Get CommunityNavPage object

Is it possible to get a CommunityNavPage object by just specifying a community id?
I am trying to build a bery advanced navigation scheme and using this object for all related and subcommunities would greatly speed the task.

I assume you mean the Interface ICommunityNavPageRO. You can get to this from any model or view by using the IPluggableNavModelRO interface. For a good example, look at how we write our own pluggable navigations; the entier UI code is shipped with the product, along with pluggable navigations. You'll want to look in the portalnavigation project.
When a navigation view is initialized - when it's Init() method is called - you're passed a reference to an IPluggabaleNavRO object. You can then call GetPageSpecificMethods() on that object to get the class specific to the page you're on. If you're on a directory page, of course, you can't get a community page object; all that data is instantiated onyl when the object is opened, which means you can only get access ot that data when you're on that page type.
That shouldn't be a restriction to you; your navigfation really does need to understand what page type you are on and display things appropriately. The best example I can think of would be
publicclassNavigationCommSectionDropDownView implementsIView
...because this view actually displays nothing when you're not on a communities page, and the "box" for the navigation below the banner actually aqppears to "go away", that is, nothing is rendered there, so the entire lower half of the page moves up.
The key bits of code look like this:
privateIPluggableNavModelRO m_model;
publicvoidInit(IModelRO model, AActivitySpace parent)
m_model = (IPluggableNavModelRO) model;
if(NavPageType.COMMUNITY == m_model.GetCurNavPageType()) {
CommunityNavPage commP = (CommunityNavPage) m_model.GetPageSpecificMethods();

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    Please check below document for finding root cause for "Failed to start deployable object part info for <development component> and application <application name>"
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    and everywhere you call the addition() method also pass this (which from the POW of the addition() method will be a reference to the calling class instance).
    There may be alternative solutions
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