Getting a group sort type (CrSortDirectionEnum)

I needed to get the sort directon for a GROUP sort. However, using the following code is invalid for groups (at least if the group is not asc/desc):
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.SortFields crystalSortFields = report.DataDefinition.SortFields;
if (crystalSortFields != null)
    foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.SortField crystalSortField in crystalSortFields)
        switch (crystalSortField.SortDirection)
            case CrystalDecisions.Shared.SortDirection.AscendingOrder:
            case CrystalDecisions.Shared.SortDirection.DescendingOrder:
            case CrystalDecisions.Shared.SortDirection.TopNOrder:
            case CrystalDecisions.Shared.SortDirection.BottomNOrder:
After some searching, and some trial and error, I found a solution:
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel;
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.SortFields crystalSortFields = report.DataDefinition.SortFields;
if (crystalSortFields != null)
    foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.SortField crystalSortField in crystalSortFields)
        if (crystalSortField.SortType == CrystalDecisions.Shared.SortFieldType.GroupSortField)
            MethodInfo getRasSort = crystalSortField.GetType().GetMethod("get_RasSort", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            object rasSort = getRasSort.Invoke(crystalSortField, System.Type.EmptyTypes);
            IntPtr iunkwn = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(rasSort);
            switch ((CrSortDirectionEnum)((dynamic)rasSort).Direction)
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionAscendingOrder:
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionDescendingOrder:
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionBottomNOrder:
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionBottomNPercentage:
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionNoSortOrder:
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionTopNOrder:
                case CrSortDirectionEnum.crSortDirectionTopNPercentage:
BTW, this is VS2010 w/ CR for VS2010.

Hello Pablo
Many, many thanks for sharing this solution. I'm going to make a KB out of this as it is a good piece of knowledge to capture.
Happy coding,
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    several steps you need to go
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                    fieldDef = cr.Database.Tables(0).Fields(crSortField.Field.Name.ToString)
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    Here is a sample I had kicking around.
    Keep in mind that you must have at least one sort already set up to be able to change it. Otherwise you'll need to use the RAS SDK to add sorts at runtime.
              private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
              private void ConfigureCrystal()
                   // Instantiate and load the Sort Report.rpt
                   crReportDocument = new ReportDocument();
                   crReportDocument.Load(Application.StartupPath + "\\..\\..\\Sort Report.rpt");
                   // Change the sorting for the group to sort based on the summary
                   // of @Order Amount x Tax.
                   SortFields crSortFields = crReportDocument.DataDefinition.SortFields;
                   foreach(SortField crSortField in crSortFields)
                        if (crSortField.Field.Name == "Count ({Orders.Order ID}, {Customer.Customer ID})")
                             // Get the new field to sort on
                             FieldDefinition crFieldDefinition = crReportDocument.DataDefinition.SummaryFields[1];
                             crSortField.Field = crFieldDefinition;
                             crSortField.SortDirection = SortDirection.DescendingOrder;
                             break;     // break out of the foreach loop
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                        if(crSortField.Field.Name == "Order ID")
                             FieldDefinition crFieldDefinition = crReportDocument.Database.Tables[1].Fields[1]; // the Order Amount in in the 2nd table and 2nd field
                             crSortField.Field = crFieldDefinition;
                             crSortField.SortDirection = SortDirection.DescendingOrder;
                             break; // break out of this foreach loop
                   // Set the ReportSource of the CrystalReportViewer control
                   crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crReportDocument;
              private void Form1_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
                   // clean up
                   crReportDocument = null;

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    Ed Cohen

    Hello, Edgar;
    In the bundled version of Crystal Reports 10.2 in Visual Studio .NET 2005 you will need to use the following code:
    Private Sub Set_TopN()
            Dim TopNSortField As TopBottomNSortField
            'Get the Sort field by index
            'Cast it as a TopBottomNSortField
            If TypeOf crReportDocument.DataDefinition.SortFields.Item(0) Is TopBottomNSortField Then
                TopNSortField = crReportDocument.DataDefinition.SortFields.Item(0)
                TopNSortField.NumberOfTopOrBottomNGroups = 10
                TopNSortField = Nothing
            End If
        End Sub
    In a full version of Crystal Reports there is an option to create a parameter as a number such as {?TopN} and then pass the value to it at runtime.
    In the Crystal Reports designer you need to create the parameter and then go to Report|Group Sort Expert.
    Choose TopN based on your field.
    Where N is... You will need a number there. I used 1. But then I clicked on the Formula editor [X+2] and added the parameter field {?TopN}.
    Passing the parameter at runtime ran the number I requested.
    Edited by: Elaine Dove on Mar 3, 2009 12:12 PM

  • Sum of a sum when using Top N in the Group Sort Expert

    Hi All,
    I have a small problem I can't quite seem to work out.
    I have a report where each line is for a particular Product, and is a summation of the Sales for that Product over several Locations. When you click on the line, it shows the breakdown of Sales over each Location.
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    Hope that makes some sense !
    Many Thanks

    Hi Sastry,
    I tried your suggestion, thanks, but I don't think it's the answer. For a start Crystal will not let me do that, it pops up a message box when I try to run the report "A running total cannot refer to a print time formula. Details: Record Number". I also added the record number field next to the lines in the report to see what the result would be, and I don't think it would work anyway.
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    Product Name--LocationUnits Sold--Record Number
    Product A -<All Stores>----8
    Store A--1--
    Store B--3--
    Store C--4--
    Product B--<All Stores>--3      
    Store A--2--
    Store B--1--
    Product C--<All Stores>--
    Store A--1--
    Note that only the bold lines are shown in the report,. If you click on the bold line, then the breakdown of the stores is shown. For the above example, I am showing the Top 2 units across all stores (so Product C is not shown at all), but there are actually 5 records, so if I used a formula where RecordNumber <=N, where in this case N=2, I would get a total units sold of 1 + 3 (records 1 and 2) which is incorrect.
    I will have more of a think on this and see if I can find a solution, in the mean time, any other suggestions ? Is there some wya of checking if the line is visible maybe ?
    Thanks for your time !

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    I would need a script in Quest PowerShell that gathers the groups that multiple computers are member of in Active Directory. I have this script, but what it does is to get USERNAMES from a .txt file and then display the groups
    each user is member of in AD. I couldn't modified it so instead of USERNAMES in the txt file I can put computers name, here's the code:
    $out = @()
    Get-Content M:\Tools\Reportes_Power_Shell\Contenedor_Power_Shell\Users.txt | ForEach {
    $date = (Get-Date).ToString()
    $username = $_
    $displayName = (Get-QADUser $username -Properties DisplayName).DisplayName
    $groups = Get-QADMemberOf $username | Sort-Object Name
    ForEach ( $group in $groups ) {
    $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Date -Value $date
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserName -Value $username
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value $displayName
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name GroupName -Value $
    $out += $obj
    $out | Export-CSV M:\Tools\Reportes_Power_Shell\Reportes_de_Power_Shell_y_AD_Info\Users_Memberships.csv

    I did it but didn't work out, I get this error:
    Get-QADMemberOf : Ambiguous identity: <NAME OF THE COMPUTER>.
    At line:5 char:30
    +     $groups = Get-QADMemberOf <<<<  $username | Sort-Object Name
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-QADMemberOf], IdentityException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.BusinessLogic.IdentityException,Quest.ActiveRoles.
    I can't help with Quest, but here's an example using the AD module:
    Get-Content .\computerList.txt | ForEach {
    $computerName = $_
    $props = @{
    ComputerName = $computerName
    Groups = ''
    try {
    $details = Get-ADComputer $computerName -Properties memberOf -ErrorAction Stop
    $props.Groups = (($details.memberOf | ForEach { (Get-ADGroup $_).Name }) | Sort) -join ','
    } catch {
    $props.Groups = 'ERROR'
    New-Object PsObject -Property $props
    } | Select ComputerName,Groups | Export-Csv .\GroupList.csv -NoTypeInformation
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)


    I want a report in which Material Group & Movemt type combinely should be display.
    Allready search in SDN
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi vinay,
    Take the help of abaper to get the report for material group and the movement type.
    Quick viewer reporting tool will be used for this report SQVI
    This link will be useful in understanding the SQVI

  • Use parameter to specify "N" in Top N Group Sort

    I've successfuly set up a parameter which is passed to the Group N Sort criteria.
    Is there a way I can use this to set NO group sort? I've tried setting it to zero & 999999999 but it falls over.

    I think you can enter the values only between 1 to 32767. You can try creating a sample report with groups in it and go to group sort expert and select top N and try to add the value 0 then you will get a popup saying "Please enter an integer between 1 and 32767"


    I have a report with a group sort of the "Top N" items based on profit.  I already have a parameter that allows the user to specify the "N", but I want to also give the option to change the group sort based on sales or units sold.  Is there a way to do that?

    hello all,
    actually Brian's solution is correct...i use this method all the time.
    add two more steps to his should have created a formula with syntax
    Select {?GroupField}
       Case "Sales" :{table.SALES}
       Case "Units Sold" :{table.UNITS_SOLD}
       Default :{table.SALES};
    1) now add this formula to the details section, right click on it, and add a Summary, type = Sum.
    2) now go to the Group Sort Expert and add the formula, removing any other sorts in there already.
    you can now sort the groups on this formula that he gave you.
    if you have crystal reports 2008 or 2011 you can also use Interactive Sorts instead of using a parameter / prompt.

  • Group Sort Expert Top N

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    Also I would like to select Ascending/Descending based on a parameter field IN the Group Sort Expert since I'm using a based on field (not in Group Expert Change Group Options).

    Hi sharonamtowler,
    My requiremnet is TOP N Materials based on the Current Availiable Stock in each Plant.  In CR from my db, I get four records in Details section for each Material (on 4 weeks, let say 48,49,50,51 ) of a Plant.
    I have grouped on Plant & material. 
    But to get Top N Materials I have to do Summation(Current Availiable Stk) which mean in My Material Group Section I get the Sum of Current availibale Stock of 4 weeks. But I need Top N based on the last weeks Current Availible Stock.
    How to do this?
    I left Plant in Group Sort Expert with No Sort and on Material I have given TOP N.
    I need to know whether only Summation Values should be used in Group sort expert ?
    please some help me solvethe issue.
    Edited by: KRISHNA CHAITANYA B on Dec 29, 2009 6:12 AM

  • Group sort

    I have a date field and i did a group sort on that feild, for some reason its not giving me the months in order.For example
    the result must be like below
    JAN 08
    FEB 08
    MARCH 08
    APR 08
    Instead its showing
    APRIL 08
    FEB 08
    please any advice will be of great help.

    You can display the data any way you want, but if you sort on a date that is in a "Month, Year" format, they will sort alphabetically. You need to sort on the numeric month to get things to display in standard calendar order.
    Show the date as you want, but sort on a calculation that uses the numeric month (and do not sort on the date being displayed). When setting up the sort, check the "Hidden" box, and the column will not be displayed.

  • Getting a non sorted list of members

    I am trying to copy data from one set of products to another for 2 entities. Entity1 uses Map1 products whilst Entity 2 uses Map2 My sample Product dimension structure is as follows:-
    |_ProdA (shared)
    |_ProdB (Shared)
    |_ProdC (Shared)
    |_ProdA (shared)
    |_ProdF (shared)
    |_ProdE (shared)
    The mapping is defined by the position of the shared products in Map1 and Map2 eg Prod A maps to ProdA, Prod B maps to Prod F etc
    I have used the MDSHIFT function but I cannot get an unsorted member list (@RELATIVE etc sorts the retrieved member list and also removes duplicates).
    Is there another way to copy data from Map1 to Map2?

    i'm trying to generate a sorted list of integers but
    there is a restriction that these sorted randomed
    generated integers must be uniformaly distribued
    within the range of numbers needed for example (1
    -1000)??does any body know how can we generate random
    numbers and at the same time sorted with uniform
    i have thought about an idea like starting from 1 for
    example and and then let the difference between each
    two numbers is random within 1 to 10 then adding this
    random integer to the last number generated and soo
    on .. but i don't feel it is efficient as maybe the
    random difference would be 1 each time . so i will
    never get a uniformly sorted list .. any ideas or
    suggestions ,please??My guess is that you generate the numbers first, then sort them. If you use the pseudorandom number generator, Random, will generate numbers with a roughly uniform distribution. You have to do some work to it if you want some other type of distribution.

  • Import Group Sort Order

    In list view, if I select the "Import Group" column, that should sort the contents in the order they were imported, correct? It does not. It does group import groups together, but whole groups are out of sequence.
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Also, how can I get "Import Group" to show up in the pull down menu next to the list view or image view icons of the browser? The "custom" option at the bottom is always grayed out.
    Aperture 1.5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    I do my sorting within an Album. I then drag the Album (not the photos) into my movie and the sequence stays intact.

  • Group filter type

    Hi all
    I have populated Group Filter Type  in GROUP dimension then assigned at Business rules for specific group( in GROUP Dimension) to eliminate or reverse the accounts in different way from other groups. Maintained separate DSRC, Account properties etc.
    I wont get any result on spefific group that has GROUP FILTER TYPE and its BPC NW 7.5   the systemw where test in process.
    appreciated your help/guidence


  • How to get SharePoint Groups using Javascript in SP2013 ?

    How to get SharePoint Groups using Javascript in SP2013 , not JSOM please

    Here is the code that worked for me:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var requestUri = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/sitegroups";
      var requestHeaders = { "accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose" };
        url : requestUri,
        contentType : "application/json;odata=verbose",
        headers : requestHeaders,
        success : onSuccess,
        error : onError
      function onSuccess(data, request){
    var s='';
     for (var i = 0; i < data.d.results.length; i++)
    s +=data.d.results[i].LoginName+'\n';
     function onError(error) {

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