Grey Login Screen

I get a grey login screen instead of the blurry background, when I turn on or restart my computer. Also get a loading bar after typing in my password before it boots to my desktop. this only happens on my MacBook Air late 2012.  My 2014 Mac Mini does not have this issue.  Already tried reinstalling OS X, No Luck.

I wish you that you solved your problem and that was just it!
As I've told you in another thread, I've had a similar problem, except no amount of moving the mouse around will show any way to login... and no amount of "cmd-this" or "shift-ctrl-that" did anything.
The problem appeared after a HDD change (SMART was failing), so I thought that was the culprit, but after bringing the unit back to Genius 2 more times, they switched the HDD (unless they lied...?) and it's still a problem, altough not just the grey screen.
And, of course, all the permissions were verified and repaired (many times) as well... and before the clean installs, all login-startup apps were turned off so that nothing would launch at start up. To no avail.
RAM was changed and upgraded too (by me), OSX 10.8 was installed from scratched 3 times (once importing everything, the second time importing everything but the preference files... this time nothing at all).
I have NOT had the grey screen problem yet... but the other symptoms have re-appeared, which are Finder being buggy, SBBOD, slow moments, having to force quit apps (even though I have almost nothing running and almost no apps installed, with no files either).
Last time I tried to restart, I first had to force quit iPhoto, then had to shut the unit down with the button because it was stuck on the white screen!
Did you have any other problems before you got the grey screen? Did it happen after wake-up or restart?

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    I think that your Mac detects your hard disk, but the problem is that your new hard disk doesn't contain any operating system, so your Mac doesn't find any bootable partition and you see a question mark.
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    Hello Armando
    Check out the article below for troubleshooting your issue with the display. There are a few things that can be done, like changing the resolution of the display and also to reset the NVRAM to see if that resolves that for you.
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays
    -Norm G.

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    System Preferences->Users & Groups->Login Options->Automatic Login (then choose your account name in the menu)
    If you're sure it's set that way...
    Try creating a new user account and setting Automatic Login to log in to that account. Does it bypass the login screen now? If so, the problem is with your primary user account.

  • How do I get past the login screen?

    Hey all,
    I just bought a nice new MacBook Pro 15" 2.66 GHz and am happy with it so far.
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    Is there anything I can do to bypass the login? I've tried to start it in safe mode, but the PB won't even get to the login screen after 30 minutes of waiting. I also tried holding shift while logging in, but no dice.
    I have an ethernet cable, and know that if I can log on, I'd be able to move my info somehow, please help!
    Thank you, Lindsey

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Congratulations on your new MacBook Pro. You'll love it.
    In terms of your PowerBook G4, apparently your Hard Disk Drive has failed completely and I am not sure what else it wrong.
    First, try this:
    • Shut down the computer.
    • Locate the following keys: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously later.
    • Turn on the computer.
    • Press and hold the Command + Option + P + R keys immediately after the startup chime.
    • Hold keys down until you hear the startup chime for the third time.
    • Release the keys and immediately hold down Shift key to start up in Safe Mode.
    • Log in and empty Trash.
    • Restart normally and log in.
    If that does not work try Repair Disk
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel, and report if it says anything but Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    If DU reports errors it cannot repair you will need to use a utility like Tech Tool Pro or Disk Warrior
    If still no dice, try the procedure outlined in the article Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck.

  • Apple login screen edit

    Hi can any one tell me how to edit the grey area login screen.
    so I can leave info their for student/staff rules about system
    thank you
    G5 Dual, Xserver, Xraid, G5iMac   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    A interesting feature came out in the Tiger release. For those who don't need all the bells and whistles open Terminal, and type this command:
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo
    Do not press Return yet. Instead, press the Space Bar after the last word above, then type one of these words:
    'HostName' ---> to show the default display.
    'SystemVersion' ---> to show the OS X version number
    'SystemBuild' ---> to show the OS X build number
    'SerialNumber' ---> to show the OS X serial number
    'IPAddress' ---> to show the Mac’s IP address
    'DSStatus' ---> to show the networked account info
    'Time' ---> to show the date and time
    After adding the word for the data you wish to display, press Return. To show the date by default, for instance, the full command would look like:
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo Time

  • Spinning beach ball at login screen after upgrading to 10.4.8

    Ok, I so used software update to install the 10.4.8 update (I know, big mistake, should have used combo update, etc.), and upon restart can't get past the login screen. After several seconds, the spinning beach ball appears and that's it. Been like that for hours.
    Booted into single user mode and ran fsck, says that the volume is fine. diskutil stalls out in single user mode (can't place my hands on the install CD, otherwise I'd use diskutil fron that).
    So, ideas?

    I had this happen on my wife's iBook G4.. Here's what I did..
    Remove the battery.. Unplug the power. Let it sit for a few seconds. (30 to be safe)..
    Then plug it all back in
    Turn it on and press APPLE-OPTION-P-R immediately after pressing the power button and hold it in for a LONG time.. even after you hear the chime.. keep holding it in for FOUR CHIMES and FOUR initialiations of the CD/DVD drive.
    Then let go and let it boot.. you will then see the Apple Grey screen and it should boot normally.. Once it boots, repair permissions immediately.
    At least that's what worked on her iBook, exact same problem.
    Hope this helps.

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