Get variables from jsp

I have a jsp file that sets som strings and now I wan't to get hold of them from a javabean. Is it possible? I set the strings like this in the jsp file:
String theString = "Hello";
request.setAttribute("theString", theString);To get them from a jsp page i just include the file.
I know it may not be the best way but this is how it is done.
Thanks in advance.

I'm not quit shore of what you mean but I already have all variables in some jsp files and now I wan't to use them when I output from javabean. This is how I do if I wan't to show "Hello" in a tablecell in jsp:
<td><%=request.getAttribute("theString") %></td>but how is it done if I wan't "Hello" in a string from a javabean like this:
String whatIWant = ????;

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    var tmpStr;
    tmpStr = "Some answer!";
    frmObj.value = tmpStr;
    // End -->
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    <form name=form>
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    <body bgcolor="white">
    <font size=4>
    <form method=get>
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    Appropriately the above is one the reasons also You cannot use JSP implicit objects from the declaration tag. However we can think of a small workaround by passing the reference like the one discussed below
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    Go to Solution.
    My ‏62 KB

    Try this:
    Put a For Loop at the end, just before you close the reference to the VIs. like shown below.
    I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.
     Make your LabVIEW experience more CONVENIENT.
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    <form name="userForm" method="post">
         <td>User Name</td>
              <input type="text" name="userName"/>
              <input type="submit" label="Save"/>

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  • Need help with getting variable from static

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    Here is the code that I have tried to use.
    public String username;
    ///This set's the public variable username
    public void setUserName(String UserName){
    username = UserName;
    /////////////////Here is where they login, and assign the name to setUsername
    public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException {
    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    JTextField userName = new JTextField();
    JTextField passWord = new JTextField();
    Object[] options = {"OK","CANCEL"};
    Object[] msg = {"UserName:", userName, "Password:", passWord};
    final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane(msg, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION){};
    JDialog dialog = op.createDialog(frame, "Please Login");;
    int result = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
    try {
    result = ((Integer)op.getValue()).intValue();
    }catch(Exception uninitializedValue){}
    if(result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
    String userID = userName.getText();
    String passID = passWord.getText();
    Main myMain = new Main();
    if(!userID.equals("") && !passID.equals("")) {
    new Main().setVisible(true);
    }else {
    // user cancelled
    ////here is the button event that also will need the username
    private void selButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt3 = null;
    Statement stmt4 = null;
    ResultSet rset3 = null;
    ResultSet rset4 = null;
    String usernum = null;
    String xemu = null;
    String loc = null;
    String ustat = null;
    String manager = null;
    String dept = null;
    String Add = "Add";
    String Update = "Update";
    String groupID = "9999";
    Vector columnNames = new Vector();
    Vector data = new Vector();
    String Manager_info[] = {"managerindex", "managers", "managername"};
    String Account_info[] = {"acctypeindex", "acctype", "acctypedesc"};
    String Group_info[] = {"groupnum", "groups", "groupcode"};
    String System_info[] = {"systemindex", "systems", "systemname"};
    String Dept_info[] = {"departindex", "departments", "departname"};
    String Xemu_info[] = {"xemuindex", "xemulator", "xemudesc"};
    String Location_info[] = {"locindex", "location", "locdesc"};
    String Ustatus_info[] = {"ustatusindex", "userstatus", "ustatusdesc"};
    Date myDate = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy");
    String today = formatter.format(myDate);
    I am trying to set the public username variable to what the person enters, however since I am creating a seperate instance of it, I don't believe it will work. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    I am developing in Netbeans. If I try to remove the static keyword from main(), netbeans canno't find a main to run. I have created the User class.
    Here is the main again to show what I have done.
    public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException {
    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    User user = new User();
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    JTextField userName = new JTextField();
    JTextField passWord = new JTextField();
    Object[] options = {"OK","CANCEL"};
    Object[] msg = {"UserName:", userName, "Password:", passWord};
    final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane(msg, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION){};
    JDialog dialog = op.createDialog(frame, "Please Login");;
    int result = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
    try {
    result = ((Integer)op.getValue()).intValue();
    }catch(Exception uninitializedValue){}
    if(result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
    String userID = userName.getText();
    String passID = passWord.getText();
    if(!userID.equals("") && !passID.equals("")) {
    new Main().setVisible(true);
    }else {
    // user cancelled
    This set's the variables
    Here is the beginning of the evt that I am using to try and get the data.
    private void selButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt3 = null;
    Statement stmt4 = null;
    ResultSet rset3 = null;
    ResultSet rset4 = null;
    String usernum = null;
    String xemu = null;
    String loc = null;
    String ustat = null;
    String manager = null;
    String dept = null;
    String Add = "Add";
    String Update = "Update";
    String groupID = "9999";
    Vector columnNames = new Vector();
    Vector data = new Vector();
    User user = new User();
    String User = user.getName();
    String Manager_info[] = {"managerindex", "managers", "managername"};
    String Account_info[] = {"acctypeindex", "acctype", "acctypedesc"};
    String Group_info[] = {"groupnum", "groups", "groupcode"};
    String System_info[] = {"systemindex", "systems", "systemname"};
    String Dept_info[] = {"departindex", "departments", "departname"};
    String Xemu_info[] = {"xemuindex", "xemulator", "xemudesc"};
    String Location_info[] = {"locindex", "location", "locdesc"};
    String Ustatus_info[] = {"ustatusindex", "userstatus", "ustatusdesc"};
    Date myDate = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy");
    String today = formatter.format(myDate);
    String [] str = {
    "EmpID", "Account", "System", "Type", "Status", "UserID", "Group"
    This gives me a null on the println, how can I get the data that was entered in main()?

  • Reading Variable from JSP and pass to servlet

    i have a servlet page which transfers data to a jsp page. The jsp displays the data only. Now i want to read a string from a jsp page and then pass it to the servlet.
    How can i do it?

    this is working fine: out.println("<input
    type=\"hidden\" name=\"bookId\" value=\"+bookId+\"
    size=\"25\">") ;
    works fine
    thnksI guess you didn't understand me. Look to the difference between the following two statements:
    out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bookId\" value=\"+bookId+\" size=\"25\">") ;and
    out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bookId\" value=\""+bookId+"\" size=\"25\">") ;In the first you're handling the bookId variable as String, in the second it will use the actual value of bookId.

  • Passing Variables from JSP to a servlet

    Presently I have a small Web application where by users enter data onto a jsp Page , this data then gets passed onto a servlet which then updates a sql database through a call to a sql stored procedure
    While testing I determined that when there are multiple users, sometimes users records are getting crossed, some of my data, is getting written to someone elses record....
    any thoughts on the cause......

    below is the code to the servlet
    The jsp page is a typical jsp with text boxes etc,
    package cpri;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class viewfileinfoservlet extends HttpServlet {
      private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
      //Initialize global variables
      public void init() throws ServletException {
      //Process the HTTP Post request
      public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        Connection conn = null;
        CallableStatement stmt = null;
        String sErrorMessage = "";
        String sStatus = "PS";
        String sSin = "";
        String sPSin = "";
        String sBN = "";
        String sPBN = "";
        String sSurName = "";
        String sFirstName = "";
        String sLegalName = "";
        String sTradeName = "";
        String sAddress = "";
        String sCity = "";
        String sProv_Code = "";
        String sRTSO = "";
        String sPayment = "";
        String sGSPayment = "";
        String sCompliant = "";
        String sTX11Issued = "";
        String sFYEMM = "0";
        String sFYEDD = "0";
        String sGSTStatus = "";
        String sNotes = "";
        String sRecordID = "";
        String sFYE = "";
        String sRCode = "";
        String sPostalCode = "";
        String sRemoteUser = "";
        int intRecordID = 0;
        int intRemoteUser = 0;
        int i = 0;
        String sPayorPhone = "";
        String sPayorName = "";
        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
        response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
        sErrorMessage = "";
        sRemoteUser = request.getRemoteUser();
        sRTSO = "0";
        if (sRemoteUser.indexOf("\\") != -1)
          intRemoteUser = sRemoteUser.indexOf("\\") + 1;
          sRemoteUser = sRemoteUser.substring(intRemoteUser);
        sGSTStatus = "";
        if ( request.getParameter("lstStatus") !=null)
          sStatus = request.getParameter("lstStatus").trim();
          if (sStatus.equals("PS"))
            sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Was unable to confirm File Status." + "\n";
          sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Was unable to confirm File Status." + "\n";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPayorName") !=null)
       sPayorName = request.getParameter("txtPayorName").trim();
       sPayorName = "";
    if (request.getParameter("txtPayorPhone") !=null)
      sPayorPhone = request.getParameter("txtPayorPhone").trim();
      sPayorPhone = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtSin") !=null)
        sSin = request.getParameter("txtSin").trim();
        sSin = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPSin") !=null)
        sPSin = request.getParameter("txtPSin").trim();
        sPSin = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPBN") !=null)
        sBN = request.getParameter("txtPBN").trim();
        sBN = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPPBN") !=null)
        sPBN = request.getParameter("txtPPBN").trim();
        sPBN = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtSurname") !=null)
        sSurName = request.getParameter("txtSurname").trim();
        sSurName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtFName") !=null)
        sFirstName = request.getParameter("txtFName").trim();
        sFirstName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtLName") !=null)
        sLegalName = request.getParameter("txtLName").trim();
        sLegalName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtTName") !=null)
        sTradeName = request.getParameter("txtTName").trim();
        sTradeName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtAddress") !=null)
        sAddress = request.getParameter("txtAddress").trim();
        sAddress = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtCity") !=null)
        sCity = request.getParameter("txtCity").trim();
        sCity = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtProv_Code") !=null)
        sProv_Code = request.getParameter("txtProv_Code").trim();
        sProv_Code = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPostal") !=null)
        sPostalCode = request.getParameter("txtPostal").trim();
        sPostalCode = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("lstRecCode") !=null)
        sRCode = request.getParameter("lstRecCode").trim();
       sRCode = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtRTSO") !=null)
        sRTSO = request.getParameter("txtRTSO").trim();
        sRTSO = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtsPayment") !=null)
        sPayment = request.getParameter("txtsPayment").trim();
        sPayment = "0";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtGSPayment") !=null)
        sGSPayment = request.getParameter("txtGSPayment").trim();
        sGSPayment = "0";
      if ( request.getParameter("lstCompliant") !=null)
        sCompliant = request.getParameter("lstCompliant").trim();
      if ( request.getParameter("lstTX11Issued") !=null)
        sTX11Issued = request.getParameter("lstTX11Issued").trim();
      sFYEMM = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtMM") !=null)
        sFYEMM = request.getParameter("txtMM").trim();
      sFYEDD = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtDD") !=null)
        sFYEDD = request.getParameter("txtDD").trim();
      if ( request.getParameter("lstGSTStatus") !=null)
        sGSTStatus = request.getParameter("lstGSTStatus").trim();
      if ( request.getParameter("Notes") !=null)
        sNotes = request.getParameter("Notes").trim();
        sNotes = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("RecordID") !=null)
        sRecordID = request.getParameter("RecordID").trim();
      if (sFYEMM.equals("0") && sFYEDD != "0")
        sErrorMessage = "Was unable to confirm FYE." + "\n";
      if (sFYEDD.equals("0") && sFYEMM != "0")
        sErrorMessage = "Was unable to confirm FYE." + "\n";
      sFYE = "1999" + "-" + sFYEMM + "-" + sFYEDD;
      if (sStatus.equals("PA")||sStatus.equals("A")||sStatus.equals("PCR")||sStatus.equals("PCU"))
         // check for errors
             i = Integer.parseInt(sRTSO);
           catch (NumberFormatException ex)
             sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Recipient TSO must be a numeric field and is required field when file  is being closed." + "\n";
         if (sRCode.equals("0"))
           sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Recipient Code is a required field when file is being Closed." + "\n";
      if (sErrorMessage.length()!=0)
              //display error page
              request.setAttribute("ERRORS", sErrorMessage);
                conn = CPRI_Connection.GetSQL_APPConnection();
                String call = "{call usp_UpdateCPRIRecord(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}";
                stmt = conn.prepareCall(call);
                stmt.setString(1, sRecordID);
                stmt.setString(2, sStatus);
                stmt.setString(3, sSin);
                stmt.setString(4, sPSin);
                stmt.setString(5, sBN);
                stmt.setString(6, sPBN);
                stmt.setString(7, sSurName);
                stmt.setString(8, sFirstName);
                stmt.setString(9, sLegalName);
                stmt.setString(10, sTradeName);
                stmt.setString(11, sAddress);
                stmt.setString(12, sCity);
                stmt.setString(13, sProv_Code);
                stmt.setString(14, sRTSO);
                stmt.setString(15, sPayment);
                stmt.setString(16, sGSPayment);
                stmt.setString(17, sCompliant);
                stmt.setString(18, sTX11Issued);
                stmt.setString(19, sFYE);
                stmt.setString(20, sGSTStatus);
                stmt.setString(21, sRCode);
                stmt.setString(22, sPostalCode);
                stmt.setString(23, sNotes);
                stmt.setString(24, sRemoteUser);
                stmt.setString(25, sPayorName);
                stmt.setString(26, sPayorPhone);
                stmt.registerOutParameter(27, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                if (stmt.getInt(27) != 0) {
                  intRecordID = stmt.getInt(27);
                else {
                  intRecordID = 0;
                sRecordID = String.valueOf(intRecordID);
               if (conn !=null){
                 try {
                 }catch (SQLException ex1){
                   //trow new Servlet exception
             catch(SQLException ex){
               throw new ServletException(ex);
        //RequestDispatcher disp;
        //disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("EventConfirmation.jsp");
        request.getRequestDispatcher("ViewFileInfo.jsp").forward(request, response);
        //out.println("sEventID:" + sEventID + "<br>");
        //disp.forward(request, response);
      //Clean up resources
      public void destroy() {

  • How to get variable from another class?

    I have 2 classes. In first I have int variable. In second class I need to get this variable value. How I can make it?
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ChooseLessons extends Form implements CommandListener, ItemStateListener
         ChoiceGroup lessons;     // Choice Group of preferences
         Dictionary     dictionary;
         int volumeSize;
         ChooseLessons(Dictionary dictionary)
              int volumeSize = 15;
         public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s)
              if (c == Dictionary.BEGIN_CMD) {
                   new TeachForm(dictionary, this);
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TeachForm extends Form implements CommandListener     
         Dictionary               dictionary;
         ChooseLessons          lessons;
         TeachForm(Dictionary dictionary, ChooseLessons lessons) {
              this.dictionary = dictionary;
              this.lessons = lessons;
              lessons.volumeSize(); // HERE I NEED VARIABLE VALUE FROM PREVIOUS CLASS
    }Edited by: Djanym on Mar 16, 2009 4:43 PM

    This is a classic problem that coders run into when trying to get their head around object-oriented programing. Since you have a class that should be modeled after a real world object, as far as that object is concerned, no one else needs to know the details of it - without asking nicely. This is where you should set up some getters and setters, which are methods that allow fields in a class to reveal themselves or allow their states to be changed in a orderly fashion.
    There are a number of fields that never need to be known outside of the class. Then there are some fields you would like to let people know about, but don't want them to have the ability to change them. In the example below, there are to getter methods allow return of the necessary fields. If you made these public, there is a possibility that someone utilizing this field may change it outside of its intended use, or access them without them being ready for public consumption.
    Class test {
    //These private variables are only visible from the class
    private int grade1 = 0;
    private int grade2 = 0;
    private int grade3 = 0;
    private float average = 0;
    private int gradeboost = 0;
    //This method sets the gradeboost field to one desired by the instructor
    void setboost(int boost) {
    gradeboost = boost;
    //These methods accept test scores and compute the average for three test
    //Notice that the calculated average may not be the true average of the three test scores
    //because of the possibility of gradeboost calculation being greater than 1
    void test1(int score) {
             grade1 = score;
             average = (grade1 + grade2 + grade3 + gradeboost)/3;
    void test2(int score) {
             grade2 = score;
             average = (grade1 + grade2 + grade3 + gradeboost)/3;
    void test3(int score) {
             grade3 = score;
             average = (grade1 + grade2 + grade3 + gradeboost)/3;
    //This is a getter method, which provides read access to the private variable average
    //If someone just had public access to the grades and wanted to take their own average
    //They would miss how the gradeboost field affects the final outcome.
    float getAverage() {
        return average;
    //Here is a getter method, which accepts an argument to determine which test score to return
    //Notice that this isn't the true testscore, but it has been modified by the gradeboost field.
    //If the user had public access to the true testscore, it wouldn't take into account the gradeboost calculation!!
    //This is how a getter can control exactly what a user has access to.
    float get testScore(int test) {
    float testresult = 0;
    if (test = 1) {
           testresult = (grade1+ gradeboost) / 3;
    if (test = 2) {
           testresult = (grade2+ gradeboost) / 3;
    if (test = 3) {
           testresult = (grade3+ gradeboost) / 3;
    return testresult;

  • Pass a variable from JSP to embedded Script

    I can't seem to find a way around this. Please help.
    I need to get the value of "item.likes" from the JSP page and put it into the embedded Script.
    Can I do that ?
    Nothing I came up with worked, and I found nothing on the Internet. I searched for a lot of things. Is the only way to just implement that JSP page as a servlet ?
    Please see code below
    thank you !!
    <sql:setDataSource var="profileDS"
    user="xxx" password="xxx" />
    <sql:query var="profileQuery" dataSource="${profileDS}">
    SELECT likes
    FROM profiles where likes=?
    <sql:param value="${param.likes}"/>
    <c:forEach var="item" items="${profileQuery.rows}">
    c:out value="${item.likes}"/>
    String dd= request.getAttribute("item.likes");
    out.write(dd); //does not work here ... should print out the value of item.likes

    Some funny scooping with forEach. But if you put a "<c:set var="item.likes" value="${item.likes}" scope="request"/>" first inside the loop it is possible to use that value for your script. But using your sample the printout gets funny. All script output first and then the EL-created out.
    Hopes this helps you anyway.
    /Micael Ericsson

  • Passing variables from JSP to XSL

    I need to pass some variables with string value in them to an xsl page to store them in a <param..> tag... ive so far been unsuccessful at that, the following are my codes.. : Does anyone know how to pass it directly into the xsl page ?...
    jsp page :
                                                                     String compNames;
                                                                     String[] listRight;
                                                                     compNames = (String)session.getAttribute("compNames");
                                                                     listRight = request.getParameterValues("listRight");
                                                                                         String yr1 = listRight[0];
                                                                                         String yr2 = listRight[1];
                                                                                         String yr3 = listRight[2];
                                                                                         String yr4 = listRight[3];
                                                                                         String yr5 = listRight[4];
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr1", yr1);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr2", yr2);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr3", yr3);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr4", yr4);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr5", yr5);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("compN", compNames);
    xsl page :
    <xsl:param name="CoCode"><core:param name="compN" value="${compN}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr1"><core:param name="yr1" value="${yr1}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr2"><core:param name="yr2" value="${yr2}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr3"><core:param name="yr3" value="${yr3}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr4"><core:param name="yr4" value="${yr4}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr5"><core:param name="yr5" value="${yr5}"/></xsl:param>

    and to display the xsl, ive used to following Include code :
    <jsp:include page ="./ratios.xsl"></jsp:include>
    i dont need to link it together with as xml as ive already done so in ratios.xsl file... i think there might be some mistake in using the include code... can anyone point out to me if im wrong... thanks

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