"Form - Invalid Form" with ActiveForm in Menu Event

Hi all,
I have this error when i try to getr the active form in the SBO_Application_MenuEvent() when i duplicate line in matrix.
SAPbouiCOM.Form oForm = null;
oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm;
How can i try to solve this ?
Thanks for your response.
Best regards,

Hi Diego,
This is th code i'm use :
case "1293":
                            oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm;
                            if (oForm.TypeEx == GESTION_AFFAIRE)
                                if (lstdeleteLigne[oForm.TypeCount] == false)
                                    lstdeleteLigne[oForm.TypeCount] = true;
                                    BubbleEvent = false;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            TraceInFile.Trace_Error_In_File("MenuUID: " + pVal.MenuUID + "\r\n" + "Before Action: " + pVal.BeforeAction + "\r\n" + "Form: Form_GestionAffaires" + "\r\n" + "Message : " + ex.Message);
This error appears sometime. I reaaly don't understand thsi problem.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,

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    I have just started using dreamweaver and i dont use code or anything yet.  I have been following a tutorial from thesitewizard which runs through the basics of creating a web page in the design screen.  It created a form to insert but i need to know how to create a form which has a drop down menu to have say 4 or 5 options to select the normal name email comments etc fields and submit button to enbale people to contact me.  Can anyone help with this.  Pleae keep in mind i am very new to this and dont have any code experience etc at all.
    Thanx in advance for any help.

    You will need to use a form processing script to handle your form data.  This isn't terribly difficult, but it's more than you can do in Design View alone.
    Have a look at this form building service.
    Another one to look at - although I've never used it myself, it gets mentioned a lot in these groups.
    Forms To Go from BeBo Soft -
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics |  Print | Media Specialists

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    I sense your sarcasm, but of course Larry's answer, un-detailed as it may be, is fundamentally correct.
    In Acrobat, you can use Javascript to show/hide buttons and fields, which is much more flexible than the basic functionality you get from the InDesign UI methods. If you're inexperienced with writing code, it might seem daunting at first, but once you find some examples (easy to find online), you really only need to copy/paste a few expressions, substituting your button/field labels for whatever pre-existing.
    Assuming you have the full version of Acrobat, here's something to get you started:
    With what you've already got...in InDesign...keep all your form fields as they are. Anything that's not a field, but that you will want to show/hide; make it a button...but don't set anything to show/hide...just export to PDF and get it all into Acrobat where you can manipulate it via Javascript. (You don't even need to have a final layout. Anything that's a field or button can be repositioned once you're in Acrobat.)
    In Acrobat, enter form edit mode and see the list of fields and buttons in your form. Choose the first click-able (button) item to use as a show/hide toggle, and access its properties (double-click or rt-click). Go to the Actions tab, select a trigger, (Mouse Up is most typical), and from the Select Action menu, choose Run a Javascript. Here, you could avoid Javascript and choose Show/Hide a Field, which will allow you to choose from a list. This also works, but is ultimately still somewhat limited, not unlike the InDesign features. To explore the Javascript possibilities, click the Add button to open the Javascript editor.
    Copy/paste this:
    this.getField("fieldName01").display = display.visible;
    this.getField("fieldName02").display = display.visible;
    etc., for all the elements you want to make visible, and this:
    this.getField("fieldName03").display = display.hidden;
    this.getField("fieldName04").display = display.hidden;
    etc., for all the elements you want to hide.
    Of course, it can go much deeper than this, but that's all there is to basic show/hide function via Javascript. It solves your immediate problem, and once you get past that, there are many more equally simple possibilities.

  • Applicaiton form hangs when trying to make C# form visible from menu event

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    The applicaion is written in C# ( VS 2005)
    I am a newbee to C# ( VS too ) as well.
    All I want is to display the MDI container form when a menu is clicked. But the windows form hangs forever, and does not show.
    if I try to show the form within Main method then no issues! The problem happens only off the SBO menu event .
    I cannot have the form loaded all the time. so I need the services of the SBO menu click, so a user can open it whenever he wants.
    Note: I can open any other form off the menu click, but that , provided they are not MDI containers and they are opened with ShowDialog(); If I use Show(); then again hangs.
    I tried opening the MDI form in Main method, ( wich of course works) and hide it when not needed. I could hide the form, but when I issued a command myForm.visible = true;  through the SBO menu event, again hangs!
    my applicaion Main function is as follows. The class AA_SBO_MAIN  holds the SBO application events.
    static void Main()
                Classes.AA_SBO_MAIN oSBOMain = null;
                oSBOMain = new Classes.AA_SBO_MAIN(); 
    the menu event simply does
                  frmMain fm = new frmMain();
                  fm.Visible = true;

    I try doing these few steps and it seems to work!  The code is in Visual Basic though!
    Declare the form variable
    Private mMDI As New frmMDI
    In your menu click event enter a code like this
    If mMDI Is Nothing Then mMDI = New frmMDI
    mMDI.Visible = True
    On your startup function do something like this
    Public Sub New()
           mMDI.Show() : mMDI.Visible = False
    End Sub
    And more important ... in the form class comment all the code inside the Dispose method
    and finally do the following
    Private Sub frmMDI_Closed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed
    End Sub
    it seems to work for me . Hope it helps you too!

  • Loading screen painter form via a menu event.

    In my application, I am trying to get my screen painter form (.srf) to display through a menu event. The thing is when I click on the menu the first time it loads okay but when I close it and try to open it by clicking it again nothing happens. I am doing it as below.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    private void SBO_Application_MenuEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent)
                BubbleEvent = true;
                    if ((pVal.MenuUID == "vdetails") & (pVal.BeforeAction == false))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox(ex.Message, 1, "Ok", "", "");
    private void Form_1()
                string strTmp = "vclMgt.srf";
                LoadFromXML(ref strTmp);
                oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.Item("frmVMGT");
    private void LoadFromXML(ref string FileName)
                System.Xml.XmlDocument oXmlDoc = null;
                oXmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
                string sPath = null;
                sPath =  System.IO.Directory.GetParent(System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Application.StartupPath).ToString()).ToString();
                oXmlDoc.Load(sPath + @"\" + FileName);
                string strXML = oXmlDoc.InnerXml.ToString();
                SBO_Application.LoadBatchActions(ref strXML);

    Hi Binita,
    Thank you for your suggestion but it hasnt worked, the form doesnt display and no errors appear.
    This is how i've done it in C#
    private void SBO_Application_MenuEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent)
                BubbleEvent = true;
                    if ((pVal.MenuUID == "vdetails") & (pVal.BeforeAction == false))
                        foreach (SAPbouiCOM.Form oForm in SBO_Application.Forms)
                            if (oForm.UniqueID == "frmVMGT")
                                found = true;
                        if (found == true)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox(ex.Message, 1, "Ok", "", "");
    Where 'found' is global.
    I saw a similar issue someone else had but it wasnt resolved.
    Any more ideas?

  • Menu Event - Loading srf or xml forms.

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    Here is the code:
    private void SBO_Application_MenuEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent)
                BubbleEvent = true;
                    if ((pVal.MenuUID == "vdetails") & (pVal.BeforeAction == false))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox(ex.Message, 1, "Ok", "", "");
    private void load()
                string strTmp = "vclMgt.srf";
                LoadFromXML(ref strTmp);
                oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.Item("frmVMGT");
                oForm.Visible = true;
    private void LoadFromXML(ref string FileName)
                System.Xml.XmlDocument oXmlDoc = null;
                oXmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
                string sPath = null;
                sPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Application.StartupPath).ToString()).ToString();
                oXmlDoc.Load(sPath + @"\" + FileName);
                string strXML = oXmlDoc.InnerXml.ToString();
                    SBO_Application.LoadBatchActions(ref strXML);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox(ex.Message, 1, "Ok", "", "");

  • Can't style forms with CSS in DWCS6 / Need to add WYSIWYG menu

    Hello everyone,
    i put both my "problems" in a single topic:
    1) I was trying to add some style to my pages with forms in them, but it seems it doesn't work so well.... i explain: i create a php page, i insert a form with text fields (username and password, for example) and the "login" button. The form ID is "LogForm". I create a CSS class, called ".FormCSS" and inside i put the rule "align text: right". I apply the rule to the form and all the text inside goes to the right. I try online (real server and local server, i tried both) but nothing happens, the elements of the form stay on the left. I tried to apply the rul to the ID of the form. Nothing.
    Probably i'm doing something wrong. Even with text and tables inside the form, i can't move/modify them, at all. In design view i see all the changes, online i can't (chrome and IE). What do i have to do?
    2) I'm creating a page to insert long text in a database, like when you post in a forum. I'd like to insert a sort of toolbar with the align options, style, and so on, like the WYSIWYG editors. Is it possibile? Is there a way to put a toolbar like that in DWCS6?

    #1 You're not styling the correct form selectors: form, fieldset, lable label, input, textarea...
    See example of a CSS styled HTML5 form. View source to see the code.
    HTML5 Form with jQuery Validation
    #2 Look at CK Editor.
    CKEditor.com | The best web text editor for everyone
    Nancy O.

  • Windows Form with SAP B1 Problem

    Dear all,
    I'm building an add-on that use some windows form.
    In Menu Event i placed the code for open my windows form:
                        MyForm xxx = new MyForm();
                        xxx.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal;
                        xxx.Visible = true;
                        xxx.ShowInTaskbar = true;
                        xxx.TopMost = true;
                        xxx.Text = string.Empty;
                        xxx.ControlBox = false;
    All works fine, but, when my form is open i can't operate on SAP.
    It's like my form is modal, and until I have it open I can't do anything outside the form.
    Can someone help me?

    Hi Diego
    There's actually two ways to build an add-on, one that runs inside SAP Business One and one that runs along SB1 side but built on windows forms.  You can see this clearly if you try some of the add-on samples that come along with B1.  Overall, when I did the analysis I ended up with the conclusion that I was going to spend twice the work to achieve windows forms.
    First, you would have develop classes and objects that keep in communication with Business One.  Second, you have to keep in mind that you cannot create, update, or delete data directly to the database unless you use the SDK provided objects and methods.  Which brings you back to the SAP data sources.
    Furthermore, you can run into a bit of complexity do to the fact that to illustrate data in your form, you might have to "convert" your data.  For instance, say a SAP recordset into a dataset or ADO recordset.  In other words, you can end up with a bit more complex architecture the way I see it.
    Using the Screen Painter and SAP Business One tools such as the BIDE you can construct bound form (UDOs) which can even require very little coding from your part (if forms are not to be too complex).  Once you get use to SAP's way handling data objects you see is a lot easier than trying the alternative.

  • Submit Warning Live Cycle Form (with Chunk)

    I have created some pdf forms with Live Cycle Designer and save them in my database as base64 string.
    I created XDP with formdata and CHUNK of this pdf form from database and show this XDP on browser. This all works fine. but when user tries to Click Submit button it displays message "This document has access more then one site and might trying to share data among different location. This could be a privacy concern....."
    I understand i'm using chnuk and my base64 string (of PDF form ) is in database. but it needed. Also i am assigning the Submit URL on runtime.
    This code is written in Live Cycle button Init Javascript this.resolveNode("#event").submit.target= txtFieldSubmitURLH.rawValue + "Close.aspx";
    pls help.

    1. How are you converting from XLSX to PDF. Are you printing the file ato PDF then adding the fields after the fact?
    2. I was able to change the tabbing order using the tabbing tool (under the View menu). Moving the fields in the hoierarchy will not affect the tabbing order in this case. By default it is left to right - top to bottom. So if you move the fields on the page then it will affect tabbing order. You really shodul be doing this via the tabbing tool.
    3. On teh version that you sent it was showing a blank entry for all DDLists until you selected an item.
    Note that I am using version 9 of Acrobat/Reader and version 8.2.1. of Designer.

  • Unable to save a form with missing required fields

    I have a form, with required fields, as part of the new hire process. I would like to make sure the user fills in the required fields before closing/saving the form.
    I have a custom script that highlights the missing required fields when the complete/validate button is clicked.
    This, however, doesn't stop the user from saving the form. As a result, we are getting incomplete forms returned.
    Is there a way to stop the user from saving the form until the required fields are filled ?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have a "validate" button that sets a flag (for workflow). This button will perform the check and highlight the missing fields.
    Once the user completes the form, he/she saves and emails the form. The reason for not having the email button is because not all users will have outlook and wouldn't want to go through the wizard.
    I understand your point but I need to know if there is some solid way of not allowing the users to return the form without completing the form.
    If I include an email button, the users can still save, by using the toolbar menu, and email the incomplete document.
    As we are planning to implement Digital Signatures, would it be possible to have the check in the presign event. Will this prevent the document fron being signed until the required fields are filled ?

  • How to show system form with a new button

    Hi experts,
         I created a new button on the sales order system form, I need that the new button calls other system form, How can I show a system form with my new button?
    César Lemus.

    Hi César,
    On the Item Pressed Event of the button, Write the code to show the other system form. The sample for this is as follows.
    Case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED
                          If pVal.ItemUID = "URButtonID"
                                    SBO_Appln.ActivateMenuItem("Menu ID of ur system form.")
    Hope this is helpful. If yes reward points.
    Vasu Natari.

  • How to use Adobe forms with F150 Dunning Run

    I want to use Adobe forms with the transaction F150 Dunning Run.
    How do I get the adobe form in customizing? I have put the FM 'FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE_PDF' in business transaction Event, BF31 - P/S modules of SAP app - 00001720, Fi-FI. But it is still not recognizing the ADOBE form.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I am also working for calling custom adobe form instead of sapscript.
    While configuring BTE 1720, i noticed that configuring BTE only FI-FI application does not solve the purpose. You need to assign function module FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE_PDF for all Application Area Indicator.
    Adding to IS-PS will allow to print for customer.
    This solved my problem. But this setting is global so you need to take care of it.

  • Error in generating form with 6i

    I have installed designer 6i rel 2 with form developer 6i on NT
    When in design editor, I want to generate the form with generate
    module, the system generate "CDR-21600: A running Generator or
    Utility has failed."
    Also in action column writes: " It is possible that the internal
    cache is now in an inconsistent state. You are therefore
    recommended to close and restart the application."
    Could anyone tell me what is the problem and how to solve it.

    Here is an document which describes some known causes of CDR-
    21600 errors. I hope it will help you.
    To describe some known causes of CDI-21600 errors and to
    suggest possible solutions and workarounds.
    This note was written for users of Oracle Designer releases 2.1.x
    and 6.0.
    CDI-21600 errors occur most frequently during Design Capture and
    when generating forms with the Forms and WebServer generators.
    Investigating CDI-21600 errors
    In Oracle Designer Release 2.1.2 and Release 6.0, this error has
    the form:
    CDI-21600 'A running generator or utility has failed'
    The Release 2.1.1 error message was: 'Generator or Utility throw
    an Exception'
    The CDI-21600 error message means that the generator is hitting
    an unhandled exception, also known as a GPF (general protection
    fault). The CDI-21600 error masks the underlying exception error.
    To see the real error do the following:
    1. Go into the Registry Editor (REGEDIT).
    2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\oracle\des2_70
    3. Set EXCEPT_HANDLING to 0 (by default it is 1).
    Repeat the action that resulted in the error.
    Known Causes of CDI-21600 Errors and Possible Solutions
    Some of the reasons why CDI-21600 errors occur are listed below.
    1. A common cause of CDI-21600 errors is failure to install the
    Developer patches.
    See [NOTE:64630.1] Developer Patches required to run
    Designer with Developer
    2. Check that Designer is running on a supported database. Also
    check that the
    TNS connection is correct.
    See [NOTE:60705.1] Designer Certification Matrix (HTML)
    3. Check for 'dangling' foreign keys, in other words FKs no longer
    owned by any
    table in the repository. Delete all invalid constraints.
    Invalid constraints may be created if you use the repository
    dump utility to
    dump and restore external foreign keys referencing tables
    shared into the
    application system, without dumping and restoring the tables
    that own them.
    If you restore a complete dump (rather than a 'skeleton' one),
    and then use
    the 'Reconnect Share Links' option when restoring, you may be
    able to
    resolve this problem.
    To get a complete list of 'dangling' constraints in your
    repository, connect
    using SQL*Plus and use the following query:
    SELECT app.name, key.name
    FROM ci_application_systems app, ci_constraints key
    WHERE key.table_reference IS NULL
    AND key.application_system_owned_by = app.id;
    You can also run CKAZANAL.ANAL_REFERENCES on your
    repository and delete all
    the invalid constraints that it finds. You can run the Repository
    from: Front Panel -> Repository Administration Utility -> Utilities.
    NOTE: There may be inconsistencies in the repository that the
    Analyzer cannot fix. You might solve such problems by
    dropping all the
    tables of your application, recreate them from the ERD,
    then use the
    DDT and recreate your modules.
    [BUG:847190] CDI-21600 during forms generation: 'dangling'
    foreign key
    "Since the generator is running on a repository that contains
    constraints and the Repository Analyzer solves the problem,
    bug closed as
    unfeasible to fix."
    4. Check your modules for invalid or missing references such as
    missing window
    5. Try generating your module against default templates and
    object libraries.
    6. When capturing forms or libraries, try capturing the form or
    library without
    application logic, then capture the application logic on its own.
    See [NOTE:1064690.6] CDI-21600 when capturing design of
    form with
    application logic
    [BUG:757541] DESCAP: CDI-21600 error reported when
    capturing with
    application logic
    Fixed In Ver: 6.0
    [BUG:926383] Duplicate of [BUG:757541] This has been fixed in
    2.1.2 patch
    779559. However you would be advised to apply a later patch
    such as 855635
    which fixes more bugs in this area.
    7. Make sure that all objects that are referenced by the form have
    captured into the repository before capturing the form.
    8. A CDI-21600 will occur if a lookup usage displays only one
    column of
    datatype DATE or if the column of datatype DATE is displayed
    as the first
    item in the block.
    Add more column usages to the lookup block and do not
    display the DATE data
    type column usage as the first item in the block.
    9. [BUG:810472] CDI-21600 when 'Argument in Caller' is set
    Fixed In Ver:
    Make sure that you have an argument in the called module that
    is mapped to
    the "Argument Passed Value" in the calling module. The only
    way to get this
    mapping back once the APV has the <Module Argument> label
    is to delete it
    and recreate it.
    10. [BUG:801736] CDI-21600 on design capture of a form with
    subclassed object
    Fixed In Ver: (backport)
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5
    You have an item that has been subclassed to an object.
    Checking the Design
    Capture option 'Capture Control Blocks' causes the CDI-21600
    error. Uncheck
    'Capture Control Blocks' and the problem does not occur. Open
    the FMB in
    Forms*Builder and look at Data Blocks -> Items. Break the link
    to the
    object, save the FMB, and the form will capture (similar to
    Alternatively, ensure the link can be established.
    11. [BUG:850436] CDI-21600 on generation of a form with template
    subclassed object group
    You try to generate a form out of Designer that uses a user-
    template. If a collection of objects in the template is grouped
    into an
    object group, dragged into the object library and then either
    copied or
    subclassed into a form, when the form is generated you get a
    12. [BUG:822659] Module generation fails (CDI-21600) with multi-
    column PK having
    long prompt text
    Fixed In Ver:
    Module generation with multi-column primary key having long
    prompt text
    causes CDI-21600 with preference MSGSFT set.
    Shorten the prompt text of PKs may not be not applicable. You
    may loose end
    user information.
    You may have the same problem with a mandatory compound
    FK. CASEOFG tries to
    generate a message '<P1> must be entered', where <P1>
    contains all the
    prompts of the bound items from the FK. If you reduce the
    length of the
    prompts, or set MSGSFT = NULL or WEDI = S or property
    Mandatory?=No, it
    works correctly.
    13. [BUG:792542] Capturing application logic causes CDI-21600
    (V2 style
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.5
    After removal of the v2 triggers, the form captures/merges OK
    provided patch 875027 has not been applied.
    14. [BUG:790877] CDI-21600 if the primary/foreign keys have no
    key components
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.11
    Generating a module with tables having a primary key not
    correctly defined
    (no PK component) will cause a CDI-21600 error. This can
    occur when
    unloading a module from the RON. If you pick up the module
    (and only the
    module) in the unload set, the table and its PK are unloaded as
    a skeleton.
    Loading the .DAT file into a new application will create a PK
    without a
    15. [BUG:771549] CDI-21600 if cannot connect to the DB with
    connect string in
    Options (Compile)
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.13
    If you cannot connect to the DB with the connect string
    specified in options
    (Compile), the forms generator will fail with CDI-21600.
    This problem occurs when you cannot connect to the DB
    - the username or password is wrong;
    - or the SQL*Net alias is not defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA
    - or the SQL*Net listener is not started;
    - or the DB is down.
    16. [BUG:785106] CDI-21600 when generate master detail form
    with preserve layout
    [BUG:855812] is a duplicate of this bug.
    Fixed In Ver: (Bug:860426 Backport request for 2.1.2)
    Fixed In Ver: 6.0
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.3
    You have a master-detail Form with the Master having items
    partly on a TAB
    Canvas. Generate Module works OK. You enter Forms Builder
    and move some
    items on the tabs (just small changes, items are still on the
    same tabs).
    You change the look of the Detail and change Records
    Displayed. Now in
    Designer you generate the Module with Preserve Layout. You
    get a CDI-21600
    error. The problem might reproduce without doing any changes
    in Forms
    Builder, just by generating with Preserve Layout.
    17. [BUG:891306] If primary key column of lookup in check
    constraint comment of
    base table
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.5
    Do not use the name of the bound item that is based on the
    primary key
    column of the lookup table in a check constraint comment of
    the base table.
    18. [BUG:896026] Forms gen throws assertion failure in
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.7
    A problem is caused by a PL/SQL definition (function, package,
    being defined as a called module for the module you are trying
    to generate.
    To resolve the problem and enable the module to be generated,
    remove all
    Called Modules that are PL/SQL definitions (functions,
    procedures or
    See [NOTE:2107207.6] CDI-21600 during generation of module
    or Assertion
    Failure \cv\cvi\cvibni.cpp
    19. [BUG:812333] CDI-21600 generating a web module after
    adding an unbound item
    Fixed In Ver:
    Backport [BUG:1280667] raised to fix by
    You add an unbound item (SQL expression) to a Web module.
    When you try to
    generate the module you get a CDI-21600 error. If you delete the
    item the Web module generates correctly.
    In a test case the problem occurred during validation of the
    text, if the master module component was in a different module.
    A workaround
    was to rearrange module components so that this was not the
    CDR-21605: Failed while processing Module <mod> in function
    CCVDiag::TraceGeneratorMessage BOF
    The generator failed due to an unexpected error - the
    error indicates the object the generator was processing
    when it failed.

  • Resetting a Form with Cascading LOVs (Apex 4)

    A standard reset button cannot reset cascading LOVs properly. Let's assume we have a parent LOV and a child LOV. When one changes the selection in the child LOV, reset can undo this. But when he changes the selection in the parent LOV, reset will undo only the parent LOV but not the child LOV. The child LOV remains unchanged (however the selection is lost) and therefore shows a list that does not correspond to the entry now shown in the parent LOV.
    Has anybody found a solution for this, a reset action that can reset cascading LOVs completely and properly?

    i didn't try this myself but maybe you succeed with triggering the onchange-event of your parent-select-list (this should cause the child select-list to be refreshed).
    Or you could try if a form region has a apex "refresh" event (i know that refresh works on reports).
    Blog: http://www.oracle-and-apex.com
    ApexLib: http://apexlib.oracleapex.info
    BuilderPlugin: http://builderplugin.oracleapex.info
    Work: http://www.click-click.at

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