FSB/Vcore fluctuations...

I was just wondering why the FSB and Vcore would fluctuate when I open up CPU-Z. I have it set in the BIOS to 201 and Vcore on auto, but when open CPU-Z, the FSB will go down to 200 then 201.2 then stabilize at 201...why doesn't it just remain at a constant 201???

thats the way cpu-z is its not an instant on reading it reads it on the fly
your vcore and speeds will NEVER EVER remain the same its the nature of the a computer, the voltage and speeds will always fluctuate.  period. anyone tells you any different, id like to see a video of their vcore and speeds staying perfect while they open and close some windows and programs.

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    Normal as far as I know. It fluctuates as per load and when the power saving features respond. Connect a DMM to the checkpoint header and you will probably see the same variations in voltage taking place.

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    I have the same problem but at 1.539 (the max it allows for my chip)------> drops to 1.488.  Im pretty sure its my PSU being overloaded, even though the other voltages are rock solid.  This board requires alot of amps on the 12 v rail.  The reason I think what i do, is when my PSU is cold, the volts stay up, as soon as Ive been running for awhile they drop.  Check your other voltages, if their low, its definetly the PSU, or if the CPU goes to 100% and they drop considerably then again.

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    I would say it´s normal and should not be any problem.
    All differant MoBo models, CPU´s, PSU´s, I have owned always had some fluctation.
    The onés I use now have variations between 1.46- 1.52, ( stable mid at 1.5v) and OC:ed with default vcore and measured by speedfan. The values changes every 10-15 sec.
    I believe fluctuation is depending on CPU load / thermal and powermanagement / Mobo and PSU powerdelivery
    This do not effect any stability or performance what I have noticed.

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    Depends on what was changed in Bios I suppose. Are you having a problem or was this just an observation. I see a lot of peeps that have problems and they look at that VCore fluxuation as the problem when in fact it is a normal thing. Mine fluxuates and it is perfectly stable as you can see by what I do. I fold for the Red Rockets team here on the forum and am the highest single machine user listed. My system is on 24/7 and has been rock stable for months running the folding. So VCore is not an issue with these minor fluxuations. Keep in mind that I say this simply because there are a lot of folks here that are searching for their problems and they need to know that what you and I see is normal operations. Otherwise a bunch of boards will get RMA'd for no purpose.

  • Fluctuating FSB/Multiplier

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    I found a post on this forum with someone having the same problem as mine and with the same motherboard(and similar rig), and the suggestions were:
    Set your power savings in windows to "always on" .
    Disable CnQ in Cell menu in bios .
    Click on the Cool'n'Quiet text in Corecenter and change from auto to user mode
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    Any suggestions?

    Well i'm kinda glad its normal, not something i'm used to. Like starting up a game to be told my system has changed all the time is a bit annoying. I did have it overclocked to 2.8GHz for awhile, which runs perfectly stable. But when the fluctuating started I got a bit concerned and put it back to stock speed... but it still does it 

  • Neo4-F, Fluctuating vCore

    Here's the graphs. I didn't include the voltages because they're nowhere near accurate. As I was watching the voltages on the screen, I monitored them with a multimeter, and they're not even close. Oh well. At least the temps look acurate.
    Edit: The "Case Temperature" is actually the NF4 sensor. The thing I'm concerned about is the vCore fluctuations (3rd pic). The beginning and end goes way down because I'm running CrystalCPUID to lower voltage/multiplier when the CPU's at idle, but the rest of the time it's jumping all over the place. I wonder if there's a hardware mod to fix this problem...
    On the vCore graph: At 2 minutes the vCore goes up due to CPU usage being above 60% (set by CrystalCPUID). The same happens at 26 minutes (CPU usage goes below 60%).

    Well how can you explain the vcore goin' from 1.3v to 1.65 from idle to load .
    If you have installed the AMD cpu driver , revert back to microsoft default processor.sys.
    What do you have as startupVID in bios , and whats the percentage overVID if used .
    And don't use the special features in crystalCPUID as they "can" start CnQ by using p-states (AMD powernow) .
    CnQ on/off in bios is only related to corecentre/corecell chip and doesn't turn off p-states.

  • Nforce vcore and spectrum

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    On a digital signal, square wave form,
    on the high edge and low edge is when data is transmitted. (DDR)
    Data is usually a burst of energy (say 5v on high and 0.7v on low) on the low and high ends.
    Now sometimes you dont get a nice clean signal, you may get too much. This causes interference and increases EMI.
    As the square wave form starts get ripples along it.
    So you use a device to spread the energy along the "spectrum" wave form.
    It uses FM technology (frequency modulation) to vary the FSB clock speeds, lower the frequency.
    So if you get a 6v peak along the signal, you stretch the wave (make the frequency slower), that reduces the height of the peak.
    I think that is how it works.
    And you would not get a 6v peak, we are talking very small.
    Spread Specturm only works for the default signals, 200FSB, 133FSB.
    If you overclock, the spreadspectrum feature tries to maintain it to the default speeds.
    Which is bad if you are running a 240Mhz FSB.  
    This also applies to the AGP one.

  • Idle VCORE w/ OC

    I am running an MSI P55-GD65 BIOS v1.5 with an Intel Core i5 750.
    When I had everything running at stock, I noticed the VCORE would decrease significantly under idle. I don't have the numbers recorded, but load was something like 1.22 and idle was as low as 0.7.
    Soon I wanted to OC a little, so I simply bumped up the BCLK to 160 (my RAM is rated at 2000MHz) and everything was stable and faster. However, VCORE (still on AUTO) had increased slightly under load (1.25 ish), but it no longer decreases on idle.
    My research seems to indicate that other motherboard manufacturers implement a feature called Voltage offset, which allows fine-tuning of the AUTO voltage and this maintains the EIST VCORE idle function.
    I am not concerned about idle temps, I frequently see 27C idle with 25C ambient. I am primarily concerned about this from a power savings stand point. That small reduction in voltage on idle SHOULD reduce power consumption, if even by a small amount.
    Is this a feature that is being worked on? Will it be available in a BIOS upgrade? Is it available now in a BIOS upgrade?

    If everything works fine when it is set to stock settings, the Vcore fluctuation will be determined by the overclock settings to maintain the FSB and processor speed.
    If you have more questions with regards to the overclocking settings for your board. You can try searching or asking in our Overclocker's section for advices.

  • KT3V/KT4V too low Vcore

    I'm still waiting for MSI KT3V/KT4V bios V1.9 and i'm very angry for MSI,because i wrote to MSI about it month ago. Nobody
    don't reply me and I lose my good opinion about MSI.I suggest MSI technicans to incerase Vcore voltage from default + 0,1V to
    default + 0,25 or 0,3V. I think that all KT3V/KT4V owners (overclockers like me) should write to MSI with this thread. I'm sure that it's possib;le and quite easy to do,but MSI technicans don't heard clients suggestions. I think that MSI support looks like ECS support or Shuttle support. Other mainboards like Epox 8K9A or ASUS A7V333,A7V8X have Vcore much higher!!!! I think that MSI is friendly for overclocking(Fuzzy logic 4) and i don't understand this limitations. If somebody from MSI is reading this I will be plesed to send my text directly to technicans or support.My e-mail :
    [email protected]
    Maybe somebody have unofficial bioses for KT3V with higer Vcore? I know Vmod and L11 mod,but i don't want to do this.
    Guys, I think it's possible to force MSI to release this bios,but we must arite to MSI everyday. MSI should respect clients
    Wirte your poinion about this thread!!!!!!!

    overclocking on the kt4/kt3 sucks anyway cause via makes their chipsets with that stupid divider.  besides, when have you ever actually seen a constant vcore anyway?  vcore fluctuates all the time.  
    on a side note, my nforce2 delta is comin on monday.  if you want to oc then get a mobo with nforce2.

  • P55M-GD45: VCore cannot be decreased

    Having this strange issue: vcore can only be increased.
    Also strangely when increasing, the next value after "auto" is not the vcore but just the increment amount itself, eg. 0,006 -> 0,012 ...
    So for example under default settings (FSB 133), CPU Specifications says vcore is 1.224V. Then moving down to vcore setting and looking to the right, there is a list with actual, min and max vcore and it says 0.000, 0.000 and the normal value for max respectively. And as mentioned, no way to lower the vcore value.
    At higher FSB, vcore is raised automatically and again no chance to lower it by myself.
    All other voltages are adjustable and shown (on the right side) correctly.
    Any suggestions!? - driving me crazy!
    Thank you!
    P55M-GD45 Bios 1.4

    My i7 rig is with a socket 1156 board, an Asus P7P55D mobo, and an 860 CPU. I know the Corsair DDR3 memory @ its stock 1.65v simply doesn't run at 1600mhz like it says on its box - 1333mhz seems to be its stability wall.
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  • Neo4-F vCore stability

    I'm wondering if there is any way to gain some more vCore stability. I set the BIOS so I should get 1.690 V core, but CPU-Z shows anywhere from 1.64 V up to 1.72 V. I think it's hindering my max OC by quite a bit. Is there a spot on my board that I should more actively cool to make the regulators more stable?

    Quote from: Pinhead-227 on 30-August-05, 07:14:26
    Temperatures are in Fahrenheit using my CPU's internal diode and MBM5. (you must mean Celsius pihead) I'm running a completely custom watercooling system with 2 heatercores and a car radiator fan coupled to a Hydor Seltz L35 pumping through a Winstch Labs Arctic Web 437W TEC unit. Case temp under load is 30C and nForce temp is 32C to 34C.
    vCore fluctuates even at stock speed (200x9=1.8 Ghz) with selected voltage. Lower voltage seems more stable.
    Right now at 2.7 GHz it is prime, memtest, gaming, and folding stable. If I go up ANY (2.71 Ghz) I lose stability. My memory is running on the 166:200 divider, and it has tested up to 255 Mhz stable with my timings. Right now memory is running at 245 Mhz.
    My 6600GT is running at 600 core, 1220 memory (stock is 500/1000).
    Hello again Pinhead,
    I kind of thought that you might have had somekind of homemade water cooling rig since I could not find references on the web from your signature.  Just a wild thought Pinhead, is there any chance that the power supplied to your jerry rigged water pump and car radiator fan may be somehow affecting the power supply to your CPU.  Can you isolate these items and insure that they or their wiring are nowhere near your CPU or motherboard? Can you possibly link/time your Vcore voltage fluctuatuions to cyling or surges of any of these items?
    Interesting to note that you have Vcore voltage fluctuations even at core speed but those are higher once you raise your voltage raised for OC. Your MBM5 calculates your voltage through an equation located in a voltage.ini file, located in its data folder, that looks something like this: sensed raw Vcore voltage input X a given coefficient + or - a correction factor = the voltage displayed by MBM5. This means that a very minor change to your sensed raw Vcore voltage is multiplied /amplified by the the coefficient in the equation. Something has to be interfering and causing a minor Raw VCore fluctuation.
    Have you tried to knock of your video OC to see if it corrects the situation?
    How are the voltages on other rail behaving?
    Can you use a voltmeter to check the power coming to your CPU?
    Do you have access to another power supply?
    Can you try your CPU in another motherboard?
    Do you get this Vcore voltage fluctuations with other software? (CPU Z, Everest< etc.)
    Pinhead keep in mind that the raw Vcore variance causing the flutuations in MBN5 is likely less than < 0.10 volt so it may not be easy to locate.  Also remember that voltage sensors & software are not always accurate. Are you sure that it is water and not moonshine in that cooling rig of yours? This could also affect your interpretation of the Vcore voltage readings.
    Siilysider 03's numbers indicate that you may be very close to max OC, see this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=85918.msg616278#msg616278
    Good luck,

  • BIOS problem (settings) on MS-6380LE

    I have the k7t266 pro LE motherboard..(ms-6380 LE) and pcalert4 indicates that the  Vcore fluctuates from 1.78v to 1.82v! (MBM5 too)  :(
    How can I change this values to 1.70v (for example) in the BIOS setup? ?(
    Since I updated my BIOS to version 1.9 a cannot see the ‘overclocking option’ like those to change the Vcore…or the CPU clock modifiying the  multplier…
    All I can change is the FSB clock and the CAS latency..that’s all
    I want to know if is there any posibility to activate this options (by jumpers for example)…
    My System:
    MOBO MS-6380 LE BIOS v1.9
    Athlon ThunderBird 1.4GHZ
    256mb Ram DDR pc2100
    WindowsXP SP1

    which BIOS do you recommend me to install??
    it is posible..i want a BIOS that dont have any problem with my actual configuration....
    please help
    thnx for the answer

  • Is my board dying??

    I've been using MSI 6337LE5 for the past 2months but now that I found out that my board is slowly dying. Few days ago, I found out that the clearCMOS jumper no longer work. And today I found out that even though I've set VCore at 1.5V, the actual VCore fluctuate around 1.66v. Its unusual bcoz when I first bought it, the VCore does not fluctuate at all and I didnt change anything to the system. The FSB which I've set at 133 also doesnt always stay at 133. One day its at 133, the other its at 131 and then the next day it went to 135. Whats up with my board?

    Doesn't sound good at all...
    It could be a bad power supply screwing up the bios, or the bios got screwed some other way.
    If you know how to flash the bios try reflashing it (even with the same version).

  • What's holding me back? ram?

    I can only hit stable at 3.45Ghz (15*230) to run 1:1 and anything higher, memetest got errors. Tried increased to ddr 2.8v, loosen timming at 2.5-4-4-8 but no luck. When running test 5 got tons of errors. I didn't try prime95 since memetest didn't pass... If set to CL3 my system won't boot (Can't set CL2.5 to CL3? Lousy ram?) So I decided to run dividers to see how far my system can push.
    Currently [email protected] (15*250) cpu temp idle at 50c load at 70c (readings taken from speedfan v4.2)
    Ratio 5:4 ddr@333
    Cpu voltage - 1.45v
    DDR voltage - 2.8v
    AGP voltage - 1.6v
    Spread spectrum - Disable
    AGP/PCI clock - 66.67/33.33
    Dram timing manual 2.5-3-3-8
    Running prime95 either small or large both failed. Increased vcore up to 1.5v, agp 1.7v and timming at 2.5-4-4-8 also failed when running prime. Now guys what could be the problem here? Even running at ratio 3:2 ddr@266 also won't help! Thanks 

    The whole point of using memtest is to ensure your memory is not the limiting factor in your overclock. In order to really test your memory, you need to do this.
    Run a 4 hour loop of standard tests (1-7)
    Run a 24 hour loop of test 5
    test 5 needs something like 32 (or 200 (or 1 million)) iterations to test your whole stick of memory, however many iterations it is, 24 hours should be just enough time to complete that)
    No offense but you have cheap memory so it will not overclock very far. If you want to overclock with a 1:1 FSB:MEM ratio then I would recommend buying ADATA Vitesta PC4000 memory. It's cheap, I've used it in my P4 system, and I've seen it work in other people's P4 systems.
    Therefore, in order to utilize your cheap memory, you're going to need to run a divider (keeping your memory at 200mhz or lower).
    If you think just because you're running a divider, now you can raise the FSB to 250 (keeping your memory at 200) then you're wrong. That's a significant increase in CPU clock speed and chances are it's just too far of an increase or it will require more of VCore to run at that speed. With certain pentium 4's you can do this sort of thing but not all of them. I had a 2.4C that went straight to 3.0ghz without a bump in VCore. You have a prescott so that changes the scheme of things. FYI: I've seen prescotts overclocked real far, so I'm surprised you can't get this far.
    Here's what you do. Run a 5:6 divider (the one you have now, where your memory is 200mhz when your FSB is 250). Set your FSB to 250 and run memtest the way I told you to. This will test your memory at it's highest possible frequency, which means, when your FSB is lower then 250 your memory will be lower then 200 and that means that your memory is safe at 200 so it's safe at anything lower then that.
    Now set your FSB to 200, keep your VCore stock. Turn the computer on, run prime95 "in place FTT's" at priority 10 and make sure it doesn't fail for as long as you feel comfortable (note: this is testing your CPU at stock speed and your memory at 166 I believe). The reason I say test it for as long as you feel comfortable is because it's stock speed so as long as it passes for like a half an hour you know you're okay. Now raise the FSB from 200 to 205, do not increase VCore. Run prime95 as stated again for 1-3 hours. If that passes, raise the FSB from 205 to 210, again, do not increase VCore. Keep raising the FSB in 5mhz incraments (without raising VCore) until prime95 won't pass anymore, (note: the longer you run prime95, the greater the chance it will fail!!! so keep this in mind when cutting off your tests at the three hour mark, i've seen tests fail at 5, 7, and 12 hours in). When it doesn't pass anymore, raise the VCore to the next lowest VCore (1.525 to 1.5375 (or something lower if there's something in between the two of them)). Re-run prime95 with the new VCore for as long as you can tolerate and if it passes raise the FSB and try again. If it fails, go back to BIOS and raise the VCore again to the next lowest incrament. Repeat this process until you finally pass prime95. then go back to increasing FSB by 5mhz incraments, again not raising the VCore with each iteration. Then when you come to the next failure in prime95, begin raising the VCore again. Eventually you will come to a point where you cannot stabilize your computer in prime95 regardless of how much VCore you give it or you can't get to the desired VCore because temperatures are too high. If that's the case, back the FSB down to the last stable FSB/VCore and that will be your max overclock.
    What should you have learned?
    You need to watch your temperatures the entire time when running prime95, never take your eyes off of that. Too much VCore will fry a chip but extra VCore contributes to electromigration which in turn decreases the life of the chip. Therefore, think before you act. An unreasonable amount of VCore, although it stabilizes the chip, may eventually end it's life preemptively.
    You must record each successful iteration of FSB/VCore so this way when you encounter an irreperable failure you can revert back to the fastest previous FSB with the correct VCore

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