Functionality to send email with attachments.(all types ot attachments)

Hi experts,
I have an requirement to modify the existing workflow to include the new part/functionality to send the email with attachments.
I mean, the existing workflow is sending only the notification as of now, the new requirement was i need to add the new functionalaity such a way the email functionality needs to be enabled so that the receiver who is receiving the notification will also get the email as well along with the attachments.
Note* Attachment could be of any types like pdf,tex,word etc...
Please suggest will it be possible to achieve this functionalites?
Any sample code will be a great help for me.
Thanks in advance,

You can send attachments in email notification by defining message attributes of type document. Oracle Workflow supports document types called "PL/SQL" documents, "PL/SQL CLOB" documents, and "PL/SQL BLOB" documents.
You can go through the below document for defining documents.

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  • How to send Email with attachments

    Hi im Trying to send a file as attachment using EMail Activity operator.
    Can we do it using Email activity? If yes, then how can we do it? If no, then please tell me about any other method using which i can send a email with attachments.

    Better late than never, a comprehensive demo on the topic:
    REM maildemo.sql - A PL/SQL package to demonstrate how to use the UTL_SMTP
    REM package to send emails in ASCII and non-ASCII character sets, emails
    REM with text or binary attachments.
    REM Note: this package relies on the UTL_ENCODE PL/SQL package in Oracle 9i.
      ----------------------- Customizable Section -----------------------
      -- Customize the SMTP host, port and your domain name below.
      smtp_host   VARCHAR2(256) := '';
      smtp_port   PLS_INTEGER   := 25;
      smtp_domain VARCHAR2(256) := '';
      -- Customize the signature that will appear in the email's MIME header.
      -- Useful for versioning.
      MAILER_ID   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'Mailer by Oracle UTL_SMTP';
      --------------------- End Customizable Section ---------------------
      -- A unique string that demarcates boundaries of parts in a multi-part email
      -- The string should not appear inside the body of any part of the email.
      -- Customize this if needed or generate this randomly dynamically.
      BOUNDARY        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '-----7D81B75CCC90D2974F7A1CBD';
      FIRST_BOUNDARY  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '--' || BOUNDARY || utl_tcp.CRLF;
      LAST_BOUNDARY   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '--' || BOUNDARY || '--' ||
      -- A MIME type that denotes multi-part email (MIME) messages.
      MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'multipart/mixed; boundary="'||
                                                      BOUNDARY || '"';
      -- A simple email API for sending email in plain text in a single call.
      -- The format of an email address is one of these:
      --   someone@some-domain
      --   "Someone at some domain" <someone@some-domain>
      --   Someone at some domain <someone@some-domain>
      -- The recipients is a list of email addresses  separated by
      -- either a "," or a ";"
      PROCEDURE mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
               recipients IN VARCHAR2,
               subject    IN VARCHAR2,
               message    IN VARCHAR2);
      -- Extended email API to send email in HTML or plain text with no size limit.
      -- First, begin the email by begin_mail(). Then, call write_text() repeatedly
      -- to send email in ASCII piece-by-piece. Or, call write_mb_text() to send
      -- email in non-ASCII or multi-byte character set. End the email with
      -- end_mail().
      FUNCTION begin_mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                    recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                    subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                    mime_type  IN VARCHAR2    DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                    priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
                    RETURN utl_smtp.connection;
      -- Write email body in ASCII
      PROCEDURE write_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN VARCHAR2);
      -- Write email body in non-ASCII (including multi-byte). The email body
      -- will be sent in the database character set.
      PROCEDURE write_mb_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN            VARCHAR2);
      -- Write email body in binary
      PROCEDURE write_raw(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                    message IN RAW);
      -- APIs to send email with attachments. Attachments are sent by sending
      -- emails in "multipart/mixed" MIME format. Specify that MIME format when
      -- beginning an email with begin_mail().
      -- Send a single text attachment.
      PROCEDURE attach_text(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                   data         IN VARCHAR2,
                   mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                   inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                   filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                      last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);
      -- Send a binary attachment. The attachment will be encoded in Base-64
      -- encoding format.
      PROCEDURE attach_base64(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     data         IN RAW,
                     mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'application/octet',
                     inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                     filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);
      -- Send an attachment with no size limit. First, begin the attachment
      -- with begin_attachment(). Then, call write_text repeatedly to send
      -- the attachment piece-by-piece. If the attachment is text-based but
      -- in non-ASCII or multi-byte character set, use write_mb_text() instead.
      -- To send binary attachment, the binary content should first be
      -- encoded in Base-64 encoding format using the demo package for 8i,
      -- or the native one in 9i. End the attachment with end_attachment.
      PROCEDURE begin_attachment(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                        mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                        inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                        filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                        transfer_enc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
      -- End the attachment.
      PROCEDURE end_attachment(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                      last IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
      -- End the email.
      PROCEDURE end_mail(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection);
      -- Extended email API to send multiple emails in a session for better
      -- performance. First, begin an email session with begin_session.
      -- Then, begin each email with a session by calling begin_mail_in_session
      -- instead of begin_mail. End the email with end_mail_in_session instead
      -- of end_mail. End the email session by end_session.
      FUNCTION begin_session RETURN utl_smtp.connection;
      -- Begin an email in a session.
      PROCEDURE begin_mail_in_session(conn       IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                          sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                          recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                          subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                          mime_type  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                          priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL);
      -- End an email in a session.
      PROCEDURE end_mail_in_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection);
      -- End an email session.
      PROCEDURE end_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection);
      -- Return the next email address in the list of email addresses, separated
      -- by either a "," or a ";".  The format of mailbox may be in one of these:
      --   someone@some-domain
      --   "Someone at some domain" <someone@some-domain>
      --   Someone at some domain <someone@some-domain>
      FUNCTION get_address(addr_list IN OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
        addr VARCHAR2(256);
        i    pls_integer;
        FUNCTION lookup_unquoted_char(str  IN VARCHAR2,
                          chrs IN VARCHAR2) RETURN pls_integer AS
          c            VARCHAR2(5);
          i            pls_integer;
          len          pls_integer;
          inside_quote BOOLEAN;
           inside_quote := false;
           i := 1;
           len := length(str);
           WHILE (i <= len) LOOP
          c := substr(str, i, 1);
          IF (inside_quote) THEN
            IF (c = '"') THEN
              inside_quote := false;
            ELSIF (c = '\') THEN
              i := i + 1; -- Skip the quote character
            END IF;
            GOTO next_char;
          END IF;
          IF (c = '"') THEN
            inside_quote := true;
            GOTO next_char;
          END IF;
          IF (instr(chrs, c) >= 1) THEN
             RETURN i;
          END IF;
          i := i + 1;
           END LOOP;
           RETURN 0;
        addr_list := ltrim(addr_list);
        i := lookup_unquoted_char(addr_list, ',;');
        IF (i >= 1) THEN
          addr      := substr(addr_list, 1, i - 1);
          addr_list := substr(addr_list, i + 1);
          addr := addr_list;
          addr_list := '';
        END IF;
        i := lookup_unquoted_char(addr, '<');
        IF (i >= 1) THEN
          addr := substr(addr, i + 1);
          i := instr(addr, '>');
          IF (i >= 1) THEN
         addr := substr(addr, 1, i - 1);
          END IF;
        END IF;
        RETURN addr;
      -- Write a MIME header
      PROCEDURE write_mime_header(conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                         name  IN VARCHAR2,
                         value IN VARCHAR2) IS
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, name || ': ' || value || utl_tcp.CRLF);
      -- Mark a message-part boundary.  Set <last> to TRUE for the last boundary.
      PROCEDURE write_boundary(conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                      last  IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) AS
        IF (last) THEN
          utl_smtp.write_data(conn, LAST_BOUNDARY);
          utl_smtp.write_data(conn, FIRST_BOUNDARY);
        END IF;
      PROCEDURE mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
               recipients IN VARCHAR2,
               subject    IN VARCHAR2,
               message    IN VARCHAR2) IS
        conn utl_smtp.connection;
        conn := begin_mail(sender, recipients, subject);
        write_text(conn, message);
      FUNCTION begin_mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                    recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                    subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                    mime_type  IN VARCHAR2    DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                    priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
                    RETURN utl_smtp.connection IS
        conn utl_smtp.connection;
        conn := begin_session;
        begin_mail_in_session(conn, sender, recipients, subject, mime_type,
        RETURN conn;
      PROCEDURE write_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN VARCHAR2) IS
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, message);
      PROCEDURE write_mb_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN            VARCHAR2) IS
        utl_smtp.write_raw_data(conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(message));
      PROCEDURE write_raw(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                    message IN RAW) IS
        utl_smtp.write_raw_data(conn, message);
      PROCEDURE attach_text(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                   data         IN VARCHAR2,
                   mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                   inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                   filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                      last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE) IS
        begin_attachment(conn, mime_type, inline, filename);
        write_text(conn, data);
        end_attachment(conn, last);
      PROCEDURE attach_base64(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     data         IN RAW,
                     mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'application/octet',
                     inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                     filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE) IS
        i   PLS_INTEGER;
        len PLS_INTEGER;
        begin_attachment(conn, mime_type, inline, filename, 'base64');
        -- Split the Base64-encoded attachment into multiple lines
        i   := 1;
        len := utl_raw.length(data);
        WHILE (i < len) LOOP
           IF (i + MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH < len) THEN
             utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.substr(data, i,
            utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.substr(data, i)));
           END IF;
           utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
           i := i + MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH;
        END LOOP;
        end_attachment(conn, last);
      PROCEDURE begin_attachment(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                        mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                        inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                        filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                        transfer_enc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS
        write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Type', mime_type);
        IF (filename IS NOT NULL) THEN
           IF (inline) THEN
           write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Disposition',
             'inline; filename="'||filename||'"');
           write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Disposition',
             'attachment; filename="'||filename||'"');
           END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (transfer_enc IS NOT NULL) THEN
          write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding', transfer_enc);
        END IF;
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
      PROCEDURE end_attachment(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                      last IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) IS
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
        IF (last) THEN
          write_boundary(conn, last);
        END IF;
      PROCEDURE end_mail(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection) IS
      FUNCTION begin_session RETURN utl_smtp.connection IS
        conn utl_smtp.connection;
        -- open SMTP connection
        conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(smtp_host, smtp_port);
        utl_smtp.helo(conn, smtp_domain);
        RETURN conn;
      PROCEDURE begin_mail_in_session(conn       IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                          sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                          recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                          subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                          mime_type  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                          priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL) IS
        my_recipients VARCHAR2(32767) := recipients;
        my_sender     VARCHAR2(32767) := sender;
        -- Specify sender's address (our server allows bogus address
        -- as long as it is a full email address ([email protected]).
        utl_smtp.mail(conn, get_address(my_sender));
        -- Specify recipient(s) of the email.
        WHILE (my_recipients IS NOT NULL) LOOP
          utl_smtp.rcpt(conn, get_address(my_recipients));
        END LOOP;
        -- Start body of email
        -- Set "From" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'From', sender);
        -- Set "To" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'To', recipients);
        -- Set "Subject" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'Subject', subject);
        -- Set "Content-Type" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Type', mime_type);
        -- Set "X-Mailer" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'X-Mailer', MAILER_ID);
        -- Set priority:
        --   High      Normal       Low
        --   1     2     3     4     5
        IF (priority IS NOT NULL) THEN
          write_mime_header(conn, 'X-Priority', priority);
        END IF;
        -- Send an empty line to denotes end of MIME headers and
        -- beginning of message body.
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
        IF (mime_type LIKE 'multipart/mixed%') THEN
          write_text(conn, 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.' ||
        END IF;
      PROCEDURE end_mail_in_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection) IS
      PROCEDURE end_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection) IS

  • Sending email with multiple attachments

    Hi forum,
    I am able to send email with a single attachment using maildemo.sql from:
    But now I am trying to send email with more than 1 attachment and it does not work. My code that calls the above mentioned package is as follows:
    PROCEDURE send (
    psender VARCHAR2,
    precipients VARCHAR2,
    pcc VARCHAR2,
    pbcc VARCHAR2,
    psubject VARCHAR2,
    pmessage VARCHAR2,
    pnumattach NUMBER) -- The number of attachments that need to be sent
    p_blob BLOB;
    p_filename VARCHAR2(200);
    p_filetype VARCHAR2(200);
    p_currSeq NUMBER;
    conn utl_smtp.CONNECTION;
    i NUMBER;
    j NUMBER;
    len NUMBER;
    IF pnumattach > 1
    conn := SEND_EMAIL_HELPER.begin_mail(
              sender => psender,
              recipients => precipients,
              subject => psubject,
              mime_type => send_email_helper.MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE);
    j := 0;
    SELECT seq_attach_transact_id.CURRVAL INTO p_currSeq FROM dual; -- seq_attach_transact_id is a primary key that identifies every single attachment in the table
    WHILE (j < pnumattach) LOOP
    p_currSeq := p_currSeq - j;
    SELECT blob_content INTO p_blob FROM wwdoc_document WHERE transaction_id = p_currSeq;
    SELECT name INTO p_filename FROM wwdoc_document WHERE transaction_id = p_currSeq;
    SELECT mime_type INTO p_filetype FROM wwdoc_document WHERE transaction_id = p_currSeq;
    conn => conn,
    mime_type => p_filetype,
    inline => TRUE,
    filename => p_filename,
    transfer_enc => 'base64');
    -- split the Base64 encoded attachment into multiple lines
    i := 1;
    len := DBMS_LOB.getLength(p_blob);
    WHILE (i < len) LOOP
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Raw_Data (conn,
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Raw_Data (conn,
    DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(p_blob, (len - i)+1, i)));
    END IF;
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Data(conn, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    SEND_EMAIL_HELPER.end_attachment(conn => conn);
    conn => conn,
    data => pmessage,
    mime_type => 'text/html');
    SEND_EMAIL_HELPER.end_mail( conn => conn );
    END IF;
    END send;
    Can anyone please tell me where am i going wrong.
    Message was edited by:

    The easiest is to send an e-mail with multiple attachments to yourself and then view the message in raw to see how it is formatted - how the boundaries work. what the boundary headers are, etc.
    Then you use that as a template for your PL/SQL code to generate a MIME body for an e-mail that has multiple attachments.
    To debug.. have your PL/SQL code send sample e-mails with multiple attachment to your account, view it in raw format and compare that to the original format you've based your template on.
    And none of this is really a PL/SQL issue.. it is all about formatting a valid MIME message for an e-mail.

  • Can´t send emails with pdf attachments - why?

    Since i moved all my accounts to my new airbook (OS X 10.8.2) everything works fine BUT i am not able to send emails with pdf attachments.I have an exchange and a mac.account - but they both won`t work.
    The emails stay put in the local ausgang? exit box and won`t move away unless i delete them.
    i checked the accounts, the activity - all says it works fine - but it doesn`t!
    Maybe in the *deep* of my mac is one thing that says no pdf - but where can i find it?
    I appreciate every helpful hint :-)

    it tries to send the email for about five minutes and than gives the message *server doesn't work* you want to try another? repeat? or later?
    when i change the server e.g. from exchange to mac - tries again and without further notice i find the message in the outbox - even when i click that one and *send* again - nothing changes......
    I already tried to name the attachments in.pdf - i also change the pdf to jpeg - nothing works - all emails i write after that go immediately to the outbox - so when i want to send messages at all i need to delete the ones with the attachment or send the other ones manually
    Please notice in the activity window there is a lot of traffic :-) but it doesn`t help
    i even closed all other programmes like excel,safari and stuff - but still
    and i still have al lot of free GB on my airbook....
    any idea????

  • Send email with attachments

    Hi, I like to buy an IPad, but a friend of mine has one and he cannot send emails with differtent attachments. It is only possible, to take a picture for example, and send it as a mail. Is there another software? or wat to do?

    There is the GoodReader app ( which supports a number of different file formats (there may be other apps but GoodReader is the one that I've got) :
    GoodReader not only supports massive PDF and TXT files, but also handles the most popular file types:
    • MS Office - .doc, .ppt., .xls
    • iWork ’08/’09
    • HTML and Safari webarchives
    • High resolution images
    • Even audio and video!
    Depending on the apps where you are working on the document, you could then copy them (if the document's 'owning' app supports it) into GoodReader (or you could just store them in GoodReader anyway), and then select and send multiple file types from within the app as attachments to an email.

  • Send emails with attachments residing in the network

    Hi All,
    My requirement is to send email with attachments. I am using javamail and it works fine only if the attachment resides in the local machine.
    If the attachment resides in the network [the folder is shared by the user], the application gives me IOException.
    Please help. Let me know if I am not clear.

    Please find the trace below . Also I am able to browse the share but haven't tried writing a test app.
    javax.mail.MessagingException: IOException while sending message
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send(
    at SendEmail.sendMail(
    at FetchDetails.fetchResultSet(
    at FetchDetails.<init>(
    at Index.main(
    Caused by: \\dinesh\dialog.gif (The
    system cannot find the path specified)
    at Method)
    at javax.activation.FileDataSource.getInputStream(
    at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart.writeTo(
    at com.sun.mail.handlers.multipart_mixed.writeTo(
    at javax.activation.ObjectDataContentHandler.writeTo(
    at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.writeTo(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
    ... 6 more
    Cant send mail. IOException while sending message

  • Cant send emails with attachments

    All of a sudden I cant send emails with attachments from my iphone or iPad.
    Has anyone else had similar issues?
    I have deleted and reset the accounts up and also tried different devices all with the same problem.

    Please find the trace below . Also I am able to browse the share but haven't tried writing a test app.
    javax.mail.MessagingException: IOException while sending message
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send(
    at SendEmail.sendMail(
    at FetchDetails.fetchResultSet(
    at FetchDetails.<init>(
    at Index.main(
    Caused by: \\dinesh\dialog.gif (The
    system cannot find the path specified)
    at Method)
    at javax.activation.FileDataSource.getInputStream(
    at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart.writeTo(
    at com.sun.mail.handlers.multipart_mixed.writeTo(
    at javax.activation.ObjectDataContentHandler.writeTo(
    at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
    at javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.writeTo(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
    ... 6 more
    Cant send mail. IOException while sending message

  • Procedure for Sending Emails with Attachments

    Hi All,
    Q1. We wish to write a PROCEDURE that sends emails with attachments in SQL. Can someone please suggest the procedure code for the same?
    Q2. Apart from DBMS_JOB utlity can any other this procedure be scheduled to send automatic emails picking up files from a remote filer randomly.
    I do not understand what the article is trying to say when it says this:
    1. You cannot send a Subject line with your email.
    2. You cannot add attachments to your message.
    Hopefully, these two deficiencies will be rectified in future releases!
    The entire email sending code with attachments is freely available from Oracle (sitting on top of utl_smtp package). No need to buy additional software.

  • Sending emails with attachments through outlook 2003

    I have recently switch from cablevison to Fios. With Cablevison, I never had a problem with email. However, now I am having problems sending emails with attachments using outlook 2003. I have called Verizon and we troubleshooted the problem and they feel this is a Microsoft problem.
    I can send email's without attachments through outlook and, but I can't send emails with attachments through outlook, I can send them though  All my settings are correct for sending and receiving email.
    I called Microsoft and they say it a Verizon problem...
    HELP, does anyone have a solution?????

    Which antivirus software do you run on your computer? Are there any errors posting?  Have you shut off any email firewalls temporarily to attempt to isolate your issue?  Do you have outlook 2003 on more than 1 pc in your home?  Have your tried to attach a small text file and send it to see if that goes thru successfully?
    Joe D
    Verizon Telecom
    Fiber Solution Center
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supercede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.Follow us on Twitter™!

  • Is it possible to send emails with attachments fro...

    Hi there,
    I was wondering whether it's possible to send emails with attachments from a Nokia 5230, it's just I would like to be able to send emails with attachments without using a computer especially when I'm out on my journeys.
    Many thanks,
    Tim Auluck
    Go to Solution.

    Hi RocknRollTim,
    Thanks for your reply. Have you already tried sending these files? Though you're not able to create all these files on the phone itself, you should be able to send them in an attachment when they're on your memory card.
    Uploading a .jpg, .tiff, .gif, .doc, .docx .htm, .html .key, .numbers, .pages, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .rtf, .vcf, .xls or .xlsx file shouldn't be a problem when uploading. Just click on 'Other' when adding an attachment, then on 'Other files' and there you will be able to select any file that you have saved on your memory card.   
    Whether you can actually send the email depends on the strength of your internet connection (as I mentioned in my previous post). Also keep in mind that the phone itself as well as the network work with a maximum size file that you can send over 3G (more information about this can be found here), and can therfore also limit you in sending large files.
    In any case, let me know how you get on so that we can assist further where necessary.
    If my post has helped you in any way, please accept it as a solution or click on the white star, so that other users will be able to benefit from it too.

  • Sending email with 2 attachments in PDF Format

    I have 2 ALV Layouts, totally different in Structure.
    Now I need to convert these 2 ALV layout to 2 different PDF files and send email with thses 2 attachments.
    Can anyone provide me with sample report.
    I tried searching  for it  but there is no clue for ALV report-> PDF -> email.

    I doubt if you really searched before posting. You will find many posts indicating how to convert your report output be it ALV or classical into spool and then in to pdf. After you get the pdf binary format, its pretty much the same attaching those and sending E-mail

  • Outlook 2010 wont send emails with attachments

    I was starting to write the question when we found out what the problem was. So I thought I would share our resolution in here, in case someone fall in the same issue.
    One of my user with Outlook 2010 cannot send emails with attachments of some size. +-50 kb files works fine.
    But when we try a file of 1mb, the mail goes in the Outbox, Exchange status swith from Connected to Disconnected and the email stay there.
    The user is in a remote location, connected through VPN with the network where the Exchange 2013 server is
    Here is what I did:
    1. Re-create Outlook profile: wont work
    2. Re-create Windows profile: wont work
    3. Check ip settings: fine
    4. Try in OWA: wont work
    5. Look at Exchange settings for outgoing email size: 10mb
    6. Load my user's Outlook profile on another LAN: works fine
    That last point made me thought about a potential problem on the remote user's lan. So I did
    7. Check VPN config between the remote site and IT site: fine
    After googling the problem, I found that website ( that suggest to change the DNS setting on the client. However, the DHCP of my remote
    user was the router itself, which is giving a DC as primary DNS, and ISP DNS as secondary. I changed the secondary DNS for another DC in our organization, and guess what? Voila! Problem is gone!
    Thinking about it that make not much sense, as the primary DNS is always up the secondary shouldn't be queried. But that's what resolved our problem.
    Hope it helps someone!

    Hi Martin,
    Thanks for your sharing:)
    If you have any question about Microsoft Office, welcome to contact us and feel free to post your issue on Office forum.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Office 365 json api | send emails with inline attachments

    I send the description my team is having with the json integration with Office API 365.
    We want to send an email with inline attachments through the JSON API.
    With that objective, what we are doing:
    1. Create an empty draft message;
    2. Send the several inline attachments;
    3. Update the body of the draft message (with cid images inline);
    4. Send the message;
    What is are our issue with the API?
    We are unable to set the "ContentType" properties when we submit the attachments to the Office API 365.
    Despite the "ContentType" we send, it is always null.
    We are using the following API: POST{message_id}/attachments
    That's the reason we think that despite the inline image then it is found in the body, it cannot be displayed because the contenttype it is not set correctly.
    Please give us some direction.
    Best Regards,

    Answered here:

  • Send email with attachments from oracle procedure

    This is my procedure
    v_header varchar2(200);
    v_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_count Number;
    v_letter Varchar(50);
    req UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    req1 UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    resp1 UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    url VARCHAR2 (2000);
    url1 VARCHAR2 (2000);
    val varchar2(4000);
    val1 varchar2(4000);
    p_start_date DATE;
    p_end_date DATE;
    v_shipment_id varchar2(30);
    --v_start_date  DATE;
    --v_end_date DATE;
    Cursor C1 is select shipment_id
    from ship_hdr
    where trunc(create_time) = trunc(sysdate);
    v_letter := 'r_parvo_b19_rpt';
    select trunc(sysdate-7),trunc(sysdate-2)
    into p_start_date,p_end_date
    from dual;
    Open C1;
    Fetch C1 into v_shipment_id;
    Close C1;
    UTL_HTTP.SET_PROXY (null,null);
    url :=
    ( '[email protected]&subject="Parvo Testing Report"&destype=mail&FROM=[email protected]&desname=[email protected]&desformat=PDF&ENVID=QA&report='||v_letter||'&start_date='||p_start_date||'&end_date='||p_end_date);
    req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST (url);
    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER (req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 Oracle');
    resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE (req);
    UTL_HTTP.READ_LINE (resp, val, TRUE);
    Update ship_dtl
    set shipment_printed = 'Y'
    where shipment_printed is null
    and trunc(coll_date) between p_start_date and p_end_date;
    This works fine and sends email with the report as attachment. The attachment is report_name.pdf. I want to change this attachment to be named as shipment_id.pdf. Is this possible and how?
    If there is any other method to sent email with attachments . ie run the report and attach the report to the email not as report_name.rdf but shipmenmt_id.rdf

    This is my procedure
    v_header varchar2(200);
    v_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_count Number;
    v_letter Varchar(50);
    req UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    req1 UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    resp1 UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    url VARCHAR2 (2000);
    url1 VARCHAR2 (2000);
    val varchar2(4000);
    val1 varchar2(4000);
    p_start_date DATE;
    p_end_date DATE;
    v_shipment_id varchar2(30);
    --v_start_date  DATE;
    --v_end_date DATE;
    Cursor C1 is select shipment_id
    from ship_hdr
    where trunc(create_time) = trunc(sysdate);
    v_letter := 'r_parvo_b19_rpt';
    select trunc(sysdate-7),trunc(sysdate-2)
    into p_start_date,p_end_date
    from dual;
    Open C1;
    Fetch C1 into v_shipment_id;
    Close C1;
    UTL_HTTP.SET_PROXY (null,null);
    url :=
    ( '[email protected]&subject="Parvo Testing Report"&destype=mail&[email protected]&[email protected]&desformat=PDF&ENVID=QA&report='||v_letter||'&start_date='||p_start_date||'&end_date='||p_end_date);
    req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST (url);
    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER (req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 Oracle');
    resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE (req);
    UTL_HTTP.READ_LINE (resp, val, TRUE);
    Update ship_dtl
    set shipment_printed = 'Y'
    where shipment_printed is null
    and trunc(coll_date) between p_start_date and p_end_date;
    This works fine and sends email with the report as attachment. The attachment is report_name.pdf. I want to change this attachment to be named as shipment_id.pdf. Is this possible and how?
    If there is any other method to sent email with attachments . ie run the report and attach the report to the email not as report_name.rdf but shipmenmt_id.rdf

  • HT5275 With Safari version 6, I cant send emails with attachments (e.g. photos, word documents) using my Yahoo Account. How can I solve this?

    I recently updated my safari to version 6. After having updates, I found out that I cant send emails with attachment. This is only with my Yahoo Account. I used my Yahoo Account more often than my other emails, can someone help me fix this?

    frannbug wrote:
    Well, I copied and pasted it into a message to Apple's feedback; but I'd still be interested in hearing how others may have found work-arounds to the problems I've described here.
    You may wish to post a more concise description of what you are asking.

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