Force Derived Class to Implement Static Method C#

So the situation is like, I have few classes, all of which have a standard CRUD methods but static. I want to create a base class which will be inherited so that it can force to implement this CRUD methods. But the problem is, the CRUD methods are static. So
I'm unable to create virtual methods with static (for obvious reasons). Is there anyway I can implement this without compromising on static.
Also, the signature of these CRUD methods are similar.
E.g. ClassA will have CRUD methods with these type of Signatures
public static List<ClassA> Get()
public static ClassA Get(int ID)
public static bool Insert(ClassA objA)
public static bool Update(int ID)
public static bool Delete(int ID)
ClassB will have CRUD signatures like
public static List<ClassB> Get()
public static ClassB Get(int ID)
public static bool Insert(ClassB objB)
public static bool Update(int ID)
public static bool Delete(int ID)
So I want to create a base class with exact similar signature, so that inherited derived methods will implement their own version.
For E.g. BaseClass will have CRUD methods like
public virtual static List<BaseClass> Get()
public virtual static BaseClassGet(int ID)
public virtual static bool Insert(BaseClass objBase)
public virtual static bool Update(int ID)
public virtual static bool Delete(int ID)
But the problem is I can't use virtual and static due to it's ovbious logic which will fail and have no meaning.
So is there any way out?
Also, I have few common variables (constants) which I want to declare in that base class so that I don't need to declare them on each derived class. That's why i can't go with interface also.
Anything that can be done with Abstract class?

With static methods, this is absolutely useless.
Instead, you could use the "Singleton" pattern which restrict a class to have only one instance at a time.
To implement a class which has the singleton pattern principle, you make a sealed class with a private constructor, and the main instance which is to be accessed is a readonly static member.
For example :
sealed class Singleton
//Some methods
void Method1() { }
int Method2() { return 5; }
//The private constructor
private Singleton() { }
//And, most importantly, the only instance to be accessed
private static readonly _instance = new Singleton();
//The corresponding property for public access
public static Instance { get { return _instance; } }
And then you can access it this way :
Now, to have a "mold" for this, you could make an interface with the methods you want, and then implement it in a singleton class :
interface ICRUD<BaseClass>
List<BaseClass> GetList();
BaseClass Get(int ID);
bool Insert(BaseClass objB);
bool Update(int ID);
bool Delete(int ID);
And then an example of singleton class :
sealed class CRUDClassA : ICRUD<ClassA>
public List<ClassA> GetList()
//Make your own impl.
throw new NotImplementedException();
public ClassA Get(int ID)
//Make your own impl.
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Insert(ClassA objA)
//Make your own impl.
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Update(int ID)
//Make your own impl.
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Delete(int ID)
//Make your own impl.
throw new NotImplementedException();
private CRUDClassA() { }
private static readonly _instance = new CRUDClassA();
public static Instance { get { return _instance; } }
That should solve your problem, I think...

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        System.out.println("Base method");
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        System.out.println("Derived method");
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    Hi Sharma,
    Static methods is used to access statics attributes of a class. We use static attributes when we want to share the same attribute with all instances of a class, in this case if you chage this attribute through the instance A this change will change will be reflected in instance B, C........etc.
    I think that your question is correct -> a separate copy of instance method will be created for each instance of a class and only one copy of static methods be create ?
    "A static method does not require instance of class(to access) and it can directly be accessed by the class name itself"
    Static Method: call method class=>method.
    Instance Method: call method instance->method.
    Take a look at this wiki pages.
    Best regards.
    Marcelo Ramos

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    i didn't get u.
    u r trying to say that i have an abstract class with
    only static methods then my questions is why wud
    declare such a class as 'abstract' class? because a
    static method can't be abstract also. Even then if
    somebody want to define such a class with only static
    methods then compiler should force him to declare
    atleast one abstract method which can be implemented
    by subclass, because as i said before if sumbody
    decide to define a class abstract then he wants that
    it should be inhereted but as u r saying a class with
    only static methods then it should not be an abstract
    class it can be a simple class.there's no functional reason, really... actually, factory-like classes are often defined the way Ceci described
    "abstract" only ensures that nobody can ever get an instance of that class (as a matter of fact, what would be the point of getting an instance, if no instance method exists ?)

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    is it possible to call dynamically a static method of a static attribute of a class.
    The statement without dynamic call would look like this:
    cl_test_class=>static_attribute=>static_method( ).
    I would like to do it like this:
    ('CL_TEST_CLASS')=>static_attribute=>static_method( ).
    Netiher the one nor the other way works for me - I'm getting the error "The notation used is reserved for business object classes".
    Regards, Stefan

    I guess, it is not possible to call method using the short form (parameters in brackets) is not possible in Dynamic Access. You may need to get the attribute first and then call the method.
    CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION.
        CLASS-DATA: o_same TYPE REF TO lcl_main.
        METHODS: run.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_main DEFINITION
      METHOD run.
        WRITE: 'success'.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "run
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION
      DATA: lo_same TYPE REF TO lcl_main.
      CREATE OBJECT lcl_main=>o_same.
    *  lcl_main=>o_same=>run( ).
          FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE REF TO lcl_main.
          ASSIGN ('LCL_MAIN')=>('O_SAME') TO <fs>.
          CALL METHOD <fs>->('RUN').
        CATCH cx_root.
    Naimesh Patel

  • Static methods vs instant methods

    hi to all abap gurus
    thanks in advance
    all of the objects in the class can acess its its static attributes . and if u change the static attribute in an  object the change is visible in all other objects in the calsssss.
    can u pls expain this and tell the diffrence bewteen static and instance metod s?

    <b>Instance Method</b>
    You can declare instance methods by using the METHODS statement. They play a very important role as they can access all of the attributes of a class and can trigger all of the events of the class.
    <b>Static Methods</b>
    You can declare static methods by using the CLASS-METHODS statement. They are important and can only access static attributes and trigger static events.
    Static methods (also referred to as class methods) are called using CALL METHOD <classname>=><class_method>.
    If you are calling a static method from within the class, you can omit the class name.
    You access static attributes using <classname>=><class_attribute>

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    What's the better approach for utility methods:
    a) write abstract class with static methods
    b) write class with non-static methods and instantiate this class to call the public methods.

    What's the better approach for utility methods:Define "utility methods".
    a) write abstract class with static methodsProbably not - surely a final class would be better than an abstract one?
    b) write class with non-static methods and instantiate
    this class to call the public methods.Do you (or might you ever) want to be able to plug in different implementations? If so, then this is the better option. If not, then a final class with all methods static will probably do the job very well.

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    BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote: wrote:
    Sorry mate... did not get that.By definition a utility class has all static methods. So as soon as you mention "utility class" you've already made a decision. The real question is "should method X be static or non-static"? My default position is to assume no method should be static, and then wait to be convinced.
    Look at utility class java.lang.Math, for example. It has static methods sin(), cos(), sqrt(), etc... An obvious choice for a utility class, right? Then they introduced class StrictMath in 1.3 with exactly the same static method signatures. That's a code smell that one should have written an interface and implemented it in at least two ways, but it's too late for that because the original methods are static.Good post.

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