Getting total count instead particular count

Hi all,
Need out put in the report , i made relation (link) b/w customer_id's
customer name:Vision Tech
order no order_name Cost
1000        ABC        1000
1001      CCC          2000
Total Order: 2      Total Cost: 3000
customer name:Tech
order no order_name  Cost
400         DDD           300
4001       EEE           400
Total Order: 2     Total Cost: 700
But getting Total Order: 4     Total Cost: 3700 for both

I need the as below out put
deptno 10
dname ABC
empno ename sal deptno
100     aaa     100  10
101     bbb      100 10
Total Eployees: 2   Total Sal: 200
deptno 20
dname ABC
empno ename sal deptno
110     ccc  100  20
121     ddd  100 20
161     eee  100 20
Total Eployees: 3   Total Sal: 300
But i am getting as below
deptno 10
dname ABC
empno ename sal deptno
100     aaa     100  10
101     bbb      100 10
Total Eployees: 4   Total Sal: 500
deptno 20
dname ABC
empno ename sal deptno
110     ccc  100  20
121     ddd  100 20
161     eee  100 20
Total Eployees: 4   Total Sal: 500
I am creating Summry columns for "Total Employees" and "Total Sal"
Total Employees
Source: Empno
Reset At:Report
Total Sal
Reset At:Report

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  • Need to get total count of a column in the given query

    I have the following query for which i need a total count of distinct concatenated_address. I am trying to use count(distinct adv.concatenated_address) in the below query but because of the group by it does not give me the expected result.
    I am not reusing the same query, in my program again, to get the count as it would affect the performance. This query takes really long to execute and so is there a way to incorporate the count in this single query itself without having to use it twice.
    SELECT DISTINCT (acv.customer_name||','||
    REPLACE(adv.concatenated_address, ',', ' ')||','||
    aps.due_date ||','||
    SUM(aps.amount_due_remaining) ||','||
    rct.printing_count ||','||
    TO_DATE(rct.printing_original_date)||',') str
    ,REPLACE(adv.concatenated_address, ',', ' ') address
    FROM ar_customers_v acv
    ,ar_addresses_v adv
    ,hz_cust_site_uses hcsu
    ,ra_customer_trx rct
    ,ar_payment_schedules aps
    WHERE adv.customer_id = acv.customer_id
    AND hcsu.cust_acct_site_id = adv.address_id
    AND hcsu.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
    AND rct.bill_to_customer_id = acv.customer_id
    AND rct.bill_to_site_use_id = hcsu.site_use_id
    AND aps.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    GROUP BY acv.customer_name
    ORDER BY acv.customer_id
    ,REPLACE(adv.concatenated_address, ',', ' ')
    Thank you

    try this please
    SELECT COUNT(str),customer_id
    (SELECT DISTINCT (acv.customer_name||','||
    REPLACE(adv.concatenated_address, ',', ' ')||','||
    aps.due_date ||','|| 
    SUM(aps.amount_due_remaining) ||','||
    rct.printing_count ||','||
    TO_DATE(rct.printing_original_date)||',') str
    ,REPLACE(adv.concatenated_address, ',', ' ') address
    FROM ar_customers_v acv
    ,ar_addresses_v adv
    ,hz_cust_site_uses hcsu
    ,ra_customer_trx rct
    ,ar_payment_schedules aps
    WHERE adv.customer_id = acv.customer_id
    AND hcsu.cust_acct_site_id = adv.address_id
    AND hcsu.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
    AND rct.bill_to_customer_id = acv.customer_id
    AND rct.bill_to_site_use_id = hcsu.site_use_id
    AND aps.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    GROUP BY acv.customer_name

  • Query to get total counts in the given scenario

    I am using Oracle 10g
    I have a table A with following data
    AgId     Trm     CD     S
    1000     100010     12-JAN     A
    1000     100019     20-MAR     A
    1000     100019     20-JUL     D
    1001     100011     25-JAN     A
    1001     100011     20-FEB     D
    1001     100011     23-MAR     A
    1001     100012     31-JAN     A
    1002     100013     14-FEB     A
    1002     100013     05-APR     D
    1002     100015     02-MAY     A
    1003     100014     03-MAR     A
    1003     100014     25-MAR     D
    1004     100016     22-MAY     A
    1004     100017     21-JUN     A
    1004     100018     01-JUL     A
    1005     100020     21-MAY     D
    1005     100020     21-JUL     A
    1005     100020     11-AUG     D
    Here the overall status of AgId '1000' is A as he is having atleast 1 Trm active
    Similarly, status of AgId '1001' is A
    status of AgId '1002' is A
    But,status of AgId '1003' is D as his trm is disconnected after activation(according to date column'CD')
    Then, status of AgId '1004' is A
    and finally status of AgId '1005' is D again as his trm deactivated, activated and deactivated at last
    So, considering these criteria can any one give me a query to get total no of AgId's who are 'Active' and similarly for 'Deactive'

    when you put some code please enclose it between two lines starting with {noformat}{noformat}
    CREATE TABLE ... etc.
    Also do not forget to put correct statements. Your insert were missing semicolon at the end.
    Coming back to your problem, I assum that the current status of any trm is the latest status so I have done what follows:
    SELECT agid
         , trm
         , cd
         , s
         , ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY agid, trm ORDER BY cd) rn
         , COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY agid, trm) rn_tot
    FROM a
    ORDER BY agid, trm, cd;
          AGID        TRM CD        S         RN     RN_TOT
          1000     100010 12-JAN-12 A          1          1
          1000     100019 20-MAR-12 A          1          2
          1000     100019 20-JUL-12 D          2          2
          1001     100011 25-JAN-12 A          1          3
          1001     100011 20-FEB-12 D          2          3
          1001     100011 23-MAR-12 A          3          3
          1001     100012 31-JAN-12 A          1          1
          1002     100013 14-FEB-12 A          1          2
          1002     100013 05-APR-12 D          2          2
          1002     100015 02-MAY-12 A          1          1
          1003     100014 03-MAR-12 A          1          2
          1003     100014 25-MAR-12 D          2          2
          1004     100016 22-MAY-12 A          1          1
          1004     100017 21-JUN-12 A          1          1
          1004     100018 01-JUL-12 A          1          1
          1005     100020 21-MAY-12 D          1          3
          1005     100020 21-JUL-12 A          2          3
          1005     100020 11-AUG-12 D          3          3I have used to columns rn and rn_tot to find the latest entry for a specific agid, trm
    Using the query above I have done the following:
    WITH mydata AS
       SELECT agid
            , trm
            , cd
            , s
            , ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY agid, trm ORDER BY cd) rn
            , COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY agid, trm) rn_tot
        FROM a
    SELECT agid
         , CASE WHEN SUM (CASE s WHEN 'A' THEN 1 END) > 0 THEN 'A' ELSE 'D' END s
      FROM mydata
    WHERE rn = rn_tot
    GROUP BY agid;
          AGID S
          1000 A
          1001 A
          1002 A
          1003 D
          1004 A
          1005 D
    Which is listing the agid and its status if at least there is one trm with final status 'A' for that agid.
    To sum up everything you can do simply like this:
    WITH mydata AS
       SELECT agid
            , trm
            , cd
            , s
            , ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY agid, trm ORDER BY cd) rn
            , COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY agid, trm) rn_tot
        FROM a
    totdata AS
       SELECT agid
            , CASE WHEN SUM (CASE s WHEN 'A' THEN 1 END) > 0 THEN 'A' ELSE 'D' END s
         FROM mydata
        WHERE rn = rn_tot
        GROUP BY agid
    SELECT S, COUNT(*) cnt
      FROM totdata
    S        CNT
    D          2
    A          4

  • How to get total number of result count for particular key on cluster

    My application requirement is client side require only limited number of data for 'Search Key' form total records found in cluster. Also i need 'total number of result count' for that key present on the custer.
    To get subset of record i'm using IndexAwarefilter and returning only limited set each individual node. though i get total number of records present on the individual node, it is not possible to return this count to client form IndexAwarefilter (filter return only Binary set).
    Is there anyway i can get this number (total result size) on client side without returning whole chunk of data?
    Thanks in advance.

    user11100190 wrote:
    Thanks for suggesting a soultion, it works well.
    But apart from the count (cardinality), the client also expects the actual results. In this case, it seems that the filter will be executed twice (once for counting, then once again for generating actual resultset)
    Actually, we need to perform the paging. In order to achieve paging in efficient manner we need that filter returns only the PAGESIZE records and it also returns the total 'count' that meets the criteria.
    If you want to do paging, you can use the LimitFilter class.
    If you want to have paging AND total number of results, then at the moment you have to use two passes if you want to use out-of-the-box features because LimitFilter does not return the total number of results (which by the way may change between two page retrieval).
    What we currently do is, the filter puts the total count in a static variable and but returns only the first N records. The aggregator then clubs these info into a single list and returns to the client. (The List returned by aggregator contains a special entry representing the count).
    This is not really a good idea because if you have more than one user doing this operation then you will have problems storing more than one values in a single static variable and you used a cache service with a thread-pool (thread-count set to larger than one).
    We assume that the aggregator will execute immediately after the filter on the same node, this way aggregator will always read the count set by the filter.
    You can't assume this if you have multiple client threads doing the same kind of filtering operation and you have a thread-pool configured for the cache service.
    Please tell us if our approach will always work, and whether it will be efficient as compared to using Count class which requires executing filter twice.
    No it won't if you used a thread-pool. Also, it might happen that Coherence will execute the filtering and the aggregation from the same client thread multiple times on the same node if some partitions were newly moved to the node which already executed the filtering+aggregation once. I don't know anything which would even prevent this being executed on a separate thread concurrently.
    The following solution may be working, but I can't fully recommend it as it may leak memory depending on how exactly the filtering and aggregation is implemented (if it is possible that a filtering pass is done but the corresponding aggregation is not executed on the node because of some partitions moved away).
    At sending the cache.aggregate(Filter, EntryAggregator) call you should specify a unique key for each such filtering operation to both the filter and the aggregator.
    On the storage node you should have a static HashMap.
    The filter should do the following two steps while being synchronized on the HashMap.
    1. Ensure that a ConcurrentLinkedQueue object exists in a HashMap keyed by that unique key, and
    2. Enqueue the total number count you want to pass to the aggregator into that queue.
    The parallel aggregator should do the following two steps while being synchronized on the HashMap.
    1. Dequeue a single element from the queue, and return it as a partial total count.
    2. If the queue is now empty, then remove it from the HashMap.
    The parallel aggregator should return the popped number as a partial total count as part of the partial result.
    The client side of the parallel aware aggregator should sum the total counts in the partial result.
    Since the enqueueing and dequeueing may be interleaved from multiple threads, it may be possible that the partial total count returned in a result does not correspond to the data in the partial result, so you should not base anything on that assumption.
    Once again, that approach may leak memory based on how Coherence is internally implemented, so I can't recommend this approach but it may work.
    Another thought is that since returning entire cached values from an aggregation is more expensive than filtering (you have to deserialize and reserialize objects), you may still be better off by running a separate count and filter pass from the client, since for that you may not need to deserialize entries at all, so the cost on the server may be lower.
    Best regards,

  • MDX How to get total distict count and SUM of subgroups?

    MEMBER Measures.[EmailCount] as IIF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Tran Count]), 0 ,[Measures].[Tran Count])
    MEMBER Measures.AdvGroupTotal as
    SUM (
    FILTER( EXISTING ([Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Adviser Group].Members * [Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].members )
    , Measures.[Amount] > 100 )
    , Measures.[Amount])
    MEMBER Measures.[AdvGrpCount] as
    distinctCOUNT(Existing([Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Adviser Group].Members * [Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].members))
    member Measures.IncomePerEmail as Measures.AdvGroupTotal /Measures.[EmailCount]
    member Measures.AvgIncomePerFirm as Measures.AdvGroupTotal/ Measures.AdvGrpCount
    SELECT { [Measures].[Amount] , Measures.[EmailCount], Measures.AdvGroupTotal, Measures.[AdvGrpCount],
    Measures.IncomePerEmail, Measures.AvgIncomePerFirm }
    [Dim Date].[Fiscal Year].[Fiscal Year].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Date].[Fiscal Quarter].[Fiscal Quarter].ALLMEMBERS *
    Except( [Dim Income Range].[Hierarchy].[Range ID].Members , [Dim Income Range].[Hierarchy].[All].UNKNOWNMEMBER.UNKNOWNMEMBER )
    on rows
    FROM [Income and Emails Cube]
    [Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[FY 13/14]
    The query above returns :
    How can I get Totals for AdvGroupTotal and AdvGroupCount for the year ?
    In the above case I want to tally up 1586 + 67 + 155 + 12 + 1718 for AdvGroupCount, same applies for the corresponding
    AdvGroupTotal figures.
    Seems simple enough, but I seem unable to come up with a way around this.

    I worked it out with the help of Simon from another forum.
    Using a filtered set will get me the result required. It is however not very quick, so I probably should look into building it into the cube.
    WITH SET [Filtered Groups] AS
    ( Filter (
    { [Dim IFA Details].[Parent Key].[Adviser Group] } *
    { [Dim Date].[Fiscal Year].CurrentMember },
    [Measures].[Amount] > 100
    MEMBER [Measures].[Annual] AS
    Sum ( [Filtered Groups], Measures.[Amount] )
    MEMBER [Measures].[Firm Count] AS
    DistinctCount ( [Filtered Groups] )
    MEMBER [Measures].[Avg Income Per Firm] AS
    [Measures].[Annual] / [Measures].[Firm Count]
    MEMBER [Measures].[Test] AS
    Sum (
    { [Dim Date].[Fiscal Quarter].[Fiscal Quarter] } * { [Dim Income Range].[Hierarchy].[Range ID] } * { [Filtered Groups] },
    MEMBER [Measures].[TotalCount] AS
    DistinctCount (
    { [Dim Income Range].[Hierarchy].[Range ID] } * { [Filtered Groups] }
    MEMBER [Measures].[TotalAvg] as [Measures].[Test]/ [Measures].[TotalCount]
    MEMBER [Measures].[Quarter] as [Measures].[Amount]
    { [Measures].[Quarter], [Measures].[Annual], [Measures].[Firm Count], [Measures].[Avg Income Per Firm],
    [Measures].[Test], [Measures].[TotalCount], [Measures].[TotalAvg] } ON COLUMNS,
    [Dim Date].[Fiscal Year].[Fiscal Year].AllMembers * [Dim Date].[Fiscal Quarter].[Fiscal Quarter].AllMembers *
    Except ( [Dim Income Range].[Hierarchy].[Range ID].Members, [Dim Income Range].[Hierarchy].[All].UnknownMember.UnknownMember )
    FROM [Income and Emails Cube]
    WHERE [Dim Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[FY 13/14]

  • Total count to be displayed in subtotal ALV(GRID Display)

    Hello ,
    I want to display total count in subtotal.
                                 720 Mr JORGE 522,06
                                 720 Mr JORGE 566,23
                                 720 Mr JORGE 100,33
                                 720 Mr JORGE 123,33
                                 720 Mr JORGE 332,22     
    subtotal ->            720                  1644.2  Count 5
                                 888 Ms Mariam 100,00
    subtotal ->            888                    100,00 Count 1
    Is this possible?  Plz dont post same answers how to display subtotal. I am able to display subtotal , only  issue is to display  with count.
    Edited by: Vimalnair on Aug 19, 2009 9:37 AM

    You cannot have subtotal for particular number of rows of ALV,
    but if you want to get the total number of rows of the ALV data display
    you can describe your final internal table from which the data is
    getting displayed in ALV output and get it displayed in the header
    or footer area of the ALV output.
    For Eg:
    DATA: it_header TYPE slis_t_listheader,
          wa_header TYPE slis_listheader.
    *    I_INTERFACE_CHECK                 = ' '
    *    I_BYPASSING_BUFFER                = ' '
    *    I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                   = ' '
          i_callback_program                = sy-repid
          i_callback_pf_status_set          = 'PF_STATUS'
          i_callback_user_command           = 'COMM'
          i_callback_top_of_page            = 'TOP'   "This top will call the subroutine namely TOP
    FORM top.
      REFRESH it_header.
      wa_header-typ = 'S'.
      wa_header-key = text-001.
      wa_header-info = sy-repid.
      APPEND wa_header TO it_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
      wa_header-typ = 'S'.
      wa_header-key = text-002.
      wa_header-info = sy-uname.
      APPEND wa_header TO it_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
      wa_header-typ = 'S'.
      wa_header-key = text-003.
      wa_header-info = V_LINES.    "This will print the total number of lines in the header
      APPEND wa_header TO it_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
          it_list_commentary       = it_header
    *   I_LOGO                   =
    *   I_END_OF_LIST_GRID       =
    *   I_ALV_FORM               =
    ENDFORM.                    "TOP
    Hope it helps


    Is there any column in any Data dictionary table which gives the row counts for particular table..
    My scenario is...i need to get row counts of some 100 tables in our database...
    instead of doing select count(*) for each there any way i can do it?
    similary How to get column counts for each database .For example
    Employee table has 3 columns...empid,empname,deptno....i want count(empid),
    count(empname),count(deptno) there any easy way for finding all column counts of each table in data base? is it possible?

    Why does "select count(mgr) from emp" return null and not 13?Good question ;)
    Seems that xml generation in principle can't handle »counting nulls«:
    SQL> select xmltype(cursor(select null c from dual)) x from dual
    <?xml version="1.0"?>                            
    1 row selected.
    SQL> select cursor(select count(null) c from dual) x from dual

    1 row selected.
    SQL> select xmltype(cursor(select count(null) c from dual)) x from dual
    select xmltype(cursor(select count(null) c from dual)) x from dual
    Error at line 1
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00229: input source is empty
    Error at line 0
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    SQL> select xmltype(cursor(select count(1) c from dual)) x from dual
    <?xml version="1.0"?>                            
    1 row selected.Looks like a bug to me ...

  • Mail error message in console log - "deleted count greater than total count

    since installing Gmail IMAP instead of POP I get the following error message in the console log. Any ideas or solutions?
    28/10/2009 14:19:04 Mail[1629] * Assertion failure in -[MessageViewer _countStringForType:isDrafts:omitUnread:totalCount:], /SourceCache/Mail/Mail-1076/MessageViewer.subproj/MessageViewer.m:5078
    deleted count greater than total count
    0 Message 0x00007fff84daf828 -[MFAssertionHandler _handleFailureWithPreamble:description:arguments:] + 137
    1 Message 0x00007fff84daf78d -[MFAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 220
    2 Mail 0x00000001000356da 0x0 + 4295186138
    3 Mail 0x00000001000316ba 0x0 + 4295169722
    4 Foundation 0x00007fff8736f926 nsnotecallback + 167
    5 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8831fe4a __CFXNotificationPost + 954
    6 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8830c7f8 _CFXNotificationPostNotification + 200
    7 Mail 0x000000010001dbe1 0x0 + 4295089121
    8 Mail 0x000000010001dc52 0x0 + 4295089234
    9 Foundation 0x00007fff8739b874 postQueueNotifications + 398
    10 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff88337437 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 519
    11 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8831305f CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 607
    12 HIToolbox 0x00007fff82f0ec4e RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333
    13 HIToolbox 0x00007fff82f0ea53 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310
    14 HIToolbox 0x00007fff82f0e90c BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59
    15 AppKit 0x00007fff815bd520 _DPSNextEvent + 718
    16 AppKit 0x00007fff815bce89 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155
    17 AppKit 0x00007fff81582a7d -[NSApplication run] + 395
    18 AppKit 0x00007fff8157b798 NSApplicationMain + 364
    19 Mail 0x000000010000167c 0x0 + 4294973052
    20 ??? 0x0000000000000002 0x0 + 2

    Welcome to the forums Oliver... good work at narrowing the problem down so far!
    Try dragging this file to the Desktop and reboot...
    Might also pay to clean caches, I use Applejack, but there are many. The log makes me think cache especially.

  • Total count of open invoices

    I want to get the total count of open invoices and paid invoices and total amount for a give list of vendors between a date range. Could anyone tell me what tables I should use to get the data?

    two vendor tables BSIK (for open items) and BSAK (for vendor cleared items) will serve the purpose for using them in you program.

  • How to find total count of records in a cursor

    Aassume below is the cursor i defined
    cursor c1 is select * from emp;
    now, i want to find the total count of records in this cursor using an existing function etc., using one line statement.
    FYI: c1%rowcount is always giving 0, so i cant rely on this.
    Any thoughts, please share.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am just showing this to show how to get the rowcount along with the cursor, if the program has so much gap of between verifying the count(*) and opening the cursor.
    Justin actually covered this, he said, oracle has to spend some resources to build this functionality. As it is not most often required, it does not makes much sence to see it as a built-in feature. However, if we must see the rowcount when we open the cursor, here is a way, but it is little bit expensive.
    SQL> create table emp_crap as select * from emp where 1 = 2;
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
      2   v_cnt     number := 0;
      3   zero_rows         exception;
      4  begin
      5    for rec in (select * from (select rownum rn, e.ename from emp_crap e) order by 1 desc)
      6     loop
      7        if v_cnt = 0 then
      8           v_cnt := rec.rn;
      9        end if;
    10     end loop;
    11     if v_cnt = 0 then
    12        raise zero_rows;
    13     end if;
    14   exception
    15    when zero_rows then
    16      dbms_output.put_line('No rows');
    17   end;
    18  /
    No rows
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    -- Now, let us use the table, which has the data
    SQL> declare
      2   v_cnt     number := 0;
      3   zero_rows         exception;
      4  begin
      5    for rec in (select * from
      6          (select rownum rn, e.ename from emp e)
      7          order by 1 desc)
      8     loop
      9        if v_cnt = 0 then
    10           v_cnt := rec.rn;
    11           dbms_output.put_line(v_cnt);
    12        end if;
    13     end loop;
    14     if v_cnt = 0 then
    15        raise zero_rows;
    16     end if;
    17   exception
    18    when zero_rows then
    19      dbms_output.put_line('No rows');
    20   end;
    21  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Thx,

  • To get the count of records and able to access the column value in a single

    Is there any way to get the number of records in the query and access the column values
    select count(*)
    (SELECT department, COUNT(*) as "Number of employees"
    FROM employees
    WHERE salary > 25000
    GROUP BY department ) a
    This wil only get the Count, if i want to access each row from the inline view how can i do that.

    Your question is not clear.
    Are you looking for total record count as well as count by department ?
    Something like this?
    SQL> with temp as
      2  (
      3  select 1 dept ,10000 sal from dual union
      4  select 1 dept ,25100 sal from dual union
      5  select 1 dept ,30000 sal from dual union
      6  select 1 dept ,40000 sal from dual union
      7  select 2 dept ,10000 sal from dual union
      8  select 2 dept ,25100 sal from dual union
      9  select 2 dept ,30000 sal from dual union
    10  select 2 dept ,40000 sal from dual )
    11  select count(*) over( partition by 1 ) total_count,dept,
    12  count(*) over(partition by dept) dept_cnt  from temp
    13  where sal>25000;
              6          1          3
              6          1          3
              6          1          3
              6          2          3
              6          2          3
              6          2          3
    6 rows selected

  • How to get attendies count for a calendar list in sharepoint 2013?

    Hi everybody,
    I am using calendar list in SharePoint 2013 for my project.
    Could please tell me how to get the count of attendees using SP Designer or OOTB calculated field.
    Because I want to display the fields like
    Attendees= Need count
    Avail seats= total - Attendees count.
    In that way I want to show information about availability seats for training session.

    Hi Dhaya
    Please refer the links.Hope it helps :-)

  • Get the Count for each row

    I'm trying to get the count for each row to total count for each month
    Something like this
    Hardware     |      Jan
    Monitors       |       5
    Processors   |      137
    Printers        |      57
    How can I write a query for this. I can get the Hardware column but don't know how to get the next column.

    If you can provide more data like sample input DML statements it would have been wonderful..
    Assuming is , you need a pivot. Here is an article on basic Pivot..
    something like this may be..
    Hardware VARCHAR(20),
    [Date] VARCHAR(20)
    INSERT INTO @Input VALUES('Monitor', '01/01/2014'), ('CPU', '01/01/2014'), ('Monitor', '01/03/2014')
    , ('ABC', '01/01/2014'),('Monitor', '02/01/2014')
    SELECT Hardware, LEFT(DATENAME(M, [Date]),3) AS [MonthName] FROM @Input
    SELECT *
    SELECT Hardware, [MonthName], COUNT(Hardware) AS Count FROM CTE GROUP BY Hardware, [MonthName]) a
    PIVOT (MAX([Count]) FOR [MonthName] IN ([Jan], [Feb])) pvt
    Please mark as answer, if this has helped you solve the issue.
    Good Luck :) .. visit for more t-sql code snippets and BI related how to articles.

  • Get the count of rows in a table control

    Hi Experts,
      How do I get the count of the rows in a table control during run time.
    I am developing a BDC in which I have to check all entries in a table control.
    My requirement is to get the total number of rows in a table control dynamically.

    Use a variable when u r passing the records from the internal table to the screen fields
    and display the same.
    I think this idea may help u.
    And pls explain me ur requirement clearly.
    Refer to the following link this may help u.
    Reward if helpful.

  • How to get the count of PO'S raised by a user

    I have a new requirement whr i am asked to get the count of number of PO'S raised by a particular user in report. Suppose the user raised 10 purchase orders .
    The requirement is when a user name is given it has to give count of 10.
    Where shud i include this,in rows or columns. Please suggest.

    Hi Praveen,
    take a look in, under old release, for release 2.x you will find an How to that detail how to count occurencies of a Char. Maybe you will find here the solution.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How can I remove LABELS from my gmail account?

    How can I remove unwanted LABELS from the side bar unsung gmail?

  • How long until Oracle posts BPM Suite bundle definition and costs???

    Alright... how long do we have to wait until Oracle officially posts what is in the BPM Suite and updates the price list? The current web site contents certainly don't have the up to date BPM Suite product bundle correctly identified. The May price l

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    Hallo, I have got problems with giving out an array. I declared two arrays and puted them out, but with the resultarray it doesn�t work. Cansomebody help me? Here is a runtime output: Grad eingeben! 1 Koeffizienten eingeben! 1 2 1x^0 + 2x^1 + 1 Grad

  • Parallel WF Reject Scenarios

    Hi BPM Gurus, Need your expert advice on how to address below scenario There is parallel WF between actors Buyer and Supplier. If only both actors approve then only it need to go to next level else if either of actors i.e Buyer or Supplier rejects ,

  • Wow, wine, error loging in...

    Hi, I've recently installed WoW on my linuxbox (archlinux) i'm able to update but not able to connect in WoW, it's like it's not even trying to search for my Login/passwd. It just gives me an error: There was an error loging in. Please try again late