Getting the size of resizable nodes

how can I determine the width and the height of a resizable node (e.g. a Textfield or some other control), to use that in a custom layout or a custom control, that the resizable node is part of. It seems that the resizable node's width and height are computed later as everything I try returns width and height 0.

thanks for your answer. That was my impression too, that a resizable node doesn't know its size until it is sized by it's container, which makes sense to a certain degree as "resizable" means that one has not to care about sizing as the parent container or layout does. Anyway in a context where you want to size or layout something depending on the size of an other node you have to know that other node's size and/or position during the layout/sizing process and not after it. Preliminary or invisibly rendering would be a workaround, yes, but isn't there a more elegant way for doing something like this? What is the best practice to do something like this, how is it done in the layout classes of JavaFX?
Unfortunately the layouts in JavaFX are not open sourced yet (looking at them might be a good source) and the documentation on custom controls in general and sizing, positioning and dynamically laying out nodes in JavaFX 2.0 that can be found on the web so far is not very comprehensive.

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    So you are looking for the total size of all the objects which go together to make the DOM implementation of your XML. Even if you could find that in any particular case, it would only be a rough guide. I suspect that if you have a few large text nodes in your XML, the DOM will be smaller than if you had many small text nodes, because it would require fewer supporting objects.
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    The page hasn't finished loading so the preferred size isn't known yet. Check out this thread:

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    HI Indra,
    From Node A, get the values of the attributes as
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    A better design would be to make your "id" attribute the key... looking back at your post, it seems that you have done that already. So your XML should just look something like this:<data>
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    <value> 20000 </value>
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    You can hit CTRL++ to zoom. Or install these add-ons:

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    From AI Function reference (included with CS2 SDK):
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    Does this help for starters?
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         System.out.println(roots[i]+": "+roots.getTotalSpace());kind regards,

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    %vmstat 3
    procs memory page disk faults cpu
    r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s0 -- -- -- in sy cs us sy id
    0 0 0 3025816 994456 4 19 6 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 459 253 139 1 1 99
    0 0 0 2864688 777408 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 428 134 175 0 1 99
    0 0 0 2864688 777408 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 448 112 166 0 0 100
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    Would you like to print "the size of this page is..." before or after you calculate the size of the page.
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