Get list of classes present in an applet's Jar file?

I have an applet for drawing diagrams, which is bundled in a jarfile together with classes for each type of element in the drawing (e.g. a class for drawing 2-input NAND gates, a class for J-K flip-flops, and so on). When I add a new type of drawing element I have to modify the applet to add the new class to the applet's "Insert" menu to allow the element to be inserted. What I want to do is to search the jarfile containing the applet for any classes derived from DrawingElement and add them automatically to the Insert menu when the applet is inited. I presume this would require using getClass().getClassLoader() to get the class loader that read the JAR file, but from there it would seem I need to know the name of the resource to load. Is there a way of browsing the list of resources in the JAR file?

AndrewThompson64 wrote:
That 'modify the applet' is not strictly necessary. The list of menu items and classes might be passed to the applet as applet parameters, or as a property file or XML (or whatever) that defines the available elements.I could do this -- I'm just trying to avoid getting the list out of step with the contents (or if you prefer, I'm just being lazy!).
Is there a way of browsing the list of resources in the JAR file?Yes and no. You might try this general strategy (untested).
1) Gain an URL to a resource in the Jar in which the plug-ins exist.
2) Parse that URL for everything before the '!' symbol to get an URL for the Jar itself.
3) Get an InputStream from the Jar via URL.openStream().
4) Get a ZipInputStream by wrapping the InputStream.
5) Iterate the ZipEntry(s) to identify classes in the correct package, and store them in a collection of some type.
6) Iterate the collection and check each one for extending DrawingElement, using reflection.
I am guessing step 6 will require the applet to be trusted.Sounds plausible, and I'll give it a whirl. However, I hadn't thought about the "trusted" bit of this; maybe I can just create new instances and cast to DrawingElement, ignoring any that throw exceptions. I'll have to give it a go and see what happens.
BTW - once you have the right classes, how do you get the screen name of them? Is the name defined in one of the attributes of a DrawingElement? What prevents name clashes?Plan A: I have a getIdentification() method that returns a string identifying the element, but I have to keep this unique the hard way (by hand).
Plan B: use the class name with some prettification (e.g. have a class _2_input_NAND_gate which gets displayed as "2 input NAND gate") so that the compiler does the work of keeping it unique. Not sure I like this, though.
Many thanks for your help.

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    If you only want to get a classes list from a jar package,read the api specof java.uitil.jar.
    java.uitil.jar privides classes for reading and writing the jar file.
    So I think it can satisify your requirement.

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    What you want to do is not that trivial.Its not trivial, but its not really all that hard either.
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    Can someone please help! I've been fighting with this bug for over a week and I can't find anything that will solve it, I have noticed that in some cases if my jar has very little code in it than it will run on the server, but the minute I start adding things to it the jar won't load anymore.

    jschell wrote:
    rritoch wrote:
    I am developing an applet (extends Applet but uses swing components) using JDK 1.6 (Though these problems still happen in JDK 1.7) and I am unable to get the applet to load on a 64 bit machine in most cases.
    To clarify...
    1. You have tried it on 32 bit machine? Exactly which OS?I tested this on Windows Vista Business which is in 32 bit mode and the applets run without any problems
    2. Your only 64 bit tests have involved 2008/Win7?
    If so then I would suspect something with windows not java. Probably permissions.
    The web server(s) are running on localhost and I am connecting on the same machine using a local network ip address (such as 192.168.*.*)
    Yes, I haven't tried running the jars on other operating systems.
    I don't understand that. If you are running on localhost then you should connect to localhost. If running on an IP then you should connect to that. Perhaps you meant that you have tested using both of those?I'm testing using the lan ip address but I'm connecting from the same machine. I've tried localhost and that didn't work so I tried lan ip since that will likely have a different java security context than localhost. At first I was blaming the IIS server but I downloaded the jar directly and using HTTP fox was able to verify that the jar is being sent with the correct mime-type and that the server can upload the jar file without a problem. This leaves me to believe the problem is with Java.

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    Just place a copy of the file on the local hard disk and update that. When you start the Applet you try to read from the hard disk. If the file exists then no problem otherwise copy it from the jar to the hard disk.

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    -- This works in CS6:
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      set myDocument to active document
      set selectedRectangles to selection of myDocument
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    I don't know if this is the best way, but I did this once before like this:import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
    import java.util.jar.JarFile;
    // then you can do this
    String path = "path to some JAR file goes here";
    JarFile jar = new JarFile(path);
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       if (name.endsWith(".class"))
          // this is a class entry

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    but this always results in a security exception (works fine from the applet viewer). I tried specifying the full path to the .jar file as the codebase, but got the same results. I have not tested this from an actual web server, i am only opening the .html file directly in IE.
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    Thomas Stephens

    Hi Guys
    I have figured out this problem. It's got to do with classloader.
    Applet uses a separate classloader. So using the static getSystemResource(),
    we never get contents from applet jar files. The following will work nicely.
    It is noted that you must loacate the applet classloader as in the first line
    and use the non-static method getResource();
    ObjectInJar obj = new ObjectInJar(); // create an object with a class in the jar file.
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    HTML code is as follows:
    <fieldset style="width:100%"><legend>  ?</legend>
    <select name="CNList"
    onChange="var f = document.forms[0]
    if (f.CNList.options[f.CNList.selectedIndex].text=="") {
    alert("Please choose a computer name for this test.");
    return false;
    var cnv = f.CNList.options[f.CNList.selectedIndex].text;
    return false;"
    <option value="-SELECT COMPUTER NAME-" selected>-SELECT COMPUTER NAME-
    <option value="BELKNAP">BELKNAP
    <option value="DOWNS">DOWNS
    <option value="GSIMS">GSIMS
    <option value="CEDAR">CEDAR
    <option value="BELLMEAD">BELLMEAD
    <option value="ASHLAND">ASHLAND
    <option value="COMFORT">COMFORT
    <option value="ROSS">ROSS
    <option value="PUTNAM">PUTNAM
    <option value="CHARITY">CHARITY
    <option value="FRODO">FRODO
    <option value="PLUTO">PLUTO
    <option value="DENTON">DENTON
    <option value="HOOD">HOOD
    <option value="KODIAK">KODIAK
    <option value="SUNDOWN">SUNDOWN
    <option value="FROST">FROST
    <option value="TRINITY">TRINITY
    <option value="LOUDOUN">LOUDOUN
    <option value="MPAPE">MPAPE
    <option value="QUENTIN">QUENTIN
    <option value="DUNDEE">DUNDEE
    <option value="SIGMA">SIGMA
    <option value="PSI">PSI
    <option value="CUBE">CUBE
    <option value="ALOHA">ALOHA
    <option value="OBION">OBION
    <br />
    <applet code=NSQuery2.class
            width=400 height=250
         <p>Sorry, you need a Java enabled browser to see the applet's info.</p>
    </html>JAVA Applet code is as follows:
    /* Gets ComputerName selected, returns IP Address(es)*/
    // Instead of importing just 1 or 2 parts of java.awt and java.applet classes,
    // we have chosen to import everything at once.
    // To do this we use the wildcard operator (*).
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.lang.String;
    public class NSQuery2 extends Applet {
    // This declares a string variable named computerName for future use.
    String computerName;
      public void init() {
      // Set background color of our applet to white.
      public void paint(Graphics g) {
        try {
          g.drawString("Computer Name: " + this.computerName, 23, 43);
          String[] ips = new queryhost().getIPAddressArray(this.computerName);
            for (int j=0; j<ips.length; j++) {
          g.drawString("IP Address   : " + ips[j], 23, (12*j)+((j+10)+91));
        } catch (Exception e) {
                g.drawString("Can't detect selected host name.  Check Network settings.", 23, 60);
       public static void main(String[] args) { new NSQuery2(); }
       public static String[] getIPAddressArray(String computerName) {
       //create int which is (sRemoteHost.length() + 1)
       int sRemoteHostchars = computerName.length();
        //below returns a array of type InetAddress which holds entries such as: hostname1/IPAddress1 etc
       InetAddress[] remoteHostName = null;
       try {
          remoteHostName = InetAddress.getAllByName(computerName); // get IP Address(es)
       catch (Exception e) {
        // below creates an array of type string which holds entries such as : IPAddress1 etc
        String[] remoteIP = new String[ remoteHostName.length ] ;
        for (int i=0; i<remoteHostName.length; i++) {
           String iponly = remoteHostName.toString();
    iponly = iponly.substring(sRemoteHostchars);
    remoteIP[i] = iponly;
    return remoteIP;
    public void newText(String s){
    this.computerName = s;
    Anyone have any ideas as to why this can't be performed?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hey thanks for the response (seems that most responses
    are gender specific around here :) )!No, they are not. Ask a good question (not "do my homework for me") and ask it specifically, and you will get good help whatever your gender. I am a girl; I make no attempt to hide this. I have always gotten good, solid advice from this forum without any reference to my gender, without any ascerbic remarks, without scorn from the respondant.
    You are probably referring to the "girl needs som help" thread or other recent threads from girls (well maybe girls, who knows).
    The content of these posts were:
    1) asking to help with blatant cheating on homework
    2) extremely vague
    3) used the OPs gender as an excuse for 1) and/or 2)
    Using your gender as an excuse for being unable to put code together and requesting help with cheating:
    -implies girls are too stupid to do math, programming, engineering
    -implies that girls who are in these fields are freaks/mutants/other
    -implies that gender is an exucse for laziness
    -implies that girls cannot think logically
    -implies that girls do not have to follow rules of integrity, or that girls have no integrity
    Such posts understandibly raise the ire of women software engineers who have worked hard to get where they are. (And also of male software engineers who can see through the request as a play on a stereotype)
    It is akin to a girl coming to my office hours and saying "I have my mechanics final exam tomorrow, but I didn't study all semester because I'm a girl and math is too haaaaard"
    Honestly, I would try to help the girl as much as I could, not because she's a girl, but because it is part of my duty, my responsibility, to help students.
    But before I could do it, I would have to count to ten a few times to get my temper under control.

  • URGENT Help for applet with JAR file in Netscape

    I am having Applet with few classes
    Html is in /www directory
    and all class files are in /www/javaclassfiles
    I jared all javaclassfiles with following command
    c:\www\javaclassfiles>jar -cvf sample.jar TaxPaymentAppletForm.class *.class
    where sample.jar is my jar file and TaxPaymentAppletForm.class is the main applet class file.
    My html code is like below:
    <APPLET CODE="TaxPaymentAppletForm" ARCHIVE="sample.jar" CODEBASE="JavaClassFiles" WIDTH=460 HEIGHT=400></APPLET>
    The things are running on IE properly, but not on Netscape. Netscape is giving following error : <null>
    at Code)
    at Code)
    * at netscape.applet.AppletClassLoader.grabArchiveFile(Compiled Code)
    at netscape.applet.AppletClassLoader.openArchive(Compiled Code)
    at netscape.applet.AppletClassLoader.openArchive(Compiled Code)
    at netscape.applet.AppletClassLoader.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at netscape.applet.AppletClassLoader.getClassLoader(Compiled Code)
    at netscape.applet.DerivedAppletFrame$LoadAppletEvent.dispatch(Compiled Code)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread$EventPump.dispatchEvents(Compiled Code)
    at Code)
    at netscape.applet.DerivedAppletFrame$ Code)
    # Unable to load archive http://nearbuy_server:90/iras/JavaClassFiles/sample.jar: <null>
    # Applet exception: class TaxPaymentAppletForm could not be loaded
    # Applet exception: class TaxPaymentAppletForm could not be loaded
    # Applet exception: class TaxPaymentAppletForm could not be loaded
    In netscape also it is sometimes running some times not, without any logical reson.
    Any help regarding this is appreciated

    Following is the more detailed analysis when applet is running and when not
    On local server, it is running fine on both IE / Netscape
    When I transfered jar file to live server
    On IE it is running for the first time and then onwards not running, If I clear the catch then again applet is running.
    For second time it is giving following error :
    IOException Loading Archive:
    at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.connect
    at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.<init>
    at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpURLConnection.createInputStream
    at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.getInputStream
    at com/ms/vm/loader/JarArchiveSet.loadNextJar
    at com/ms/vm/loader/JarArchiveSet.getResourceBits
    at com/ms/vm/loader/JarArchiveSet.getClassData
    at com/ms/vm/loader/ResourceLoader.getClassData
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.findClass
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
    at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
    at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
    at com/ms/applet/
    at java/lang/
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TaxPaymentAppletForm
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
    at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
    at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
    at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
    at com/ms/applet/
    at java/lang/
    ON Netscape it is NOT running at all on from live server and error is as given in above first post.

  • Unsupported class version error trying to run jar file on windows machine

    i've written a program that connects to an access database to get its data. Created a jar file with the class files, the access database and other required files.
    works fine on my home windows computer but when i try to run it on another machine i get an error.
    here's what i write on the cmd: java -Xmx128m -jar myFile.jar
    heres the error i get:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: StartUp(Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    and so on.
    It seems like it might be quite a basic error but i'm lost, can anyone please shed some light and tell me where i'm going wrong?
    cheers in advance

    hey there, in case anyone was going to reply, i've worked it out now. couldn't work out what was wrong at first so just pulled out all my classes and put them into a brand new jar file. now use javaw -jar instead of java and it worked fine! wierd...

  • Unable to load database driver from my applet's jar file

    I'm trying to set up an applet that will talk to a MySQL database. I have no problem connecting to the database as I'm developing the code ("un-jarred"), but when I create a jar file of my code to test through a web browser, I cannot connect to the database due to the usual ClassNotFoundException. I have included mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar (the current driver) in the jar, but I don't know if I'm supposed to supply some info through an attribute to the applet tag to let it know that the jar contains the driver it needs or if I have to call the driver differently in my code.
    Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    The simplest approach is always the best. :)Abso-lutely.
    Awesome, that worked perfectly. I Included the extra
    jar file in the applet tag and now my applet makes
    some sweet lovin' to the database.And you have succeeded where thousands have failed. Congratulations.

  • Java 5.0 does not recognize wrapped Class-Path in Manifest.MF of .jar file?

    Java: build 1.5.0_05-b05
    Ant: 1.6.2
    I use Ant <jar> task to create a standalone application in a .jar file. I have a very long "Class-Path" in the Manifest.MF file. The long Class-Path is wrapped at every 70th character by the <jar> task. I cannot run "java -jar <the jar file>", because Java runtime cannot find classes.
    I found the following Q&A from ANT's FAQ page,
    Q: Whenever I use the Ant jar or manifest related tasks, long lines in my manifest are wrapped at 70 characters and the resulting jar does not work in my application server. Why does Ant do this?
    A: Ant implements the Java Jar file specification. Please refer to the notes section where it discusses the maximum allowable length of a line and the concept of continuation characters.
    If a jar file produced by Ant does not work in your appserver, and that failure is due to the wrapped manifest, then you need to consult your appserver provider, as it is a bug in their appserver. Far more likely, however, is a problem in your specification of your classpath. It is not Ant's wrapping of your classpath that is the problem.
    Do not raise a bug about this issue until you have checked to ensure that the problem is not due to your classpath specification.
    Any idea?

    "will be searched ALSO."...
    Understanding Extension Class Loading
    The extension framework makes use of the new class-loading mechanism in the JavaTM 1.2 platform. When the runtime environment needs to load a new class for an application, it looks for the class in the following locations, in order:
    1. Bootstrap classes: the runtime classes in rt.jar and internationalization classes in i18n.jar.
    2. Installed extensions: classes in JAR files in the lib/ext directory of the JRE.
    3. The class path: classes, including classes in JAR files, on paths specified by the system property java.class.path. If a JAR file on the class path has a manifest with the Class-Path attribute, JAR files specified by the Class-Path attribute will be searched also.

Maybe you are looking for