Formatting report output

I built a report (under Applications) and am trying to change the size of the column widths. Under 'Edit' there is a tab to format the columns, but changing the pixel, % or Char size does not seem to be helping. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

Hi Cindy,
This is a forum intended for questions about programmatic portlet development using the Portal Developer Kit. Try posting your question in the Applications forum under Products > Portal.
Good luck,

Similar Messages

  • Formatted report output to J2EE?

    We have a requirement to implement a J2EE application (non-Portal) that executes BI reports and displays the formatted results in the application. Research done so far comes up with only interfaces (e.g. SOAP/XML, BI Java SDK) that handles non-formatted query results. The formatting of the data will have to be handled by the J2EE application, by using BI Java SDK classes, for example.
    What is the possibilites of delivering formatted report (in WAD or pdf format) to a non-Portal J2EE application. For example, is there some interface that let me run a web template and can store the formatted results in a J2EE container?

    One other way to get around this is to put the headers in the header seation of the report. It looks like the data and the headings are both in the main section of the report layout. But do this it has worked great for us.
    There is a small bug in Reports 6i, and I'm not sure if they corrected it in any of the new versions. The bug is that when the headings are put in the header section there will not be any return, so your headings and the first line of data come out on the same line. I have a little trick to get around this issue. What you do is add this query to your data model:
    SELECT 'chr(10)' FROM DUAL;
    Then add this field after the headers that are in the header section.
    I hope that helps,

  • Sending report output via E-mail (excel pivoted format)

    Hi all,
    i have a written a report where i need to send the report output to somebody via
    E-mail.i am sending this report output via E-mail successfully.The receiver receives, my output in excel format.but this excel is not <b>pivoted</b>.
    i want , the receiver should get my output in pivoted excel format.i.e my output data should be exactly fit in the excel sheet.
    now the columns in excel sheet are overlapping.once i double clicked, the columns are getting separated.i do not want to double click.i want all the columns should come properly i.e excel field  length should be adjusted as per the output field length.
    i am giving my coding below.plz suggest how i can do the above thing .it's urgent.
    any idea will be highly appreaciated.
    if not p_email1 is initial.
         perform fill_report_csv.
         perform f_send_internet_mail.
    FORM fill_report_csv.
       data :   l_text(232) type c,
               v_matnr1(21) type c,
               v_matnr(21) type c,
               v_matkl(14) type c,
               v_maktx(45) type c,
               v_ttlstk(14) type c,
               v_verpr(14) type c,
               v_werks(14) type c,
               v_lgort(14) type c,
               v_char(10) type c,
               v_stks type p ,
               v_po(40) type c,
               v_qty(13) type c,
                v_qty1 type sy-datum,
               v_date(15) type c,
               v_date1(15) TYPE C,
               v_name(35) type c,
               v_eknam(18) type c,
               v_lifnr(15) type c,
            l_po(40) type c,
            v_matnr(20) type c,
             l_rate(11) type  p decimals 5,
             l_flag type c.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'PO no.' c_colon
                    into v_po.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Material no.' c_colon
                    into v_matnr.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Description.' c_colon
                    into v_maktx.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Due Qty.' c_colon
                    into v_qty.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Del Date.' c_colon
                    into v_date.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Vendor.' c_colon
                    into v_name.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Buyer.' c_colon
                    into v_eknam.
      concatenate c_equal c_colon 'Vendor Code.' c_colon
                    into v_lifnr.
             v_po v_matnr v_maktx v_qty
             v_date v_name v_eknam v_lifnr
             into i_download
             SEPARATED BY con_tab.
      append i_download .
    clear : v_po,v_matnr, v_maktx, v_qty, v_date, v_name, v_eknam,v_lifnr .
    clear wa_output.
    loop at i_output into wa_output.
       on change of wa_output-ebeln.
         clear v_lines.
         loop at i_eket into wa_eket
                 where ebeln = wa_output-ebeln.
           v_lines = v_lines + 1.
           clear wa_eket.
    **-- Checking of page break
         v_lines = sy-linno + v_lines .
         if 55 < v_lines  .
           write:/0(161) sy-uline.
      clear v_lines.
          loop at i_eket into wa_eket
                  where ebeln = wa_output-ebeln.
            v_lines = v_lines + 1.
            clear wa_eket.
    *-- Calculating the due qty.
        wa_output-dumng = wa_output-menge - wa_output-wemng.
    *-- Writing the Line items of the PO.
        read table i_ekpo into wa_ekpo
              with key ebeln = wa_output-ebeln
                       ebelp = wa_output-ebelp.
         l_rate = wa_ekpo-netpr / wa_ekpo-peinh.
    *-- Writing of PO detail
         if wa_output-dumng gt 0 .
         v_qty = wa_output-dumng.
        v_date1 = wa_output-eindt.
        v_maktx = wa_output-maktx.
         if wa_output-maktx+0(1) = '"' .
                concatenate  c_equal wa_output-maktx
                   into v_maktx  .
             else .
                concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-maktx c_colon
                   into v_maktx  .
             endif .
       if wa_output-name1+0(1) = '"' .
                concatenate  c_equal wa_output-name1
                   into v_name  .
             else .
                concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-name1 c_colon
                   into v_name  .
             endif .
        v_name = wa_output-name1.
        v_lifnr = wa_output-lifnr.
         write wa_output-eindt to v_date1 DD/MM/YYYY.
         concatenate '="' wa_output-ebeln '/'
                wa_output-ebelp '"' into v_po .
         concatenate '="' wa_output-matnr '"' into v_matnr .
             concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-maktx c_colon
               into v_maktx  .
              concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-dumng c_colon
               into v_qty1  .
               concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-eindt c_colon
               into v_date1  .
              concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-name1 c_colon
               into v_name  .
                concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-eknam c_colon
                into v_eknam  .
              concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_output-lifnr c_colon
               into v_lifnr  .
              concatenate  c_equal c_colon wa_mard-werks '/'
               wa_mard-lgort c_colon
               into v_lgort .
                 concatenate '="' wa_output-lifnr '"' into v_lifnr .
    condense:v_po,v_matnr, v_maktx, v_qty, v_date, v_name, v_eknam,v_lifnr .
             v_po v_matnr v_maktx v_qty
             v_date1 v_name v_eknam v_lifnr
             into i_download
             SEPARATED BY con_tab.
        concatenate con_cret i_download INTO i_download .
        append i_download .
    clear : v_po,v_matnr, v_maktx, v_qty, v_date, v_name, v_eknam,v_lifnr .
    ENDFORM.                    " fill_report_csv
    *&      Form  f_send_internet_mail
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM f_send_internet_mail.
    data:   it_packing_list like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
            it_contents like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
            it_receivers like somlreci1 occurs 0 with header line,
            it_attachment like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
            gd_cnt type i,
            gd_sent_all(1) type c,
            gd_doc_data like sodocchgi1,
            gd_error type sy-subrc.
    data:   it_message type standard table of SOLISTI1 initial size 0
                    with header line.
    data : found_receiver type c,
           v_title(80) type c,
           l_text(180) type c.
    Fill the document data.
      gd_doc_data-doc_size = 1.
    Adds text to email text table
      append 'Pls see attached open purchase order report.' to it_message.
      append '' to it_message.
      concatenate 'Note: This is system generated report'
                  ', figures may subject to actual physical count.'
                  into l_text separated by space.
      append l_text to it_message.
    Populate the subject/generic message attributes
      CLEAR gd_doc_data.
      READ TABLE i_download INDEX w_cnt.
      gd_doc_data-doc_size =
         ( w_cnt - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( i_download ).
      gd_doc_data-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
      gd_doc_data-obj_name   = 'SAPRPT'.
    if p_asdate is initial .
         concatenate p_title ' '
                  sy-datum sy-uzeit into v_title separated by space.
    else .
        concatenate p_title ' '
                 p_bldat p_cputm into v_title separated by space.
    endif .
      gd_doc_data-obj_descr  = v_title .
      gd_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
      CLEAR t_attachment.
      REFRESH t_attachment.
      t_attachment[] = i_download[].
    Describe the body of the message
      clear it_packing_list.
      refresh it_packing_list.
      it_packing_list-transf_bin = space.
      it_packing_list-head_start = 1.
      it_packing_list-head_num = 0.
      it_packing_list-body_start = 1.
      describe table it_message lines it_packing_list-body_num.
      it_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
      append it_packing_list.
    Create attachment notification
      it_packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
      it_packing_list-head_start = 1.
      it_packing_list-head_num   = 1.
      it_packing_list-body_start = 1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE t_attachment LINES it_packing_list-body_num.
      it_packing_list-doc_type   =  'XLS'.
      it_packing_list-obj_descr  =  'OPEN PURCHASE ORDER' .
      it_packing_list-obj_name   =  'PO.XLS' .
      it_packing_list-doc_size   =  it_packing_list-body_num * 255.
      APPEND it_packing_list.
    assign SAP user smtp address from successful retrieval.
      loop at p_email.
    Add the recipients email address
         found_receiver = 'X' .
         it_receivers-receiver = p_email-low.
         it_receivers-rec_type = 'U'.
         it_receivers-com_type = 'INT'.
         it_receivers-notif_del = ''.
         it_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
         append it_receivers .
      endloop .
    Add default recipient email when unable to locate purc group email
       if found_receiver is initial .
           it_receivers-receiver = p_email.
           it_receivers-rec_type = 'U'.
           it_receivers-com_type = 'INT'.
           it_receivers-notif_del = ''.
           it_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
          append it_receivers.
       endif .
    Call the FM to post the message to SAPMAIL
      call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'
                document_data              = gd_doc_data
                put_in_outbox              = 'X'
                commit_work                = 'X'
                sent_to_all                = gd_sent_all
                packing_list               = it_packing_list
                contents_bin               = t_attachment
                contents_txt               = it_message
                receivers                  = it_receivers
                too_many_receivers         = 1
                document_not_sent          = 2
                document_type_not_exist    = 3
                operation_no_authorization = 4
                parameter_error            = 5
                x_error                    = 6
                enqueue_error              = 7
                others                     = 8.
    Store function module return code
      gd_error = sy-subrc.
    Get it_receivers return code
      loop at it_receivers.
    Instructs mail send program for SAPCONNECT to send email.
      wait up to 2 seconds.
      if gd_error eq 0.
          submit rsconn01 with mode = 'INT'
                        with output = ' '
                        and return.
    ENDFORM.                    " f_send_internet_mail

    go through this link,
    you have some sample programs.

  • Is it possible to display keyfigures in italics format in report output

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to display keyfigures in italics and bold format in report output?
    Sri Arun Prian

    you can edit the CSS - there is a CSS class assigned to the key figures.... this is for WAD....
    Edited by: Arun Varadarajan on Feb 5, 2009 2:43 PM

  • Issue while downloading the alv report output in spreadsheet format .

    I have a report output, whenever I try to download it in the spreadsheet format to my desktop,
    I get the following issue:
    Say the correct material number is 10833340001218999 or 10030000063207001
    (This appears in the report output)
    But in the excel file the number is displayed as 10833340001218900 and 10030000063207000.
    Please help.

    Hi Sucharita,
    The reason for your problem could be that in excel 2007, characters more that 15 are replaced with 0.
    Or you can try downloading the data using FM 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' , if currently you are using stadard SAP functionality of data downloading.
    Best Regards,

  • ALV Report output in Excel format

    Hi ,
    I am facing a different behaviour in two computers , while trying to take an Excel format of an ALV report output. After generating the ALV output ,in one , when I click on the Excel Format button - the Excel spreadsheet opens with the output data. In the second computed , under the same action , a blank Excel sheet opens .
    Could someone tell me a solution . What aspect is responsible for this ?
    Regards ,

    Reduce the MACRO security settings in the Excel to Medium.
    Open an execl sheet, Chose from menu Tootls->Macro->Security.
    Chose the radio-buton medium. Close the file and all excel applications.Then try downloading again.

  • How can we format the download file as it is as report output.

    hi all,
    I have a issue, when i execute the program the the report output displays on output screen.
    now, in menu when i down load this output data into a word file the format is not correct i.e. it is not as it is in report output screen.
    how we can correct this output format, when we download in word format file through menu.
    pls help me on this .its very urgent.

    U will have to use OLE methods to format your MS-WORD output.
    Check the tcode  DWDM for sample code
    Also check out the threads:
    Get WORD Options with OLE
    Re: OLE and MS Word
    Also search in code samples with OLE-MSWORD
    Reward if helpful,

  • Xml report output in excel format without using options tab in EBS

    How to get xml publisher report output in excel format without using options tab in EBS?
    I am getting XML Publisher report output in excel format by using options tab while submitting the concurrent request .
    But i want to get excel output automatically.
    Can anyone give idea to get XML publisher Report output in excel without selecting options tab.
    Thanks in advance
    Sandeep V

    Hey Sandeep,
    I am working on a similar format for a report and if possible can you please give me some guidelines. I have initially created reports using XML Publisher, but for those , the output preview format was PDF. So, if I select the preview format as EXCEL will it give me output in Excel and for this to happen, how do I define the rtf template. I believe the working will be same as for PDF, create a rdf report, get output in XML and apply the template to get the data in Excel or there is something different to this.

  • Changing Oracle Report Output Format at runtime

    Dear All,
    I've custom Oracle Report in Oracle Apps., and would like to give the users an option to select the output format (XML, TEXT, PDF, etc.) whilst submitting the request.
    As a SYSADMIN, we can modify the Output Format value of the concurrent program(Oracle Report in this case) to one we like.
    But I would like the user to select this output format option at runtime, rather then hard coding at SYSADMIN level. For that I've to create a Value Set with the desired report output format options, and attach this to the concurrent program.
    My question is, how we can make the desired output format to work at runtime?
    If any one can help?

    Hi Steve,
    I couldn't get it...???
    I'm running an Oracle Report in Oracle Apps. release 11.5.9
    The default output format of this report is TEXT, which is defined in its concurrent program.
    This report is submitted using standard request submission screen, and after successful completion we can view the output by pressing "View Output" button on "Requests" screen. This will open an another window and we can view the output page by page. Using "Tools>Copy File..." menu option, we can view the same output in IE window.
    Now, how does your resolution fits here and how can I view the same report in XML format?
    Many Thanks,

  • Printing ABAP List(Report output - SE38) in A3 format

    I have a requirement to print the ABAP report in A3 page format. I am using LP01 printer and in in SPAD transcation I Changed the Tab "Output Attributes"
    Paper tray = "Paper tray 3" and Tab "Tray Info" Tray 3 = "DINA3"  still the report gets print in A4 page format.
    Even i tried by changing the lize size and line count...still .... it prints in A4 format only.
    Could you let me know what exactly I need to in order to print my report output in A3 Page format.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Check this below link

  • How to get Report Output in csv format

    How can i get report Output in csv format, can any one tell me the word used for output type to get output in csv format.
    i have used XLS output type but it opens in excel format.

    Hi Babu,
    Till now in xmlpublisher there is no method to create file in csv format ,you have to create Excel file and then save it in .csv format.Unless and until ur using BI Publisher in which some work around are possible.

  • Formatting problem when downloading classical report output to excel sheet.

    Dear Experts,
    My classical report o/p looks like:
    SI    Name   ID
    1      xyz     11
    2      abc     22
    3      eet      33
    4      jnc      44
    When I download the same to a excel sheet from List->Save->file->Spreadsheet and save it.
    The formatting looks like this:
    SI   Name   ID
    1     xyz               11
    2     abc               22
    3     eet                33
    4     inc                44
    That is the heading and column entries are in different columns.
    There is no GUI_Download used.
    Kindly help what may be the issue.

    In the report output the formatting looks fine. It is exactly below the heading. But only when I save it to excel, this alignment issue is coming. Even the columns after this column are are properly aligned and there is no issue at all. Only this column in the middle has issue.

  • How to download the report output  into PDF format

    Hi friedns
    from the report output when user clicks download button
    it has to download to PDF format
    how to do this
    thanks in advance

    hi venu,
    check this sample code
    Save Report Output to a PDF File
    This report takes another report as input, and captures the output of that report. The output is then converted to
    PDF and saved to a local file. This shows how to use some of the PDF function modules, as well as an easy way to
    create PDF files.
    Source Code Listing
    report zabap_2_pdf.
    *-- Enhancements: only allow to be run with variant. Then called
    *-- program will be transparent to users
    *-- TABLES
    mstr_print_parms like pri_params,
    mc_valid(1) type c,
    mi_bytecount type i,
    mi_length type i,
    mi_rqident like tsp01-rqident.
    mtab_pdf like tline occurs 0 with header line,
    mc_filename like rlgrap-filename.
    p_repid like sy-repid, " Report to execute
    p_linsz like sy-linsz default 132, " Line size
    p_paart like sy-paart default 'X_65_132'. " Paper Format
    concatenate 'c:\'
    into mc_filename.
    *-- Setup the Print Parmaters
    call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
    authority= space
    copies = '1'
    cover_page = space
    data_set = space
    department = space
    destination = space
    expiration = '1'
    immediately = space
    in_archive_parameters = space
    in_parameters = space
    layout = space
    mode = space
    new_list_id = 'X'
    no_dialog= 'X'
    user = sy-uname
    out_parameters = mstr_print_parms
    valid = mc_valid
    archive_info_not_found = 1
    invalid_print_params = 2
    invalid_archive_params = 3
    others = 4.
    *-- Make sure that a printer destination has been set up
    *-- If this is not done the PDF function module ABENDS
    if mstr_print_parms-pdest = space.
    mstr_print_parms-pdest = 'LOCL'.
    *-- Explicitly set line width, and output format so that
    *-- the PDF conversion comes out OK
    mstr_print_parms-linsz = p_linsz.
    mstr_print_parms-paart = p_paart.
    submit (p_repid) to sap-spool without spool dynpro
    spool parameters mstr_print_parms
    via selection-screen
    and return.
    *-- Find out what the spool number is that was just created
    perform get_spool_number using sy-repid
    changing mi_rqident.
    *-- Convert Spool to PDF
    call function 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
    src_spoolid= mi_rqident
    no_dialog = space
    dst_device = mstr_print_parms-pdest
    pdf_bytecount = mi_bytecount
    pdf = mtab_pdf
    err_no_abap_spooljob = 1
    err_no_spooljob = 2
    err_no_permission = 3
    err_conv_not_possible = 4
    err_bad_destdevice = 5
    user_cancelled = 6
    err_spoolerror = 7
    err_temseerror = 8
    err_btcjob_open_failed = 9
    err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
    err_btcjob_close_failed = 11
    others = 12.
    call function 'DOWNLOAD'
    bin_filesize = mi_bytecount
    filename = mc_filename
    filetype = 'BIN'
    act_filename = mc_filename
    data_tab = mtab_pdf.
    FORM get_spool_number *
    Get the most recent spool created by user/report *
    --> F_REPID *
    --> F_UNAME *
    --> F_RQIDENT *
    form get_spool_number using f_repid
    changing f_rqident.
    lc_rq2name like tsp01-rq2name.
    concatenate f_repid+0(8)
    into lc_rq2name separated by '_'.
    select * from tsp01 where rq2name = lc_rq2name
    order by rqcretime descending.
    f_rqident = tsp01-rqident.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    clear f_rqident.
    endform." get_spool_number

  • Oracle HTMLDB report output in PDF format using FOP

    We are currently using Oracle HTMLDB1.6.I am trying to implement the HTMLDB report output in PDF format.I got at document but it is not clear.Could you please let use know wheether anybody has already used in their organization.
    Appreciate your response.

    Hey Murai,
    did you read the technote:
    There is anything explained!

  • Report Output In HTML Format

    i have my report output of 4 paes. when i tried to save them in HTML format , it saves all pages all together in 1 html. i want to save each page in different html.
    like i have 4 pages in report output .. i want 4 html for each different page .
    Can anybody help me ..its urgent

    You can do in this way ...
              HTML   = F_HTML
              FIELDS = FLDS
              ITABLE = ITAB.
      WRITE: / 'Error in generating the html format'.
              FILENAME         = 'c:test.html'
              MODE             = 'BIN'
              DATA_TAB         = F_HTML
              FILE_OPEN_ERROR  = 1
              FILE_WRITE_ERROR = 2
              OTHERS           = 9.
    call these 2 Fucntion modules for every page. so each page it wil downlaod a HTML page

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