Future of Oracle JHeadstart

A number of you have raised questions on the future of Oracle JHeadstart and we have not been very responsive upto now. Sorry for that.
As you all probably are aware Oracle JHeadstart is an Oracle Consulting Resellable Asset.  This means that the direction of JHeadstart is mainly determined by the projects that we, as Oracle Consulting do at our customers with ADF and JHeadstart. That said we have a number of  customers that want to make the step to 12c and we intend to deliver a JHeadstart 12c version. Our intention is that we make  this release available at the end of this calendar year or early next calendar year (planned not scheduled). We are also working on making it an integral part of our Forms2ADF Migration Factory to support customers in moving from Oracle Forms to Oracle ADF. 
How JHeadstart develops beyond the 12c version depends as said before on the projects we will be doing. Of course themes that are of interest to our customers and Oracle Consulting include developer productivity and mobile applications. For now we focus on getting the 12c release out.
If you have any remarks about the future direction and where JHeadstart should evolve to to deliver even more value to your organization, please share these thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Ton van Kooten
Oracle JHeadstart Team

Thanks Ton, appreciate the update and looking forward to the next version.

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  • Share news----Oracle JHeadstart 10g release 9.0.4 is now production.

    Share the news and product information to all Jdeveloper member if you expect to achieve good coding productivity in J2ee environment,
    Oracle announces that Oracle JHeadstart 10g release 9.0.4 is now production.
    Main new features are:
    - generation support for Struts and JSP's,
    - the new JHeadstart Project Set Up wizard
    - automatic creation of initial JHeadstart Application Structure File
    - and more support for multi language applications.
    For a complete list of new features please read the FAQ or run the all in one demo on the JHeadstart page on OTN.( )
    Holders of the supplement option can download this release from the supplement option portal through my.oracle.com (go to the old my oracle.com pages).
    An evaluation copy can be downloaded from OTN. This is only for evaluation purposes. If you want to use this new release to develop systems that are intended to go production please buy a license of JHeadstart + Supplement Option through the Oracle Store (search for JHeadstart) or contact your local consulting representative.
    - JHeadstart on OTN http://otn.oracle.com/consulting/9iServices/JHeadstart2.html
    - Supplement Option http://my.oracle.com/
    - Oracle Store http://oraclestore.oracle.com/
    Are you struggling with developer productivity in a J2EE environment? Are you looking for a 4GL-like J2EE Development environment? Do you want to migrate your Forms to J2EE applications? Do you need to build a hybrid application using Forms for your power end-users and Java/HTML for field personnel or the internet? If you answered Yes to anyone of these questions, you need to look into JHeadstart.
    Oracle JHeadstart 10g is Oracle Consulting's rapid component based development approach/toolkit for building J2EE applications. It enables fast, reliable, and repeatable development of complex transactional systems. It combines proven J2EE frameworks to implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. By declaratively specifying your application in XML files using property editors and using the JHeadstart Application Generator, JHeadstart generates the complete application into these frameworks. The declarative nature of this approach allows you to optionally use Oracle Designer to generate or migrate your Oracle Forms to, Java/HTML. In short: JHeadstart provides you with 4GL-like productivity without jeopardizing the flexibility and openness of the J2EE architecture.

    We already purchased the Jheadstart supplement option, but our Oracle Consulting sales contact didn't have walked us through the registration process in before. I had contact them and ask them to assist us, but they need some work days. so could you help me to download JHeadstart 10g release as soon as possible. our project schedule need this released version in hurry.If you can help me please give me a notice, thanks a lot.
    my email address:[email protected]

  • Oracle JHeadstart 10g Production!

    Oracle announces that Oracle JHeadstart 10g release 9.0.4 is now production.
    Main new features are:
    - generation support for Struts and JSP's,
    - the new JHeadstart Project Set Up wizard
    - automatic creation of initial JHeadstart Application Structure File
    - and more support for multi language applications.
    For a complete list of new features please read the FAQ or run the all in one demo on the JHeadstart page on OTN.( )
    Holders of the supplement option can download this release from the supplement option portal through my.oracle.com (go to the old my oracle.com pages).
    An evaluation copy can be downloaded from OTN. This is only for evaluation purposes. If you want to use this new release to develop systems that are intended to go production please buy a license of JHeadstart + Supplement Option through the Oracle Store (search for JHeadstart) or contact your local consulting representative.
    - JHeadstart on OTN http://otn.oracle.com/consulting/9iServices/JHeadstart2.html
    - Supplement Option http://my.oracle.com/
    - Oracle Store http://oraclestore.oracle.com/
    Ton van Kooten
    JHeadstart Team

    Dear Steven:
    After I try this 9.0.4 version, I suffer two problem:
    (1).The "native charset encoding support " problem still
    exist in JHeadstart 9.0.4, and we can not find
    CHARACTER_ENCODING entry in properties file. How to solve
    this problem ?
    (2).I still cann't using IE6.0 to switch the tab in Jhs
    sample application(go2 java script), when I do this the
    browser not response and display error in status bar.
    but the Mozilla work fine in it. My browser language is
    Traditional Chinese version.
    Ting-Rung Dai
    At the top of each page, the following line is generated:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    You should change the encoding there.To automatically generate this encoding, you can do the following:
    - extract GeneratorText_en.properties from JagLauncher.jar, located in <jdev_home>\lib\ext
    - Copy this file and rename in to GeneratorText_tr. properties (assuming tr is Turkish?)
    - change the CHARACTER_ENCODING entry, and translate the other labels.
    - add the new property file to JAGLauncher.jar
    - restart JDeveloper, set the language to turkish in the Application Structure editor and generate the application.

  • Oracle JHeadstart 10g release now available!

    Oracle JHeadstart 10g Release is now available. More than a month ago Oracle released Oracle JDeveloper 10g ( This new JHeadstart release is certified against both JDeveloper and You can now benefit the strong combination of the new versions of Oracle JDeveloper and JHeadstart.
    What is Oracle JHeadstart?
    JHeadstart is a development tool kit, fully integrated with JDeveloper, that enables rapid component based development of J2EE applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. It provides customers with 4GL-like productivity without jeopardizing the flexibility and openness of the J2EE architecture. In addition it includes a bridge from Oracle Designer that enables customers to generate fully functioning J2EE applications from Oracle Designer or to migrate Oracle Forms to J2EE.
    What is new in this release?
    In addition to the certification mentioned above this release includes the following new features:
    - Support for Oracle TopLink, adding extra flexibility.
    - A Tutorial that describes and a demo application that shows how to use JHeadstart in conjunction with TopLink based on multiple project experiences.
    - Links from the Applications Structure File editor to both the BC4J property editor as well as the JHeadstart Application Generator which streamlines the development process.
    - Pop-lists for regions and domains to prevent typing errors
    - Generation of regions in JSP pages
    - Fixes, for a complete list of fixes please refer to the release notes.
    Where to download?
    This maintenance release can be downloaded from the supplement option portal ( http://cso.oracle.com/ ) for customers that hold a supplement option license. It will be available for evaluation purposes on OTN later on.
    Where to go for more information?
    For more information go to the JHeadstart Product Center on OTN http://otn.oracle.com/consulting/9iServices/JHeadstart2.html.
    Ton van Kooten
    JHeadstart Team

    We already purchased the Jheadstart supplement option, but our Oracle Consulting sales contact didn't have walked us through the registration process in before. I had contact them and ask them to assist us, but they need some work days. so could you help me to download JHeadstart 10g release as soon as possible. our project schedule need this released version in hurry.If you can help me please give me a notice, thanks a lot.
    my email address:[email protected]

  • Oracle JHeadstart 10g (release

    how can i get Oracle JHeadstart 10g (release ??
    best regards

    You can obtain releases of JHeadstart from http://cso.oracle.com provided you have valid subscription and logon credentials.

  • Oracle JHeadstart 10g for ADF - Evaluation Copy Available

    The evaluation copy of the new JHeadstart release 10.1.2 for ADF is now available. With the evaluation copy you are allowed to build a prototype only. You can dowload this evaluation copy on the JHeadstart Product Center.
    If you are building applications that you plan to take in production you will have to acquire the right license. Please ask your Oracle Consulting representative for more details or send an e-mail to [email protected]
    Ton van Kooten
    Oracle JHeadstart Team

    we are in the process of externalizing the 10.1.2 release. Next week we expect to be able to announce it. Please be patient and check in the coming days.
    JHeadstart Team

  • Oracle JHeadstart 10g (release available for evaluation purposes

    Oracle JHeadstart 10g (release is now available for evaluation purposes please go to the JHeadstart Product Center and download the software.
    Happy JHeadstarting!

    We already purchased the Jheadstart supplement option, but our Oracle Consulting sales contact didn't have walked us through the registration process in before. I had contact them and ask them to assist us, but they need some work days. so could you help me to download JHeadstart 10g release as soon as possible. our project schedule need this released version in hurry.If you can help me please give me a notice, thanks a lot.
    my email address:[email protected]

  • What is the future of Oracle Discoverer?

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    Hi Bob
    You mustn't believe everything you hear from an Oracle sales person. The sales reps have a vested interest in making you believe that OBI SE, which includes Discoverer, will not be here because they earn a lot more commission if they can get you to use EE.
    They are right though in that Oracle is developing a tool that will migrate the Discoverer metadata into the Siebel metadata but this is only aimed at making you upgrade to Siebel - which is about 4 to 5 times the cost of Discoverer by the way. Siebel won't be replacing Discoverer, it will be an alternative. A nice, sexy looking, powerful alternative, yet an alternative nevertheless.
    Discoverer will still be here and you will then have a choice as to whether you stay with standard edition or migrate to enterprise edition. Now of course if you have plenty of money there is nothing stopping you from upgrading, but for most people that option is out of the question right now. Oracle would need to reduce the price for EE if it is to tempt most of the Discoverer organizations into EE. Heck, there are hundred of companies still using 3.1 never mind 10g Release 2. And how many folks who have 10.1.2 have upgraded to, even though its been out a few months now and fixes all those GUI issues that they have?
    From what I know, Oracle never makes claims for a product more than 2 releases out and Discoverer certainly has 2 releases in the pipework. There's a release due out in a couple of months and a major 11g release next year. After that it would have a support life of a minimum of 5 years, even if they stopped it after 11g, during which time anything can happen. As you know, 5 years in IT is an absolute age.
    Your posting certainly makes for interesting reading though and I'm sure there will be plenty of commets. If you hear any other interesting snippets I'd love to hear.
    Best wishes

  • Cannot access class oracle.jheadstart.model.adfbc.JhsApplicationModuleImpl;

    Error(2,38): cannot access class oracle.jheadstart.model.adfbc.JhsApplicationModuleImpl; file oracle\jheadstart\model\adfbc\JhsApplicationModuleImpl.class not found
    I am working on demo application from JHeadstart Developer's Guide (ch2). I got the above error when I tried to test the ADF BC.
    I checked the Project properties of the model and there was no jheadstart subfolder under oracle folder.
    I followed the install.html for JHeadstart download without problem.
    I am wondering if the .jar files from JHeadstart that I copied to Jdeveloper is where the issue is?
    Any help is much appreciated.

    Thanks for your prompt and helpful response.
    When you are at page 2-9 in the Getting Started chapter, you should not have run the Application Generator yet, therefore your Application Module should not extend JhsApplicationModuleImpl yet.
    Or did you explicitly set the ADF BC Base Class properties to JhsApplicationModuleImpl?
    The paragraph that describes this does mention that JHeadstart sets it up for you, you don't have to do it yourself. Is that where the confusion originated?
    MY SUGGESTION: if you modified the first sentence on page 2-10 to something like (You need to 'run the JAG' before you do Right-click the "HRService"Application Module and choose 'Test' 'otherwise you will get an error') would resolve the confusion for me.

  • Future of Oracle BPM 10g

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    Support for Oracle BPM 10g has been extended.   Look at Oracle's Lifetime Support Policy document for Fusion Middleware (page 40).  Note that support for Oracle BPM 10g has been extended to December 2018.
    With that said, if a company was to start an Oracle BPM project today, I'd suggest that they do it using Oracle BPM 11g.  Your upgrade path to 12c will be much simpler using 11g and there aren't many of us left who know and can train people getting started on Oracle BPM 10g.
    Dan Atwood

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    Thnaks... But still I couldn't see anyone saying
    Forms is forever. In future it will be supported by
    Oracle but not recomended by Oracle is it?Then again ... J2EE is not 'forever' either.
    The moment anyone comes along with and interestng tool set and enough money to do some serious marketing, you will find a lot of people who will jump to it, simply because it resolves some of their problems. (But not all!)
    I started working with Oracle Forms 2.3 and have heard an almost annual 'Forms is dead' since 1993. Fourteen years later, those who claim 'Forms is dead' are still looking for replacements of their favorite substitutes of Forms (such as PowerBuilder)
    My recomnmendation around Forms - as with all technology - is simple: if it (Forms, J2EE, whatever) works for your purposes, use it. Your app will need revising inside 5 years, and you can re-evaluate the technoloy at that time.

  • Future of Oracle Portal

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    Will WebLogic Portal replace it?

    WebLogic is not similar product as OAS Portal. WL provides a J2EE framework and requires strong Java developer skills. You create portals similar as you would do in WebCEnter, using IDE. In WL case that is BEA's version of Eclipse, in OWC case that is JDeveloper. BTW, WL runs only on WebLogic Server (currently).
    It is expected for WL and OWC to converge in the few next releases.
    Of course itis possible to migrate from OAS Portal to Web Center - via via JSF Portlet Bridge.
    BEA has another product called AquLogic User Interaction (ex Plumtree portal). That is declarative portal, that is simmilar in a way to OAS Portal. Of course, it does not support PL/SQL, but it can run on different servers. Anyway, that is an advanced declarative portal product. It is going to be rebranded as Oracle's prpoduct, and become part of OWC suite (together with OC Framework, OWC services etc).
    OAS Portal will remain DB centric, declarative environment that is running on iAS EE and most probably WebLogic Server. In release 11 it will include some Web2.0 services/features.

  • Help:What is the Future of Oracle DBA Professional?

    Hi Guys,
    I am new(fresher) to the field of Database administration can u tell me more about the role of a DBA and after 3-5 years of experience where can i find oppurtunities and which companies hire DBA's and does certification help DBA’s what edge do DBA’s have over Software Developer’s

    There is no such thing that the future will nto be there for the dbas.Its not the profession of dbas but it applies to everyone who is in any field.The value is only for those who are good in what they do. So if you are really good in whatever you do there wont be any issues in oppertunities. Oracle database is a very vast field and you need to keep your self always open to learn new concepts , things, technologies to make sure that you are in demand.

  • Future of Oracle DBA

    Hello Experts
    I am seeking for your guidance regarding to future of the Oracle DBA(Core).
    I have following questions:
    1. What areas in Oracle we need to strong(e.g RAC, dataguard,...etc.)
    2. How much OS level skills are required (e.g. basic, middle, experts...etc)
    3. What will be the effect of SUN and Oracle Deal on DBA's life
    4. What are the extra skills needed except Oracle Database
    5. Who is better APPS DBA or Core DBA
    Thanks & Regards
    Sunil Kumar

    user637769 wrote:
    Hello Experts
    I am seeking for your guidance regarding to future of the Oracle DBA(Core).
    I have following questions:Expert or not, opinions are like belly-buttons - eveybody has one. Here's mine (opinion, that is ...) ;-)
    1. What areas in Oracle we need to strong(e.g RAC, dataguard,...etc.)Yes.
    2. How much OS level skills are required (e.g. basic, middle, experts...etc)Middle, but see my response to #4
    3. What will be the effect of SUN and Oracle Deal on DBA's life. I wouldn't expect much if any. Oracle RDBMS is still the company's flagship product. That won't change. It has certainly had no effect on this dba's life! My alarm clock still goes off too early. I still get home too late. I still don't spend enough time with my family or practicing my trumpet or paddling a canoe.
    4. What are the extra skills needed except Oracle DatabaseSome OS, some networking, some programming in the language de juor. In my opinion no education or knowledge is ever wasted. And as a DBA you are at the juncture of OS/network/programming/system design. And everyone else always believes every problem they have is the dba's responsibility because "it has to be the database!". Network people never believe they have mis-configured a switch or router, or that they have failing hardware. OS people never believe they did any damage be deleting log files (as in .. redo01a.log). Programmers never believe bad data could enter the system, so never code to trap it. They never believe that the way they code SQL could have a detrimental impact on performance or scalability. Designers never believe the database and rdbms is anything more than a data dump.
    So it always falls to the DBA to do other people's troubleshooting for them.
    5. Who is better APPS DBA or Core DBA Define "better".
    Define "APPS DBA"
    Define "Core DBA"
    Thanks & Regards
    Sunil Kumar

  • Future of Oracle Forms?

    Hello, I am maintaining a huge application in Oracle Forms 6i and I think Forms is a great product. We are looking at future upgrade/migration paths (such as to Forms 10g) and a number of people I have talked to seem to think that Oracle Forms is being phased out by Oracle and is "going away".
    I have read the statement of direction document and it seems to indicate otherwise, but nothing else I have come across seems to definitively indicate one way or the other.
    I am aware that the client/server version has been discontinued, (too bad really, serving up the app via Terminal Services is so much less troublesome than a web app) but the point is to have some kind of upgrade path when or if needed.
    So is there any shred of truth to what these people are telling me or are they just greatly misinformed?
    I am very, very grateful for any assistance.

    we don't have any plans to discontinue Forms. So Forms is not going away. We know that these rumours exist.
    We could spend our time in fighting back rumours or in providing support for our customer base and work on new features for upcoming Forms releases. We decided for the latter, which may explain why you don't find many documents arguing against those rumours.
    The Forms development team and product management team is also involved in developing the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) for J2EE in Oracle JDeveloper.
    In fact, with ADF in Oracle JDeveloper, we are going to provide RAD functionality - like we have in Forms - for J2EE. This however is an offering to J2EE developers and doesn't impact Forms users directly - except for that we are making sure that Forms integrates with J2EE and that Forms developers will find it easy to develop J2EE applications based on their skill set to some point in time.
    We are currently working hard on Forms 11. Forms 10.1.2, which will be released in summer, also comes with enhancements (e.g. to WebUtil).
    So don't worry of what other people say.

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