Getting the date to be read in an example.

Im using the below example for a self project:
and in the example below it says you can read the date as well however I can't get this to work. I've trited a few things but everytime when I add a new point on a different date but same time as a previous point they just overlap.
The reason I am using this example is the device I have hooked up outputs data in this exact format so it works really well.
One thing is my dates are set up as :2007.02.28 not like the example as:2/28/2007
If someone could help me out in getting that graph to read the date too that would be great.

Hi Darren,
I changed the main vi of the example to also convert the date string to a number. Read the comments in the code!
I made the changes in LV6.1, with newer LabView-version you will get more possibilities like date/time data type...
Best regards,
CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
Kudos are welcome
Spreadsheet Time Data to ‏114 KB

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    Has anyone come accross this problem and how did you solve it?
    Many thanks.

    you might want to put you entry into the EIM forum where also the Data Integrator topics are being handled:
    Data Services and Data Quality

  • DataSource 0CRM_SRV_PROCESS_H is not getting the data in infopackage

    Hi Masters,
    I have to upload the data from the datasources 0CRM_SRV_PROCESS_H and 0CRM_SRV_PROCESS_I into Infopackages, but when i execute the infockage it shows
    No data available
    The data request was a full update.
    In this case, the corresponding table in the source system does not
    contain any data.
    System Response
    Info IDoc received with status 8.
    Check the data basis in the source system.
    In CRM system when i checked it in RSA3 it is showing the data.
    I checked the older posts but i havn't find any answer post. I also checked the SAP note 692195, but it is applicable for 4.0. I am working on 7.0.
    Please suggest something so that I can get the data into infopackage.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Lokesh,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Actually i am working on such a project where they don't give SAP_ALL authorization to any user. If we need any authorization we need to show them particular SAP note of same version in my case it is CRM 7.0. If you know any note on CRM 7.0 which gives all the authorization objects required or it says we need SAP_ALL authorization please tell me.
    It will be very help full for me to get the authorization.

  • Iam not getting the data on screen after using the user exit zxpadu01

    Dear Freinds
                As per my requirement when the user enters value Ansal  it should get defaulted to Amount field (bet01 ) based on the wage type
    i have written calculation ( q0008-bet01 = ansal/100) before it getting defaulted to bet01, i found that value is not getting default  on the screen for bet01 once i enter value for Ansal , please any body correct my code
    in   ZXPADU02 i have written the code as  below :
    data : wa_p0008 like p0008,
            i0008 like p0008,
           l_v_ANSAL type ANSAL_15,
           l_v_amount type PAD_AMT7S.
    CASE innnn-infty.
    when '0008'.
    CALL METHOD cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>prelp_to_pnnnn
    prelp = innnn
    pnnnn = wa_p0008.   -- HERE I GOT ALL THE DATA EXCEPT BET01
    if wa_p0008-lga01 = 'MFPY'.
    l_v_ansal =  wa_p0008-ansal.
    l_v_amount = l_v_ansal / 100.
    move l_v_amount to wa_p0008-bet01.
    CALL METHOD cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>pnnnn_to_prelp
    pnnnn = wa_p0008  --- HERE I CAN SEE EVEN THE BET01 IS FILLED
    prelp = innnn.         --- HERE I CAN SEE LGART BUT NOT AMOUNT VALUE
    when others.
    data : wa_p0008 like p0008,
            i0008 like p0008,
           l_v_ANSAL type ANSAL_15,
           l_v_amount type PAD_AMT7S.
    CASE innnn-infty.
    when '0008'.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING  innnn to wa_p0008.
    CALL METHOD cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>prelp_to_pnnnn
    prelp = innnn
    pnnnn = wa_p0008.
    if wa_p0008-lga01 = 'MFPY'.
    l_v_ansal =  wa_p0008-ansal.
    l_v_amount = l_v_ansal / 100.
    move l_v_amount to wa_p0008-bet01.
    CALL METHOD cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>pnnnn_to_prelp
    pnnnn = wa_p0008   --- I CAN SEE ONLY WHEN I COME AGAIN
    prelp = innnn.
    when others.
    Now my problem is as follows :
                   i have entered the value for Ansal (ex: p0008-Ansal = 1000) ..........and i say enter then i should found the calculated value for the ansal through my coding
    and it should  display in bet01 as 10 ( q0008-bet01 =  p0008-ansal /100)
    but i dont find the value 10 being displayed for the field bet01 on the screen  when
    user enters Ansal  as 1000 .........even then i have saved it to test the scenario......
    now i came in displayed mode (pa20 ) for the infotype 008 for the same personnel no for the same  dates .....where i created the record........i found that the value
    bet01 is there i.e i can see  the value bet01 as 10 ( my requiremnt here matching)
    but when the user say enter during the time of creation of the record the value
    bet01 is not getting defaulted with 10 .........why iam not able to understand

    Hi Pranesh,
                   i have used the logic which you hav given as below
    in ZXPADU02
    ASSIGN ('(MP000800)Q0008-betrg') TO <fs>.
    if <fs> is assigned.
    <fs> = l_v_amount .  ---  amount as (ansal /100 i.e 1000/100 = 10) 10
    still iam not getting the data for the field bet01
    this is the coding i am using
    data : wa_p0008 like p0008,
            i0008 like p0008,
           l_v_ANSAL type ANSAL_15,
           l_v_amount type PAD_AMT7S.
    CASE innnn-infty.
    when '0008'.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING  innnn to wa_p0008.
    CALL METHOD cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>prelp_to_pnnnn
    prelp = innnn
    pnnnn = wa_p0008.
    if wa_p0008-lga01 = 'MFPY'.
    l_v_ansal =  wa_p0008-ansal.
    l_v_amount = l_v_ansal / 100.
    move l_v_amount to wa_p0008-bet01.
    ASSIGN ('(MP000800)Q0008-betrg') TO <fs>.
    if <fs> is assigned.
    <fs> = l_v_amount .
    CALL METHOD cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>pnnnn_to_prelp
    pnnnn = wa_p0008
    prelp = innnn.
    when others.
    please help me as iam still not getting (value in bet 01) when i press enter once i enter value in ansal feild.

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    To see the data in RSA3 you need to do the setup of data for the particular data source through SBIW transaction.
    The Rsa3 transaction displays the data present in the setup tables of the particular data source.

  • Not able to get the data on the page

    I tried brining the data on the JSP page. I am passing the parameters to a PL/SQL procedure. but I am not getting any data or error. can anyone helpme how to proceed further I am retreving the page parameters that are passed to the JSP page like this.
    PortletRenderRequest portletRequest = (PortletRenderRequest)request.getAttribute(HttpCommonConstants.PORTLET_RENDER_REQUEST);
    RenderContext rc = portletRequest.getRenderContext();
    PortletDefinition pd = portletRequest.getPortletInstance().getPortletDefinition();
    I am getting the page parameters. but I am not able to get any result on the page.
    while I am using the same code to get the data on another JSP page I am getting the data except I am not retreving the page parameters.
    I am using the code like this to pass the parameters to the procedure.
    OracleConnection conn__OCI      = cpool.getProxyConnection(OracleOCIConnectionPool.PROXYTYPE_USER_NAME, proxUserProp);
                                  cstmt = conn__OCI.prepareCall ("begin test.test1( ?,?,?,?,? ); end;");
                                  cstmt.setString(2, cnumb);
                                  cstmt.setString(3, cperiod);
                                  cstmt.setInt(4, retStrC);
                                  cstmt.setString(5, retStr3);
                                  cstmt.registerOutParameter (4, Types.NUMERIC);
                                  cstmt.registerOutParameter (5, Types.VARCHAR);
                                  cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                                  retStrC = cstmt.getInt (4);
                                  retStr3 = cstmt.getString (5);
                                  retStr = "<tr class=OraDataText><td>  " + retStrC + "</td></tr>";
                                  retStr = retStr + "<tr class=OraDataText><td>  " + retStr3 + "</td></tr>";
                                  if ( retStrC == -1 )                    { ALLretStr = ALLretStr + retStr; }
                                       cursor = ((OracleCallableStatement)cstmt).getCursor(1);
                                       while ( ())
                                                 if (spacerLine >= 2)
                                                      ALLretStr = ALLretStr + "<tr><td colspan=5 height=1 <div id=ssubLine> <div id=ssubLinet></div> </div> </td></tr>";
                                                 ALLretStr = ALLretStr + "<tr class=smmjWipAltText><td ALIGN=LEFT>" + cursor.getString(1) + "</td><td ALIGN=CENTER>" + cursor.getInt(2) + "</td><td ALIGN=CENTER>" + cursor.getString(3) + "</td><td ALIGN=CENTER>" + cursor.getString(4) + "</td><td ALIGN=RIGHT>" + cursor.getString(5) + "</td></tr>";

    Hi Frank,<br>
    I am getting a blank page after hitting the submit button. can you help me finding a solution for this in the JSP page or tell me where the error is. <br>
    <%@page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %><br>
    <%@page import="oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.*" %><br>
    <%@page import="oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.PortletRenderRequest" %><br>
    <%@page import="oracle.portal.provider.v2.PortletDefinition" %><br>
    <%@page import="oracle.portal.provider.v2.http.HttpCommonConstants" %><br>
    <%@page import="java.sql.*, javax.sql.*, java.util.*, oracle.jdbc.*, <br>
    oracle.jdbc.pool.*, oracle.jdbc.oci.*" %><br>
    <%<br> PortletRenderRequest portletRequest = (PortletRenderRequest)request.getAttribute(HttpCommonConstants.PORTLET_RENDER_REQUEST);<br>
    RenderContext rc = portletRequest.getRenderContext();<br>
    PortletDefinition pd = portletRequest.getPortletInstance().getPortletDefinition();<br>
    <%! String tree_descrip;<br> String tree_descrip_long;<br>
    String curr_Scheme;<br>
    String overl_gif;<br>
    String curr_css_path;<br>
    // page param<br>
    String p_number_val= "1";<br>
    String p_period_val= "Day";<br>
    <%<br> String long_desc = "LONG";<br>
    String Descrip = "SHORT";<br>
    String treeDescrip= "%SUBMISS%OLDER%";<br>
    String curr_treeCateg = "SUB";<br>
    curr_Scheme = getInfo.getSchem.getSchem();<br>
    overl_gif = "/images/tested/"+curr_Scheme+ "images/prefreshdefault.gif";<br>
    curr_css_path = "/images/tested/" curr_Scheme "css/param_jsp.css";<br>
    tree_descrip = getInfo.getPortletTitle.getPortletTitle ( Descrip , treeDescrip , curr_treeCateg);<br>
    tree_descrip_long = getInfo.getPortletTitle.getPortletTitle ( long_desc , treeDescrip , curr_treeCateg);<br>
    catch(Exception e)<br>
    tree_descrip = "";<br>
    tree_descrip_long = "";<br>
    %> <br>
    <% // Get page param p_number_val try { p_number_val = request.getParameterValues("p_number")[0]; } catch(Exception e) { p_number_val = "1"; } <br>
    // Get page param p_period_val try { p_period_val = request.getParameterValues("p_period")[0]; } catch(Exception e) { p_period_val = "Day"; } %> <br>
    <HTML> <HEAD> <link href="<%= curr_css_path %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media='' screen=''/> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="/images/smmj_page_obj/Popup/overlib.js"></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY>
    <TABLE WIDTH=100% summary="<%= tree_descrip %>" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" > <TR WIDTH="100%" height="6px"><td height="6px" COLSPAN="6" ></td></TR> <TR WIDTH="100%" > <td ALIGN="LEFT" nowrap ></td> <td ALIGN="LEFT" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt;font-weight:normal" nowrap class="smmjPort2HeadJS"> CYCLE NAME</td> <td ALIGN="CENTER" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt;font-weight:normal" nowrap class="smmjPort2HeadJS">ID</td> <td ALIGN="CENTER" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt;font-weight:normal" nowrap class="smmjPort2HeadJS">FIRM NAME</td> <td ALIGN="CENTER" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt;font-weight:normal" nowrap class="smmjPort2HeadJS">BILLING PERIOD</td> <td ALIGN="RIGHT" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:8pt;font-weight:normal" nowrap class="smmjPort2HeadJS0">AGE</td> </TR> <%= getOlderSubs( p_number_val, p_period_val , "dev", portletRequest.getUser().getName(), "close_connect") %> </table> <TABLE><TR><TD> <%=p_number_val%>
    <%=p_period_val%> <br>
    <%=portletRequest.getUser().getName()%> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> <br>
    <%!<br> private String getOlderSubs( String cnumb, String cperiod, String cstring, String userid, String cState) throws SQLException
    CallableStatement cstmt;<br>
    ResultSet cursor;<br>
    int spacerLine = 1;<br>
    int retStrC = 1;<br>
    String retStr = "f";<br>
    String retStr2 = "f";<br>
    String retStr3 = "f";<br>
    String retStr4 = "f";<br>
    String ALLretStr = " ";<br>
    String TempretStr = " ";<br>
    String userstring = getInfo.getPortlUser.getPortUsr("B", "1");<br>
    String pwstring = getInfo.getPortlUser.getPortUsr("B", "2");<br>
    String CNNstring = getInfo.getPortlUser.getPortUsr("B", "3");<br>
    String PROXY_user_name = "test$" + userid;<br>
    //String PROXY_user_name = "test1$roger" ;<br>
    String url= "jdbc:oracle:oci:@" + CNNstring;<br>
    Properties prop = new Properties();<br>
    try {<br>
    if ( userid.trim().toUpperCase().equals(getInfo.getCONN.chkPortal.trim().toUpperCase()) )<br>
    ALLretStr = "<tr><td>Default user: " + userid + "</td></tr>"; }<br>
    // Create an OracleOCIConnectionPool instance with default configuration
    OracleOCIConnectionPool cpool = new OracleOCIConnectionPool(userstring, pwstring , url, null);<br>
    Properties proxUserProp = new Properties();<br>
    proxUserProp.setProperty(OracleOCIConnectionPool.PROXY_USER_NAME, PROXY_user_name);<br>
    OracleConnection conn__OCI = cpool.getProxyConnection
    (OracleOCIConnectionPool.PROXYTYPE_USER_NAME, proxUserProp);<br>
    cstmt = conn__OCI.prepareCall ("begin PORT_CURSOR.s_submission_wip( ?,?,?,?,? ); end;");<br>
    cstmt.setString(2, cnumb);<br>
    cstmt.setString(3, cperiod);<br>
    cstmt.setInt(4, retStrC);<br>
    cstmt.setString(5, retStr3);<br>
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (4, Types.NUMERIC);<br>
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (5, Types.VARCHAR);<br>
    cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);<br>
    retStrC = cstmt.getInt (4);<br>
    retStr3 = cstmt.getString (5);<br>
    retStr = "<tr class=OraDataText><td> " + retStrC + "</td></tr>";<br>
    retStr = retStr + "<tr class=OraDataText><td> " + retStr3 + "</td></tr>";<br>
    if ( retStrC == -1 ) { ALLretStr = ALLretStr + retStr; }<br>
    cursor = ((OracleCallableStatement)cstmt).getCursor(1);<br>
    while ( ())<br>
    if (spacerLine >= 2)<br>
    ALLretStr = ALLretStr + "<tr><td ALIGN=LEFT nowrap ></td><td colspan=5 height=1 ></td></tr>";<br>
    ALLretStr = ALLretStr + "<tr WIDTH=100% class=smmjPort2Text >
    <td ALIGN=LEFT nowrap ></td><td ALIGN=LEFT> " + cursor.getString(1) + "</td><td ALIGN=CENTER>" + cursor.getInt(2) + "</td><td ALIGN=CENTER>" + cursor.getString(3) + "</td><td ALIGN=CENTER>" + cursor.getString(4) + "</td><td ALIGN=RIGHT>" + cursor.getString(5) + "</td></tr>";<br>spacerLine++;<br>
    if (cState != null )<br>
    { //return(retStr);<br>
    if (conn__OCI != null) conn__OCI.close();<br>
    if (cpool != null) cpool.close();<br>
    catch (SQLException e )<br>
    String retErrStr = retStr + " SQL Error: <PRE> " + e + " </PRE> \n";<br>

  • The problem here is i am not able to get the data from the list

    hi all,
    i have the following code
    EnrichedProductCatalogue enrichedProductCatalogue1 = new EnrichedProductCatalogue();
    enrichedProductCatalogue1.setBlockingProduct("Weekend Freebee");
    ArrayList<String> availableActionsList = new ArrayList<String>();
    BundleProduct bundleProduct = null;
    Product product = new Product();
    product = new Product();
    ArrayList<UiCategory> uiCategory = new ArrayList<UiCategory>();
    UiCategory uiCategory1 = new UiCategory();
    UiCategory uiCategory2 = new UiCategory();
    bundleProduct = new BundleProduct();
    here i have an list called listOfEnrichProducts.
    here i am adding two objects of enrichedProductCatalogue.
    which contains a object called BundleProduct.
    which has a reference for Product class.
    here this product class has a list which contains objects of another class called UiCategory.
    the problem here is i am not able to get the data from the list which contains UiCategory objects .
    the following is the UI
    <af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="0" id="t1"
    partialTriggers="apimethods ::apimethods">
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="ProductName" id="c2">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.bundleProduct.commercialProduct.productName}" id="ot15"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="ProductClass" id="c12">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.bundleProduct.commercialProduct.productClassName}" id="ot19"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="UICategoryName" id="c32">
    <af:forEach var="item" items="#{row.bundleProduct.commercialProduct.uiCategory}" >
    <af:outputText value="#{item.categoryName}" id="ot119"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="AssetCount" id="c22">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.assetCount}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="blockingReason" id="c3">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.blockingReason}" id="ot2"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="blockingProduct" id="c4">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.blockingProduct}" id="ot3"/>
    <!--<af:column sortable="false" headerText="availaibleActions" id="c1">
    <af:commandButton text="#{row.availaibleActions}" id="cb1"
    <af:setPropertyListener from="#{row.availaibleActions}"
    to="#{pageFlowScope.avalibleaction}" type="action"/>
    Can anyone pls give some solution ...

    Hi Frank,
    here sample is
    Map<String, Object> flowScope1 =
    flowScope.put("sample1", listOfEnrichProducts);
    this is not the problem . i am able to get all the values except the following .
    ArrayList<UiCategory> uiCategory = new ArrayList<UiCategory>();
    UiCategory uiCategory1 = new UiCategory();
    UiCategory uiCategory2 = new UiCategory();

  • How to get the data from multiple nodes to one table

    Hi All,
    How to get the data from multiple nodes to one table.examples nodes are like  A B C D E relation also maintained

    HI Indra,
    From Node A, get the values of the attributes as
    Similarily get all the node values from B, C, D and E.
    Finally append all your ls records to the table.
    Hope you are clear.

  • How to get the data from pcl2 cluster for TCRT table.

    Hi frndz,
    How to get the data from pcl2 cluster for tcrt table for us payroll.
    Thanks in advance.

    PL take a look at the sample Program EXAMPLE_PNP_GET_PAYROLL in your system. There are numerous other ways to read payroll results.. Pl use the search forum option & you sure will get a lot of hits..

  • How to get the data from mysql database which is being accessed by a PHP application and process the data locally in adobe air application and finally commit the changes back in to mysql database through the PHP application.

    How to get the data from mysql database which is being accessed by a PHP application and process the data locally in adobe air application and finally commit the changes back in to mysql database through the PHP application.

    If the data is on a remote server (for example, PHP running on a web server, talking to a MySQL server) then you do this in an AIR application the same way you would do it with any Flex application (or ajax application, if you're building your AIR app in HTML/JS).
    That's a broad answer, but in fact there are lots of ways to communicate between Flex and PHP. The most common and best in most cases is to use AMFPHP ( or the new ZEND AMF support in the Zend Framework.
    This page is a good starting point for learning about Flex and PHP communication:
    Also, in Flash Builder 4 they've added a lot of remote-data-connection functionality, including a lot that's designed for PHP. Take a look at the Flash Builder 4 public beta for more on that:

  • Get the date of a particular week day from given date

    I have a given date.
    from that date i want to get the date of sunday of that week
    wat is the best possible way to do the same.
    for eg:
    if i am given 03/11/2007 which is a saturday
    i want to get 27/10/2007 which is the sunday which falls in the same week as of 03/11/2007
    can anybody please help.

    Here I am posting code for your requirement.
    Here I am hard coding the date value.
    import java.util.*;
    public class DateTest{
         public static void main(String ar[]){
              Calendar calendar =new GregorianCalendar(2007,7,4);
              System.out.println("DAY_OF_WEEK: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
              System.out.println("DAY_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
              System.out.println("MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));

  • How to get the date of first day of a week for a given date

    Hi gurus
    can any one say me how to get the date of first day(date of Sunday) of a week for a given date in a BW transformations. For example for 02/23/2012 in source i need to get 02/19/2012(Sunday`s date) date in the result. I can get that start date of a week using  BWSO_DATE_GET_FIRST_WEEKDAY function module. But this function module retrieves me the  start date as weeks monday(02/20/2012) date. But i need sundays(02/19/2012) date as the start date. So it would be really great if anyone sends me the solution.

    The simplest way would be to subtract 1 from the date date which you are already getting in transformation routine, but instead of doing that subtraction manually which might need bit of errort, you can simply use another FM to subtract 1 from given date.

  • How to get the date for the first monday of each month

    Dear Members,
    How to get the date for the first monday of each month.
    I have written the following code
    SELECT decode (to_char(trunc(sysdate+30 ,'MM'),'DAY'),'MONDAY ',trunc(sysdate+30 ,'MM'),NEXT_DAY(trunc(sysdate+30 ,'MM'), 'MON')) FROM DUAL
    But it look bith complex.
    Edited by: 9999999 on Mar 8, 2013 4:30 AM

    Use IW format - it will make solution NLS independent. And all you need is truncate 7<sup>th</sup> day of each month using IW:
    select  sysdate current_date,
            trunc(trunc(sysdate,'mm') + 6,'iw') first_monday_the_month
      from  dual
    08-MAR-13 04-MAR-13
    SQL> Below is list of first monday of the month for this year:
    with t as(
              select  add_months(date '2013-1-1',level-1) dt
                from  dual
                connect by level <= 12
    select  dt first_of_the_month,
            trunc(dt + 6,'iw') first_monday_the_month
      from  t
    01-JAN-13 07-JAN-13
    01-FEB-13 04-FEB-13
    01-MAR-13 04-MAR-13
    01-APR-13 01-APR-13
    01-MAY-13 06-MAY-13
    01-JUN-13 03-JUN-13
    01-JUL-13 01-JUL-13
    01-AUG-13 05-AUG-13
    01-SEP-13 02-SEP-13
    01-OCT-13 07-OCT-13
    01-NOV-13 04-NOV-13
    01-DEC-13 02-DEC-13
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

  • Query to get the data of all the columns in a table except any one column

    Can anyone please tell how to write a query to get the data of all the columns in a table except one particular column..
    For Example:
    Let us consider the EMP table.,
    From this table except the column comm all the remaining columns of the table should be listed
    For this we can write a query like this..
    Select empno, ename, job, mgr, sal, hiredate, deptno from emp;
    Just to avoid only one column, I mentioned all the remaining ( 7 ) columns of the table in the query..
    As the EMP table consists only 8 columns, it doesn't seem much difficult to mention all the columns in the query,
    but if a table have 100 columns in the table, then do we have to mention all the columns in the query..?
    Is there any other way of writing the query to get the required result..?

    Your best best it to just list all the columns. Any other method will just cause more headaches and complicated code.
    If you really need to list all the columns for a table because you don't want to type them, just use something like...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select trim(',' from sys_connect_by_path(column_name,',')) as columns
      2  from (select column_name, row_number() over (order by column_id) as column_id
      3        from user_tab_cols
      4        where column_name not in ('COMM')
      5        and   table_name = 'EMP'
      6       )
      7  where connect_by_isleaf = 1
      8  connect by column_id = prior column_id + 1
      9* start with column_id = 1
    SQL> /

  • How to get the Date in a particular format?

    How to get the Date in the below format? I will be passing the year in my method..
    2/10/2003 9:46:52 PM
    D/M/YYYY H:M:S A
    public Date getDate (String year) {
    Here i want to get the Date in this format
    2/10/<Passed Year> 9:46:52 PM

    This is my code
    public static Date getCalendar(Calendar calendar,int getYear) {
    String      formatted_date="";
         int year = getYear;
         int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH+1);
         int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
         int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
         int min = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
         int sec = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
         int am_pm =calendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
         formatted_date = month+"/"+day+"/"+year+" "+hour+":"+min+":"+sec+" PM";
         System.out.println("formatted_date is "+formatted_date);     
         o/p : formatted_date is 1/4/2006 1:44:21 PM
         SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    //     DateFormat dateFormat =DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT);
         Date passdate = new Date();
         try {
              passdate = dateFormat.parse(formatted_date);
         } catch (ParseException e) {
              System.out.println("Invalid Date Parser Exception "+e.getLocalizedMessage()+"DateFormat is "+dateFormat);
              System.out.println("The Date inside the function is "+passdate+"and the year passed is "+year);
    o/p : The Date inside the function is Sat Apr 01 00:00:00 IST 2006and the year passed is 2006
         return passdate;
    Expected O/P is 3/1/2006 1:44:12 PM

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