Grant privileges for future object?

Hi all. Need help.
1) Bob grants object priveleges on cars to Anna
2) Anna renames cars to cars_old
3) Anna creates cars .
4) Bob has no privelges to cars:(
How to grant privelges on 'created in future' tables?

Here Demo
test - as Anna
monitor - Bob
Session : As Sys User
SQL> create user test identified by test default tablespace users quota unlimited on
  2  users;
User created.
SQL> create user monitor identified by monitor default tablespace users quota
  2  unlimited on users;
User created.
SQL> grant create session, create table, create procedure to test;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant create session, create ANY table to monitor;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> create role test_access;
Role created.
Session : 2
Test User
SQL> create table job_parm_table( job number primary key, tname varchar2(30) )
  2  organization index;
Table created.
SQL> create or replace procedure do_grant( p_job in number )
  2    as
  3            l_rec job_parm_table%rowtype;
  4    begin
  5            select * into l_rec from job_parm_table where job = p_job;
  6            execute immediate 'grant select, insert, update, delete on ' || l_rec.tname || ' to
  7  test_access';
  8            delete from job_parm_table where job = p_job;
  9    end;
10    /
Procedure created.
SQL> grant insert on job_parm_table to sys;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant execute on do_grant  to sys;
Grant succeeded.
Sys User -- SEssion 1
SQL> create table msg ( txt varchar2(255) );
Table created.
SQL> create or replace trigger test_schema_trig
  2     before CREATE on database
  3     declare
  4       l_str varchar2(255);
  5       l_job number;
  6     begin
  7         if ( ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' and ora_dict_obj_owner = 'TEST' )
  8           then
  9             dbms_job.submit( l_job, 'test.do_grant(JOB);' );
10                     insert into test.job_parm_table( job, tname ) values ( l_job,
11  ora_dict_obj_name );
12         end if;
13     end;
14     /
Trigger created.
Test - USer
SQL> create table t1( x int );
Table created.
monitor - User
SQL> create table test.t2(name varchar2(30));
Table created.
Sys User
SQL> select grantee, privilege from dba_tab_privs where owner = 'TEST';
GRANTEE                        PRIVILEGE
SYS                            EXECUTE
SYS                            INSERT
TEST_ACCESS                    DELETE
TEST_ACCESS                    INSERT
TEST_ACCESS                    SELECT
TEST_ACCESS                    UPDATE
TEST_ACCESS                    DELETE
TEST_ACCESS                    INSERT
TEST_ACCESS                    SELECT
TEST_ACCESS                    UPDATE
10 rows selected.
SQL> select * from test.job_parm_table;
no rows selected
{ Code }
- Failed Atlast.. Checking the Code give osm time...
I can access the table's created in "TEST" by monitor got the privlileges.... Successs but one thing is could not able to
find the records in  job_parm_table...
Is It Okay with you know...
Problem.. Solved...  :-)
- Pavan Kumar N
Edited by: Pavan Kumar on Sep 20, 2008 12:58 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      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    You have to grant the privileges on an object by object basis.
    You can use a bit of dynamic SQL to automate the process (note that I'm only showing the process of granting privileges on tables-- you can write similar bits of code to grant privileges on views and other types of objects as well).
      FOR i IN (SELECT * FROM dba_tables where owner = 'X')
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'grant select, update, delete on x.' || i.table_name || ' to z';
      END LOOP;
    END;If Z does not need the privileges granted directly, you would probably be better off creating a role, granting the privileges to the role, and then granting the role to Z. That will make it easier in the future if you need to create another user that has the same privileges as Z.
    Edited by: Justin Cave on Oct 15, 2012 11:50 AM

  • Grant privileges to all objects

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    grant create session, create table, create views, create snapshot to abc - separate grant for each object
    grant unlimited tablespace to abc;So when I do that sometimes I forget privileges for sequences. Is there a way to give privilege in one sql to the user to let that user create table, views, session, tablespace etc.
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    Is there a list of things like create table, session etc. that I can look at to determine what options I have?select distinct privilege from role_sys_privs order by 1;
    will give you a list of privileges which can be granted to role.
    is there a way to grant privileges to all different types like create table, session etc in one statement without having to type each one of them separately like grant create session, grant table?As other replied, this can be achieved by creating a role like:
    SQL> create role newrole;
    Role created.
    SQL> grant create table,query rewrite to newrole;  -- Or any privilege by above command.
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant newrole to <YourUserName>;  --
    Grant succeeded.HTH
    Girish Sharma

  • How to grant privilege for a specific function?

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    I wonder if exists a privilege, that i could grant to a user, just to run a specific function.
    I searched in dba_sys_privs something about it but, returned nothing.
    13:38:10 brunos@fastora1> select * from dba_sys_privs where privilege like '%FUNCTION%';
    Do you guys have any idea for my issue ?
    Thanks in advance.

    BSalesRashid wrote:
    Hello all,
    I wonder if exists a privilege, that i could grant to a user, just to run a specific function.
    I searched in dba_sys_privs something about it but, returned nothing.
    13:38:10 brunos@fastora1> select * from dba_sys_privs where privilege like '%FUNCTION%';
    Do you guys have any idea for my issue ?

  • SAP HANA Privileges for Frontend Tools

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    Object Privileges:
    Analytical Privileges:
    Package Privileges:
    package to which the View was assigned
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    Has anybody an Idea? Is there an tutorial for granting privileges for reporting purpose? The Admin Guide is very general and I thought by using the standrad roles are sufficient for my sceanrio.
    Help would be appreciated.

    So as the trace is saying did you give "Grant" option? And hence you are able to preview the data in HANA. It means:
    1) You are able to see the package from "myUser"
    2) You were able to do data preview from HANA on the analytic view
    If it is "myUser" who created the tables, then i don't think you need to grant again.
    I was mentioning you to grant SYS_BI (SELECT) ,_SYS (SELECT) to "myUser"
    And after all this your issue currently is "myUser" cant see the views in Design studio? Could you confirm that you are logging into Design studio using "myUser"?
    Krishna Tangudu

  • Grant Privilege to Role instead of Direct grant doesn't work

    Hi all
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    create user a identified by a;
    create user b identified by b;
    grant connect,resource to a ;
    grant connect,resource to b ;
    conn a/a
    create table tbl( c1 number(10));
    conn system/sys
    create role roll;
    grant roll to b;
    conn a/a
    grant select on tbl to roll;
    conn b/b
    set role roll;
    create or replace procedure
    v number(10);
    select a into v
    from a.tbl
    where a=0;
    show error
    Errors for PROCEDURE B.P:
    6/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    7/6 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    This happen because i granted the SELECT privilege to user b through the role ROLL but if i granted the user b the SELECT privilege directly it work properly
    And how could I grant the privilege from within a role, Because i don't want to grant it directly
    Thank in advance

    There is no other way. The owner of stored code must have been directly granted all necessary (used in code) select, insert, update, or delete privileges. The code owner cannot just have the referenced privileges granted to them via a role. There is no workaround, nor should there be as this is a security feature. Just because you have been granted insert or delete to another user's tables does not mean you should be able to grant that access to some other user. This is exactly what you do when you grant execute to stored code that referenced another user's objects.
    The referenced article is by Tom Kyte and there are few people who understand how to use Oracle to better effect than Tom. The same information can be found in the official documentation and is referenced by the article.
    You can write packages that use the privileges of the executing person. Perhaps for the specific problem you are writing the code to handle this is the route you want to take. See the manuals for the details.
    Note - If user A grants insert to user B on table_a then user B can write a procedure, proc_b, and grant execute to a role and anyone with the role can perform inserts into table_a via proc_b, without having any grants on table_a. You do not need to grant privileges on the objects referenced in stored code that runs as the code owner if this is what you are worried about. The users just need execute on the package, procedure, or function that performs the DML operations in this case and they can get that from a role.
    If you still do not understand you need to state exactly what it is you either do not understand or want to know how to do.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Can't retrieve folder privileges for a specific user

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    l_priv_varchar := wwsec_api.get_granted_user_privilege(
    p_user_id => 0,
    p_object_type_name => 'FOLDER',
    p_name => '2889');
    p_user_id is from$
    p_object_type_name is my object type
    p_name is from
    I have looked at the properties of this folder and this user, 0, is set up as the owner. So I am expecting to see 'OWN' returned. I have another user set up to only VIEW the folder and when I put that user's id into the p_user_id parameter I still do not get any return. I can run this same code (with different parameter values) and get the privileges for a 'PAGE', but never for a FOLDER.
    Does anyone have this problem or can tell what I am missing?

    p_name for a folder is "sitename/parentfolder/foldername". You can see that in the syspriv_name field on the WWV_CORNERS table.

  • ORACLE - How to GRANT privilegies on ALL the tables belonging to a schema

    Is there a way to grant to a user the same privilegies on ALL the tables belonging to the same schema, so that, in case a new table is created afterwards, the grant is automatically given ?
    Thanks in adance for any reply

    Yes of course ! Just do the same as Oracle Applications: an end user has no Oracle account, the application code connects with the Oracle account that is the schema owner:
    no more grant needed ... That's a joke but it's also true ! In this case, your application must implement its own security (password management, audit, privileges) and you will not be able to use Oracle privileges, auditing and advanced security features ... just like Oracle Applications.
    The above answers are of course correct. You can also create an Oracle role that you can grant to the Oracle users and grant the privileges to this role everytime a new table is created to avoid granting privileges for each new object to each user.

  • READ privileges for *all the databases*

    Is it possible to grant READ privileges for all the databases objects (tables, schema, triggers, procedures, view and etc)

    SHANOJ wrote:
    Is it possible to grant privileges to all objects in one time?It depends on what you mean by 'in one time'. In one single SQL statement? No. But there's nothing stopping you issuing a billion grants one after the other in your session.
    Roles are probably better suited for this task. But are you sure you really want to grant SELECT privileges on all the tables in the database? It's more common to grant SELECT on all the 'MARKAPP' tables to the 'MARKAPP_READ_ONLY' role...

  • How to restrict a schema owner from granting privileges to other users.

    How can we restrict a schema owner from granting privileges to other users on his objects (e.g. tables). Lets say we have user called XYZ and he has tables in his schema TAB1, TAB2 an TAB3. How can we restrict user XYZ from granting privileges on TAB1, TAB2 and TAB3 to other users in the database. Is it possible in Oracle 10g R2? Any indirect or direct way to achieve this? Please help on this.

    Whenever someone is trying to prevent an object owner from doing something, that's generally a sign of a deeper problem. In a production database, the object owner shouldn't generally have CREATE SESSION privileges, so the user shouldn't be able to log in, which would prevent the user from issuing any grants.
    As a general rule, you cannot stop an object owner from granting privileges on the objects it owns. You can work around this by creating a database-level DDL trigger that throws an exception if the user issuing the statement is XYZ and the DDL is a GRANT. But long term, you probably want to get to the root of the problem.
    Edited by: Justin Cave on Nov 6, 2008 9:52 PM
    Enrique beat me to it.

  • ORA-04021 while granting sys privilege to an object

    While granting a system privilege to an object using the TOAD software, ORA-04021 error arised, ORA-00600 was written in the alert.log, and a new trace file appeared. Can you help understand the reason for the error
    Here is the trace file:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    ORACLE_HOME = /mis64/ora/oracle
    System name:     HP-UX
    Node name:     ncdb001
    Release:     B.11.11
    Version:     U
    Machine:     9000/800
    Instance name: MIS64
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 17
    Unix process pid: 2210, image: oracle@ncdb001 (TNS V1-V3)
    *** SESSION ID:(31.923) 2004-12-03 13:04:03.754
    *** 2004-12-03 13:04:03.754
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qerfxFetch_01], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    S.PROGRAM "Program",
    s.serial# "Serial#",
    s.sql_address "address", s.sql_hash_value "Sql hash",
         lk.sid, DECODE(lk.TYPE,
    'MR', 'Media Recovery',
    'RT', 'Redo Thread',
    'UN', 'User Name',
    'TX', 'Transaction',
    'TM', 'DML',
    'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock',
    'DX', 'Distributed Xaction',
    'CF', 'Control File',
    'IS', 'Instance State',
    'FS', 'File Set',
    'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
    'ST', 'Disk Space Transaction',
    'TS', 'Temp Segment',
    'IV', 'Library Cache Invalidation',
    'LS', 'Log Start or Switch',
    'RW', 'Row Wait',
    'SQ', 'Sequence Number',
    'TE', 'Extend Table',
    'TT', 'Temp Table',
    'BL','Buffer hash table instance',
    'CI','Cross-instance function invocation instance',
    'CU','Cursor bind',
    'DF','Data file instance',
    'DL','Direct loader parallel index create',
    'DM','Mount/startup db primary/secondary instance',
    'DR','Distributed recovery process',
    'HW','Space management operations on a specific segment',
    'IN','Instance number',
    'JQ','Job queue',
    'KK','Thread kick',
    'LA','Library cache lock instance lock namespace A',
    'LB','Library cache lock instance lock namespace B',
    'LC','Library cache lock instance lock namespace C',
    'LD','Library cache lock instance lock namespace D',
    'LE','Library cache lock instance lock namespace E',
    'LF','Library cache lock instance lock namespace F',
    'LG','Library cache lock instance lock namespace G',
    'LH','Library cache lock instance lock namespace H',
    'LI','Library cache lock instance lock namespace I',
    'LJ','Library cache lock instance lock namespace J',
    'LK','Library cache lock instance lock namespace K',
    'LL','Library cache lock instance lock namespace L',
    'LM','Library cache lock instance lock namespace M',
    'LN','Library cache lock instance lock namespace N',
    'LO','Library cache lock instance lock namespace O',
    'LP','Library cache lock instance lock namespace P',
    'MM','Mount definition global enqueue',
    'NA','Library cache pin instance A',
    'NB','Library cache pin instance B',
    'NC','Library cache pin instance C',
    'ND','Library cache pin instance D',
    'NE','Library cache pin instance E',
    'NF','Library cache pin instance F',
    'NG','Library cache pin instance G',
    'NH','Library cache pin instance H',
    'NI','Library cache pin instance I',
    'NJ','Library cache pin instance J',
    'NK','Library cache pin instance K',
    'NL','Library cache pin instance L',
    'NM','Library cache pin instance M',
    'NN','Library cache pin instance N',
    'NO','Library cache pin instance O',
    'NP','Library cache pin instance P',
    'NQ','Library cache pin instance Q',
    'NR','Library cache pin instance R',
    'NS','Library cache pin instance S',
    'NT','Library cache pin instance T',
    'NU','Library cache pin instance U',
    'NV','Library cache pin instance V',
    'NW','Library cache pin instance W',
    'NX','Library cache pin instance X',
    'NY','Library cache pin instance Y',
    'NZ','Library cache pin instance Z',
    'PF','Password File',
    'PI',' PS Parallel operation',
    'PR','Process startup',
    'QA','Row cache instance A',
    'QB','Row cache instance B',
    'QC','Row cache instance C',
    'QD','Row cache instance D',
    'QE','Row cache instance E',
    'QF','Row cache instance F',
    'QG','Row cache instance G',
    'QH','Row cache instance H',
    'QI','Row cache instance I',
    'QJ','Row cache instance J',
    'QK','Row cache instance K',
    'QL','Row cache instance L',
    'QM','Row cache instance M',
    'QN','Row cache instance N',
    'QO','Row cache instance O',
    'QP','Row cache instance P',
    'QQ','Row cache instance Q',
    'QR','Row cache instance R',
    'QS','Row cache instance S',
    'QT','Row cache instance T',
    'QU','Row cache instance U',
    'QV','Row cache instance V',
    'QW','Row cache instance W',
    'QX','Row cache instance X',
    'QY','Row cache instance Y',
    'QZ','Row cache instance Z',
    'SC','System commit number instance',
    'SN','Sequence number instance',
    'SS','Sort segment',
    'SV','Sequence number value',
    'TA','Generic enqueue',
    'US','Undo segment DDL',
    'WL','Being-written redo log instance',
    lk.TYPE) lock_type,
    0, 'None',
    1, 'Null',
    2, 'Row-S (SS)',
    3, 'Row-X (SX)',
    4, 'Share',
    5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
    6, 'Exclusive',
    TO_CHAR(lk.lmode)) mode_held,
    0, 'None',
    1, 'Null',
    2, 'Row-S (SS)',
    3, 'Row-X (SX)',
    4, 'Share',
    5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
    6, 'Exclusive',
    TO_CHAR(lk.request)) mode_requested,
    TO_CHAR(lk.id1) lock_id1,
    TO_CHAR(lk.id2) lock_id2,
    s.USERNAME "DB User", s.sid,
    OWNER||'.'||OBJECT_NAME "Object"
    FROM v$lock lk, v$session s
    , DBA_OBJECTS ao
    lk.lmode > 1
    AND s.username is not null
    AND lk.sid = s.sid
    AND ao.OBJECT_ID(+) = lk.id1
    ORDER BY 1, "Object"
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    ksedmp()+184 ? ksedst() 80000001001B14C8 ?
    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    000000000 ?
    ksfdmp()+32 ? ksedmp() 000007FFE ? 000000000 ?
    800000010000BD40 ?
    40000000026CE5A7 ?
    kgerinv()+152 ? ksfdmp() 800000010000BD40 ?
    40000000026CE5A7 ?
    8000000100149370 ?
    000000000 ?
    kgeasnmierr()+88 ? kgerinv() 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    40000000004F57D0 ?
    C000000018380C38 ?
    qerfxFetch()+2760 ? kgeasnmierr() 800000010012AB70 ?
    400000000066848A ?
    400000000070A490 ?
    A900748690 ?
    rwsfcd()+120 ? qerfxFetch() 000000000 ?
    C0000000116641B8 ?
    00121EDA7 ?
    400000000156A43B ?
    qeruaFetch()+240 ? rwsfcd() 8000000100149370 ?
    000000002 ?
    800000010012C370 ?
    800003FB800653A8 ?
    qervwFetch()+160 ? qeruaFetch() 0000000E0 ?
    4000000000D9A748 ?
    800003FFFF7F6F98 ?
    100000080 ?
    rwsfcd()+120 ? qervwFetch() 8000000100149370 ?
    C000000011663EC0 ?
    800003FFFF7F6F98 ?
    800000010000 ?
    qeruaFetch()+240 ? rwsfcd() 8000000100149370 ?
    8000000100149370 ?
    000000000 ? 30001001C42E0 ?
    qervwFetch()+160 ? qeruaFetch() 8000000100143BA8 ?
    800003FB8007F5B0 ?
    8000000100144CF8 ?
    055555555 ?
    qerjoFetch()+480 ? qervwFetch() 40000000010530DB ?
    8000000100000018 ?
    4000000001400253 ?
    8000000100144CF8 ?
    rwsfcd()+120 ? qerjoFetch() 20000010C ? 000000000 ?
    000000000 ?
    400000000121EF73 ?
    qerhjFetch()+1216 ? rwsfcd() C000000010B6B898 ?
    400000000140ED7F ?
    C00000000028DB33 ?
    800003FB800603E0 ?
    qersoFetch()+696 ? qerhjFetch() 80000001001C0720 ?
    C000000000280A13 ?
    80000001001623C0 ?
    000000000 ?
    opifch2()+3304 ? qersoFetch() 000000000 ?
    8000000100149370 ?
    40000000010675DF ?
    8000000100143898 ?
    opiall0()+3584 ? opifch2() 4E1D000023A3 ?
    8000000100149370 ?
    C000000018311A98 ?
    000000000 ?
    kpoal8()+3448 ? opiall0() 8000000100149370 ?
    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    000000000 ?
    opiodr()+2332 ? kpoal8() 000000D00 ?
    40000000015460D7 ?
    72000696F6E00 ?
    1000000000000000 ?
    ttcpip()+1880 ? opiodr() 000000000 ?
    692E7369642C2073 ?
    80000001001B19F0 ?
    000000000 ?
    opitsk()+1248 ? ttcpip() 00000001E ?
    800003FDC0002ED8 ?
    00000001E ?
    800003FC800142E0 ?
    opiino()+1464 ? opitsk() 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    opiodr()+2332 ? opiino() 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    000000000 ?
    800003FDC0002ED8 ?
    opidrv()+752 ? opiodr() 8000000100143A24 ?
    000000000 ?
    8000000100143A24 ?
    80000001001D5AC8 ?
    sou2o()+40 ? opidrv() 800003FFBFFFF480 ?
    C0000000000218B3 ?
    000000000 ?
    C00000000030105B ?
    main()+228 ? sou2o() 000000000 ?
    C00000000030105B ?
    000000002 ? 000000230 ?
    $START$()+160 ? main() 21408130800 ?
    800003FFFF7F04AB ?
    800003FFFF7F03F3 ?
    800003FFFF7F0017 ?
    --------------------- Binary Stack Dump -----------------
    ========== FRAME [1] (ksedmp()+184 -> ksedst()) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x800003FFFF7F7FC0 to 0x800003FFFF7F8360
    800003FFFF7F7FC0 80000001 001449DC 40000000 0041F7F8 [[email protected]..]
    800003FFFF7F7FD0 800003FF FF7F7BF0 800003FB 80065338 [......{.......S8]
    800003FFFF7F7FE0 40000000 00668488 40000000 00664980 [@[email protected].]
    800003FFFF7F7FF0 80000001 0000B870 00000000 00000140 [.......p.......@]
    800003FFFF7F8000 80000001 00144D88 00000000 0000000E [......M.........]
    800003FFFF7F8010 80000001 00143AE8 80000001 00144DC0 [......:.......M.]
    800003FFFF7F8020 00000000 00000001 80000001 001449F0 [..............I.]
    800003FFFF7F8030 00000000 00000009 C0000000 1826D1F8 [.............&..]

    It's a possible bug id 2306106.8 (affect OEM) which fix in

  • Granting privilege through role not working for PL/SQL

    In our shop, we don't grant privileges directly to a user, we grant it to a role and grant that role to the intended grantee.
    Granting privileges through a role seems to be fine with SQL Engine. But it doesn't work from PL/SQL engine.
    In the below example GLS_DEV user is granted SELECT access on SCOTT.pets table through a role called tstrole. GLS_DEV can select this table from SQL. But PL/SQL Engine doesn't seem to know this.
    Reproducing the issue:
    SQL> show user
    USER is "SCOTT"
    SQL> select * from pets;
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> create user GLS_DEV identified by test1234 default tablespace TSTDATA;
    User created.
    SQL> alter user GLS_DEV quota 25m on TSTDATA;
    User altered.
    SQL> grant create session, resource to GLS_DEV;
    Grant succeeded.
    --- Granting SELECT privilege on scott.pets to tstrole and then grant this role to GLS_DEV.
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> create role tstrole;
    Role created.
    SQL> grant select on scott.pets to tstrole;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant tstrole to GLS_DEV;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn GLS_DEV/test1234
    SQL> select * From scott.pets;
    ---- All fine till here. From SQL engine , GLS_DEV user can SELECT scott.pets table.
    --- Now , I am going to create a PL/SQL object in GLS_DEV which tries to refer scott.pets
    SQL> show user
    USER is "GLS_DEV"
    create or replace procedure my_proc
    myvariable varchar2(35);
         select name into myvariable from scott.pets ;
    end my_proc;
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show errors
    Errors for PROCEDURE MY_PROC:
    6/2      PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    6/41     PL/SQL: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    SQL> 6
      6*    select name into myvariable from scott.pets ;
    --- PL/SQL Engine doesn't seem to know that GLS_DEV has select privilege on scott.pets indirectly granted through a role
    --- Fix
    --- Instead of granting privilege through a role, I am granting the SELECT privilege on scott.pets to GLS_DEV directly.
    --- The error goes away, I can compile and execute the procedure !!
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> grant select on scott.pets to GLS_DEV;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn GLS_DEV/test1234
    SQL> create or replace procedure my_proc
    myvariable varchar2(35);
            select name into myvariable from scott.pets ;
    end my_proc;  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
    11  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec my_proc;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Has anyone encountered the same issue ?

    You really should start your own new thread for this question instead of resurrecting an old one, but to answer your question.
    There are two things going on here. First, there are a number of aler session commands that can be used by any user regardless of what privileges they are granted. Although I do not have the entire list at hand, things like nls_date_format and current_schema are available to all users, sort of like the grants to public in the data dictionary.
    Second, when you use execute immediate, the PL/SQL engine never really sees the statement, as far as the compiler is concerned it is just a string. It is only when the string is passed to the sql engine that permissions are checked, and there roles are not enabled.
    SQL> create role t_role;
    Role created.
    SQL> grant select on ops$oracle.t to t_role;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> create user a identified by a default tablespace users;
    User created.
    SQL> grant create session, create procedure to a;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant t_role to a;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> connect a/a
    SQL> select * from ops$oracle.t;
            ID DESCR
             1 One
             1 Un
    SQL> create function f (p_descr in varchar2) return number as
      2     l_num number;
      3  begin
      4     select id into l_num
      5     from ops$oracle.t
      6     where descr = p_descr;
      7     return l_num;
      8  end;
      9  /
    Warning: Function created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    Errors for FUNCTION F:
    4/4      PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    5/20     PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> create or replace function f (p_descr in varchar2) return number as
      2     l_num number;
      3  begin
      4     execute immediate 'select id from ops$oracle.t where descr = :b1'
      5                       into l_num using p_descr;
      6     return l_num;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select f('One') from dual;
    select f('One') from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06512: at "A.F", line 4John

  • Granting Privileges on Objects and Workspace

    Hi folks,
    I'm a newbie using Workspace Manager and here is a basic question about granting privileges. I think that it's a little bit confused to me the concept regarding objects privileges versus workspace privileges.
    Here is the scenario.
    User A enable versioning in table TAB1
    User A creates a workspace WKS1
    User A grants workspace privileges to User B (ACESS, MERGE,....)
    User B connects into the database and goto workspace WKS1
    User B tries to select, insert, update data using TAB1 but got error that
    table does not exist.
    So, Should user A, previously, grant select, insert, update permission on table TAB1 to User B?
    I understood that it was not necessary once user B would, in fact, access a view created by workspace manager and the privileges would be set using the GrantWorkspacePrivs function.

    The object and workspace privileges are separate. You would need to grant access to user B for both the workspace and the table. The object permissions can be granted prior to executing dbms_wm.enableversioning or during a DDL session.

  • Privileges to EUL5_X objects for non-developers using PLUS

    I have granted only SELECT access to the EUL5_xxx objects (tables, views and Sequence) to users who will only be accessing shared reports and not creating their own.. But those users get an insufficient privileges error.. So I have to give them the same as the developers (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE),,,
    Does anyone know why that is ? Or better what are list of tables that require these DML privileges for users who will only be running reports - again - not creating them

    Yes I know the capabilities and function of the Disco Administrator... But I am more concerned with people using their account, inadvertently , to perform DML functions on the EUL_X tables.. To me this seems like a major security hole, for all it takes is a savvy users to use MS Access, setup an ODBC connection and boom - they could easily delete data... Naturally there is no reason for them to do so - but that deos not safeguard the disco metadata..
    Seems like a big issue with Discoverer..
    So if I am wrong - please let me know....

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