Getting passed acess denied!

I need to know how to get passed the acess denied at school, i know there is a way, all i want to do is play a game and it wont let me get on the site!

You'll have to provide more information than that.
What is the complete text of the exception that was thrown? Include the stack trace.

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      DATA: WORKITEM TYPE SWC_OBJECT.                           
       <u> WORKITEMID_IMP = OBJECT-KEY-ITEMID</u>.                     
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    Did you upgrade from SnowLeopard?
    I can't get passed the complete installation
    What exactly is happening? Is GarageBand trying to download over and over again?
    all reference the "" solution. I don't seem to have the referenced .plist.
    The property list stores your preferences, but also the settings from the last run of the application.  If that file is corrupted in some way, you might see third behaviour.
    You must have this file, for it will be recreated automatically, if it is missing, or you have a permissions problem with your user library.
    Perhaps you did look in he wrong place.
    in MacOS 10.7. or later the User Library is hidden. To find the Preferences Files use the Finder's "Go" menu:
    Quit GarageBand, if it is running.
    Click onto you Desktop to bring the Finder forward.
    In the Finder Menu press "Go" and hold down the "option/alt" key, until your user library appears in the drop-down menu
    Select "Library" and in the Finder window that opens navigate to the "Prederences" folder; move to the Desktop.
    Log off and on again (don't skip that step!). Retry GarageBand and see if it GarageBand is now downloading the missing content properly.
    If that does not fix the problem, post back and explain in more detail what the download problem is.
    Why did you "repurchase" GarageBand? If you already owned GarageBand '11, it should be unnecessary.



    User Tip:  Reset the user password in OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks and Yosemite
    Posting in CAPS LOCK Is often seen as screaming and is not appreciated.  It's also very hard to read.

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    That's Activation Lock. You will need to remember the Apple ID and password you used to set up the phone.
    If you can't remember them, you can go to to try to recover the information.
    If you are the original owner of the phone & have proof of purchase, you can try calling Apple to see if they can assist also.

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    If your iPad is close enough to your keyboard and Mini
    and if the iPad is merely in standby and not off, the
    connection to the iPad is still active.  Therefore, the
    keyboard will not connect to the Mini.
    If the iPad is far enough away to break the Bluetooth
    connection or you unpair from the iPad or you turn the
    iPad off, then the keyboard should connect just fine with the Mini.
    Most Bluetooth HID's (Human Interface Device) can only service
    one host at a time.  This is by design. 

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    Go to your account on your computer and set the credit card to none. This will allow you to use the gift card.

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    How do I find out who my iPhone 4S is locked to? I can't get passed the activation screen.

    How can you not know this? Where did you get the phone?
    Ask whoever you bought it from or call AppleCare and give them the serial number.

  • I have an old ipod touch which won't go past the Apple logo, all it does is show me a loading symbol, but will go no further, i have tried restoring it and i have, it conects to my itunes and computer, but just won't get passed the logo..what can i do? :/

    I have an old ipod touch which won't go past the Apple logo, all it does is show me a loading symbol, but will go no further, i have tried restoring it and i have been successful. It connects and is recognised by my itunes and computer, but still after restoring it, it just won't get passed the logo..what can i do? what is the problem?

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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