Galaxy Journal

Hi All,
I want to know if anything further has been given on the Galaxy Journal. I am older (and you will note I did say older-not old) and my eyesight is not what it used to be. I would love the 5.3" screen that this phone talks about. If this phone is not coming then I would like to take advantage of the Galaxy S3 before it goes off the "Intro" price. If I have even a hint on getting my hands on the Journal I will wait to upgrade my phone but have to do it soon as my Motorola Droid X has developed lines and spots on the screen.
Anyone help with yes or no on the phone of a date of release or even if Verizon will get it.
All Kiwi

Check the Android section of this community. There are existing threads started already. This section of this community is for the Galaxy Nexus phone.

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    Thanks in advance!
    --------------------------------- start of excerpt ---------------------------------
    A post for setup on a previous model/OS version
    After spending quite some time trying to get my T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S II setup with iCloud mail, this is what finally worked. Thanks to everyone for the various bits that helped lead me in the right direction. For those who need lots of detail, I hope the below helps. Please don't ask me about any other specific Android phones as I'm not expert but thought someone out there could benefit from my experience. 
    User Name: username (do not enter @me,com or
    Password: (enter your password)
    IMAP server:
    Security type: SSL
    Port: 993
    IMAP path prefix: p##- (you can find this by checking your account settings on your Mac. Mine was p03- so that's what I entered here)
    Press NEXT
    SMTP server:
    Security type: TLS
    Port: 587
    check the box next to "Require sign-in" if it's not already checked
    User name: username  (do not enter or
    Password (enter your password)
    Press NEXT
    Your phone will check the server settings and you should be able to see your email now.
    And another poster provided these additional tips…
    Definitely select SSL/TLS and accept all certificates
    Now here's the zinger: Authentication should be LOGIN
    After figuring this out, I finally (after many hours of searching and testing) got to my outgoing server settings, which are:
    NONE for security type
    Tic "Require Sign-in"
    Authentication is PLAIN
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    Any ideas how to get around this as I have three addresses beneath my primary which I need to both send from and reply from.
    --------------------------------- end of excerpt ---------------------------------

    > has anyone successfully set up multiple email accounts (iCloud/Yahoo/AT&T/etc.) on their Samsung Galaxy S4 Jelly Bean 4.2?
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    There are a few posts with general info relating to setting up an iCloud email account on Android here if you search though.

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    Md.nazeer Shaikh

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    944978 - FB60 / MIRO - check of direct tax after change

  • HT4191 My Contacts Journal Professional CRM Journal crashes at the initial seconds of iCloud Migration. Has anybody with this application experience this situation. The developer has been contacted.

    Dear Contacts Journal Support Team,
    Each time i have been trying what you put up for me,i always delete The Application Completely,then go to iTune Apps Store to re-download it. I know the apps store will not give me an old version,that is why i do not use my Mac or iMac to replace the application however this has also been updated on my Macs.
    I reiterated in my message yesterday that,it is not that what you asked me to do is not working or i did not follow your instructions into details. I did follow every steps you stated.
    I have tried this several time,i do not mind starting all over again,i just want it to work with iCloud. We can give you feedback,and i praise your effort for not getting tired to respond. This is a good and real customer service assistance of which i really appreciate.
    My devices are up-to-date,and the application i download is the latest version.
    Please let's makes this application work,there is non like it on The Apps Store. So you should be proud of your work and your innovation which i see as very powerful as well as extremely useful. But when it becomes unworkable it render all my eulogies to your effort meaningless.
    Thanks for contacting me again and i hope you will make it work again. Please forget about my previous DATA,i want to start it NEW. But you can not turn ON & OFF even the iCloud on Contacts Journal.
    Thanks a LOT.
    The Reverend Canon Dr. IBITOYE.
    Sent from my iPhone 5⃣ Highly reliable especially when you are on the GOOOOO!!!!! Grab one for your own use,you will never-REGRET HAVING ONE!!!!!
    On 13 Feb 2013, at 07:46, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks. Can you confirm this step:
    - make sure all devices are updated to iOS6.1, and running the latest version of the app (3.3) [you can check if you have the latest version of the app by going to the App Store on your device, then checking the Updates section to see if you see any update for CJournal]
    - Another way to check is when you open CJournal, go to More -> Contact Us -> About page -> it should show the current app version.
    This is very important. If you are running the previous version of the app (3.2.1), then this crash will definitely happen on iOS6.1. You need to upgrade the CJournal app to the latest. After updating the app, you will have to follow the same steps as before, including cleaning up the iCloud database.
    On Feb 12, 2013, at 7:13 PM, ADEBAYO ADETOYE ALABA IBITOYE <[email protected]> wrote:
    Dear Sir / Madame,
    Thanks for your lengthy information which is highly and diligently consummated and extremely digested.
    All what you indicated in your last mail,i have done it and all efforts is TO NO AVAIL.
    1. It does clean all the devices but at the start of MIGRATION,the application crashes away and off. This has happened at least more than 5 to 7 times on one device. I have got main 2 iPhone 5 main lines,the other lines are subsidiary to my European lines and Dublin. So,i do not on or try to set them at the same time.
    2. Please,kindly see it in this way,look at the year you have released this application,i have not made or bombard  you with this kind of problems.
    3. I am an old man,i love the progress of our younger ones in Technology. It is just a shame i was not born to the computer and application age,it pains me. Because i know i embrace and love Technology,even at this old age. So i can not do anything to destroy your work,i will rather support you for progress so my up spring will also progress in all their discipline. Also remember my vocation as a priest,my position is to encourage,correct and not to destroy another persons efforts and labour.
    Above all,i just finished trying it twice now,at the migration point,it crashes out in few seconds when it comes with that line of migration.
    The time in London now is 03:10 in the morning,this is what i suffer on this application: SLEEPLESS NIGHTS.
    If there is any other one like this out their that can take files,journals,documents,ToDo's like this one. Please let me know,i do not mind how much it will cost me. I just want it to work.
    Thanks and look forward to your response.
    The Reverend Canon Dr. IBITOYE.
    Sent from my iPhone 5⃣ Highly reliable especially when you are on the GOOOOO!!!!! Grab one for your own use,you will never-REGRET HAVING ONE!!!!!
    On 13 Feb 2013, at 01:00, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks. We just sent you an email an hour before you sent this one!! It had instructions on how to overcome this particular problem "Cannot sync since another device is syncing at the same time". It doesn't look like you followed those instructions at all.
    This is our detailed feedback, so please read and follow them closely::
    - you can only get this message when you are trying to sync to iCloud with CJournal. It means that something else got stuck while syncing with iCloud before, and it needs you to clean up the iCloud database for CJournal (as previously instructed, and repeated below)
    - there is no hope for us to recover your previous data. The best we can do is to get the app working again with iCloud, by cleaning up your iCloud data for CJournal
    - your old data was previously wiped out when you cleaned up the iCloud database without backing it up. There isn't any chance that we can recover that. Maybe the Apple iCloud engineers can restore that for you (though I doubt it). If they do, then let us know and we can figure something out.
    Meanwhile, follow these instructions for resetting your iCloud data:
    - make sure all devices are updated to iOS6.1, and running the latest version of the app (3.3) [you can check if you have the latest version of the app by going to the App Store on your device, then checking the Updates section to see if you see any update for CJournal]
    - make sure to turn off iCloud sync option in CJournal, on all devices
    - To clean out your iCloud database, you have to go to the Settings app -> iCloud -> Storage and Backup -> Manage Storage -> Documents and Data -> Show All -> look for Contacts Journal. (if you don’t see it, then look for “icloud” with a blank white icon). Here, press the Edit button, then the Delete All button. This will clean out your iCloud database. Note that it will take a few minutes for your data to be deleted from your other devices, and you shouldn’t try syncing any of your devices to iCloud in the meantime.
    - Now restart all your devices by powering them down, then power them back up again.
    - Now, wait 5-10 minutes for the delete to go through
    - On one of your devices, with the latest data, turn on iCloud. If it gives an initial message saying "iCloud data already exists", then press Cancel. It means it hasn't updated from iCloud that you deleted the data. You'll have to open the Settings app and go to the same Show All page again, just so the device tries to connect to iCloud again.  Wait a few minutes before trying to enable iCloud again.
    - After it's done transferring the information to iCloud, wait a few minutes, then connect your 2nd device to iCloud and let it connect with the existing iCloud data. If it gives a message saying "First Time iCloud Sync", then press Cancel.  It means it hasn't detected the data you just uploaded from iCloud yet. Try again in a minute.
    Please follow these instructions closely. Let me know any instruction isn't clear to you.
    On Feb 12, 2013, at 3:57 PM, ADEBAYO ADETOYE ALABA IBITOYE <[email protected]> wrote:
    Dear Contacts Journal Support,
    I am so disappointed as you have not deem it right to make a follow up enquiry about my problems of which you were aware about all my Troubles.
    I keep you inform of all my efforts with apple iCloud Department and what i was told.
    I did not delete any of my files from Contacts Journal from my iCloud Account as one of my iPhone 4S still contains a 75% of some of my data. This device has been switched off since. Any attempt i made to use iCloud  on contact journal always comes up with a message i have related to you in my former message that: Contacts Journal encounter a SYNC problems from iCloud and that 2 devices can not be Sync at the same time; while all other devices are actually switched off.
    I am sending this Note now as the time limit given to me by iCloud Team will expire tomorrow. As i have said,this application has beautiful features but to make it work and Sync with either iCloud or Dropbox is a problems.
    I mean,about 8 devices can not have these problems at a go while other applications link with either iCloud or Dropbox are working on all these Devices. I can list all these for you if require as apple iCloud Team do check this as well.
    The iCloud restoration you sent me does not work,but i think this has teach me a great lesson as not to rely fully on an application like this anymore. I count my loss,my time and STRESS,i can not but let you know how i feel and my pains,frustrations and disappointments on this application.
    I have been using this application since it has been introduced,i know all the ups and downs,but not like this.
    I hereby appeal to you to sort out this PROBLEMS: "PROBLEM WITH iCloud SYNC: can not sync since another device is syncing at the same time: please wait and try again."
    The iCloud button will not even switched on.
    I look forward to hear from you.
    The Reverend Canon Dr. IBITOYE.
    Sent from my iPhone 5⃣ Highly reliable especially when you are on the GOOOOO!!!!! Grab one for your own use,you will never-REGRET HAVING ONE!!!!!
    On 12 Feb 2013, at 22:00, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    You can also go through the iCloud reset process again. That should get everything back in order again with iCloud. But there is no way to restore your old data unfortunately, since the Delete All wiped it out.
    Instructions for resetting your iCloud data:
    - make sure all devices are updated to iOS6.1, and running the latest version of the app (3.3)
    - turn off iCloud sync option in CJournal is it is enabled on any device
    - To clean out your iCloud database, you have to go to the Settings app -> iCloud -> Storage and Backup -> Manage Storage -> Documents and Data -> Show All -> look for Contacts Journal. (if you don’t see it, then look for “icloud” with a blank white icon). Here, press the Edit button, then the Delete All button. This will clean out your iCloud database. Note that it will take a few minutes for your data to be deleted from your other devices, and you shouldn’t try syncing any of your devices to iCloud in the meantime.
    - Now restart all your devices by powering them down, then power them back up again.
    - On your device with the latest data, turn on iCloud. If it gives an initial message saying "iCloud data already exists", then press Cancel. It means it hasn't updated from iCloud that you deleted the data. You'll have to open the Settings app and go to the same Show All page again, just so the device tries to connect to iCloud again.  Wait a few minutes before trying to enable iCloud again.
    - After it's done transferring the information to iCloud, wait a few minutes, then connect your 2nd device to iCloud and let it connect with the existing iCloud data. If it gives a message saying "First Time iCloud Sync", then press Cancel.  It means it hasn't detected the data you just uploaded from iCloud yet. Try again in a minute.
    Hope this helps.
    On Feb 7, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Regardless of what Apple technicians say, the simple fact is this:
    - you went and did Delete All for your iCloud data ... now all your iCloud data is gone. There's no way to bring it back. We certainly don't have the power to bring it back; maybe Apple technicians do. Have you asked them about this?
    - your only hope is to restore your device using an iCloud backup, from before you did the Delete All. That might restore your data to a previous state. We sent you this link again:
    If the Apple technicians can help you through this process, that would be even better.
    There is honestly nothing we can do at this point. There's no bug to fix. The problem is you did a Delete All of your iCloud data, without making a backup first. If you had a backup of your data, we could be able to help you, but that data is nowhere right now.
    On Feb 6, 2013, at 10:23 AM, ADEBAYO ADETOYE ALABA IBITOYE <[email protected]> wrote:
    No, not at all,The apple Technicians did run series of Test on both my account and The Application. It was conclusive that the application is not communicating both with devices as well as iCloud Proactively,this is one of The Application i personally rated 5 Stars and both iPad and The iPhone ones i have never made any complaint.
    I gain nothing from spoiling another persons Job and effort. But when something needs to be repair,i think it need to. It crashes on my 4 iPads and all my iPhone series.
    Please apple has the conclusion,you are the one who can fix it. Apparently my screen was shared because they can see through all my efforts since last Night.
    I am very DISAPPOINTED... For now i am looking towards your end to get it fix. Apple policy still remains on Third Party's Application.
    Looking forward to hear from you.
    Many Thanks,
    Dr. IBITOYE.
    Sent from my iPhone 5⃣ Highly reliable especially when you are on the GOOOOO!!!!! Grab one for your own use,you will never-REGRET HAVING ONE!!!!!
    On 6 Feb 2013, at 15:58, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks for the update. We would love to fix the problem for you. Unfortunately, since you deleted all the iCloud data without creating a backup first, there's not much we can do from our end. I wish we had some control over this. The best option really is to look for your iCloud backups, and try to restore your data to your iCloud backup. Did you discuss this with the iCloud technicians from Apple? I'm sure nothing was wrong with their iCloud system per se, but did they focus on recovering your data (after you explained the problem to them in detail)?
    At the moment, the only hope we have is to restore one of your devices from an older iCloud backup. You probably want to do this in the next day or so, otherwise it might get lost. This might have been something that I was hoping an Apple technician would be able to walk you through.
    Hope this helps.
    On Feb 6, 2013, at 5:13 AM, ADEBAYO ADETOYE ALABA IBITOYE <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hello There,
    i have just finished or apple has just finished with me now,and i was opportune to be attended to by one of apple most senior iCloud Engineer or Technician. We were on this problems for couples of hours,apparently they could detect all my logins through out the night on this application. It was concluded that nothing is wrong with my iCloud account neither with iCloud in general as all my other applications is working fine.
    What this implies now is that they i.e. apple engineers refer me back to you as the developer of this application. The application is not communicating with device as well as to have a good Synchronisation with iCloud.
    They asked me to inform you that i have suffered as an elderly man through out the night and up till now nothing can be done from their end. They want you to look into the application and that    it will be monitor from their end for the next couples of Days as if i or others will get all their Documents stored in the iCloud.
    The Senior Technicians might get inn contact with you if there is NO remedy to this gruelling and gruesome situation that this application has put and expose me to since 17:00 Hour yesterday evening.
    I will hereby advocate for an improvement and utmost adjustment to this BEAUTIFUL APPLICATION. I know it can be made to work without any stress and PLEASE DO IT.
    The Reverend Canon Dr. IBITOYE.
    Sent from my iPad4⃣Highly reliable especially when you are on the GOOOOO!!!!! Grab one for your own use,you will never-REGRET HAVING ONE!!!!!
    On 6 Feb 2013, at 08:23, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    At this point, I don't think Time Machine backups would help. The only thing that might be possible is if you are backing up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud. You can check this in the Settings app -> iCloud -> Storage and Backup -> is iCloud Backup turned On? It will also show you the Last Backup under the "Backup Now" button.
    If this is on, you can try to restore one of your devices to this backup version. You can follow these instructions:
    You might also want to consult an Apple Genius bar if you have an Apple store close-by or if it's convenient for you to do this over the phone.
    Hope this helps. Really hope you can recover this data.
    On Feb 5, 2013, at 9:07 PM, ADEBAYO ADETOYE ALABA IBITOYE <[email protected]> wrote:
    Many Thanks,
    apparently i do use i cloud Sync on all my devices,but,i went to the FAQ where it says i should delete the cloud,this is the source of my Problems,apparently i would have contacted you earlier than this as it seems the latest update has been bugged,but i still manage to use it though. As soon as i delete the grey cloud,i lost everything on all my devices,all my 4 iPads,all my iPhones,my last result now is you,i can even taste any sleep as i need this file BADLY.. My last result is if you can put me through either on my Time Machine if that will still be intact. I have browse to see how i can get this work from any source. PLEASE KINDLY HELP...
    My Regards,
    The Reverend Canon Dr. IBITOYE.
    Sent from my iPad4⃣Highly reliable especially when you are on the GOOOOO!!!!! Grab one for your own use,you will never-REGRET HAVING ONE!!!!!
    On 6 Feb 2013, at 03:38, Contacts Journal Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks for your email. Were you using iCloud sync? When did you upload these missing documents? Do you use multiple devices ... if so, which device did you use to upload the documents? Did you use the "Transfer over WiFi" method, or did you use "Open In" from a different app?
    Let us know and we can see if there's any way we can help.
    On Feb 5, 2013, at 5:14 PM, ADEBAYO ADETOYE ALABA IBITOYE <[email protected]> wrote:
    Dear Contacts Journal Support Team,
    I am sending this mail to let you know that i have been encountering
    serious problems on my CONTACTS JOURNAL FILES for the past 6 to 7
    I have read all the procedure on The FAQ as well as deleting this
    application on all my devices also i tried to go to Manage my Data as
    well as resetting everything stated on the FAQ. But all my efforts is
    to NO AVAIL. I can get all my ToDo's and other Logs. But on my Files
    Section where i some important Documents and folders,it is just coming
    up as loading,and if click any of the files,it will either says ERROR
    Contacts Journal is a very good tools for me,but,i must confess that
    as at this Time 01:05 London Time in England,i have been on this
    problems since 17:30 Tuesday the 5th of February 2013. I need to pull
    out a paper i have saved in This Journal to give a Lecture This
    Please i do not want to loose all my files as i have got vital and
    private documents stored and saved on this Application.
    I will be delighted if there is a way of retreating or getting this
    Documents back as they are very vital to me.
    Looking forward to hear from you in earnest.
    My Regards,
    St. Alfege Church,
    Church of England,
    Anglican Communion,
    Greater London,

    adetoye50 wrote:
    Dear Contacts Journal Support Team,
    FYI, this is a user to user support forum.  You are NOT addressing Apple here.
    Honestly, I doubt anyone is really going to take the time to read the novel you have written.

  • Greeting,  I want to reformat my external hard drive using Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted ) but before formatting it, I want to make sure that if I loose the hard drive or the hard drive get stolen, no one will be able to retrieve or recover the in

    I want to reformat my external hard drive using Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted ) but before formatting it, I want to make sure that if I loose the hard drive or the hard drive get stolen, no one will be able to retrieve or recover the information on it so could you tell me what kind of encryption will be used or is there any way to recover the information?

    I think FileVault is used to encryp internal hard drive but I wanna encrypt an external hard drive with Mac OS Extended Journaled Encrypted which is completely different!

  • How do I install Firefox on a Galaxy S, if the market says that is not available for me?

    I am trying to download Firefox 5 for my brand new Samsung Galaxy S I9000, when I press install from the Android Market webpage it tells me This app is not compatible with your Samsung Galaxy S I9000 and then a text appears This app cannot be installed in the country of your device. I live in Uruguay South America and I use FF in all my desktops computers. Is there any solution to this problem? Thanks.
    Sincerely Ignacio

    The two main things that you need for mobile Firefox to work is Android 2.0 and newer (which you have) and the cpu on phone/tablet has to be a ARM v7 type of cpu as the old ARM v6 will not work.
    Acording to it is compatible and the 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor, PowerVR SGX540 GPU, Hummingbird chipset is a ARM v7 type.
    alternate source is

  • How do I disable journaling on an external drive that won't mount?

    I'm trying to fix a hard drive that gives me the "Invalid content in journal" error. I've run the latest TechTool and Drive Genius and they say the drive is fine, except for its crippling inability to actually mount. Onyx and Cocktail won't touch it until its mounted. Ideas?

    It's possible to recover files using recovery software such as Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro. Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.

  • Can't view changed data in journal data

    I have implemented JKM Oracle 10g Consistent Logminer on Oracle 10g with the following option.
    - Asynchronous_mode : yes
    - Auto_configuration : yes
    1. Change Data Capture -> Add to CDC, 2.Subscriber->subscribe (sunopsis),
    3. Start Journal
    The journal has been started correctly wothout errors. The journalized table has always the symbol "green clock". All is gook working.
    And then i inserted 1 record in source table, but i can't view changed data in journal data. I can't understand why journal data was generated.
    There are no errors.
    Help me !!!

    Did your designer was on the good context ?
    Look the list box at the top right of the Designer interface.
    You must have the same as the one where you define your journalization.

  • Cannot send txt messages from my iPhone to a android galaxy gear 3

    My husband switched from an iPhone to a galaxy note three and kept his old cell number.  Now he cannot receive texts from any other iPhones including mine.
    Research on Internet indicates this is common issue when an iPhone user switches to an android device and keeps old number from iPhone!  Problem does not happen with new android devices .any workable solution known?  So far suggestions in forums have not helped.  APPLE store personnel uninformed reissue,as well as Best Buy personnel.

    Looks to me like the question has indeed been asked 500 times or more...but still looks to me like many still have unresolved solutions if they have more than one Apple device.   I've been attempting to follow advice giving in forum conversations...still, no luck.  I had turned off imessage on old IPHONE before, then unregistered my old iphone, but still can not get txt messages from any of my friends who have an iphone...not one.   I do have several other Apple IMAC, an MAC BOOK PRO, an IPAD 2 and an IPAD3 still on my same Apple Account that my old phone was on.  Is this now the problem

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    My friend has a Galaxy S4 and we've been trying to send pictures back and forth from my iPhone and from her Galaxy with no success.
    Is it possible to send pics from an Apple device to Galaxy/Android device?

    Send messages with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    You'll need to have cellular data connection in order to use MMS as stated in the above link I just posted.

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