GPS Issues - Accuracy/Inaccuracy

I've been using my S3 for about a month now and I'm experiencing issues with the GPS' accuracy when using Google Maps/Navigation - it says I'm anywhere  from 50-500ft+ away from where I'm actually located. This has become a big issue when trying to use my phone for navigation.
Anyone else having this same issue? If so, is there a fix for this?

Not an expert here, but generally, your accuracy is going to be a function of how many satellites your phone sees.
My phone reports an accuracy of about 12ft or so. Even in doors it will see 8 or more sats.
First thing you probably want to check is if your phone's time is close to network time, because I think the data pulled from the network (this is Assisted GPS, or AGPS) is accurate. Make sure your phone is set to the proper time zone.
Next, download a program like GPS Status and Toolbox, and GPS Test (I recommend the one by Mike Lockwood). Use the second program to Inject the Time and the Xtra Data used for establishing the first fix. In the former program, its the first number that indicates the sats it sees. In the latter program, I believe it is the lines with "U" on the status line for "used".
When I use Maps or GNav, or GPS Test, and I'm lookng at a map, I'm merely a few feet typically from where the cursor is located, and you should really expect the same.
Although it might result in some configuration loss, it really might be worth your while backing up your important information, writing down your email server settings, etc, and doing a Factory Data Reset (FDR). 50ft error is I think unacceptable because in CONUS you should be within 10s of feet of your actual location,  500feet means there are other issues.

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    First thing you do is to run GPS Data in connectivity and see if the phone achieves GPS lock any faster than now.
    Secondly, run Nokia Maps, Goto Options>About and tell us the version you have. It should be accross the top of the screen.
    Message Edited by cjlim on 10-Oct-2008 10:46 AM

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    I feel your pain.  I have the same issue with my CDMA iPhone and there have been numerous threads in regards to it and there has never been any acknowledgement from Apple that an issue even exists.  Some people have noted that doing a hard reset of the phone, or restoring your phone from a backup have lessened the issue, but to my knowledge nobody has posted a guaranteed cure.  One thing that I have noticed that if you're using bluetooth in your car, turn it completely off (under settings/general/bluetooth) as a test and then try your GPS apps again.  The problem seemed to occur significantly less.  Another noteworthy point is that the Maps app that comes with the phone doesn't seem to have this problem.  Please comment back in regards to bluetooth and Maps with your results.  Also for all it's worth, you can send feedback to Apple in regards to this.  I did so, but never heard a response, but none the less that's the place to also post issues such as this.  Here's the link...
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    Assuming you are useing Maps 3.06 from beta labs and the map data is the latest compatible maps installed through ovi suite, then all should work well provided you followed the installation instructions correctly. If you don't use assisted gps or any other method of positioning except integrated Gps then you need to be in an open space with clear view of the sky to allow the GPS antenna to get a lock, this can take 10 to 30 minutes (the first time you try for a lock, shouldn't take that long again) and once you have a lock the location should work fine. The reason the other methods are available is thet they speed up the whole process and also work when in built up areas where buildings can block thre satelite view from the gps antenna. The amount of data used to lock your position is minimal and unless you have zero data allowance I suggest using all the positioning methods. If using the navigation abroad, you can disable evrything and simply use integrated GPS as long as you've loaded the local map data to your phone previously.
    Good Luck
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
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    Hi FBrown,
    I see how a failing GPS feature can be frustrating when relying on it to get to a specific place. By reading your post I see that this GPS failure can be attributed to a loss of data signal somewhere along your trip. Additionally, when checking in with the FourSquare application (or any similar application) GPS may fail particularly indoors as some structural properties may greatly impact wireless signal. The GPS behavior described in your post may be normal depending on location and wireless signal strength.
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    Here's what's reported... uch-devices/
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    You can see how it looks in endomondo in attached jpeg - the road was almost flat, no elevation at all.
    Is this only my phone's issue?
    Go to Solution.
    endomondo.jpg ‏42 KB

    Peter who developed the App Hike&Bike was able to fix this altitude jumping bug. It is needed to use DesiredAccuracyInMeters with a value of 1. Same as mentioned by Ray Krebs on
    Regarding the altitude accuracy itself it is true that this will never be perfect. But jumping from
    140 to 21 meters and back is not a problem of viewable satellites. On same place an older Nokia 700 has "stable" altitude values and gives the information that 9 satellites are in view.
    Peter will release a new version of Hike&Bike after finishing some beta tests. Hopefully other developer will switch to this way.
    Best regards!

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    Has anyone experienced similar issues when taking photos and found them to be out of position?

    Hi, have not had this issue, but add location on Nokia communities app is quite accurate, so maybe its the fault of the app adding the location to the photos !
    Good Luck
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    Hi, I was having the same problem but I found that if you use the Nokia Software Updater rather than the Ovi Suite it installs fine!
    Hope this helps! 

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  • C7 Assisted GPS issue.

    Hi all 
    I have a nokia C7 which is giving me problems in the positioning department.     I only want to use intergrated GPS  so have set the phone accordingly by unchecking everyting but intergrated in the positioning methods window.   Simple!!  
    The problem is Assitsted GPS seems to turn itself on again and again. This is most annoying.  Its already caused some very huge date use biils.  
    Is this normal for Assisted GPS to turn itself on once set to off? How can I stop it turning on by itself and why does it do this. ??? 
    I know getting a data plan would solve this issue, however I'm not in a possition to get one,
    and i believe I shouldnt be foreced to do so . 
    Can anyone help ? 
    much appreciated. 

    This behaviour is certainly not normal!
    Try going to Menu > Settings > Application settings > Positioning > Positioning server > > longpress > Disable or Delete - see what happens now. 
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

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