screen, you can dispose of it or cycle back through depending on how you implement your background.

  • Collisions detection in 3D environments

    Hi, all.
    Has anyone worked with collisions detection in 3D environments?
    I want to create an application in LabView for detecting collisions between 3D objects. I'm working with VRML models and the 3D Picture Control, but I'm open to other posibilities, if they are possible to be integrated into Labview.
    Thanks in advance.

    You may want to check out the new digital
    prototyping tools that just released. It is called the NI SoftMotion Module for SolidWorks and works with SolidWorks 2009 Service Pack 2.1 or higher and LabVIEW 2009 or higher. These tools connect accurate
    mechanical/physics simulation capabilities in SolidWorks with
    industrial-grade motion control software in LabVIEW. There are two ways you can perform collision detection using the tools:
    1. After the your motion control application is finished running, switch the scan engine to configuration mode. (To do this, right-click on My Computer >Utilities>Scan Engine Mode.) Then, in the SolidWorks motion study Motion Manager Toolbar, right-click on the top item in the tree (which has the same name as your assembly) and select Check Interference. Then click on the parts you want to check for collisions on, and select Find Now. If collisions occured, SolidWorks will tell you the time of the collisions and the volume of overlap.
    2. You can use a distance sensor to detect collisions. In this case, LabVIEW can monitor the sensor while the motion simulation is running and take action (such as stopping the move and alerting you) if the sensor value changes.  This also enables to to detect a "near miss" where the parts came too close for comfort but didn't actually collide. To include
    proximity sensor feedback in your LabVIEW control applications, add a
    dimension to your SolidWorks assembly and connecting it to a Measurement sensor in SolidWorks with an Alert configured
    (for example, alert if the distance is less than 5 mm). Then in
    LabVIEW, right-click on the SolidWorks assembly item in the LabVIEW
    project and select Map Sensors. For an example, launch the LabVIEW Example Finder (Help>Find Examples) and try running the shipping example called "Basic SolidWorks Sensors.lvproj".
    Here's some background information...
    SoftMotion for SolidWorks enables mechanical, electrical and control
    engineers to collaborate by creating a digital prototype of the motion
    control system that integrates mechanical simulation, motion control
    software, and sensor feedback. As soon as you have a CAD drawing, you
    can begin prototyping the machine design long before you incur the
    expense of building a physical machine. The new tools enable you to do
    thinks like:
    visualize realistic machine operation
    validate and iterate on the mechanical, control and electrical aspects of your design
    estimate the cycle time performance
    check for collisions or other programming mistakes
    calculate force/torque loads for stress analysis 
    select and size motor and mechanical transmission components
    improve communication between the engineers on your team and with customers
    deploy the validated motion control application to NI CompactRIO for use on the physical machine
    The following software versions are required:
    • LabVIEW 2009 (32-bit) or later
    • LabVIEW NI SoftMotion Module Standard or Premium
    • SolidWorks 2009 Service Pack 2.1 or later and SolidWorks Motion Simulation with the Motion Simulation add-in enabled from the Tools menu
    in SolidWorks. This is included with SolidWorks Premium, Simulation
    Premium, or Simulation Professional. When you enable the Motion
    Simulation add-in from the Add-Ins dialog box in SolidWorks,
    place a checkmark in both the left and right checkboxes so you don’t
    have to reenable the add-in each time you use NI SoftMotion for
    For more information, visit this site:
    Here's a few other resources to get you started. 
    LabVIEW-SolidWorks Digital Prototyping Training (see the topic called "Motion Control Timing and Sequencing")
    Getting Started Guide for NI SoftMotion for SolidWorks
    Here are links to the evaluation versions of LabVIEW and the NI SoftMotion Module for SolidWorks:
    LabVIEW 2009
    NI SoftMotion Module (includes a 30 day evaluation license for NI SoftMotion for SolidWorks)
    Contact your local SolidWorks reseller to purchase SolidWorks, upgrade your existing SolidWorks installation to SolidWorks Premium (which includes the required SolidWorks Motion Simulation capability), or to request an evaluation version of SolidWorks:
    For information on deploying your motion control application to the NI CompactRIO programmable automation controller (PAC) platform, see this site:

  • Collision detection problems - Fall Down Clone

    I've been working on a relatively small java applet for a little while now. I've got some basic collision detection in place, however it currently suffers from some discrete time movement problems on slower machines - that is the floor sometimes completely passes the ball.
    If the floor was not moving, solving the problem would be relatively easy. However, with the floor moving up, and the ball moving down and horizontally, I'm at a loss of how to deal with the problems I'm running into - moving through floors and moving too far horizontally before moving down and missing a hole that should have been hit.
    What would be the best way to go about solving the problems my applet is running into?
    For those interested, the latest code can be found here:
    The latest incomplete version of the applet can be found here:
    Thanks in advance for the help. :)

    I've got a more guided question instead.
    The fastest way would probably be to check between each individual frame several times (e.g. divide the distance moved for all items by 10 and move them 1/10th of the distance at a time checking for collisions). If I was to go about doing it this way, what would be an appropriate number to check? Checking 50 times seems excessive considering most machines have no trouble with running the game as is, but I don't want to end up moving in small enough increments so that control and collision detection becomes limited...
    In short, is there any way to accurately determine how many times I should move it per frame?

  • Events Triggered By Collision Detection In Shockwave 3D Environment Happen More Than Once?

    Okay, I've finally managed to get my Director 3D game to move an object to a new random position when collision detection occurs with that object! HOWEVER, sometimes it will work as expected and other times the object seems to move SEVERAL times before settling. Anyone have any idea why it isn't always just moving once and settling as I'd hoped it would...?
    To see an example of the problem I'm facing, create a new Director movie then insert a new Shockwave 3D media element into that Director movie named "Scene" and apply the below code to that 3D media element. I've tried to trim the code down as much as possible to get right to the heart of the problem:
    property Scene  -- reference to 3D cast member
    property pSprite    -- referebce to the 3D sprite
    property pCharacter -- reference to the yellow in the 3D world
    property pTransformgreen01Flag -- reference to the flag which will trigger action to move green01 + increase score on collision
    property pTransformgreen02Flag -- reference to the flag which will trigger action to move green02 + increase score on collision
    on beginSprite me
      -- initiate properties and 3D world
      pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
      Global Scene
      Scene = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
      Tempobjres = Scene.newmodelresource("sphereRES", #sphere)  --create sphere modelresource
      Tempobjres.radius = 10     --set sphere modelresrource radius to 20
      Tempobjres.resolution = 17   --set the sphere modelresource resolution to 17
      Tempobj = scene.newmodel("yellow", tempobjres)   --create a model from the sphere modelresource
      Tempshader = scene.newshader("sphereshd", #standard)   --create a new standard shader
      Tempshader.diffuse = rgb(250,250,10)   --set the diffuse color (in this case, a light green)
      Tempshader.texture = void   --set the texture of the shader to void
      Tempobj.shaderlist = tempshader   -- assign the shader to the model
      Tempobjres1 = Scene.newmodelresource("sphereRES1", #sphere)  --create sphere modelresource
      Tempobjres1.radius = 10     --set sphere modelresrource radius to 20
      Tempobjres1.resolution = 17   --set the sphere modelresource resolution to 17
      Tempobj1 = scene.newmodel("green01", tempobjres1)   --create a model from the sphere modelresource
      Tempshader1 = scene.newshader("sphereshd1", #standard)   --create a new standard shader
      Tempshader1.diffuse = rgb(100,200,50)   --set the diffuse color (in this case, a light green)
      Tempshader1.texture = void   --set the texture of the shader to void
      Tempobj1.transform.position = vector(25,25,0)
      Tempobj1.shaderlist = tempshader1   -- assign the shader to the model
      Tempobjres2 = Scene.newmodelresource("sphereRES2", #sphere)  --create sphere modelresource
      Tempobjres2.radius = 10     --set sphere modelresrource radius to 20
      Tempobjres2.resolution = 17   --set the sphere modelresource resolution to 17
      Tempobj2 = scene.newmodel("green02", tempobjres2)   --create a model from the sphere modelresource
      Tempshader2 = scene.newshader("sphereshd2", #standard)   --create a new standard shader
      Tempshader2.diffuse = rgb(100,200,50)   --set the diffuse color (in this case, a light green)
      Tempshader2.texture = void   --set the texture of the shader to void
      Tempobj2.transform.position = vector(-25,-25,0)
      Tempobj2.shaderlist = tempshader2   -- assign the shader to the model
      --the following lines will add collision detection for all three on-screen 3D objects
      --the following lines will tell Director what to do with a specific object when it collides with another
      Tempobj.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#beepsound, me)
      Tempobj1.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#hitgreen01, me)
      Tempobj2.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#hitgreen02, me)
      pCharacter = Scene.model("yellow")
      -- we must define pCharacter after we use the resetWorld() command
      -- otherwise this variable object will be deleted
      pTransformgreen01Flag = false
      pTransformgreen02Flag = false
    on createCollisionDetect
      Global Scene
      -- add collision modifier to the character
      -- set bounding geometry for collision detection to bounding box of model
      pCharacter.collision.mode = #mesh
      -- resolve collision for character
      pCharacter.collision.resolve = TRUE
    on keyDown
      Global Scene
      case(chartonum(the keypressed)) of
        30: --up arrow
        31: --down arrow
        28: --left arrow
        29: --right arrow
      end case
    --when "yellow" (player character) hits another object, this will happen:
    on beepsound me, colData
      beep --plays sound
    --when "green01" is hit by another object, this will happen:
    on hitgreen01 me, colData
      Global Scene
    --when "green02" is hit by another object, this will happen:
    on hitgreen02 me, colData
      Global Scene
    on enterFrame me
      Global Scene
      if pTransformgreen01Flag then
        --the following lines will generate new random x and y co-ordinates for green01
        Scene = member("Scene")
        Scene.model("green01").transform.position = vector(green01x,green01y,0)
        pTransformgreen01Flag = false
      end if
      if pTransformgreen02Flag then
        --the following lines will generate new random x and y co-ordinates for green02
        Scene = member("Scene")
        Scene.model("green02").transform.position = vector(green02x,green02y,0)
        pTransformgreen02Flag = false
      end if
    I imagine the part that's causing the issue is the "on enterFrame me" part at the end, but can't see any reason why it wouldn't just perform the desired action ONCE every time...?
    This is really confusing the hell out of me and is pretty much the final hurdle before I can call my game "finished" so any and all assistance would be GREATLY appreciated!

    You can get yourself a used copy of my book for $0.82 + shipping.  Chapter 14 contains 33 pages which deal specifically with the vagaries of the collision modifier.
    You can download just the chapter on Collision Detection from  This includes the demo movies and the unedited draft of the text for the chapter.
    Perhaps you will find this useful.

  • Creative camera not detected error...

    Ok, I have a creative webcam pro. Not ex, just the Pro.
    I got it like last year and it was working fine. But up until two months ago my computer crashed and I had to reformat and all that good stuff...
    Now I put in the cd and install it. I plug in the camera and it says creative camera not detected. For some reason my computer installed the cam as "Dual mode usb camera plus"
    So after that I uninstalled everything and this time it installed the camera correctly. But I still get the error. So I uninstalled, yadda yadda. I can't get this thing to work! It worked before my computer crashed, so I dont see why it doesnt work now?
    Can anyone help me?
    Message Edited by Andrewld on 08-05-2005 08:00 AM

    I have exactly the same problem - exactly as you state!
    The only this I noticed was that when I tried to install updates from the Creative support pages was that a message came up saying that couldn't uninstall older version and asked if I wanted to continue anyway. This is driving me insane too!
    Can anyone help out here - I am running Windows XP Home Media Center (which is a pile of pants too!)

  • URGENT: Collision Detection In Tiled Map

    HELP!!!!! I am creating a tile map of size 32*32. And the character image size is also 32*32. Now i am stuck in making collision with the walls. I have tried my own method but to no avail. Has anyone tried to doing collision detection? Need a simple logic method to detect the collision...
    (Using keyevent to control the character moving around)
    Pls I really appreciate your help!!!!!!!

    I assume you have some way of knowing that you need to display a wall tile on the map, so before you move a particular direction check to see if the square you will move to is an acceptable move (no wall, door, mountain, water etc). If it is unacceptable play a little sound or display a message, otherwise do the move.

  • Please i need help in Collision  detection

    i want to make collision detection system
    but i have no good papers or examples about collision to can make simple collision if anyone can give me good link please

  • Cant use tetherd capture with nikon d810 on lightroom 5.6 get camera not detected i check and my lightroom up to date

    need help
    what can I do
    I can't use tethered capture with Nikon d810 on light room 5.6 get camera not detected  my light room up to date
    any idea?

    Lightroom does not support tethering on the D810 yet. 
    Tethered camera support in Lightroom

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