GoFlex Home won't stream m4a files to iPad

When I access my GoFlex Home server I can play mp4 videos just fine , but when I access an m4a audio file I get an unsupported format message. I do understand about the m4p protected files but not being able to play my own CDs imported to iTunes just doesn't seem right. Suggestions?

Ok, update. I was going to painstakingly covert my m4a files to mp3s and during the process of doing the first cd I discovered that while playing the first converted song, now an mp3, GoFlex Access would play the following m4a files. Now this is really weird. So the GoFlex Access app can play the m4a files but only once the player starts streaming an mp3. Selecting any individual m4a I still get the unsupported format message.

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    This doesn't concern Windows, but maybe it's relevant anyway.
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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    You need hardware (equipment) for this work first. What do you have now ? Please check the following articles:
    Have funs and good luck.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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    Thanks for the input however I had already tried a variety of combinations. But I did go through it again.
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    To set up a test account, open System Preferences > Accounts, click on the padlock icon to unlock it, then click on the "+" sign, name the account "test" and leave the password field blank, since you don't need the account that long; you can delete it later.
    Quit System Preferences, log out of the regular user account and into the test account, then try using Safari to load pages and videos to see if the problem continues there.
    Other things you can try in your regular user account that may help your problem or solve it are this:
    1. Go to Home/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari and delete the contents of that folder.
    2. Go to Home/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/Web Page Previews and delete the contents of that folder.
    3. If you don't want to use the Top Sites or Cover Flow features, open Terminal and paste in this command:
    defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSnapshotsUpdatePolicy -int 2
    then press Enter or Return and quit Terminal
    4. Go to Home/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari and delete the contents of that folder.
    5. Go to Home/Library/Caches/Safari and delete the contents of that folder.
    6. Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete these files (if you have them):
    Form Values
    Then Repair Permissions, restart Safari and see if the speed is improved.

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    Thanks for your reply but that's not my problem.
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    All tracks added before Mid September 2012 are dead. They can be seen in the library and metadata can be read in iTunes. But when I click on the file, nothing happens. Newer files do play normally, though. MP3's that were not located in the iTunes library also still are playable.
    I tried opening the files with VLC player, Quicktime and even on a windows machine. All I get is a message that songitle.mp3 cannot be played because it's format is not recognised.
    It has been over a week since I first noticed the problem and I spend many late hours. What is going on? Has Spotlight messed with my music's metadata? Is Apple denying me access to my own files? HELP!
    What I tried:
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    - play files on other machines: same problem
    - repair a file with MP3 Scan+Repair. It says: ERROR: Unknown file format!
    - decrypt HD by disabling FileVault: no improvement and Time Machine won't work anymore (Stupid)
    - do a fresh install of Mountain Lion: no improvement
    - restore files from Carbon Copy Clone: same problem (has Spotlight done this while indexing the external HDD?
    - boot from the Carbon Copy Clone (turned out impossible due to the Verbatim external drive that won't boot-should have tested that before I ran into trouble )
    - find solutions in apple discussions, google etc for almost ten days: no solution
    What struck me in Console
    Some messages in Console struck me, but did not lead me to any useful clues:
    25-11-12 22:33:48,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(317) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
    26-11-12 21:06:44,919 sandboxd[970]: ([963]) QuickTime Player(963) deny file-read-data /Users/MyName/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Folder/Album/Song.mp3
    25-11-12 22:51:01,030 mdwrite[422]: *** Assertion failure in +[MDKeyRing _copyKeychainAtURL:canCreate:], /SourceCache/Spotlight/Spotlight-707.3/xpc-services/mdwrite/MDKeyRing.m:131
    25-11-12 22:53:18,757 mdwrite[525]: Metadata.framework [Fatal]: Couldn't add Spotlight Metadata Privacy password to keychain! [osErr:-50]
    26-11-12 21:19:59,863 com.apple.PassXPCService[1166]: PAPassValidator: _signatureIsValid failed to load signature file
    Software Versions:
    OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
    iTunes 10.7 (21)
    Quicktime Version 10.2 (603.6)
    On iPhone 4S: iOS 6.0.1
    MBP 13" Late 2011,
    2.8 GHz Intel Core\
    6 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

    You're welcome: I am happy you are thinking along.
    We may me on to something: I could not access my account on Sep 11 and did a restore from TM. It did not go too smoothly, but it worked. That's when I decided to pick up the habit of making carbon clone copies again.
    Now if something would have been wrong with the songs in the iTunes/Music folder, it must have been copied just as wrong to the carbon clone. Hence the reason why my backed up songs won't play. So you could be right that the files were probably messed up Mid September and not just two weeks ago.
    But why haven't I noticed it before? Probably because all the music I like to hear is in my iPhone, that apperently doesn't do to many wifi syncing? It is strange though that for two months I could still play the music on my iPhone.
    What did happen just before I could not play them anymore, was the iOS update to 6.0.1. My phone's battery was draining fast and it became hot. Maybe the phone's Spotlight had to re-index? I don't know.
    FV was there since Jan, when I set up this machine. I did not run some kind of utility particularly on my music files.
    I think you are wise to stick to your OS version as long as it works well. Upgrading usually comes with some issues.
    About my setup:
    I started out on another MBP (mid 2009) with 10.5. Upgraded to 10.6 then to 10.7. Had some kernel panic issues, but solved them.The machine got stolen in January and I got my current MBP (late 2011) with 10.7 on it that I upgraded to 10.8 this summer. I started using FV in Jan with the new machine. The theft made me wonder if I shouldn't be more Utilities I use ever so infrequently:
    Drive Genius
    Carbon Copy Cloner.
    Syncing/Backup takes place to
    Time Machine (full drive)
    iCloud (limited data)
    SugarSync (limited data)
    Dropbox (limited data)
    Google Drive (limited data)
    Carbon Copy Cloner (full drive)
    Other things:
    I put a hardware password on my laptop and a use Prey tracking software (not that it helped me to find back my old laptop btw)
    I can't remember what utility I was running at the time of the lockout in September. Maybe there was something like Drive Genius running when I had to close my MBP and leave. But since the music on my TM has the same problem, the whole lockout may not be the reason of the corrupted songs.
    Perhaps I should just accept my losses. I found an older backup with the oldest 90% of the songs that work. It's just that I am curious to know what went wrong to keep it from happening again.
    About moving to another forum: what do you think would be the best choice?  OS X Mountain Lion?

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    What Mark III?
    Are you referring to the Canon EOS 1D Mark III or the Canon EOS 5D Mark III?
    And what version of Adobe software are you referring to?
    There definitely is support for the EOS 1D Mark III in in versions of the Creative Suite dating back several versions. Support for the EOS 5D Mark III was made available in an update to Creative Suite 6 and Lightroom 4.x.
              - Dov

  • ITunes 10. Moved m4a files from ext harddrive to my new laptop

    I had an older laptop with an external harddrive storing my music. That laptop since died and was repalced with a new one. looks like the files are m4a files on the harddrive. The iTunes 10 looks like it processes the files when I add that folder to the libary but I never see any music. The m4a files can not be played in windows media player or any other player I have downloaded. I did some research and it says the m4a files are unprotected. Many are just loads from my CDs (over 25,000 songs plus) a few was purchased from iTunes. I had several iTunes accounts for the home. One for movies, the parents and the kids. If these was created by various other accounts will that affect the ability to play? I don't see how as they all played on the older laptop. Music was also shared with a desktop and a Crestron media server. Thanks for any insite on this.

    Assuming that you're using the same iTunes version on both and there is no music on your new laptop:
    On your iBook just replace the folder "iTunes" and all its content in your user/Music directory with a copy of "iTunes" (all subfolder included) of your eMac.

  • Streaming of files (doc/pdf/xls)

              i try to stream a file like this:
              FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("d:\\test.doc");
              int length = fileIn.available();
              byte[] b = new byte[length];
              fileIn.read(b, 0, length);
              ServletOutputStream op = response.getOutputStream();
              op.write(b, 0, length);
              when I do this in WLS 5.1 SP5 ....MS-Word do open...BUT...
              there are lots of weird characters in the document....!!!
              (the same problem for pdf:s)
              Browser used is IE5.0
              (the code above works fine in another appserver i've tested)
              I'm I missing some HTTP-headers ???
              thanks for any suggestions!
              /goran knutas

    thanks for your comment,
              but the code-snippet works fine in Orion Webapp server...
              but NOT in WLS 5.1 sp5...that is a bit strange....
              I dont think it has something to do with MS-Word as such...
              though i have noticed that WLS starts every processed page with a lot of
              empty rows..wich is sent to the cliennt...that could be interpreted
              by the Application/Word to be something else...??? or ???
              Joe Trung <[email protected]> skrev i
              diskussionsgruppsmeddelandet:[email protected]...
              > Hi Goran,
              > Your codes look great but they won't work due to the internal processing
              of word processors (Adobe or MS winword). The browser depends on
              informations to invoke or to execute the content. Why so complicated? If you
              save a MS doc as a webpage you may see complicated things you couldn't
              imagine. Try the simple way what I did:
              > ejb-2_0-pd2-spec
              > workshop
              > You get on the browser 2 underlined sentences: ejb-2_0-pd2-spec and
              workshop. If you click one of them you get what you expected.
              > Joe
              > "Goran Knutas" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >hi,
              > >
              > >i try to stream a file like this:
              > >
              > > FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("d:\\test.doc");
              > > int length = fileIn.available();
              > > byte[] b = new byte[length];
              > > fileIn.read(b, 0, length);
              > > ServletOutputStream op = response.getOutputStream();
              > > response.setContentType("application/msword");
              > > op.write(b, 0, length);
              > >
              > >when I do this in WLS 5.1 SP5 ....MS-Word do open...BUT...
              > >there are lots of weird characters in the document....!!!
              > >(the same problem for pdf:s)
              > >Browser used is IE5.0
              > >
              > >(the code above works fine in another appserver i've tested)
              > >
              > >I'm I missing some HTTP-headers ???
              > >thanks for any suggestions!
              > >
              > >regards,
              > >/goran knutas
              > >
              > >

  • Dreamweaver CS5 won't open any files from a project

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    I've tried a couple of things:
    1. recreate the site in the site manager - still the same problem
    2. remove the preference folder - still the same problem
    The only solution is that I have to copy the files to my desktop, recreate the website in the sitemanager and then it works. But only if I copy the files to my desktop, any other location on my HD (not the removable USB disk) simply doesn't work.
    Does anybody know why this happens? Or even better, does anybody have a tip of how to workaround this problem?

    The D600 was first supported in Camera Raw 7.3 which is only compatible with CS6 and later - not CS5 unfortunately.
    Some options:
    Download the free Adobe DNG converter, convert all D600 Raw files to DNGs then open the DNGs in CS5
    Upgrade to CS6
    Buy Lightroom 5.4
    Buy Photoshop Elements 12
    Join the Cloud and get CC (subscription only)
    Join the Photoshop Photography Program and get Photoshop CC + Lightroom (subscription only)

  • IMovie Won't Import MP4 Files

    For some reason iMovie '11 won't let me import videos.  Specifically, I'm trying to add MP4 files that I copied to my hard drive from my GoPro HD 960.  For GoPro users, I used the R2 (720p) format.  They open properly in QuickTime and VLC but can't be imported into iMovie (or iPhoto).  When I select File-->Import-->Movies and browse to the directory where I saved all the .mp4 files on my hard drive, they're all greyed out.  And actually, it seems that just about no video files at all on my computer can be added (all greyed out)--even other MP4 files.
    I downloaded MPEG Streamclip but that says "unrecognized file format" when I try opening the videos.  I also installed Perian and rebooted.
    In case it helps:
    - I have an Intel MacBook running OS X 10.6.8 with iLife '11
    - QuickTime info for the video format says "H.264, 1280 x 720, Millions; AAC, 2 channels, 48000 Hz"
    - VLC says "Stream 0 (Video) - Codec: avc1" and "Stream 1 (Audio) - Codec: mp4a"
    Any ideas?  This is incredibly frustrating!

    Why iMovie Won't Import MP4 Files?
    Technically, iMovie does import MP4 video. However, iMovie only import MP4 files that are encoded with MPEG4/AAC or H.264/AAC data. And yet, MP4 is a video container format that may contain various audio and video codec (and sometimes even subtitle streams included). If the MP4 file is not encoded with iMovie support codec, iMovie will refuse to import this kind of MP4 video.
    How to Solve Can't Import MP4 into iMovie?
    In order to successfully import all kinds of MP4 files to iMovie, a recommended solution is to convert iMovie unrecognized MP4 to iMovie supported video format.
    iDealshare VideoGo is just the right MP4 to iMovie Converter which can convert various MP4 to iMovie supported MPEG-4, MPEG-2, MOV or DV. Besides converting MP4 to iMovie, iDealshare VideoGo also helps to convert other video formats including AVI, WMV, MPEG, VOB, MOV, AVCHD, MTS, M2T, M2TS, TOD, MOD, XAVC, FLV, MKV, SWF, 3GP, MVI, ASF and etc to iMovie video format.

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