Generalized Component Resizing

Hey people,
I wrote a "Component Resizer" which takes care of resizing components. Any component as opposed to just a window or a dialog.
One problem I noticed while resizing dialogs for example was that when I resize the dialog, the internal panes do not get adjust themselves to the new contained size. Now this happens even if I am using say GridBagLayout or GridLayout.
Another problem I noticed is that then a component inside a container is resized, the new size is retained until the parent container for this component itself is resized. Then it goes back to its original size. I guess this is because of the layout manager but then, this happens even when I use null layout. I have posted the code here (it's really long).
Any suggestions?
Main resize handler:
* Copyright (c) 2004,
* Vijayaraghavan Kalyanapasupathy
* [email protected]
* See accompanying project license for license terms and agreement.
* The use of the intellectual property contained herein is subject
* to the terms of the license agreement. If no license agreement
* can be found at the locations from where you obtained this
* sofwtare/file/code fragment contact the author for the license.
* Contributors: Vijayaraghavan Kalyanapasupathy
* Created     : 4:03:42 AM, Dec 2, 2004
* Project     : SwingComponents
package org.swingcomponents.components;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* A configurable listener which can resize any component that can generate mouse drag and mouse events.
* </p>
* <p>
* General model for this is that <br/>
* <ul>
*  <li> On demand resizing region margin
*  <li> On demand resizing directions modification
* </ul>
* </p>
* @author Vijayaraghavan Kalyanapasupathy
public class ComponentResizer extends    MouseAdapter
                              implements MouseListener,
                                         MouseMotionListener {
     static final int DEFAULT_MARGIN = 8;
      * The sensitivity on the left side within which a mouse drag is interpreted as a resize action.
     static int c_leftmargin   = DEFAULT_MARGIN;
      * The sensitivity on the right side within which a mouse drag is interpreted as a resize action.
     static int c_rightmargin  = DEFAULT_MARGIN;
      * The sensitivity on the top within which a mouse drag is interpreted as a resize action.
     static int c_topmargin    = DEFAULT_MARGIN;
      * The sensitivity on the bottom within which a mouse drag is interpreted as a resize action.
     static int c_bottommargin = DEFAULT_MARGIN;
      * Sets the default margins for all newly generated resizers.
      * @param p_top The new top margin
      * @param p_left The new left side margin
      * @param p_bottom The new bottom margin
      * @param p_right The new right side margin
     public static void setDefaultMargins(int p_top,int p_left,int p_bottom,int p_right) {
          c_logger.debug("Attempting to change application wide margins to: ("+p_top+","+p_left+","+p_bottom+","+p_right+")");
          c_leftmargin   = p_left > 0 ? p_left : c_leftmargin;
          c_rightmargin  = p_right > 0 ? p_right : c_rightmargin;
          c_topmargin    = p_top > 0 ? p_top : c_topmargin;
          c_bottommargin = p_bottom > 0 ? p_bottom : c_bottommargin;
          c_logger.debug("Changed application wide margins to: ("+c_topmargin+","+c_leftmargin+","+c_bottommargin+","+c_rightmargin+")");
      * Retrieves the default application wide left margin used for newly created resizers.
      * @return The default left margin
     public static int getDefaultLeftMargin() {
          return c_leftmargin;
      * Retrieves the default application wide top margin used for newly created resizers.
      * @return The default top margin
     public static int getDefaultTopMargin() {
          return c_topmargin;
      * Retrieves the default application wide right margin used for newly created resizers.
      * @return The default right margin
     public static int getDefaultRightMargin() {
          return c_rightmargin;
      * Retrieves the default application wide bottom margin used for newly created resizers.
      * @return The default bottom margin
     public static int getDefaultBottomMargin() {
          return c_bottommargin;     
      * The standard log4j logger that all instances of this class use
      * to log messages.
     static Logger c_logger = Logger.getLogger(ComponentResizer.class);
     /* The cursors for each direction */
     /** The top resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_topcursor         = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The left side resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_leftcursor        = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The right side resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_rightcursor       = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The bottom resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_bottomcursor      = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The topleft resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_topleftcursor     = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The topright resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_toprightcursor    = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The bottomleft resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_bottomleftcursor  = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR);
     /** The bottomright resize cursor */
     static final Cursor c_bottomrightcursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR);
      * Method that performs initialization stuff.
     protected void InitializeResizer() {
          c_logger.debug("Initializing resizer: ");
          m_leftmargin   = c_leftmargin;
          m_rightmargin  = c_rightmargin;
          m_bottommargin = c_bottommargin;
          m_topmargin    = c_topmargin;
          c_logger.debug("Initialized default margins from application wide settings: ("+m_topmargin+","+m_leftmargin+","+m_bottommargin+","+m_rightmargin+")");
          c_logger.debug("Setting default resize options: ");
          m_allowTopLeftResize    = m_allowTopRightResize    = true;
          m_allowBottomLeftResize = m_allowBottomRightResize = true;
          m_allowLeftResize       = m_allowRightResize       = true;
          m_allowTopResize        = m_allowBottomResize      = true;
          c_logger.debug("Getting component default cursor: ");
          m_componentcursor = m_component.getCursor();
     /** The resizer specific left side margin */
     int m_leftmargin;
     /** The resizer specific top margin */
     int m_topmargin;
     /** The resizer specific right side margin */
     int m_rightmargin;
     /** The resizer specific bottom margin */
     int m_bottommargin;
     /** Indicates that top side resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowTopResize;
     /** Indicates that bottom side resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowBottomResize;
     /** Indicates that left side resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowLeftResize;
     /** Indicates that right side resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowRightResize;
     /** Indicates that top left resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowTopLeftResize;
     /** Indicates that top right resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowTopRightResize;
     /** Indicates that bottom left resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowBottomLeftResize;
     /** Indicates that bottom right resizing should be allowed. */
     boolean m_allowBottomRightResize;
     /** The component that we are focussing on */
     Component m_component = null;
     /** The layout key for the component */
     String m_layoutkey = null;
      * Creates a new component resizer that attaches itself as a mouse listener and
      * as a mouse motion listener to the given component.
      * @param p_component The component to attach the listener to.
      * @param p_layoutkey The key used in the layout manager of the component's parent for this object.
     public ComponentResizer(Component p_component,String p_layoutkey) {
          m_component = p_component;
          m_layoutkey = p_layoutkey;
          if(m_component != null) {
               c_logger.debug("Initializing resizer for: "+m_component);
          }else {
               c_logger.warn("Component is null: ");
      * Sets the resizer specific bottom margin.
      * @param p_bottommargin The bottommargin to set.
     public void setBottomMargin(int p_bottommargin) {
          c_logger.debug("Attempting to set top margin to: "+p_bottommargin);
          m_bottommargin = p_bottommargin > 0 ? p_bottommargin : m_bottommargin;
          c_logger.debug("Bottom margin set to: "+m_bottommargin);
      * Sets the resizer specific left side margin.
      * @param p_leftmargin The leftmargin to set.
     public void setLeftMargin(int p_leftmargin) {
          c_logger.debug("Attempting to set left margin to: "+p_leftmargin);
          m_leftmargin = p_leftmargin > 0 ? p_leftmargin : m_leftmargin;
          c_logger.debug("Left margin set to: "+m_leftmargin);
      * Sets the resizer specific right side margin.
      * @param p_rightmargin The rightmargin to set.
     public void setRightMargin(int p_rightmargin) {
          c_logger.debug("Attempting to set right margin to: "+p_rightmargin);
          m_rightmargin = p_rightmargin > 0 ? p_rightmargin : m_rightmargin;
          c_logger.debug("Right margin set to: "+m_rightmargin);
      * Sets the resizer specific top margin.
      * @param p_topmargin The topmargin to set.
     public void setTopMargin(int p_topmargin) {
          c_logger.debug("Attempting to set top margin to: "+p_topmargin);
          m_topmargin = p_topmargin > 0 ? p_topmargin : m_topmargin;
          c_logger.debug("Top margin set to: "+m_topmargin);
      * Returns the bottom margin.
      * @return Returns the bottommargin.
     public int getBottomMargin() {
          return m_bottommargin;
      * Returns the left margin.
      * @return Returns the leftmargin.
     public int getLeftMargin() {
          return m_leftmargin;
      * Returns the right margin.
      * @return Returns the rightmargin.
     public int getRightMargin() {
          return m_rightmargin;
      * Returns the top margin.
      * @return Returns the topmargin.
     public int getTopMargin() {
          return m_topmargin;
      * @return Returns the allowBottomLeftResize.
     public boolean isAllowBottomLeftResize() {
          return m_allowBottomLeftResize;
      * @return Returns the allowBottomResize.
     public boolean isAllowBottomResize() {
          return m_allowBottomResize;
      * @return Returns the allowBottomRightResize.
     public boolean isAllowBottomRightResize() {
          return m_allowBottomRightResize;
      * @return Returns the allowLeftResize.
     public boolean isAllowLeftResize() {
          return m_allowLeftResize;
      * @return Returns the allowRightResize.
     public boolean isAllowRightResize() {
          return m_allowRightResize;
      * @return Returns the allowTopLeftResize.
     public boolean isAllowTopLeftResize() {
          return m_allowTopLeftResize;
      * @return Returns the allowTopResize.
     public boolean isAllowTopResize() {
          return m_allowTopResize;
      * @return Returns the allowTopRightResize.
     public boolean isAllowTopRightResize() {
          return m_allowTopRightResize;
      * @param p_allowBottomLeftResize The allowBottomLeftResize to set.
     public void setAllowBottomLeftResize(boolean p_allowBottomLeftResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting bottom left resizing to: "+p_allowBottomLeftResize);
          m_allowBottomLeftResize = p_allowBottomLeftResize;
      * @param p_allowBottomResize The allowBottomResize to set.
     public void setAllowBottomResize(boolean p_allowBottomResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting bottom resizing to: "+p_allowBottomResize);
          m_allowBottomResize = p_allowBottomResize;
      * @param p_allowBottomRightResize The allowBottomRightResize to set.
     public void setAllowBottomRightResize(boolean p_allowBottomRightResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting bottom right resizing to: "+p_allowBottomRightResize);
          m_allowBottomRightResize = p_allowBottomRightResize;
      * @param p_allowLeftResize The allowLeftResize to set.
     public void setAllowLeftResize(boolean p_allowLeftResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting left resizing to: "+p_allowLeftResize);
          m_allowLeftResize = p_allowLeftResize;
      * @param p_allowRightResize The allowRightResize to set.
     public void setAllowRightResize(boolean p_allowRightResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting right side resizing to: "+p_allowRightResize);
          m_allowRightResize = p_allowRightResize;
      * @param p_allowTopLeftResize The allowTopLeftResize to set.
     public void setAllowTopLeftResize(boolean p_allowTopLeftResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting top left resizing to: "+p_allowTopLeftResize);
          m_allowTopLeftResize = p_allowTopLeftResize;
      * @param p_allowTopResize The allowTopResize to set.
     public void setAllowTopResize(boolean p_allowTopResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting top side resizing to: "+p_allowTopResize);
          m_allowTopResize = p_allowTopResize;
      * @param p_allowTopRightResize The allowTopRightResize to set.
     public void setAllowTopRightResize(boolean p_allowTopRightResize) {
          c_logger.debug("Setting top right resizing to: "+p_allowTopRightResize);
          m_allowTopRightResize = p_allowTopRightResize;
      * Following are the methods that do all the real stuff.
     /* We define constants that allow us to determine where the cursor is. */
     static final int TOP         = 0x0001;
     static final int BOTTOM      = 0x0002;
     static final int LEFT        = 0x0100;
     static final int RIGHT       = 0x0200;
     static final int TOPLEFT     = 0x0101;
     static final int TOPRIGHT    = 0x0201;
     static final int BOTTOMLEFT  = 0x0102;
     static final int BOTTOMRIGHT = 0x0202;
     static final int UNKNOWN     = 0x0000;
     protected int whereX(int p_x) {
          // check if on left side
          if(p_x >= 0 &&
             p_x <= m_leftmargin) {
               c_logger.debug("Cursor is on LEFT");
               return LEFT;
          // check if on right side
          if(p_x <= m_component.getWidth() &&
             p_x >= m_component.getWidth()-m_rightmargin) {
               c_logger.debug("Cursor is on RIGHT");
               return RIGHT;
          return UNKNOWN;
     protected int whereY(int p_y) {
          // check if on top side
          if(p_y >= 0 &&
             p_y <= m_topmargin) {
               c_logger.debug("Cursor is on TOP");
               return TOP;
          // check if on bottom side
          if(p_y <= m_component.getHeight() &&
             p_y >= m_component.getHeight()-m_bottommargin) {
               c_logger.debug("Cursor is on BOTTOM");
               return BOTTOM;
          return UNKNOWN;
     protected int where(int p_x,int p_y) {
          c_logger.debug("Determining pointer location: ");
          int l_composite = (whereX(p_x) | whereY(p_y));
          switch(l_composite) {
               case LEFT:
               case RIGHT:
               case BOTTOM:
               case TOP:
               case TOPLEFT:
                    c_logger.debug("Top left");
               case TOPRIGHT:
                    c_logger.debug("Top right");
               case BOTTOMLEFT:
                    c_logger.debug("Bottom left");
               case BOTTOMRIGHT:
                    c_logger.debug("Bottom right");
          return l_composite;
      * The component's default cursor.
     Cursor m_componentcursor;
     boolean m_resizingcursor;
     boolean m_dragready;
     protected void changeCursor(int p_where) {
          c_logger.debug("Changing cursor: ");
          m_resizingcursor = true;
          switch(p_where) {
               case LEFT:
                    if(m_allowLeftResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case RIGHT:
                    if(m_allowRightResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case TOP:
                    if(m_allowTopResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case BOTTOM:
                    if(m_allowBottomResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case TOPLEFT:
                    if(m_allowTopLeftResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case TOPRIGHT:
                    if(m_allowTopRightResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case BOTTOMLEFT:
                    if(m_allowBottomLeftResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
               case BOTTOMRIGHT:
                    if(m_allowBottomRightResize) {
                    }else {
                         m_resizingcursor = false;
                    c_logger.debug("Reverting to default component cursor: ");
                    m_resizingcursor = false;
     protected void modifyBounds(int p_newx,int p_newy,int p_newwidth,int p_newheight) {
          /*if(m_component.getParent() != null) {
               LayoutManager l_manager = m_component.getParent().getLayout();
               if(l_manager != null) {
          if(m_component instanceof JComponent) {
               ((JComponent) m_component).setPreferredSize(new Dimension(p_newwidth,p_newheight));
     protected void resizeLeft(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing left side: ");
          if(p_e.getX() <= m_component.getWidth()-m_leftmargin-m_rightmargin-4) {
               int l_newx = m_component.getX();
               int l_newwidth = m_component.getWidth();
               c_logger.debug("Eligible for leftward resize: ");
               if(p_e.getX() <= 0) {
                    c_logger.debug("Leftward drag: ");
                    l_newx = p_e.getX()+m_component.getX();
                    l_newwidth = m_component.getWidth()-p_e.getX();
               }else {
                    c_logger.debug("anti-Leftward drag: ");
                    l_newx = m_component.getX()-p_e.getX();
                    l_newwidth = m_component.getWidth()-p_e.getX();
               c_logger.debug("Component new X: "+l_newx);
               c_logger.debug("Component new W: "+l_newwidth);
     protected void resizeBottom(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing bottom side: ");
          if(p_e.getY() >= m_topmargin+m_bottommargin+4) {
               c_logger.debug("Eligible for bottom side resize: ");
               int l_newheight = p_e.getY();
               c_logger.debug("Component new H: "+l_newheight);
     protected void resizeRight(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing right side: ");
          if(p_e.getX() >= m_leftmargin+m_rightmargin+4) {
               c_logger.debug("Eligible for right side resize: ");
               int l_newwidth = p_e.getX();
               c_logger.debug("Component new W: "+l_newwidth);
     protected void resizeTop(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing top side: ");
          if(p_e.getY() <= m_component.getHeight()-m_topmargin-m_bottommargin-4) {
               int l_newy = m_component.getY();
               int l_newheight = m_component.getHeight();
               c_logger.debug("Eligible for top side resize: ");
               if(p_e.getY() <= 0) {
                    c_logger.debug("Topward drag: ");
                    l_newy = m_component.getY()+p_e.getY();
                    l_newheight = m_component.getHeight()-p_e.getY();
               }else {
                    c_logger.debug("anti-Topward drag: ");
                    l_newy = m_component.getY()+p_e.getY();
                    l_newheight = m_component.getHeight()-p_e.getY();
               c_logger.debug("Component new Y: "+l_newy);
               c_logger.debug("Component new H: "+l_newheight);
     protected void resizeBottomLeft(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing southwest...");
     protected void resizeBottomRight(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing southeast...");
     protected void resizeTopLeft(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing northwest...");
     protected void resizeTopRight(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Resizing northeast...");
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Dragged at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
          if(m_resizingcursor) {
               c_logger.debug("Resizing... ");
               switch(m_component.getCursor().getType()) {
                    case Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR:
                    case Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR:
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Moved at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Clicked at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Entered at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mouseExited(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Exited at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
          if(!m_dragready) {
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Pressed at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
          if(m_resizingcursor) {
               m_dragready = true;
     /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
     public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent p_e) {
          c_logger.debug("Released at: "+p_e.getX()+","+p_e.getY());
          m_dragready = false;
}Test file:
* Copyright (c) 2004,
* Vijayaraghavan Kalyanapasupathy
* [email protected]
* See accompanying project license for license terms and agreement.
* The use of the intellectual property contained herein is subject
* to the terms of the license agreement. If no license agreement
* can be found at the locations from where you obtained this
* sofwtare/file/code fragment contact the author for the license.
* Contributors: Vijayaraghavan Kalyanapasupathy
* Created     : 4:55:08 AM, Dec 2, 2004
* Project     : SwingComponents
package org.swingcomponents.tests;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
import org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints;
import org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteLayout;
import org.swingcomponents.components.ComponentResizer;
* @author Vijayaraghavan Kalyanapasupathy
public class TestComponentResizer {
     public static void testUndecoratedDialog() {
          try {
               JDialog l_dialog = new JDialog(new JFrame());
               JPanel l_panel = new JPanel();
               ComponentResizer l_resizer = new ComponentResizer(l_dialog,null);
          }catch (Throwable t) {
     public static void testJTextArea() {
          try {
               JFrame l_frame = new JFrame("Test DropDownDialog") {
                    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
                         return new Dimension(800,600);
               JTextArea l_area = new JTextArea(10,40);
               ComponentResizer l_resizer = new ComponentResizer(l_area,null);
               l_frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new AbsoluteLayout());
               l_frame.getContentPane().add(l_area, new AbsoluteConstraints(300,400,300,300));
          }catch(Throwable t) {
     public static void main(String[] args) {

I have left out the AbsoluteLayout and AbsoluteConstraints, but the same effect can supposedly be achieved using null layout and absolute positioning. This doesn't work for me, so if you would like those files (from netBeans) I will post them as well.

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    This is currently occuring, however it is the last JList, i wish to be able to nominate the JList that will be resized.
    i.e. the "Name" JList, no the "Up Rate" Jlist.
    This is the gui non-maximized:
    This is the gui maximized as is:
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    [url]How to Use Layout Managers
    For example when using a BorderLayout. You could add one list to the "WEST" and one to the "CENTER". As the frame is resized the available space will be added (or removed) from the component in the center.
    Or, I believe a GridBadLayout has weightX paramenter which allows you to specify which component gets extra space when the frame is resized.

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    Hi Philip,
    This is my vbox declaration. Trendline has a linechart and a legend
    <mx:VBox id="chartsContainer" width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="auto">
       <chart:TrendLine id="defaultTrendLineChart" width="100%" height="100%" includeInLayout="true" visible="true"/>
       <chart:TrendLine id="trendChart1" width="100%" height="100%" includeInLayout="false" visible="false"/>
       <chart:TrendLine id="trendChart2" width="100%" height="100%" includeInLayout="false" visible="false"/>
    And here is the code where i selectively include various charts in the display
    var count:int = 0;
    for (var parameterType:String in parameterTable)
       var trendLineChart:TrendLine = trendChartArray[count++];                                                       
       trendLineChart.includeInLayout = true;
       trendLineChart.visible = true;
       trendLineChart.LoadChart(dataProvider, parameterType, parameterTable[parameterType]);
    I have stored all the children of the vbox in an array for easy fetching
    var trendChartArray:Array = [defaultTrendLineChart, trendChart1, trendChart2];
    parameterTable is a Dictionary in which number of parametertypes can vary from 1 to 3 depending on the result of a webservice call. The problem is that if initially i am showing only one chart and then i have to show 2 charts, the first chart's size is not getting reduced. But the second chart added is getting correct size.
    Thanks a lot for your response.

  • Component resize, paint and AffineTransform

    I am resizing a JInternalFrame that contains a JPanel.
    When I call:
    MyJPanel.repaint();The paint function gets the dimensions of the JPanel
    using getWidth() and getHeight(), once, at the start of the
    paint function. The function then proceeds to plot some lines and
    points on a graph. Everything appears to work fine for lines and points (ie: drawOval).
    The function then goes on to draw some text for the axes of the graph. The Y axis
    text plots fine. The X axis text is rotated using AffineTransform and plots intermittently
    with the correct and incorrect position.
    Calling repaint() for the JPanel, without resizing,
    everything renders in the proper place
    via the overridden paint() procedure for that panel.
    When I resize the JInternalFrame, thus causing the
    JPanel to also automatically resize and repaint, the JPanel
    paints all lines and points in the correct locations
    with respect to the bounds of the JPanel. The
    Y axis text, drawn using drawText() plots in the correct place.
    The X axis text then plots in the wrong place after AffineTransform
    positioning in a location that would indicate it is transforming based on the
    coordinate system of the JInternalFrame rather than the JPanel (??).
    To create the text transform I am calling the following function:
    public void drawRotatedText(Graphics g, String text, int xoff, int yoff, double angle_degrees){
                        Graphics2D g2d=(Graphics2D)g;
                        AffineTransform old_at=((Graphics2D)g).getTransform();
                        AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(old_at);
                        at.setToTranslation(xoff, yoff);
                        g2d.drawString(text, 0, 0);
                    }The parameter Graphics g is the Graphics passed from public void MyJPanel.paint(Graphics g) .
    Why would AffineTransform get confused regarding which component the Graphics is coming from?
    More importantly, how can I avoid the problem?

    To create the text transform I am calling the following function:
    public void drawRotatedText(Graphics g, String text, int xoff, int yoff, double angle_degrees){
    Graphics2D g2d=(Graphics2D)g;
    AffineTransform old_at=((Graphics2D)g).getTransform();
    AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(old_at);
    at.setToTranslation(xoff, yoff);
    g2d.drawString(text, 0, 0);
    The problem is with the use of at.setToTranslation(xoff, yoff); instead of at.translate(xoff, yoff).
    After changing that the problem cleared up.

  • Catching the start/end of component resizing?

    Hi Folks,
    I have a JPanel descendant and I want to store its initial size before being resized (by mouse), then at the end of resining, use this value to calculate the resizing factor.
    componentAdapter.componentResized() works fine for Windows LAFs, as it is called just once (when the mouse is released). But, using other Look and feels, it is called several times during the resize process (it can be seen also that the panel is repainted continuously).
    I tried to turn off repainting with setDynamicLayout(), but besides it did not worked at all, it looked ugly.
    My question: is there a way to get an event for determining the beginning and the end of the resizing process using any LAFs?

    well, who's controlling the resize? You have a mouse
    drag to do it? Then you can know on mouse press what
    the size is...Yes, a mouse drag is used to resize a JDialog which contains my component. The problem with mouse press is if it's a resizing (grabbing the border of the dialog), then no other mouse events are fired on the component (either MousePressed).
    or maintain the "current size" in a variable and
    compare that to the componentResized call and after
    done, reset the "current size" to the new size.Fine, I could do it (already done), but for special reasons, it would be much more better to calculate further sizes of the very first (initial) one.
    Thanks anyway! I will keep on searching for some solution...

  • Component Resize

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    component file etc:
    After installing the component it appears in the Components
    Panel as complied. I am able to drag it onto the stage, however if
    I try to resize it like other components by using the Free
    Transfrom Tool, its almost like a masking effect, if I try to drag
    the component to a smaller size, its simply shows a smaller area of
    the component.
    The mp3 player once dragged from the Component Panel onto the
    After I try to resize it:
    How can I resize it? Or what options do I have? Please help

    OneTen wrote:
    > Urgent! Please help.
    This is not something we can fix for you.
    You need to contact the producer and ask them for that.
    Unlike us, they are the one who knows how it was design
    and how to control it.
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    Happy New Year
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Unwanted component resize

    Using JAvaFX 2.2 I have implemented a custom control. To figuring out the internal proportions this control needs to be resizable. However after these internals are sorted out, the control should no longer change it's size. What's the best way to do that, besides overriding the isResizable method to return the value false, after the internals are sorted out?
    Below is a stacktrace, showing the call hierarchy of the first unwanted size change.
    this.boundsInParentProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Bounds>(){
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Bounds> arg0,
                    Bounds arg1, Bounds arg2) {
                System.out.println("New bounds of Pagination: "+arg2);
                new Exception("Cause for Bounds change").printStackTrace();
    java.lang.Exception: Cause for Bounds change
        at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(
        at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
        at javafx.scene.Node$LazyBoundsProperty.invalidate(
        at javafx.scene.Node$MiscProperties.invalidateBoundsInParent(
        at javafx.scene.Node.invalidateBoundsInParent(
        at javafx.scene.Node.transformedBoundsChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Node.localBoundsChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Node.impl_geomChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Parent.impl_geomChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Parent.childBoundsChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Node.notifyParentOfBoundsChange(
        at javafx.scene.Node.transformedBoundsChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Node.localBoundsChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Node.impl_geomChanged(
        at javafx.scene.Parent.impl_geomChanged(
        at javafx.scene.layout.Region.access$900(
        at javafx.scene.layout.Region$3.invalidated(
        at javafx.scene.layout.Region.setWidth(
        at javafx.scene.layout.Region.resize(
        at javafx.scene.Node.resizeRelocate(
        at javafx.scene.control.Control.layoutChildren(
        at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
        at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
        at javafx.scene.Scene.layoutDirtyRoots(
        at javafx.scene.Scene.doLayoutPass(
        at javafx.scene.Scene.preferredSize(
        at javafx.scene.Scene.impl_preferredSize(
        at javafx.stage.Window$9.invalidated(
        at javafx.stage.Window.setShowing(
        at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl$
        at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$
        at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$4$
        at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$4$
        at Method)
        at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$
        at Method)

    Let me reformulate the question:
    If I implement the control as non resizable:
    public boolean isResizable() {
        return false;
    What else to I have to implement? How can I ensure that the component has the correct dimensions? The width and height properties are read only.

  • Component Resizing

    Hi all, another quick quesion today, how do I stop a custom JPanel from resizing when it's container does. I've done this a million times, but looking back, I can't see what I did differently and it's driving me nuts! Any clues?

    Either use a GridBagLayout on your container, if appropriate, or nest containers: put the component
    you want to keep from resizing (and to keep centred, I assume) in a nested container that is using
    a GridBagLayout:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException {
            JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            addLabel(contentPane, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            addLabel(contentPane, BorderLayout.EAST);
            addLabel(contentPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            addLabel(contentPane, BorderLayout.WEST);
            JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            URL url = new URL("");
            p.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(url)), new GridBagConstraints());
            contentPane.add(p, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Example");
        static void addLabel(JPanel contentPane, String constraint) {
            JLabel label = new JLabel(constraint, SwingConstants.CENTER);
            contentPane.add(label, constraint);

  • Component resizing in applets

    Can any one help with my problem. I am creating an applet and would like to increase the size of buttons and text to help visualy people. In my research it i have found that once you call init(), components can not be redrawn. Is this true? Does anyone know how to or where i can readup on, resizing buttons and textfields.
    Many thanks in advance

    IF you use awt and don't specify a layout it goes to flow layout by default, so here's one way of doing itimport java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class aButton extends java.applet.Applet implements ActionListener {
       Button b;
       int size = 16;
       Font f1 = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14);
       public void init() {
          b=new Button("some text");
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
             size = size+2;
             Font f1 = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, size);

  • Resizing custom component with fixed aspect ratio in designer

       I have a custom component that can have a fixed aspect ratio depending on certain property settings and I would like to know if there is any way to make the component resize in the designer in the same manner that the XCelcius built-in spreadsheet table component does?
      It is possible to workaround this somewhat by correcting the width or height of the component after resize, XCelsius sees the change and stores it correctly but sometimes the IDE "remembers" the old value. For example if the component changings its own height programmatically in response to a property and then, while keeping the current component selected, the user resizes the width XCelsius sometimes tries to put the old height back even through it has the correct height saved in the XLF and works fine when compiled.
      Is there a way to properly notify XCelsius IDE of a programmatic width/height change in the component itself in response to a property change?

    The SDK does not support reszing a component using a fixed aspect ratio.
    Do not set the width and height of your component directly. You can set the initial size when dropped onto the canvas using the measure function...
    A better approach is to let the user size the component on the Xcelsius canvas.
    And instead of rendering directly in your add-on, move that code into a child renderer. Then use your aspect ratio to calculate the max size the child renderer can be to fit in the component. Then center your child renderer in the component. That is what I did when I created AnyMap.
    | component on canvas            |
    |  |--------------------------|  |
    |  | centered child renderer  |  |
    |  |--------------------------|  |
    |  |                          |  |
    |  |                          |  |
    |  |                          |  |
    |  |--------------------------|  |

  • Using nullLayout for custom component

    I am writing an AccordianPanel as a custom component that can be dropped into a JPanel and behave as expected. I am using a null layout in the outer container (JPanel) as the accordian dividers need to move as told and not be managed by a layout manager. When I resize a window or another container that the custom component sits in, it doesn't resize anything - I understand this is the behavior I would expect as that is how I coded it.
    Now, I want to have the custom component resize its internal stuff when the container it resides in (i.e. JFrame or most likely another JPanel) gets moved, but I don't know how to do this. The outer most component in my custom components hierarchy is a JPanel whose layout is set to null and I stuff everything else inside there.
    I believe I need to add a componentListener to my JPanel whose layout is set to null, but I am not sure. Could someone send me in the right direction.

    the best approach might be to implement your own LayoutManager (which is simple enough) and use it rather than absolute positioning....
    If you read postings in the forum you will find most people recommend using LayoutManagers and not a null layout so you don't have problems like this.Hello sarcommand , camickr, and anyone interested,
    I've tried to bring this discussion up again just a few days ago, and was disappointed I got no feedback - must be a dull read :o(
    Here is the [link to the thread|], would you mind having an eye on it?
    I'm sorry to hijack this thread (seems slightly less rude than bumping my own former thread up), but I've read several discussions on this subject too, and still I can't decide whether I should follow the CustomLayoutmanager track.
    Although most of the writing there is specific to my current problem, it highlights 3 points I think are general enough:
    - A custom layout (whatever the way it is implemented, I discuss 4 approaches in the thread) is generally used to display custom components, or at least, components that represent custom application-specific entities or input points. -> Is is worth the trouble to abstract the positioning logic when this "custom layout" has only one, at best two, use cases (a couple of specific screens in your specific app that represents your specific entities)?
    - A custom (app-specific) layout manager is likely to require more knowledge about the things being layed out than the default min/max/pref sizes. In particular it may require to know data of the underlying model objects represented by the children components. How is that best designed? I tentatively think it's by way of custom Constraint classes which have to be abstract enough yet should be easily mapped from the app-specific data.
    - The CustomLayoutManager integrates natively with regular graphical events (hiding, resizing,...), but how to integrate app-specific events (such as, when the underlying data change in such a way that should be reflected by a change in the layout, how/when to force the re-layout)?
    Thank you for your help.

  • Resizing JComponent not displaying in packed frame

    Please help, I'm trying to dynamically resize a dialog when a component expands/collapses, and when I set the component visible it is not firing a component resize event, as I believe I am setting minimum and preferred size properly. The code I am using is posted below. TriangleIcon is a triangle icon, which will point in any of the SwingConstants directions.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    public class TestPackedFrame extends JDialog {
         public TestPackedFrame() {
              Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              PreviewPane previewPane = new PreviewPane(new JLabel("Display Hidden"));
              previewPane.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
                   public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
              JButton closeButton = new JButton("Close");
              closeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.setProperty("sun.awt.noerasebackground", "true");
              TestPackedFrame frame = new TestPackedFrame();
    class PreviewPane extends JComponent implements MouseListener {
         private boolean expanded;
         private JLabel arrowLabel;
         private Component view;
         public PreviewPane(Component view) {
              this(view, false);
         public PreviewPane(Component view, boolean expanded) {
              this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              arrowLabel = new JLabel("Preview", new TriangleIcon(true,
                        SwingConstants.EAST, 6), SwingConstants.LEFT);
              this.add(arrowLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              this.view = view;
              this.add(view, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) {
              this.expanded = expanded;
              if (expanded)
         public boolean isExpanded() {
              return expanded;
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
              Object source = e.getSource();
              if (source == arrowLabel) {
                   TriangleIcon currentIcon = (TriangleIcon) arrowLabel.getIcon();
                   if (currentIcon.getDirection() == SwingConstants.EAST) {
                        arrowLabel.setIcon(new TriangleIcon(true, SwingConstants.SOUTH,
                   } else if (currentIcon.getDirection() == SwingConstants.SOUTH) {
                        arrowLabel.setIcon(new TriangleIcon(true, SwingConstants.EAST,
         public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
              Dimension arrowSize = arrowLabel.getMinimumSize();
              Dimension viewSize = isExpanded() ? view.getMinimumSize()
                        : new Dimension(0, 0);
              return new Dimension(Math.max(arrowSize.width, viewSize.width),
                        arrowSize.height + viewSize.height);
         public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
              Dimension arrowSize = arrowLabel.getPreferredSize();
              Dimension viewSize = isExpanded() ? view.getPreferredSize()
                        : new Dimension(0, 0);
              return new Dimension(Math.max(arrowSize.width, viewSize.width),
                        arrowSize.height + viewSize.height);
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
    }Edited by: stringman520 on Jan 27, 2008 1:20 AM

    Here is the code for TriangleIcon. How could I call pack directly when the component is displayed? The PreviewPane doesn't receive the window object, so while I can pack the dialog directly when it is displayed, subsequent changes do nothing.
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Polygon;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    public class TriangleIcon implements Icon, SwingConstants {
         public static int DEFAULT_TRIANGLE_SIZE = 3;
         private boolean enabled;
         private int direction;
         private int triangleSize;
         public TriangleIcon() {
         public TriangleIcon(boolean enabled) {
         public TriangleIcon(boolean enabled, int direction) {
              this(enabled, direction, DEFAULT_TRIANGLE_SIZE);
         public TriangleIcon(boolean enabled, int direction, int triangleSize) {
              this.enabled = enabled;
              this.direction = direction;
              this.triangleSize = triangleSize;
         public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
              if (enabled) {
              } else {
              Polygon triangle = new Polygon();
              switch (direction) {
              case NORTH:
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y + triangleSize);
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize, y);
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize * 2, y + triangleSize);
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y + triangleSize);
              case EAST:
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y);
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize, y + triangleSize);
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y + triangleSize * 2);
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y);
              case SOUTH:
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y);
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize * 2, y);
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize, y + triangleSize);
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y);
              case WEST:
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize, y);
                   triangle.addPoint(x, y + triangleSize);
                   triangle.addPoint(x + triangleSize, y + triangleSize * 2);
         public int getIconWidth() {
              switch (direction) {
              case NORTH:
              case SOUTH:
                   return triangleSize*2;
              case EAST:
              case WEST:
                   return triangleSize;
              return 0;
         public int getIconHeight() {
              switch (direction) {
              case NORTH:
              case SOUTH:
                   return triangleSize;
              case EAST:
              case WEST:
                   return triangleSize*2;
              return 0;
         public int getDirection() {
              return direction;

  • Component and Class ?!

    Dear all,
    Call for answers and discussion!!!
    1. Component has a clear seperation between the specification and implementation? I can't understand here.The interface define some operations,but eventually we need coding to realize it. Where is the speration?
    A class also has methods and coding to realize it. But why we never say a class has a seperation between the specification and implementation?
    2. Component has interface; Java has interface. Are they the same idea or different?
    Call for answers.

    dunno what your meaning of "general component" is, but the interface goes as follows
    if you write code that calls methods in another class you MUST have a variable that is an instance of that class (except for some static and abstract classes that can return an instance, but lets not go that far yet)
    consider though that you want 2 different classes (which dont share any usefull inheritance for what you want to do) to have some behaviour that is the same
    the way you do this is by interfaces
    you define the 2 classes to implement the interface you want, then when you can use the interface class name as the type of the variable you want to handle
    example (not a great one but..)
    2 classes Cat and Dog
    and a Vector of Cats and Dogs (you dont know what order)
    you could define Cat and Dog to implement an inteface called Speak with methods talk() and shout()
    when you retrive an instance of Cat or Dog from the vector (in order to get it to talk) the you could write
    Speak anAnimal=(Speak)vectorOfAnimals.elementAt(index);
    not a great example since you could write a super class of Cat and Dog called Animal that has these methods
    but consider if you mix up a few Computers in there
    there are very few similarities between Animal, Cat and Dog that warant a super class to implement them. how ever you may well want a Computer to talk()

  • How do i resize an image without distorting it?

    I used the lasso tool on an image and want to place it on a background image but resize it and make it smaller, however when I do it distorts the image and makes it highly pixelated

    Try holding down Shift while resizing; this will constrain proportions.
    If you're making it smaller, not much should happen quality-wise. Generally speaking, resizing down is almost always better than resizing up. Did you commit the change (like pressing Enter or clicking the commit/checkmark icon in the Options panel)? It always looks a little pixelated until you commit.

  • Resizing and editing Components Design - Some problems and questions at CQ5

    Hello everyone,
       I'm building a website application following the guide (using the cq 5.5). The thing is, when I drop an image component on the site and drop some image into this one, the component resize my image. Even if I double click the image component and change the size, there's kind of a "maximum" size. I don't wanna change this one by css properties because if my user change the picture or drop a new one in the page, the change will not be applied to this new one.
      So, my question is, there's a way to configure the component to get the size i'm inputing on the dialog, without "limits"? Below some images of what i'm doing.
      The second problem I found is with the "text & image component". I've inserted the "right" alignment for the image in the styles tab, but the image stays on top of the text, and there's nothing I can do to solve this in the input dialog. Don't wanna use the css for the same reason that I've explained before.
      All the components are imported from fundation.
      So, there is something I can do to change the design of my components?
    Thanks in advance,
    Matheus de Oliveira.

    For the issue you are having with the maximum size there are couple of possiblity.
    The firstpossiblity is that your CSS is enforcing a maximum size. So to check this take the src from you img tag and put in a browser and see if you get the original size or not. If you get the right size when viewing the image URL than you do in the page than the issue is CSS. Depending on how you have designed your site's CSS there might be any number reasons it's limiting the image size but whatever the reason it's an implementation question.
    The second option is that design mode of the image component. The default install has a maximum image size set in design mode of the image component. Switch your page to design mode and verify that the maximum image size is not set in the design dialog.
    A final option is that the DAM is enforcing the maximum size. In CQ 5.5 the default configuration is to create a web ready rendition with a maximum height and width fo 1200 x 1200. The out of the box components and the out of the box image rendering script will use this web ready rendition if it is present rather than the original image.
    To check if this is your problem do the following:
    Go to the workflow model console and edit the Update Dam Asset workflow.
    Delete the step in the workflow named Web Ready Rendition
    Upload a new image that is larger than 1200 x 1200 to the DAM
    Try and use that image in an image component - it should display at the original size.

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