Global-Cache-Manager for Multi-Environment Applications

Within our server implementation we provide a "multi-project" environment. Each project is fully isolated from the rest of the server e.g. in terms of file-system usage, backup and other ressources. As one might expect the way to go is using a single VM with multiple BDB environments.
Obviously each JE-Environment uses its own cache. Within a our environment with dynamic numbers of active projects this causes a problem because the optimal cache configuration within a given memory frame depends on the JE-Environments in use BUT there is no way to define a global JE cache for ALL JE-Environments.
Our "plan of attack" is to implement a Global-Cache-Manager to dynamicly configure the cache sizes of all active BDB environments depending on the given global cache size.
Like Federico proposed the starting point for determining the optimal cache setting at load time will be a modification to the DbCacheSize utility so that the return value can be picked up easily, rather than printed to stdout. After that the EnvironmentMutableConfig.setCacheSize will be used to set the cache size. If there is enough Cache-RAM available we could even set a larger cache but I do not know if that really makes sense.
If Cache-Memory is getting tight loading another BDB environment means decreasing cache sizes for the already loaded environments. This is also done via EnvironmentMutableConfig.setCacheSize. Are there any timing conditions one should obey before assuming the memory is really available? To determine if there are any BDB environments that do not use their cache one could query each cache utilization using EnvironmentStats.getCacheDataBytes() and getCacheTotalBytes().
Are there any comments to this plan? Is there perhaps a better solution or even an implementation?
Do you think a global cache manager is something worth back-donating?
Related Postings: Multiple envs in one process?
Stefan Walgenbach

Here is the updated to allow calling it with an API.
Charles Lamb
* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006
*      Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
* $Id:,v 1.8 2006/09/12 19:16:59 cwl Exp $
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Random;
* Estimating JE in-memory sizes as a function of key and data size is not
* straightforward for two reasons. There is some fixed overhead for each btree
* internal node, so tree fanout and degree of node sparseness impacts memory
* consumption. In addition, JE compresses some of the internal nodes where
* possible, but compression depends on on-disk layouts.
* DbCacheSize is an aid for estimating cache sizes. To get an estimate of the
* in-memory footprint for a given database, specify the number of records and
* record characteristics and DbCacheSize will return a minimum and maximum
* estimate of the cache size required for holding the database in memory.
* If the user specifies the record's data size, the utility will return both
* values for holding just the internal nodes of the btree, and for holding the
* entire database in cache.
* Note that "cache size" is a percentage more than "btree size", to cover
* general environment resources like log buffers. Each invocation of the
* utility returns an estimate for a single database in an environment.  For an
* environment with multiple databases, run the utility for each database, add
* up the btree sizes, and then add 10 percent.
* Note that the utility does not yet cover duplicate records and the API is
* subject to change release to release.
* The only required parameters are the number of records and key size.
* Data size, non-tree cache overhead, btree fanout, and other parameters
* can also be provided. For example:
* $ java DbCacheSize -records 554719 -key 16 -data 100
* Inputs: records=554719 keySize=16 dataSize=100 nodeMax=128 density=80%
* overhead=10%
*    Cache Size      Btree Size  Description
*    30,547,440      27,492,696  Minimum, internal nodes only
*    41,460,720      37,314,648  Maximum, internal nodes only
*   114,371,644     102,934,480  Minimum, internal nodes and leaf nodes
*   125,284,924     112,756,432  Maximum, internal nodes and leaf nodes
* Btree levels: 3
* This says that the minimum cache size to hold only the internal nodes of the
* btree in cache is approximately 30MB. The maximum size to hold the entire
* database in cache, both internal nodes and datarecords, is 125Mb.
public class DbCacheSize {
    private static final NumberFormat INT_FORMAT =
    private static final String HEADER =
        "    Cache Size      Btree Size  Description\n" +
    //   12345678901234  12345678901234
    //                 12
    private static final int COLUMN_WIDTH = 14;
    private static final int COLUMN_SEPARATOR = 2;
    private long records;
    private int keySize;
    private int dataSize;
    private int nodeMax;
    private int density;
    private long overhead;
    private long minInBtreeSize;
    private long maxInBtreeSize;
    private long minInCacheSize;
    private long maxInCacheSize;
    private long maxInBtreeSizeWithData;
    private long maxInCacheSizeWithData;
    private long minInBtreeSizeWithData;
    private long minInCacheSizeWithData;
    private int nLevels = 1;
    public DbCacheSize (long records,
               int keySize,
               int dataSize,
               int nodeMax,
               int density,
               long overhead) {
     this.records = records;
     this.keySize = keySize;
     this.dataSize = dataSize;
     this.nodeMax = nodeMax;
     this.density = density;
     this.overhead = overhead;
    public long getMinCacheSizeInternalNodesOnly() {
     return minInCacheSize;
    public long getMaxCacheSizeInternalNodesOnly() {
     return maxInCacheSize;
    public long getMinBtreeSizeInternalNodesOnly() {
     return minInBtreeSize;
    public long getMaxBtreeSizeInternalNodesOnly() {
     return maxInBtreeSize;
    public long getMinCacheSizeWithData() {
     return minInCacheSizeWithData;
    public long getMaxCacheSizeWithData() {
     return maxInCacheSizeWithData;
    public long getMinBtreeSizeWithData() {
     return minInBtreeSizeWithData;
    public long getMaxBtreeSizeWithData() {
     return maxInBtreeSizeWithData;
    public int getNLevels() {
     return nLevels;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            long records = 0;
            int keySize = 0;
            int dataSize = 0;
            int nodeMax = 128;
            int density = 80;
            long overhead = 0;
            File measureDir = null;
            boolean measureRandom = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
                String name = args;
String val = null;
if (i < args.length - 1 && !args[i + 1].startsWith("-")) {
i += 1;
val = args[i];
if (name.equals("-records")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -records");
try {
records = Long.parseLong(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (records <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-key")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -key");
try {
keySize = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (keySize <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-data")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -data");
try {
dataSize = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (dataSize <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-nodemax")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -nodemax");
try {
nodeMax = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (nodeMax <= 0) {
usage(val + " is not a positive integer");
} else if (name.equals("-density")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -density");
try {
density = Integer.parseInt(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (density < 1 || density > 100) {
usage(val + " is not betwen 1 and 100");
} else if (name.equals("-overhead")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -overhead");
try {
overhead = Long.parseLong(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usage(val + " is not a number");
if (overhead < 0) {
usage(val + " is not a non-negative integer");
} else if (name.equals("-measure")) {
if (val == null) {
usage("No value after -measure");
measureDir = new File(val);
} else if (name.equals("-measurerandom")) {
measureRandom = true;
} else {
usage("Unknown arg: " + name);
if (records == 0) {
usage("-records not specified");
if (keySize == 0) {
usage("-key not specified");
     DbCacheSize dbCacheSize = new DbCacheSize
          (records, keySize, dataSize, nodeMax, density, overhead);
if (measureDir != null) {
measure(System.out, measureDir, records, keySize, dataSize,
nodeMax, measureRandom);
} catch (Throwable e) {
private static void usage(String msg) {
if (msg != null) {
("usage:" +
"\njava " + CmdUtil.getJavaCommand(DbCacheSize.class) +
"\n -records <count>" +
"\n # Total records (key/data pairs); required" +
"\n -key <bytes> " +
"\n # Average key bytes per record; required" +
"\n [-data <bytes>]" +
"\n # Average data bytes per record; if omitted no leaf" +
"\n # node sizes are included in the output" +
"\n [-nodemax <entries>]" +
"\n # Number of entries per Btree node; default: 128" +
"\n [-density <percentage>]" +
"\n # Percentage of node entries occupied; default: 80" +
"\n [-overhead <bytes>]" +
"\n # Overhead of non-Btree objects (log buffers, locks," +
"\n # etc); default: 10% of total cache size" +
"\n [-measure <environmentHomeDirectory>]" +
"\n # An empty directory used to write a database to find" +
"\n # the actual cache size; default: do not measure" +
"\n [-measurerandom" +
"\n # With -measure insert randomly generated keys;" +
"\n # default: insert sequential keys");
private void caclulateCacheSizes() {
int nodeAvg = (nodeMax * density) / 100;
long nBinEntries = (records * nodeMax) / nodeAvg;
long nBinNodes = (nBinEntries + nodeMax - 1) / nodeMax;
long nInNodes = 0;
     long lnSize = 0;
for (long n = nBinNodes; n > 0; n /= nodeMax) {
nInNodes += n;
nLevels += 1;
minInBtreeSize = nInNodes *
     calcInSize(nodeMax, nodeAvg, keySize, true);
maxInBtreeSize = nInNodes *
     calcInSize(nodeMax, nodeAvg, keySize, false);
     minInCacheSize = calculateOverhead(minInBtreeSize, overhead);
     maxInCacheSize = calculateOverhead(maxInBtreeSize, overhead);
if (dataSize > 0) {
lnSize = records * calcLnSize(dataSize);
     maxInBtreeSizeWithData = maxInBtreeSize + lnSize;
     maxInCacheSizeWithData = calculateOverhead(maxInBtreeSizeWithData,
     minInBtreeSizeWithData = minInBtreeSize + lnSize;
     minInCacheSizeWithData = calculateOverhead(minInBtreeSizeWithData,
private void printCacheSizes(PrintStream out) {
out.println("Inputs:" +
" records=" + records +
" keySize=" + keySize +
" dataSize=" + dataSize +
" nodeMax=" + nodeMax +
" density=" + density + '%' +
" overhead=" + ((overhead > 0) ? overhead : 10) + "%");
out.println(line(minInBtreeSize, minInCacheSize,
               "Minimum, internal nodes only"));
out.println(line(maxInBtreeSize, maxInCacheSize,
               "Maximum, internal nodes only"));
if (dataSize > 0) {
               "Minimum, internal nodes and leaf nodes"));
"Maximum, internal nodes and leaf nodes"));
} else {
out.println("\nTo get leaf node sizing specify -data");
out.println("\nBtree levels: " + nLevels);
private int calcInSize(int nodeMax,
               int nodeAvg,
               int keySize,
               boolean lsnCompression) {
/* Fixed overhead */
int size = MemoryBudget.IN_FIXED_OVERHEAD;
/* Byte state array plus keys and nodes arrays */
size += MemoryBudget.byteArraySize(nodeMax) +
(nodeMax * (2 * MemoryBudget.ARRAY_ITEM_OVERHEAD));
/* LSN array */
     if (lsnCompression) {
     size += MemoryBudget.byteArraySize(nodeMax * 2);
     } else {
     size += MemoryBudget.BYTE_ARRAY_OVERHEAD +
(nodeMax * MemoryBudget.LONG_OVERHEAD);
/* Keys for populated entries plus the identifier key */
size += (nodeAvg + 1) * MemoryBudget.byteArraySize(keySize);
return size;
private int calcLnSize(int dataSize) {
return MemoryBudget.LN_OVERHEAD +
private long calculateOverhead(long btreeSize, long overhead) {
long cacheSize;
if (overhead == 0) {
cacheSize = (100 * btreeSize) / 90;
} else {
cacheSize = btreeSize + overhead;
     return cacheSize;
private String line(long btreeSize,
               long cacheSize,
               String comment) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100);
column(buf, INT_FORMAT.format(cacheSize));
column(buf, INT_FORMAT.format(btreeSize));
column(buf, comment);
return buf.toString();
private void column(StringBuffer buf, String str) {
int start = buf.length();
while (buf.length() - start + str.length() < COLUMN_WIDTH) {
buf.append(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_SEPARATOR; i += 1) {
buf.append(' ');
private static void measure(PrintStream out,
File dir,
long records,
int keySize,
int dataSize,
int nodeMax,
boolean randomKeys)
throws DatabaseException {
String[] fileNames = dir.list();
if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) {
usage("Directory is not empty: " + dir);
Environment env = openEnvironment(dir, true);
Database db = openDatabase(env, nodeMax, true);
try {
out.println("\nMeasuring with cache size: " +
insertRecords(out, env, db, records, keySize, dataSize, randomKeys);
printStats(out, env,
"Stats for internal and leaf nodes (after insert)");
env = openEnvironment(dir, false);
db = openDatabase(env, nodeMax, false);
out.println("\nPreloading with cache size: " +
preloadRecords(out, db);
printStats(out, env,
"Stats for internal nodes only (after preload)");
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
out.println("During close: " + e);
private static Environment openEnvironment(File dir, boolean allowCreate)
throws DatabaseException {
EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
return new Environment(dir, envConfig);
private static Database openDatabase(Environment env, int nodeMax,
boolean allowCreate)
throws DatabaseException {
DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
return env.openDatabase(null, "foo", dbConfig);
private static void insertRecords(PrintStream out,
Environment env,
Database db,
long records,
int keySize,
int dataSize,
boolean randomKeys)
throws DatabaseException {
DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(new byte[dataSize]);
BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.ZERO;
Random rnd = new Random(123);
for (int i = 0; i < records; i += 1) {
if (randomKeys) {
byte[] a = new byte[keySize];
} else {
bigInt = bigInt.add(BigInteger.ONE);
byte[] a = bigInt.toByteArray();
if (a.length < keySize) {
byte[] a2 = new byte[keySize];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, a2, a2.length - a.length, a.length);
a = a2;
} else if (a.length > keySize) {
out.println("*** Key doesn't fit value=" + bigInt +
" byte length=" + a.length);
OperationStatus status = db.putNoOverwrite(null, key, data);
if (status == OperationStatus.KEYEXIST && randomKeys) {
i -= 1;
out.println("Random key already exists -- retrying");
if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
out.println("*** " + status);
if (i % 10000 == 0) {
EnvironmentStats stats = env.getStats(null);
if (stats.getNNodesScanned() > 0) {
out.println("*** Ran out of cache memory at record " + i +
" -- try increasing the Java heap size ***");
private static void preloadRecords(final PrintStream out,
final Database db)
throws DatabaseException {
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
private static void printStats(PrintStream out,
Environment env,
String msg)
throws DatabaseException {
out.println(msg + ':');
EnvironmentStats stats = env.getStats(null);
out.println("CacheSize=" +
INT_FORMAT.format(stats.getCacheTotalBytes()) +
" BtreeSize=" +
if (stats.getNNodesScanned() > 0) {
out.println("*** All records did not fit in the cache ***");

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    A) 2 "Front End" IIS Instances, Load Balanced running an MVC 4.0/.Net 4.5 Web Application
    B) A "dedicated" SQL SERVER 2008 R2 server with medium-high resources (ample RAM and processing power)
    C) An application server which hosts a Windows Service.  This service will require access to the SQL Server listed in B. In addition the IIS "Front Ends" listed in A should have access to a "shared" folder or directory where files can be dropped and
    processed by this windows service.
    Base on my experience and your requirement, you could try to use this solution:
    1.Two cloud service to host your "front end" web application. Considering to Load Balanced, You could use traffic manager to set Load Balancing Settings.
    2. About sql server or ssrs, you have two choice:>1,create a sql server vm  >2, use sql azure and azure ssrs
    I guess all of them could meet your requirement.
    3. About your C requirement, which type application is? If it is website, You could host it on azure website or cloud service.
    And if you want to manage the file by your code, I think you could save your file into azure blob storage. You could add,delete file using rest API(
    ) or code( ). And the Blob storage could be as a share file
    And for accurately, about the billing question , you could ask azure billing support for more details.
    try this:
    Hope it helps.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    1. Switching the locale is not a bad idea. This does, however, not switch your keyboard settings, a job done by the OS.
    2. I have no idea what is happening in your second problem. A short example might help as a demonstration. But I myself cannot test it, as I have no Cyrillic font installed on my system.
    Maybe this link will help you:

  • Is it possible to make a global keyboard command for an Applescript application?

    I have created an application with Applescript, and I want to create a global keyboard command that brings up an input dialogue.
    If that's not possible, is there a way to make a dialogue appear when the Dock icon is clicked?

    The regular keyboard shortcuts work with whatever application is currently active, so that leaves option number 2.  To add a dynamic menuu item to the dock menu, you can add a couple of handlers to the CocoaAppletAppDelegate.scpt, which is located in the bundle contents of the Cocoa-AppleScript applet (created when you use the File > New from Template menu item):
      on applicationDockMenu_(sender) -- dynamically add a menu item to the dock tile
        set myDockMenu to current application's NSMenu's alloc's initWithTitle_("") -- don't really need a title here
        myDockMenu's addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_("My spiffy new menu item", "menuAction:", "")
        return myDockMenu
      end applicationDockMenu_
      on menuAction_(sender) -- do something when the dock menu item is selected
        set menuTitle to sender's title() as text
        # do something
        tell current application to activate -- make sure dialog is in front
        display dialog "The " & quoted form of menuTitle & " menu item was clicked…"
        tell application "System Events" to keystroke tab using {command down} -- switch to previous application
      end menuAction_

  • SSIS - pass variables to Data Manager for Appset and Application name

    Hi folks,
    I'm building an SSIS package, and I can't work out how to set the Appset and Application names in the Convert Task item - I have created the item, and the variables, but I can't work out how to reference the two.
    Any tips or help greatly appreciated - this is one of the worst-documented pieces of software I've ever seen!

    Please refer to the other SSIS packages already created. We need not set these parameters while creating the SSIS package. When we link the SSIS to DM package, we can dynamically send the appset name and the application names.
    Hope this helps.

  • Global Default Font for Application

    I'm using flash builder 4.5 and I would like to set a custom font as the default font for the entire application.
    I've tried setting fontFamily="myCustomEmbeddedFont" in the main application with no success.
    Is there a spot that I can declare a custom embedded font and then set it to be the global default font for the entire application?

    Hi Flex harUI,
    That doesnt work... I also tried fontFamily: myCentGoth;
        selection-color: #950000;
        font-family: myCentGoth; 
    @font-face {
        src: url("assets/GOTHIC.TTF");
        fontFamily: myCentGoth;
        embedAsCFF: true;
        fontWeight: normal;
    @font-face {
        src: url("assets/GOTHICB.TTF");
        fontWeight: bold;
        fontFamily: myCentGoth;
        embedAsCFF: true;
    @font-face {
        src: url("assets/GOTHICBI.TTF");
        fontWeight: bold;
        fontStyle: italic;
        fontFamily: myCentGoth;
        embedAsCFF: true;
    @font-face {
        src: url("assets/GOTHICI.TTF");
        fontStyle: italic;
        fontFamily: myCentGoth;
        embedAsCFF: true;
        fontWeight: normal;

  • How to configure Oracle Enterprise Manager for ASM RAC Database ?

    We have two databases (Primary & Standby), each database has two instances
    Database version: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
    How to configure Oracle Enterprise Manager for this environment ?
    I need documentation for this please.
    Many thanks & Regards,,

    Assuming an agent is running on the servers you want to monitor,
    navigate to the Agent home page (Via setup --> Agent)
    When in the agent home page select 'Add Database'and press [Go]
    Assuming yopur database now gets recognized, select the Configure icon and enter the password for dbsnmp.
    When done, press [Ok] to return to the agent home page.

  • How to use Cache Management Library (CML) for custom applications?

    We are planning the migration of multiple applications (J2EE, Portal, Web-Dynpro for Java) from 7.01 to 7.3 and we would like to replace some custom cache implementations with a central cache management provided by the SAP Web-AS Java.
    Several SAP standard services (e.g. UME, Configuration Manager, Scheduler) seems to use the "Cache Management Library" (CML):
    Such caches can be monitored using SAP Management Console (AS Java Caches).
    Portal Runtime (cache_type=CML) and Web Page Composer can also be configured to use CML:
    So our questions:
    How to use CML for custom applications?
    Is there any example or documentation available?
    Kind Regards,

    Thanks Vidyut! You've answered my question.
    I placed the jar file in the $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib directory. But where should I place the taglib TLD file? And how should I reference it in web.xml?
    Currently, my web.xml is as follows and it doesn't work.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    Thanks again!

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