Government Smart Card Interoperability Spec

Hi all,
I have recently been reading up on standards in smart card systems and specifically Java Card and Global Platform. I was beginning to think that these two standards were enough to create a secure smart card system but now I come across the Government Smart Card Interoperability Specification from NIST...Can anyone briefly tell me what role this spec would play in a multi-app, post-issuance smart card system?
Thanks in advance,

The GSCIS is a seperate specification that is geared for Government. It's written to use file based cards or Java Cards. There are two portions of the GSCIS spec, card edge, and off card. The off card API's borrows from PCSC. It's not necessary to use PCSC and you can use proprietary libraries.
The card edge defines APDUs that the off card would use.
Using GSCIS doesn't replace Global Platform. The defacto standard for governement deployment is Java Cards/Global Platform and GSCIS applets.
To deploy to the government, the middleware must be able conformant in the sense that it must know how to read a GSCIS applet. This can be done by calling the card edge APDU's or the off card, known as the Basic Service Interface.
Need more info ?

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    I have been researching a CAC card solution for a DOD customer.
    We plan (hope) to authenticate users against their Active Directory accounts using Oracle Internet Directory and Single Sign-on Server. Active directory reads the CAC card, and Oracle verifies they are authenticated in Active Directory.
    Oracle Windows Native Authentication (WNA) may be what you're looking for.
    Here's an OBE on enabling WNA:
    Chapter 43 of the Oracle Internet Directory (9.0.4) guide discusses integration with Windows Active Directory:
    If you haven't already done it, search these forums for "CAC". You'll find other posts from people who have implemented CAC authentication in their Oracle products.
    Good luck!

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    Edited by: on Jul 12, 2008 2:11 AM

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    I don't know much about unique IDs but basically you've got the ATR which is given to you every time the card is powered on. The ATR identifies a particular family of cards. If you want to identify each card you need to have a look at the GET DATA command (in Global Platform) and especially the CPLC (Card Production Life Cycle). Apparently you can get a unique ID by combining the IC batch identifier and the IC serial number.
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    80 B8 00 00 12
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    First learn what APDUs are.
    Then check what spec does ur card implements.
    Then search for the command ...

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    Check out GP 2.1.1 card spec. Package has the same definition as in Java SE. Applet is the class within the package. It shall have another AID than the package.
    Paste your APDU log.

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    Jamal Saket OSFI Canada

    Thank you for your question.  
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    I am using JCDK 2.2 and have used Eclipse JCDK.
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    Thanks a lot.

    Suril Sarvaiya wrote:
    Hi Shane....
    Thnx a lot....
    I have downloaded GP-Shell 1.4.4
    When I open its application and write any command and press enter ; the app window closes immendiately.
    Can you please help me on this?
    One more thing Shane......
    I'm writig a java class using javax.smartcardio
    I have installed drivers of Omnikey 3021
    but the TerminalFactory is not detecting it?
    Any idea on that?
    Thanks again...
    SurilHi all,
    Is Mr. thread starter has solved his problem?
    I profit this thread to post my question. I'm working with new environment and I have problem loading cap file into my smartcard.
    specification come first :-)
    - My smartcard is said to be JC2.2.1 and GP2.1.1 compatible
    - My code (for testing) is written in Java under eclipse Helios service 2 with JavaCard plugin (for JC2.2.2)
    I compile my code with JDK 1.3 (for compatible version) and using the JC plugin to generate cap file (along with exp and jca).
    My problem is exactly the same as one that was posted in this forum about 2 years ago but is not answered :-)
    [Problem Loading Application to Card |]
    + I successfully authenticate with smartcard
    + APDU command Install for Load is executed successfully
    + BUT the APDU command LOAD file fails with returned status word is 6424
    For details, I post here my javacard applet code and APDU command executed with my tool:
    package mksAuthSys;
    import javacard.framework.APDU;
    import javacard.framework.Applet;
    import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
    import javacard.framework.ISOException;
    import javacard.framework.OwnerPIN;
    public class Jcardlet extends Applet {
         private final static byte[] myPIN = { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x03, (byte) 0x04};
         final static byte Jcardlet_CLA =(byte)0xB0;
         final static byte VERIFY = (byte) 0x20;
         final static byte PIN_TRY_LIMIT =(byte)0x03;
         final static byte MAX_PIN_SIZE =(byte)0x08;
         final static short SW_VERIFICATION_FAILED = 0x6300;
         OwnerPIN pin;
         private Jcardlet() {
              pin = new OwnerPIN(PIN_TRY_LIMIT, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
              pin.update(myPIN, (byte) 0, (byte) 4 );
         public static void install(byte bArray[], short bOffset, byte bLength)
                   throws ISOException {
              new Jcardlet().register();
         public boolean select() {
              if ( pin.getTriesRemaining() == 0 ) return false;
             return true;     
         public void deselect(){
         public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
              if ((buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] == 0) &&
                      (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS] == (byte)(0xA4))) return;          
              if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] != Jcardlet_CLA)
              switch (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
               case VERIFY: verify(apdu);
               default: ISOException.throwIt (ISO7816.SW_INS_NOT_SUPPORTED);
         private void verify(APDU apdu) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
             byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
             // retrieve the PIN data for validation.
             byte byteRead = (byte)(apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
             // check pin
             // the PIN data is read into the APDU buffer
             // at the offset ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA
             // the PIN data length = byteRead
             if ( pin.check(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA,byteRead) == false )
    }And my APDU command:
    Loading "D:\mksAuthSys.cap" ...
    T - 80F28000024F00
    C - 08A000000003000000079E9000
    ISD AID : A000000003000000
    T - 80E602001508F23412345610000008A00000000300000000000000
    C - 009000
    T - 80E80000C8C482018B010012DECAFFED010204000108F23412345610000002001F0012001F000C001500420012009D0011001C0000009F00020001000402010004001502030107A0000000620101000107A000000062000103000C0108F234123456100001002306001200800301000104040000003DFFFF0030004507009D000510188C0003188F00013D0610088C00028700AD007B000403078B0005188B00067A02308F00073D8C00088B00067A0110AD008B00096104037804780110AD008B000A7A0221198B000B2D1A0300
    C - 6424
    Stopped loading due to unexpected status words.Urgently look forward to hearing from you.
    Thanks a bunch in advance
    Best Regards,

  • Remote desktop and smart cards

    I frequently work from home using my mac to access my windows based desktop at the office. I use the microsoft remote desktop v. 1.0.3. for MAC. Now that my agency is moving to smart card identification requirements for access I need to be able to use the smart card at home to sign onto the office desktop.
    The RDC for MAC does not have an option for smart card readers (as opposed to the RDC for windows version). Is there alternative software that would be simple to install on my MAC (I am not an IT sophisticate) that will give me smart card access?

    Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) for Mac and Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) are two completely different tools with marginally similar capabilities. Unfortunately, as you've already discovered, neither offers Smart Card capabilities to allow you to authenticate to your Windows computer at work.
    If your Mac is an Intel Mac then you could probably run Windows using Parallels or Boot Camp on your home computer and use the Windows RDC client to make your connection. I don't suggest trying to use VirtualPC if you have a PowerPC Mac simply because your Smart Card reader will most likely be USB and VirtualPC has a bad track record with USB devices.
    Hope this helps!
      Mac OS X (10.4.10)   1 GHz Powerbook G4

  • MS Remote Desktop and smart card reader

    I have installed MS Remote Desktop Conn. on my iMac and connected a smart card reader via the USB. Although my reader energizes when the computer is on, the computer doesn't seem to recognize the reader. When I insert a CAC card into the reader and try to log in remotely, I continue to get a "username/password" box instead of the CAC PIN number. Do I need to install some kind of smart card driver or does Apple already have it? I'm at a loss as to how to fix this.

    I was able to get rdesktop 1.6.0 to install on my Mac and I was able to get CAC log-in to work.
    However, the installation is a little tricky. I downloaded rdesktop 1.6.0 from this link:
    My instructions for installation:
    1. Make sure Xcode Tools is installed on your computer. It should be on your OS X install disk.
    2. Find out where your X11 libraries are located:
    -From the Finder menu, selct "Go" >> "Go to Folder..."
    -Type (without the quotes) "/usr/X11", and click "Go"
    You should see a bunch of folders. Make sure the "include" and "lib" folders are there. Otherwise you need to find out where the X11 "include" and "lib" folders are located on your computer.
    3. Download rdesktop and place the (unarchived) rdesktop-1.6.0 folder on your Desktop
    4. Open the X11 application (should be in your Utilities folder)
    5. In the X11 window type the following (without the quotes):
    "cd Desktop/rdesktop-1.6.0 && ./configure --enable-smartcard -x-includes=/usr/X11/include -x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib && make && sudo make install"
    4. Hit enter. When prompted, enter your administrator password and hit enter.
    rdesktop should now be installed in the following folder:
    So, to launch rdesktop with smartcard log in enabled, open the X11 application (or Terminal application) and type the following (without the quotes, and replace your.server.address with the server address):
    "cd /usr/local/bin && ./rdesktop -r scard your.server.address"
    Hit enter and it should launch a new X11 window that will try to access the remote server where you should be prompted for your PIN.
    To explore more options with rdesktop, open X11 and type the following (without quotes):
    "cd /usr/local/bin && ./rdesktop"
    Hit enter and you should get a list of options available to rdesktop.

  • Remote desktop and smart card

    I need to use a smart card while working with remote desktop.
    My office pc runs win XP and have a smart card connected. I can not use that card when working remotly, its not found. Like its disconnected.
    I also have a smart card connected to my Mac at home. The smart card works fine when the VPN connection ask for my code.
    The problem is that it does not get forwarded. I have tried to use MS Remote Desktop for mac and CoRD.
    But none of them supports the smart card.
    It works fine with parallels/win7 on my mac, I can then use my smart card.
    How ever I would like to not use the win/ on my mac.
    Do anybody have a soulution to this? Are there any Remote desktop applications that support forwarding of smart card for Mac OS?
    Thanx for any tips

    You can install rdesktop with Smart Card support.
    It is fairly easy if you use something like MacPorts, Fink, or Homebrew.
    I know MacPorts has a port for it that I used in the past.

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