Generating PDF from DA and continue to execute

Hi All, need your help...
I have a DA with couple of steps:
somewhere in the middle i have to generate PDF report and after that refresh one of the regions on the page
well the problem is that after i generate the report using
window.location.href = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:0:&SESSION.:PRINT_REPORT=MyReport'; the refresh of the region is not working
same issue if i have to generate PDF and after that redirect to another page: the redirection is working but PDF is not generating.
Looks like i don't understaffed well how to manage window.location.href
Please help me wit any ideas

aracila wrote:
Hi, Thanks for answering.
I have to make some changes in the database according to the user preferences, print a report of this changes and refresh the chart(or redirect to a new page).
I do realize that i just can let the user to click a new tab, or put a button to generate a PDF, but ideally you need to follow the business flow and provide the possibility to operate with the app in as less as possible clicks.
The process is:
a) user confirm to move some staff from one warehouse to another Populate the required session information into apex_collections
b) he wants me to generate a PDF with details ( to print it for his records )Skip the PDF generation here.
c) he is requesting me to redirect him to a main page automatically (no need to stay in the move section anymore) Redirect to main page > in this main page define a dynamic action on Page Load
*1.* which runs only when a record exists in apex_collections that was stored previously
*2.* Add a true action as Execute PLSQL code
Code: Delete the collection.
*3.* Add a true action as Execute JavaScript code with
window.location.href = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:0:&SESSION.:PRINT_REPORT=MyReport';So the idea is as soon as the user is redirected back to main page he will be prompted with the PDF file.
Hope this will work :)

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    I attach below the code of the main class
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" creationComplete="initializeChannelSet();">
                import flash.sampler.Sample;
                import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;
                import mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel;
                import mx.rpc.CallResponder;
                import services.outputservice.OutputService;
                import valueObjects.BLOB;
                import valueObjects.OutputResult;
                import valueObjects.PDFOutputOptionsSpec;
                import valueObjects.RenderOptionsSpec;
                private var parentResourcePath:String="/";
                private var serverPort:String="";
                private function initializeChannelSet():void{
                    var cs:ChannelSet= new ChannelSet();
                    cs.addChannel(new AMFChannel("remoting-amf", "http://"+serverPort+"/remoting/messagebroker/amf"));
                protected function btn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                var pdf:OutputService= new OutputService();
                var x:TestPDF= new TestPDF();
                var wsCall:CallResponder= new CallResponder();
                var out:PDFOutputOptionsSpec= new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();
                var render:RenderOptionsSpec= new RenderOptionsSpec();
                wsCall.token=pdf.generatePDFOutput("PDF","Form.xdp","D:\\PDF_Output",out,render,TestPDF.D ata());
                var res:BLOB= wsCall.lastResult as BLOB;
                var result:ByteArray= new ByteArray();
                    result=res as ByteArray;
                var a:Number=2;
                protected function outputService_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            <mx:RemoteObject id="outputService" destination="OutputService" result="outputService_resultHandler(event);"/>
        <s:Button id="btn" x="90" y="141" label="Button" click="btn_clickHandler(event)"/>

    build.xml file for Hibernate:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <project name="Hibernate"
    default="schemaGenerator" basedir="C:\Hibernate">
    <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
    <property name="classes.dir" value="classes"/>
    <property name="hibernate" value="hibernate-2.1"/>
    <property name="hibernate.mappings" value="mappings"/>
    <property name="jdbc" value="C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\jdbc"/>
    <property name="hibernate.extensions" value="tools"/>
    <property name="" value="properties"/>
    <path id="project.class.path">
    <pathelement location="${classes.dir}" />
    <fileset dir="${hibernate}">
    <include name="hibernate2.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${hibernate}/lib">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${hibernate.extensions}/lib">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${hibernate.extensions}">
    <include name="hibernate-tools.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${jdbc}/lib">
    <include name="classes12.jar"/>
    <target name="init"> <mkdir dir="${src.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
    <taskdef name="javaGen"
    <target name="javaGenerator" depends="init">
    <javaGen output="${src.dir}">
    <fileset dir="${hibernate.mappings}">
    <include name="Catalog.hbm.xml"/>
    <target name="compile" depends="javaGenerator">
    <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
    <classpath refid="project.class.path"/></javac>
    <taskdef name="schemaGen"
    <target name="schemaGenerator" depends="compile">
    <schemaGen properties="${}/" quiet="no">
    <include name="Catalog.hbm.xml"/>

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    public void dataEngine() throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException,
    SAXException, XSLException {
    try {
    String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dev:1521:ORCL";
    java.sql.Connection jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
    "test", "test");
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    String templateTmpDir;
    templateTmpDir = "C:/temp/catalogDataTemplate.xml";
    Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
    parameters.put("id", "catalog1");
    // dataProcessor.setConnection(this.getCurrentConnection());
    InputStream is;
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    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
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    InputStream xsl = null;
    String tmpDir;
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    tmpDir = "catalog.xsl";
    xsl = fctx2.getExternalContext().getResourceAsStream(tmpDir);
    String filename = "catalogreport.pdf";
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);
    OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
    XSLProcessor p = new XSLProcessor();
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    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.out.println("ClassNotFoundException " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (XDOException e) {
    System.out.println("XDOException" + e.getMessage());
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    Am I going in the right direction? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    The bipublisher ide applies exactly to your situation.
    You want to the following:
    1. Run data template, generate some xml
    2. Be able to apply a format template to the xml
    3. Serve up the document on the screen in the form of a popup
    This is all taken care with the bi publisher ide behind the scenes, specifically in the oaf download (note: I suggest you first get familiar with the standard version, BIPublisherIDE). The oaf version requires none of the coding effort your doing right now.
    So let's work through how you would exactly do this. This is what you will need to do for an OAF Solution. For reference see The code sample thats provided in the article you can clone for your purposes.
    I highly recommend you invest a little time upfront understanding how the code works in the BIPublisherIDE. In the short term it might be painful to learn it, but in the long-term the code is free and you can modify however you would like, plus it works! The solution is all encompassing, best of all you can do everything locally without having to do anything server side for initial development (see the configuration options and manual on my blog)
    step 1: Extended the bipublisher api class, call the super class.
    import oracle.apps.xbol.bipublisher.api.XMLPublisherApi;
    public class IPTInvoiceGenerator extends XMLPublisherApi
    static oracle.apps.xdo.common.log.Logger logger;
    public IPTInvoiceGenerator (OAPageContext pageContext, AppsContext appsContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    /*call the super class, your connection will be set and stored in the config class
    getOALookup is a local method that maps out your parameters values to the data template values
    and may not work for your situation.
    if this constructor doesn't meet your needs create a new constructor in each class all the
    way down to the config class. To understand how the code works I suggest you visit and read
    this will give you a great overview of the base classes and how you can morph them to your
    needs. For anyone else reading this you should be able to create a new constructor for a concurrent
    program with relative ease...
    super(pageContext, appsContext, webBean, pageContext.getParameter("output"), getOALookup());
    Steps 2-8 go here...
    public final static Hashtable getOALookup()
    Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
    *=================== OA Parameter | @BIP Parameter (see form function call =============
    bi publisher ide will search oa parameters, get there values and map them to the data template parms.
    parameters.put("P_MLOGO_ID" , "P_MLOGO_ID");
    parameters.put("P_CONC_REQUEST_ID" , "P_CONC_REQUEST_ID");
    parameters.put("P_DIR_PROJECT_ID" , "P_DIR_PROJECT_ID");
    parameters.put("P_INDIR_PROJECT_ID" , "P_INDIR_PROJECT_ID");
    parameters.put("P_INVOICE_NUMBER" , "P_INVOICE_NUMBER");
    parameters.put("P_COST_PLUS_BILLING_ID" , "P_COST_PLUS_BILLING_ID");
    parameters.put("P_TO_DATE" , "P_TO_DATE");
    parameters.put("P_FROM_DATE" , "P_FROM_DATE");
    parameters.put("P_ORDER_BY" , "P_ORDER_BY");
    parameters.put("P_ORDER_BY_BILL_CODE" , "P_ORDER_BY_BILL_CODE");
    parameters.put("orgId" , "P_ORG_ID");
    parameters.put("P_DEBUG" , "P_DEBUG");
    return parameters;
    Step 2: Setup your output options
    //Setup your output directory
    //Setup your file name.
    Step 3: Setup your configured data template and format template that are in the template manager
    tables in the eBusiness suite. Note: The code will download the data template and configured
    format template automatically with no interaction.
    //set data template code, no link is required to the format template
    //setup format template code, no link is required to the data template
    Step 4: Setup your parameters
    Step 5: Call oaDataEngine(), create the xml document
    Step 6: Call applyTemplate(), apply the format template to the xml
    Step 7: Display the document on the screen
    displayOAFDocument(); //pop the document up on the browser
    Step 8. Release the connection
    That's it! I've used the code over 3 times for calling bipublisher reports from oracle forms6i. There is no need for a web service that I can think of, but perhaps there is something I overlooked...
    Let me know if have any questions.
    Ike Wiggins

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    Best regards
    Jan Hansen

    As mentioned, you can probably send the DOC file to the Adobe PDF printer to create the file. What I keep reading in your post is a legal issue. You keep mentioning being able to create the PDF on a server automatically. The server use of Acrobat is a violation of the EULA. If you are creting the files off-line for posting as has been done, there should not be a problem. However, having these created in an automated manner by the user may be an issue. Before you go much further, I would check with legal counsel about the use of Acrobat in the way you intend. If they indicate there is a problem, then your question is not needed.
    Back to the issue. Try just dropping a DOC file on the Adobe PDF printer icon (you may have to open the Start>Printers to do that. See if that creates the PDF. If so, you will just need to automate that process.

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    I used the obvious workaround: generated two pdfs, one with just the logo page and one with the rest of the book, then combined them. But this process is not practical long term. Any clues?

    A couple questions:
    What format is the new logo file?
    Given that it works with some component files, but not in the book... I'd guess that it may be a resource issue. How much RAM and free space do you have?
    And when you "dropped it in," does that mean imported into one file by reference, or copied in, or imported into a template that you used to update all files in the book..... or something else? And if it did update multiple files, did you double-check them to make sure the path to the graphic is correct?

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    the link can contain inaccurate values.
    Thank you,

    It is assumed the TOC is up to date.

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    generating pdf from scanner hp G3010: old windows xp file weight 40-50 K. Macbook pro with new mac os 10.7.2 minimum file weight 1,9 Mbyte with terrible resolution!!!! and no way to reduce.
    Nice change?

    It is assumed the TOC is up to date.

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    Using robo help i am able to generate pdf  from a single framemaker file.
    but when i am importing whole book then i am not able to make it.
    And also it is not showing any error on console
    It goes to hang like situation and i have to close it from task maneger.

    Ok, silly question - why are you bothering to try and create PDFs from RH when you've got FM? FM to PDF produces great results; RH to PDF involves having to go through Word - i.e. RH - Word - PDF = too much work IMHO.

  • How to generate PDF from template via REST query

    Hello. I'm newbie in Adobe LiveCycle, will appreciate any help.
    What we need: generate PDF from template, using different data.
    What we have: LiveCycle Designer and server with deployed Adobe LiveCycle ES 2.5 image.
    Looks like server works and listen 8080.
    In Livecycle Designer I can generate XML (XDP) from PDF, so I can change this XML in PHP/Python/Go script to fill template with data.
    I'm looking for some REST method, where I can give that XML (XDP) and recieve generated PDF in response.
    I've spent whole to for googling all these things, found a lot of docs, but all is very complicated there. Also, examples from just doesn't work - maybe I have to do something on server before calling REST API method.
    Please, push me into right direction

    Your best bet is to probably create an orchestration (or "process" in Adobe speak) that accepts two document parameters, calls LiveCycle Forms (or Output depending on whether you want to interactive or non-interactive PDF), and returns the resulting document variable.
    The orchestration will return a redirect that will point you to the document object.
    See Invoking LiveCycle using REST Requests, and Creating Your First LiveCycle ES4 Application.

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    I have a table in database. Table has a column. There is data of pathes of images into column. I cretaed a illustrator template and I want to generate PDF from this template with using table data in database. so, is it possible? illustrator created pdf per each image with using illustrator template.

    AI cannot conent directly to databases. It can only parse CSV/ XML data. You either need to export the stuff or create extensive scripts to connect to the life database using sockets.

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    Hi, i want to generate PDF from crystal reports in java. I have the .PDF file with database configured into the report. Following details are available in report.
    1. Server Name      = testdb
    2. Database Name  = testdb
    3. User
    4. Password
    I am using CR XI.
    In CRConfig.xml i had given following details.
    When i am calling from java as standalone, i am getting following error.
    JRCAgent1 detected an exception: Error finding JNDI name (testdb)
    at Source)      at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.b.i.if(Unknown Source)
    Can anyone let me know where is the problem?

    Actually, the question boils down to; does the framework support the fonts?
    I believe that my question re. this working in the designer was valid. The designer does not use the framework, so if it works there, it is either a framework issue or a runtime print engine issue.
    I believe if you use the code below, it will list fonts available to the framework:
    foreach(FontFamily ff in FontFamily.Families)
    For more information see kbase [1198306 - Crystal Report displaying incorrect font in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET|]

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    Thanks for your reply Peter,
    I'm on Mac OSX (10.5.8) using Acrobat 7 Professional and Acrobat 
    Reader 9 to view the pdf. I created it by exporting. Attached is a 
    screen capture of the letterhead. Since I posted, I sent a test pdf to 
    my partner's computer eventhough it didn't look right on my system and 
    she said it looked fine to her. I've restarted my computer and tried 
    again and still get the same results.
    Thanks for your help,
    Pat Boullion
    Boullion Graphics
    281 444-5749
    Fax: 281 444-6507
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    If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized representative 
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    the information contained herein is prohibited. If you have received 
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  • Generate PDF From Flex

    Hi All,
    I am doing a Reporting/Chart application in FLEX. we need to
    generate PDF from FLEX. Report data will be 5-10 pages, How we can
    do this? Please advise.

    thanks for your reply. I tried with alive pdf, but source
    code only AIR files. can we use this in web based flex?. How we can
    format the report like html code? I just see in alivepdf, its only
    linebyline display, not multiple columns? pls advise.
    thanks alot

  • Combining PDFs from MACs and PCs

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    Any advise could be greatly appreciated.

    If I print to PDF, nothing at all happens.
    If I try to do a Save As, I get the following message:
    “The export failed. The document could not be prepared for exporting.”
    If I right click on the file name and use Convert to Adobe PDF, it will start the process and then stop and return to the Word document.
    Re: Combining PDFs from MACs and PCs
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    To do this on your phone, copy and paste them into your document (tap and hold on the photo to copy it).  If you need to import it to your computer to do this, save it to the camera roll by tapping Edit, tap the photos you want to import, tap Share, tap Save to Camera Roll.  You can then import them to your computer using your usb cable (see  Alternatively, attach them 3-4 at a time emails and send them to yourself.

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