Graphics from Text File

Hi everyone
Was wondering if you can help. I have a program that, when running, will refresh a log file every 30 seconds. The data is an IP address which is stored on a new line for every IP address stored.
Basically i need to have a red box draw on a JPanel everytime a new IP address is added to the log file, so the program will draw 3 boxes if there are 3 IP addresses in the log file and if in 30 seconds only 2 IP addresses are left in the log file the Graphics will update and only display 2 boxes.....
Silly this possible? Any ideas how? where to start?

for the approach one it will look like follows
public class MyLabel extends JLabel{
   public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
      int count = countIPs();  //This method give you the number of IPs by reading the log
      for (int i=0; i<count; i++){
         //You will have to calculate x,y for rect based on the value of i and width and height of the rect and the size of the label.
}I assume that you can do the timer part

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    It seems you are reaching the .NET memory limitation informed in note 1040454.
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    Go to Solution.

    From the LabVIEW Help:
    Converts a 1D array to a cluster of elements of the same type as the array elements. Right-click the function and select Cluster Size from the shortcut menu to set the number of elements in the cluster.
    The default is nine. The maximum cluster size for this function is 256.
    Aside: so, how many times has this question been asked over the years?

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    Ohmy, thanks altenbach. oh yeah i forgot about those sub VIs. will upload them now. Was rather demoralized after reading the comments and really struck me on how weak i'm at on labview really hope to get this done. But of course i have to study through and see how it works. Actually i am going to replace those 'signal generators sub vi' with ThoughtTechonology's sample code so i can obtain data waveforms real-time using Electrocardiography (ECG) ,Electromyography (EMG ) and Electroencephalography (EEG) hopefully i can find out how to connect the sample code.
    ( ps . cant connect it now unless my program is working otherwise labview will crash ) 
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    Boolean bReadEntireLine = (linemode && (cnt == 0)); 
    if(bReadEntireLine && !cnt) {
      cnt = BUFINCR;    //BUFINCR=256
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     if(bReadEntireLine) {    //if(bReadEntireLine && !cnt) {
      cnt = BUFINCR;
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    count should be the number of lines, like chars in char mode.
    linemode should be 0 or 1.
    Hope someone can fix this in the new version!
    "LabVIEW for ARM guru and bug destroyer"

    I have another solution, the EOF works with this one.
    the cnt is the bytes that are not read yet, so the first time it tries to read (and allocate 4 MB).
    you only want to say that if it's in line mode and cnt > 256 (BUFINCR) cnt = BUFINCR
    the next time cnt is the value of the bytes that are not read yet, so the old value minus the line (until CR LF) or if cnt (256) is reached.
    with this solution the program does not try to allocate the whole file but for the max of 256.
    in CCGByteStreamFileSupprt.c row 705
     if(linemode && (cnt>BUFINCR)){
       cnt = BUFINCR;
    don't use the count input when using the vi in line mode. count does not make sense, cnt will be the total file size. also the output will be an array.
    linemode seems to be the value of the file size but I checked this and it is just 0 or 1, so this is good
    update: damn it doesn't work!
    "LabVIEW for ARM guru and bug destroyer"

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    (It is silly to use "delete from array" if all you want is a column. The correct function is "index array")
    Joe's idea above basically works fine. Here's a quick adapdation (the node before the graph is "index array" from the array palette.).
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-11-2007 11:57 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    FileRead.png ‏11 KB

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    You could check that the path is valid first before you attempt to read the file.  hen put the file read in a True-False case structure based on the results of the check.  You can use the function "Check if File or Folder Exists"  It checks whether a file or folder exists on disk at a specified path. This VI works with standard files and folders as well as files in LLB files.   The function is found in the File I/O --> Advanced File Functions palette.

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    Here is the overall program code in question:
    Here is the reading and parsing subvi:
    If you have any idea at all what could cause this I would really appreciate it!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Kiauma,
    Dennis beat me to it, but here goes my two cents:
    First of all, it's great to see that you're using error handling - that should make troubleshooting a lot easier.  By any chance, have you observed error 7 when you try to read your files and get an empty data set?  (You've probably seen that error before - it means the file wasn't found)
    If you're seeing that error, the issue probably has something to do with this:
    Relative paths differ in an executable.  This knowledge base document sums it up pretty well. To make matters more confusing, if you ever upgrade to LabVIEW 2009 the whole scheme changes.  Also, because an installer contains the executable, building the installer will always yield the same results.
    Lastly, instead of parsing each set of commas using the "match pattern" function, there's a function called "spreadsheet string to array" (also on the string palette) that does exactly what you're doing, except with one function:
    I hope this is helpful...

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    What is in the rest of that "specific vi"? I just tried the code you show, in v2011, and it works as expected, doesn't clear file.
    What version are you running? Can you add an error out, or make sure error output is on in your LabVIEW configuration?
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

  • Read from Text File - Help Bug?

    Hi - I am currently working on LV8 and I think that there is some misunderstanding potential in the help file. To be more exact in the help to the "Read From Text File" VI.
    The description for "count":
    " ... If count is <0, the function reads the entire file. The
    default is –1, which indicates to read a single line if you placed a checkmark
    next to the Read Lines shortcut menu item and to read the
    entire file if you removed the checkmark next to the item. "
    If count is lower than zero, the function reads the entire file. That sounds clear to me.
    The default is -1, which indicates to read a single line if you placed a checkmark next to the "Read Lines" shortcut menu item. Now what? Does it read a single line or the whole file?
    .. and to read the entire file if you removed the checkmark next to the item. I thought it reads the whole file if I use -1 ?
    the VI itself behaves as I'd expect it to:
    * If I place a checkmark next to Read Lines and put -1, I get an array containing the lines
    * If I remove the checkmark, I get only a single string item.
    Now where is the error? Is the VI not working properly or only the description a little bit ... strange ?

    Both you guys lost me..
    And I drink coffee without sugar (being sweet enough, already) 
    Here is what I get from Context Help on the Read From Text File:
    Read from Text File
    Reads a specified number of characters or lines from a byte stream file. By default, this function reads all characters from the text file. Wire an integer value to count to specify how many individual characters you want to read starting with the first character. Right-click the function and place a checkmark next to the Read Lines option in the shortcut menu to read individual lines from the text file. When you select the Read Lines option in the shortcut menu, wire an integer value to the count input to specify how many individual lines you want to read from the file starting with the first line. Enter a value of -1 in count to read all characters and lines from the text file.
    New feature (again)..  If you select checkmark the Read Lines option, it will not send the text to a sting indicator, as shown in the attached image.  If selected, then it's expecting to write lines to an array of strings...  WHY???  I don't know..  I'll ask..
    Strange...  LV8 is full of mysteries... 
    bad write file.JPG ‏33 KB
    more bad write file.JPG ‏12 KB

  • Read from Text File Detailed Help need Clean-up

    This is probably well known and nobody has bothered fixing it but the detailed Help of the "Read from Text File" function is sort of ambiguous:
    -  statement 1: refnum out is the refnum of the file that the function read. You can wire this output to another file function, depending on what you want to do with the file. The default is to close the file if it is referenced by a file path or selected from the file dialog box. If file is a refnum or if you wire refnum out to another function, LabVIEW assumes that the file is still in use until you close it.
    - statement 2: If you wire a path to file, the function opens the file before reading from it and closes it afterwards.
    I have found statement 1 to be correct, which makes statement 2 incomplete (and sort of tautological in the sense that 1) you expect LabVIEW to open the file before reading from it if you provide a path instead of a refnum... and 2) if you use a path input to file AND use the refnum out for some other function, the file is NOT closed, as correctly stated in statement 1).
    Just sayin' ...

    It deeply concerns me that you would take my response to mean indifference. I certainly had no intention to belittle what you had to say. On the contrary, I took this up with the concerned team, and had a small discussion. If you say that what someone says on this forum is of lesser or no value to National Instruments, you could not be more wrong. It defeats the whole purpose of this public forum.
    My point was not that it is not an issue, it certainly seems to be. Please be rest assured that even if it does not look like it from the outside, each comment however big or small is taken back to our workplaces and some thoughts poured over it. 
    On the whole, I recognise that I had a role to play in this misunderstanding of tone, and I sincerely apologise.
    Warm Regards,
    Prashanth N
    National Instruments

  • How to load date and time from text file to oracle table through sqlloader

    hi friends
    i need you to show me what i miss to load date and time from text file to oracle table through sqlloader
    this is my data in this path (c:\external\my_data.txt)
    7654,MARTIN,28-SEP-81,17:24:10,SALESMAN,30my table in database emp2
    create table emp2 (empno number,
                      ename varchar2(20),
                      hiredate date,
                      etime date,
                      ejob varchar2(20),
                      deptno number);the control file code in this path (c:\external\ctrl.ctl)
    load data
    infile 'C:\external\my_data.txt'
    into table emp2
    fields terminated by ','
    (empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)this is the error :
    C:\>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:\external\ctrl.ctl
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 5
    C:\>any help i greatly appreciated
    Edited by: user10947262 on May 31, 2010 9:47 AM

    load data
    infile 'C:\external\my_data.txt'
    into table emp2
    fields terminated by ','
    (empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)Try
    load data
    infile 'C:\external\my_data.txt'
    into table emp2
    fields terminated by ','
    (empno, ename, hiredate, etime "to_date(:etime,'hh24:mi:ss')", ejob, deptno)
    this is the error :
    C:\>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:\external\ctrl.ctl
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 5
    That's not an error, you can see errors within log and bad files.

  • How to find largest number from text file

    I am using the "Read from text file" block to read the data from my .txt file into labview.  It is now in string format.  I have many numbers in the file.  
    For example:
    That is what a text file might look like.  I want to find which of these numbers is largest, and do calculations with that number.  I am having trouble with strings/number formats/arrays, etc.  Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    The spreadsheet functions and VIs typically work on strings representing numbers separated by delimiters.  This is a typical way to save a "spreadsheet" (of numbers) to a text file, for example .csv files.  These are quite versatile and powerful functions.  Spend a bit of time becoming familiar with them because you may find yourself using them a lot.

  • Cant get data from text file to print into Jtable

    Instead of doing JDBC i am using text file as database. I cant get data from text file to print into JTable when i click find button. Goal is to find a record and print that record only, but for now i am trying to print all the records. Once i get that i will change my code to search desired record and print it. when i click the find button nothing happens. Can you please take a look at my code, dbTest() method. thanks.
    void dbTest() {
    DataInputStream dis = null;
    String dbRecord = null;
    String hold;
    try {
    File f = new File("customer.txt");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
    dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
    Vector dataVector = new Vector();
    Vector headVector = new Vector(2);
    Vector row = new Vector();
    // read the record of the text database
    while ( (dbRecord = dis.readLine()) != null) {
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dbRecord, ",");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    System.out.println("Inside nested loop: " + row);
    System.out.println("inside loop: " + row);
    System.out.println("outside loop: " + row);
    dataTable = new JTable(dataVector, headVector);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // catch io errors from FileInputStream or readLine()
    System.out.println("Uh oh, got an IOException error!" + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
    // if the file opened okay, make sure we close it
    if (dis != null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    } // end if
    } // end finally
    } // end dbTest

    Here's a thread that loads a text file into a JTable:
    And my reply in this thread shows how you can use a text file as a simple database:

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    Maybe you should use SUBSTRC, SUBSTR2 or SUBSTR4 depending on the character set of your database. See
    Message was edited by:
    Pierre Forstmann

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