Font Error on Muse site

I was using a font that I purchased on my Muse site, and am now getting an error preventing the font from loading. I can't see the error again because I only got the message once when I pushed an update to the site via the FTP. I tried loading the webfont again and it won't allow me to load the file. Any idea how to fix this?

Hi, please see attached screenshot -- any idea?

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  • Hi, I'd like to add some typekit fonts to my Muse site but- ?

    I know this website:
    How to add Typekit fonts to your Muse site
    from Muse Insider,
    but it totally doesn't work for me, I tried a lot of times and I don't know what I'm doing wrong (I know that I have to publish the site first to see the added font but it still doesn't work ) I'm really confused, please help! (the fonts I want to add is Brandon Grotesque, Activ Grotesque).
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon...

    I was pretty disappointed to find out Muse didn't support the full Typekit library when Typekit became available to Creative Cloud members. It's clearly one of the biggest drawbacks in a Muse vs. Dreamweaver comparison. There are hacks available to incorporate Typekit fonts into Muse, but the "how to" procedures are not very user friendly. Muse Themes has a Full Typekit widget, but even it's not all that easy to use. They have a nearly 9 minute long video on their website describing the procedure.
    Adobe Muse Full Typekit Library Widget |
    Additionally, I was pretty disappointed by the number of typefaces in Typekit that were web only (such as Brandon Grotesk) or had only one or two of several font weight available for the desktop/print version (such as Trajan Pro and Trajan Sans Pro).
    As a consequence, I haven't messed with Typekit very much and honestly don't find a lot of value with it -at least not much of the access being blocked. So I'm still looking out for new fonts at bargain introductory pricing at sites like MyFonts or keeping an eye at some free sites like Font Squirrel.
    Incidentally, the "Edge" fonts in Muse pale in comparison just with what's available for free at Font Squirrel. Within Muse you'll get a pretty limited number of weight/style choices with the Edge fonts. At Font Squirrel some of those same fonts have many more styles/weights available to them.
    In the end, it's just a whole lot faster and easier to either buy or legally acquire web fonts either through pay sites like MyFonts or free sites like Font Squirrel and end up with the system and web fonts you can use on your computer in Muse without any crazy code hacks.

  • Not all Typekit Fonts available in Muse?

    it seems that not all the fonts that are available in Typekit can be used in muse... has anyone a suggestion?

    Hi grafiklieschen,
    Abhishek is correct: you can only use and preview the free and open-source Typekit fonts in Muse. The full Typekit library isn't included in the font menu.
    You can still use Typekit on your website, though; the fonts just won't show up in the Muse preview. The Muse Insider wrote a post on how to insert the Typekit embed code from the Muse interface:
    Or you can add the embed code to the Page Properties dialog within Muse, which will include it in the <head> of the page when you export your website.
    We hope to have a more complete integration of Typekit with Muse in the future, but I can't say yet when that will be available.
    I hope that this helps!  Best,
    -- liz

  • Third Party Hosting Muse Site - 404 Error on Mobile

    Hi guys,
    I recently exported my Adobe Muse site files (, uploaded them into FileZilla, and then uploaded the site to GoDaddy hosting services using FileZilla.
    The site looks great on desktops but I receive a 404 error whenever I try to view the site on mobile devices (even tablets). I called GoDaddy thinking it was a problem on their end but after two opinions from two separate calls, I've been informed it's the code of the site itself that is the problem. The funny thing is, when the site was hosted through Adobe, it appeared fine on mobile devices but when the site was moved over to GoDaddy, the 404 error arose.
    I'm wondering if Muse writes specific code for displaying a site in mobile browsers that is not recognized by third party hosting services because GoDaddy is not redirecting the site to the mobile view and instead just coming up with a 404 error. If so, is there any way to change the code that Muse writes to display the site on mobile devices so that GoDaddy can recognize it? I've done some research online to see what basic code is used to redirect a site to the mobile view but all I came up with was:
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    Every guide I find says to place that tag right after the <head> and I do but still no luck getting the website to display on mobile devices. If anyone knows the proper coding to get GoDaddy to display a Muse site on mobile devices, I would forever be in your debt. I'm guessing it's just a couple lines I have to replace but I don't know what lines or with what to replace it. :/ Here is the entire <head> of the website in case this helps find any faulty code:
      <script type="text/javascript">
       if(typeof Muse == "undefined") window.Muse = {}; window.Muse.assets = {"required":["jquery-1.8.3.min.js", "museutils.js", "jquery.musemenu.js", "webpro.js", "", "jquery.musepolyfill.bgsize.js", "musewpslideshow.js", "jquery.museoverlay.js", "touchswipe.js", "museredirect.js", "jquery.scrolleffects.js", "index.css"], "outOfDate":[]};
      <script src="scripts/museredirect.js?17485671" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
       Muse.Redirect.redirect('desktop', 'tablet/index.html', 'phone/index.html', '');
      <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
      <meta name="generator" content="2014.2.1.284"/>
      <link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 370px)" rel="alternate" href=""/>
      <link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 960px)" rel="alternate" href=""/>
      <!-- CSS -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/site_global.css?3995807253"/>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css?4104780936" id="pagesheet"/>
      <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/iefonts_index.css?3997724508"/>
      <!-- Other scripts -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
       document.documentElement.className += ' js';
    var __adobewebfontsappname__ = "muse";
      <!-- JS includes -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
       document.write('\x3Cscript src="' + (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//;ubuntu-condensed:n4:all;raleway:n3, n7,n6,n4:all.js" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
      <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script src="scripts/html5shiv.js?4241844378" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <!--HTML Widget code-->
      <style type="text/css">video { 
            width: 100%; 
    .mask { 
    width: 100%;
    height: 903px;
    display: relative;
    position: absolute;
    overflow: hidden;
    li {
      letter-spacing: 2px !important;

    Sounds like you haven't uploaded all the files exported by Muse.
    Specifically, it looks like you didn't upload the 'phone' folder.
    If you use Filezilla or another 3rd party FTP tool, you have to be sure to upload all the files exported by Muse for your site to work correctly.
    You can also use the 'Upload to FTP host...' menu item within Muse to upload all the files to your web hosting provider.

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    I guess.... not. :-(

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    When you click publish, it says optimizing, but stops at 10%. No error code pops up - it just stays at 10% and will not publish. Please Help!!!
    I am sending a dropbox link containing the muse file and muse log with this form link attached as well.
    Thank you,

    An update was released today , please install the latest update.
    Adobe Muse Help | Release notes | Adobe Muse CC

  • Edge Animation having troubles with iOS devices within Muse Site

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    Has anyone else been having animation/mobile troubles with iOS devices? Any hints as to how you fixed your errors would be extremely helpful! I also posted this question in the Muse forum and haven't gotten a response...

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    I believe you have already updated Muse version which includes fix for this issue , if not then please update Muse to latest version.

  • Error Adobe Muse CC 2014

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    It's a bit of a shambles quite frankly and very irritating especially given the cost!
    Don't suppose anyone has any clues or is this a common bug?
    Thanks for your help

    Actually.  Scrub my earlier comment.  It's not saving any work! When Muse re-opens it's recovering the last session only.  I cannot save it to any disk drive! 

  • Business catalyst - Muse sites in development not publishing

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    Hi there, we are currently experiencing intermittent login issues with sites hosted on new AU datacenter. Please follow the status page for any updates - Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused!

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    Where can I find the current version of the site?/ Where could it have gone?
    I'd really appreciate help is anyone has some...

    It appears that you either made the changes and publshed to online site, but forgot to save the changes in your local .muse file or for some reason the changes were not saved when you closed the file after making those changes. Also, if you maintain multiple copies of the .muse file for backup, did you check other files, just in case you might be checking an older version.

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    Hi Guys,
    I'm trying to find instructions as to how to go about publishing my completed Adobe Muse site which is hosted with a third party hosting company, there are videos for publishing to business catalyst alright.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated...
    Have a nice Saturday :-)

    I am having a problem trying to FTP my site created in Muse, too. I am using "Upload to FTP host" (Found under File) and after several tries I am still getting a different error message each time: "Error uploading (a certain file which happens to be a jpg this time!). Click Resume to try again. If this problem persists, try again later.
    [426 Failure reading network stream.]."
    I tried again and again and again. So I called the host company and I checked to see if am using all the correct settings that they have.They verified that I had the proper settings.
    Still no success.

  • Error in Muse : Object UID:U6875 has two (or more) owners: U3633 and U3165

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    "Object UID:U6875 has two (or more) owners: U3633 and U3165"
    I just want to tell that  since I have upgraded Muse in 2014.3, I had lost all my add ons, and followed the instructions about uninstall and re-install them, but nothing happened, and I have re-install them manually.
    I'am working on a very important project and this failure is a very great problem for me.
    Thank' for help !

    When you launch Muse, is it prompting you as to whether or not you want to "recover unsaved changes?"
    Have you made a large number of changes to your file since the first time you encountered this error? If not, say "No" to recovery. You'll lose all the changes you've made since the last time the file saved without any error, but from there you'll be back up and running. (The problem that triggers this error is in the unsaved changes in the Muse temp files. The underlying cause of this error has been fixed in 2014.3.1, but if your attempting to recover changes made using 2014.3.0 you'll continue to encounter this error.)
    If you've made a large number of changes, you can send us your .muse file and the "Recovery" folder found in:
    Mac: "~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2014.3/Local Store" (copy and paste into the Go > Go To Folder dialog in the Finder)
    Windows: "%appdata%/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2014.3/Local Store" (copy and paste into a file explorer window)
    In both cases above, include everything between the quotes (including the tilde ~ on the Mac) in the copy/paste, but not the quotes themselves.
    We can attempt to fold your unsaved changes into your .muse file, repair the damage that's part of the Recovery data, and return the file to you. Depending on the scope of the changes and the damage, it may take a few days.
    You could send the files to [email protected] along with a link to this thread. If the files are larger than 20Mb you can use a service like Adobe SendNow, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc. (If you use a service, please include your return e-mail address in the body of the message, since not all services include it in the sharing invite they send.)

  • Using a web font (Coda), but Muse insists on rasterizing

    I'm using a web font on my site (, so it should just show the web font. However, Muse insists on rasterizing it. I haven't done anything funky to it, and it even does it when I select Arial as the font, so I don't understand why it's doing this. Any help would be appreciated.

    When you select the text frame (not the text within), does the font menu show Coda or it is blank? Blank indicates "mixed fonts", which could mean you have a lingering system font somewhere within the text frame. Please repeat this test for all states (default, rollover, mousedown, active). A system font in any state will force other states to be rasterized as well.
    If you've rules out the possibility of system fonts, please send your Muse file to [email protected] Please include a link to this post.

  • Am  I allowed to use the web fonts included with Muse commercially?

    For example, Lobster and Lobster two. Can I use these for my business's website?

    The Web Fonts that are currently available via the Add Web Fonts dialog in Muse are available for use on any site with no limits on page views or any other limits.
    Note the 400+ Web Fonts currently available via the Add Web Fonts UI in Muse is a small subset of all the fonts available via Typekit. At present Muse doesn't have a built-in mechanism to access and use the additional paid/metered fonts available through Typekit. (We're waiting for some work to be completed on the Typekit side of things before we'll be able to offer these additional fonts within Muse.)
    The use of Typekit and the set of fonts available through Muse is covered by Adobe's general Terms of Use for services <>, as linked to at the bottom of the Add Web Fonts dialog in Muse.

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