Good April Fools Joke! … #doc_chap1
1.  Gentoo News
    * Portage 2.1 to adopt RPM format for LSB compliance
    * Gentoo/PPC team restructuring
    * Release schedule announced for Gentoo Linux 1.4_rc4
Portage 2.1 to adopt RPM format for LSB compliance
In what will likely prove to be a controversial decision, Portage 2.1 will adopt the RPM format for all packages moving forward. The use of ebuilds will be deprecated in favor of the defacto RPM standard. The primary driver for this decision was to ensure compliance with the Linux Standard Base specification, which mandates RPM support for package management.
The developers have been hard at work to make this migration as easy as possible. Already a proof-of-concept ebuild2rpm script is in place and being tested by a pilot group of developers. Unfortunately, because of the architectural differences between the two formats, some features will not be supported once Gentoo moves to RPM. USE variables are one such feature; sandbox security is another. However, the added benefit brought about by full LSB compliance should far outweigh the loss of these two minor features.
Additionally, because of LSB's required library support, the xfree86 package will move to become part of the base Gentoo Linux system, rather than an optional addition. Users interested in learning more about the Linux Standard Base should read the LSB FAQ or the full LSB 1.3 specification.

Anonymo wrote:
Sigi wrote:Yeah it's classic, literally: 2003-04-01... But it's a good one :-)
Sorry just found it today while reading the announcement:
Me too, that's why I saw it

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    Somebody, say it ain't so!
    MacBook Pro 2GHz, PowerBook G4, PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    MacBook Pro 2GHz, PowerBook G4, PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Have you seen anything about having to create a
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  • Turn everything upside down for April Fool's?

    Hi everyone.
    I work at a project with a continuous build system, so anything I check in will be built and seen by project leaders and such within an hour. I'm trying to think of a good April Fool's joke.
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    Ok, I did it, and appear not to have lost my job. Thanks everyone!
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    As you can see, the panel didn't paint all the way -- that launch does some extra resizing that I hadn't considered and appears to mess things up a little. Oh well. sigh
    Thanks again! Below is the code I used:
    // We have a class that extends JFrame, but this could easily have been added to any generic JFrame
    public class MyMainFrame extends JFrame{
    public void init(){
           long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
             if (currTime > 1238598000000l && currTime < 1238610600000l){ // April fool's!
                 JPanel glassPane = new JPanel();
                  UpsidedownPanel upsideDown = new UpsidedownPanel(new BorderLayout());
                  upsideDown.add( getContentPane() );
                  setContentPane( upsideDown );
                  setGlassPane( glassPane );
                  glassPane.setVisible( true );
                  glassPane.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
                       public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
    class UpsidedownPanel extends JPanel{
             public UpsidedownPanel(LayoutManager manager){
             private boolean upsidedown = true;
             public void upsidedown(boolean upsidedown){
                  this.upsidedown = upsidedown;
             public void paintChildren(Graphics g)
                  if (upsidedown){
                       int cWidth = getSize().width / 2;
                       int cHeight = getSize().height / 2;
                       Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
                       g2d.translate(cWidth, cHeight);
                       g2d.rotate( Math.toRadians( 180 ) );
                       g2d.translate(-cWidth, -cHeight);
                  } else {

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    SBArdunio release expected -  a low cost sbrio to be released in Ardunio form factor battery powered and compatable with all existing shields.  SBArdunio features a 100MHz Arm-cortex processor and Xilinx FPGA programmed nativly in Labview RT and FPGA supported.
    Paul Falkenstein
    Coleman Technologies Inc.
    CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
    Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA

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    To the end of an era!
    If you were to cut my arm off it would read 'Nokia / Symbian' like a stick of rock.
    6680, N70, N73, N95, N95 8GB, N96

    you're all right.n96 is the biggest flop of nokia in 2008 in high end should take care about the quality control , which is in ruins for many regions, if not n81 went to the nokia care twice in two months and was finally replaced the third time!!.poor correspondence is what is rendered by team can see the nokia care centres flooding nowadays(i do accept the mobiles increase manifold every year,but still see the kind of complaints....)
    Nokia better take care of the quality control as it is not too late to lose the majority of the customers who trust nokia >>
    Make the most of now - tommorow is ANOTHER day
    Please click KUDOS if you like my reply !!
    N82 v31 hckd
    N81 v21 hckd

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    mixtr wrote:You're right! That someone didn't pay attention.
    To my (lame) defense, it is very early in the morning this side of the globe...
    April Fool

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    I don't know how to change it, but if you have ARD you can run it:
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  • An April fool subject - fooling around the collections add method

    Here is a situation of an application business logic:
    A user can only add one feedback to a comment. I try to define how a feedback can be added into a comment by redefining the equal and hashCode methods.
    public class Feedback implements Serializable {
         public enum VALUE {
              NEGATIVE, POSITIVE
         protected Integer id;
         private Comment comment; // refer to a comment
         private User user;     // who gives this feedback
         private VALUE value;
         public int hashCode() {
              final int prime = 31;
              int result = 1;
              result = prime * result + (( == null) ? 0 :;
              result = prime * result + ((user == null) ? 0 : user.hashCode());
              return result;
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
              if (this == obj)
                   return true;
              if (obj == null)
                   return false;
              if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                   return false;
              CommentFeedback other = (CommentFeedback) obj;
              if ( == null) {
                   if ( != null)
                        return false;
              } else if (!
                   return false;
              if (user == null) {
                   if (other.user != null)
                        return false;
              } else if (!user.equals(other.user))
                   return false;
              return true;
          public class Comment {
             private Set<CommentFeedback> feedbacks;
               private transient short totalFeedbacks;
             private transient short positiveNumber;
             private transient short negativeNumber;
         public boolean addFeedback(CommentFeedback fb){
              boolean added = this.getFeedbacks().add(fb);
                   if(fb.getValue() == CommentFeedback.VALUE.POSITIVE)
              return added;
         }I don't get the expected behavior. A feedback with the same comment and user of an existing one in the feedback collection of the comment classs can be added into the collection. Anything is missing here?

    BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote:
    For starters, you can clean up equals with a helper method:
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj)
    return true;
    if (obj == null)
    return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
    return false;
    Feedback other = (Feedback) obj;
    equals(id, &&
    equals(comment, other.comment) &&
    equals(user, other.user) &&
    equals(value, other.value);
    public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {
    return a==null ? b==null : a.equals(b);
    What is wrong the equal method, then?
    Second, should equality depend on id?
    Third, your equality depends on comment's id, not on comment's equality.
    Fourth, you don't consider field value.Why not? The comment entity id is unique. Any other fields don't need to be considered for the reason I mentioned in the question (the first poster).
    [Recommend and review web sites|] - a fresh approach of building an open source, useful, and dynamic web site directory
    Edited by: vwuvancouver on Apr 17, 2009 9:01 AM

  • New firmware update v20 for N95 8GB

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    Changes/improvements made from MCU SW 15.0.015 to version 20.0.016
    New features:
    • Automatic Screen Rotation (ASR)
    • Support for new combo memory added
    • Improvement when creating a voice call from WAP page.
    • Improvements to embedded video functionality in browser.
    • Sending email via browser flash plugin improvements.
    • Mail in HTML format handling from Gmail IMAP server improved.
    • WLAN connection stability improvements
    • BT connection stability improvements with certain BT headsets
    • USB connection stability improvements
    • Voice call handling improvements after certain type U.S.S.D message receiving.
    • Stability improvements to gallery for case when there s lot of content in Gallery
    • Improvements to switch application
    • Voicemail icon handling improvements
    Localization corrections:
    • Deletion of all contacts now possible even more than 6000 contacts in phonebook
    • Startup functionality improvements
    Message Edited by wah007 on 01-Apr-2008 10:24 PM

    05-Apr-2008 01:46 AM
    jericho wrote:
    So let us all hope that the sensitivity is just right or we have to wait for a new release to fix it or settle for 3rd party apps.
    So, V.20 for N95-2 isnt just an april fools joke?
    no its not a april fools joke. It is real.
    I hope it fixes the video stuttering as my phone does that too.
    Message Edited by wah007 on 05-Apr-2008 02:28 PM

  • Bit confused about shipping practices...

    Long story short: I was just told by FedEx that, although Apple had it shipped on Mar. 30, specified that it should be delivered on April 5.
    Here's where I'm confused: That's five business days. I ordered two day shipping. How does that work?
    In the FedEx rep's words, there was no chance of it being delivered before Weds. due to that and I should contact my "shipper" (i.e. Apple).
    My package went from Shanghai to Anchorage, from Anchorage to Indianapolis, and from there to Columbus, where I am. Right now the tracking shows it's at "dest. sort facility," which I'm told is at the airport.
    Can anyone familiar with this wacky game of package delivery help me out here? If they're not going to deliver until Weds., I think I should be able to pick it up once it's at the FedEx location in Columbus (which I'm told is different than the dest. sort facility). Does it sound like a good plan to drop by there on Monday?
    This all just seems like a bad April Fools joke. Oh well--sorry if my rant isn't really accomplishing anything, I had to vent :\

    Hi Animal,
    Your shipment would have cleared customs in Alaska. FedEx has their own customs clearance process. Since it is in your local sort facility, you will receive it on Monday. You will not probably see the system updated, until the next movement, which would say "on FedEx vehicle out for delivery", on Monday morning. Enjoy your new computer!

  • HOW MANY PEOPLE HATE ADOBE NOW? raise your hands

    How many of you love all this confusion and new pricing. I have used Adobe products since 1990!!!!  This must be a late April fools joke.
    [Edit: a portion of this post was removed. Please do not personally attack anyone, including Adobe employees.]

    Ian C. Matthew wrote:
    I have not posted on the Adboe forums for MONTHS as for one thing I don't like the new forum layout. And I used to be a fairly regula poster! Another reason, and I suppose this is good a thread to announce this, I have recently become ann EX-ADOBE user. That's right, no more mainstream Adobe programs for me, other than Flash Player.
    Same for me here: long time Adobe user (since Photoshop v3), and nine months ago I decided to jump of the Adobe bandwagon. Funny thing is, I also only use the Flash plugin and that is the only software on my machine that crashes on a daily basis, often multiple times a day.
    It is quite amazing how many loyal Adobe users have decided to leave for new pastures. I would have NEVER left, if not for the stupendously irrate and insane decisions by Adobe Corporate management in the last five years or so.
    What do I use now? CorelDraw X6. I bought the upgrade at a good price and took advantage of Corel's CS4 or higher upgrade policy. What this shows I guess is that as much as Adobe thinks it's CC is a good idea, others such as Corel will will see this as an opportunity to poach former Adob users such as me. 
    For me, Photoline has been an eye-opener to me. None of the 3d or video bloat, and a strong focus on professional image editing features with a layer stack system that out-performs Photoshop in many ways. It's workflow is just better, in my opinion. Together with Anime Studio and Manga Studio I get superior painting and animation capabilities. For 3d work Blender and 3DCoat out-pace Photoshop by light years.
    Honestly, Dreamweaver and Flash have been lacking and lagging compared to the competition for years now, and can easily be replaced by open source, free and commercial alternatives. Lightworks, Avid, Vegas: all great Premiere alternatives.
    So do I HATE Adobe? Not really sure if hate is the right word. However, I do feel disapointed in them and indeed also a distinct lack of trust and goodwill towards them as a company and as a brand. If others feel the same, then this could be just as serious if not more so than just a matter of Dollars, Pounds, Euro, Yen, Rupees, Dinars, Rands and Rubles!
    Long term, a loss of goodwill can do a lot of damage to a brand even if the business behind it is still doing well financially in the short term. People who use Adobe products may well feel less loyalty and as a result will jump ship as soon as a viable alternativepresents itself. I did with CD X6. Others may do the same with Xara, Gimp, Ikskape and so on.
    Adobe's lack of a true justification or explaination of it's brave new world is also rapidly fuelling the anger and disquiet towards them. Not good.
    Don't hate the brand name, or the hard-working developers and grunts of the company - the current negative mood is mostly caused by the corporate heads of Adobe and the shareholders. Their first allegiance is to the God of Money, not to Adobe's customers. This has caused Adobe to become a soulless glutonnous behemoth on a road to self-destruction.
    There is no good or evil in this: it is the natural outcome of a wisdomless greed for more and more money. So the best approach to starve the "Beast" is to take away its source of power: money. Vote with your wallet, and invest in alternatives.
    I foresee the good in the long run : all in all, this move by Adobe Corporate Management forces the market to open up again to alternatives - which can only be a good thing!

  • Religious propaganda in JDK code?

    I have submitted a bug entry on the JDC bug database page, but have received no feedback so far...
    I complained that the JDK source code as delivered by Sun contained politically incorrect religious references. I haven't verified yet, whether Oracle has taken any action to correct that.
    Here are few example (from JDK 1.6.0_u17 (build 1410)'s source code):
    package java.awt;
    * Factory class for vending standard Border objects. Wherever possible, this factory will hand out references to shared Border instances. For further information and examples see How to Use Borders, a section in The Java Tutorial.
    // "And thou shall follow Him, He who knows no border (Matthew, II,4.2)
    public class BorderFactory {
    {code}package java.awt;
    public class Graphics {
         * Creates a new Graphics object that is a copy of this Graphics object.
         * @return a new graphics context that is a copy of this graphics context.
        public Graphics create() {
            // Like Eve created out of Adam's rib, populate the new instance out of its parent's attributes...
    {code}package java.awt;
    public class Color {
        public Color brighter() {
            // Let there be (more) light
            return new Color(this.r * 1.5, this.g * 1.5, this.b * 1.5);
    {code}package java.internal.gc;
    class GarbageCollector {
        public void run() {
            for (Object o : purgatory) {
        void evaluate(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Collectable) {
                Collectable co = (Collectable)o;
                if (!co.hasReferences()) {
                   // This one's good for Hell
         * Repent, and moan until the day has come.
        private void doom(Object o) {
    I'm testing this forum for feedback, if the crowd joins I will escalate this issue at a lawful level.
    Have you noticed such things in other areas (JDK src code, Javadoc API,...)? Are you fine with this, or do you have layman corporate rules that ban such references?
    Thanks for your feedback.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    jwenting wrote:
    sabre150 wrote:
    jduprez wrote:
    sabre150 wrote:
    April the what?Of course I didn't expect I could fool contemporaries of Noah's Ark! ;o)
    :-) Back in the late sixties or early seventies when I was into electronics in a big way, there was an item in one of the IEE journals for April under 'News' about a negative capacitor. The article described it's technical details, how it might be used and gave a sample output of the step response for a resistor in series with the negative capacitor. It showed the voltage across the capacitor increasing backwards in time from the point at which the step was applied. The article was so good that the 'manufacturer' kept getting genuine enquires from people wanting to market it.About 20 years ago here there was a major news story about a new fruit that had been grown that was a cross between an apple and an orange. All the TV and radio news programs carried it, major newspapers had articles.
    Was so convincing (due to sheer volume of coverage alone I guess) that thousands asked about it in stores and there were quite a few angry reactions when it was shown to be an april fool joke, especially people screaming that "serious news agencies" shouldn't do such things (it had been started as a supposed press release by the governmnent news agency).:-) And of course there was the famous BBC TV coverage of the [Spaghetti Harvest|] narrated by Richard Dimbleby.

  • Game Center account disappeared

    Today, my game center account just disappeared.
    I started The Sandbox game app and it asked me to sign into Game Center. I noticed that there's something wrong so I close The Sandbox app and open Game Center app.
    It also asked me to sign in. After I signed in, it asked me for my username. I noticed that there's something wrong at this point but there's nothing else I could do so I continue.
    At the end, I got into my Game Center app, 0 Games, 0 Friends, 0 points.
    The game tab still shows that game and points of the games that I still have on my iPad though.
    Is this Apple's April Fools' joke or something?
    I tried to contact Apple support but there aren't any section to contact about Apple ID in my country, there are only hardware supports.
    What should I do now?

    PurpleJoe76 wrote:
    I have only ever had one Apple ID. Therefore, I have no old Apple ID or new Apple ID.
    That's not what you said in your original post:
    "My Game Center account has been removed from my Apple ID and I was forced to create a new one."
    Semantics aside: for the last time, sign in with your original Apple ID. If that does not work, then  contact iCloud support:

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