Hello Members
can i create a group check box like radio button
mean only one check_box check at one time

unfortunately not, needs to be checked programatically.

Similar Messages

  • How to create a group/list of check box variables for display in text field, in appended format

    I need to identify a series of single-response checkbox variables and display the ones selected (as a group) in a text field in an appended (comma, space) format. Last week, you provided a great little script for a similar need using List Box (multiple response) variables. This time I need to know how to formally identify the checkbox variables and, I presume, use a similar script to display the results in a comma, space format.
    You've been of great help.

    Here's the script adapted to this situation. It assumes there are ten check boxes named cb1, cb1, cb2, ...cb10.
    // Custom Calculate script for text field
    (function () {
        // Initialize the string
        var v, s = "";
        // Loop through the check boxes to build up a string
        for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
            // Get the value of the current check box
            v = getField("cb" + i).value;
            if (v !== "Off") {
                if (s) s += ", ";  // Add a comma and a space if needed
                s += v;  // Add the selected value
        // Set this field value to the string
        event.value = s;
    You'll have to change the field name and starting/ending numbers to match your form.

  • How to disbale a group of checkboxes when i select one check box WEBDYNPRO

    Hi Friends,
    Can any body help me how to disbale a group of checkboxes when i select one check box WEBDYNPRO Abap
    Also can any body tell me how to handle chain endchain type of scenario in WEBDYNPRO Abap
    Thank you..

    In the context tab , create 2 context attributes ca_attr1 and ca_attr2   of type WDY_BOOLEAN under a context node cn_node
    now in ur Layout , bind the ENABLE property of CheckBoxGroup UI Element with this attribute ca_attr1
    bind the ENABLE property of CheckBox UI Element with this attribute ca_attr2
    create a action for ur Checkbox , for the OnToggle property of ur checkbox
    in OnactionToggle , check if ca_attr2 is 'X' , set ca_attr2 to ' ' ( for disable)
    this can be done by code wizard , press control +f7 and use read/set context attributes , use get_attribute and set_attribute methods
    // if ca_attr2 is 'X'
    DATA lo_nd_cn_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
        DATA lo_el_cn_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
        DATA ls_cn_node TYPE wd_this->element_cn_node .
        DATA lv_attr  LIKE ls_city-ca_attr2.
        lo_nd_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_ca_attr).
    *   get element via lead selection
        lo_el_cn_node = lo_nd_cn_node->get_element(  ).
    *   get single attribute
            name =  `CA_ATTR2`
            value = lv_attr ).
    // if lv_attr2 is 'X' , use set_attribute method for ca_attr1
    IF lv_Attr EQ 'X' .
    DATA lo_nd_cn_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
        DATA lo_el_cn_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
        DATA ls_cn_node TYPE wd_this->element_cn_node .
        DATA lv_attr  LIKE ls_city-ca_attr.
    *   navigate from <CONTEXT> to <CN_VISIBLE> via lead selection
        lo_nd_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_ca_attr).
    *   get element via lead selection
        lo_el_cn_node = lo_nd_cn_node->get_element(  ).
    *   set single attribute
            name =  `CA_ATTR1`
            value = ' ').

  • How to Select each check box values in a group of records

    I have a requirement in forms 10g. In that form there are 10 records are displaying each record has one check box is there if i click the check box on record number one and record number three and do some changes in the text field(adjustment field is number data type) then finally I want to see the total on one field called total amount.
    In this my question is how to select particular records in a group of records? and finally these selected records are inserted into one table.
    Because I am not able to fetch these records at a time.
    Is there any Array to define a record group to fetch each of them individually for example Rec[1],Rec[2] that if yes please suggest me the steps how to do this.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: user10315107 on Dec 17, 2008 11:44 PM

    I'm sorry, but i didn't get your requirement in detail.
    Do you want to do the summing of the selected records in forms ? Or do you just want to know which records are selected and then process them?
    If you want to process the selected records in sql you could use an object-type to store the list of id's (of whatever primary key you use), loop over the block to fill it, and then afterwards process them.
    For this approach, first create an object-type in the database:
    /Then, in forms you could do something like this to fill a list of id's:
      lIds ID_LIST:=ID_LIST();
        END IF;
      END LOOP;
      -- Now you can use the object-list in SQL like :
      SELECT (cols..)
    END;Edited by: Andreas Weiden on 18.12.2008 18:17

  • Radio Button or Check Box Group

    I built a form based on a query. There is a flag column, only one of queried records is allowed to be "Y" in this column. The rests must be null.
    Most ideal thing is to have a radio button group, only one of them can be selected.
    Another way is to have a group of check boxes also allow only one checked. Once another check box is selected, the previously selected box must be unchecked.
    Does anybody have idea of how to do it?

    You have the save the number of the current ("checked") record in your data block.
    After that you can launch a trigger which will scan every record in your data block (there are enough built-ins like FIRST_RECORD, LAST_RECORD, NEXT_RECORD, Current_record property, etc.)to allow you to do this. The trigger will set the check item property to "unchecked" if it is not the saved "checked" record.

  • Linking/Grouping Text Fields with a Check Box Field

    Disclaimer: I know nothing about coding/scripting in Acrobat (or in any language, for that matter).
    I have 4 sets of text fields, call them A, B, C, and D. All of the fields in set A will have a value entered. There are 10 fields in set A while sets B, C, and D may have as many as 104. Sets B, C, and D will always have a one-to-one-to-one correspondence with each other (B1 is associated with C1 and D1 only and so on). My dilemma/desire is two fold:
    I want to be able to group 3 to 4 of the fields in set C if I tick a check box/radio button/whatever field type works. When the fields are grouped, I want their values to be the same within the grouping. These fields should also be ungrouped when the marker field is unchecked/deactivated. No field will ever be in any more than one group.
    I want values for set B to equal a value of set A if there is a value entered in that B's corresponding C field.
    Please don't hesitate to point out where I can make any of this clearer.
    Thank you in advance,
    If one or both of these is not doable in Acrobat, would you please kindly point me to a program that can do this?

    Sorry, I referenced InDesign and this file was created in Illustrator. (I have been working with numerous files created in both InDesign and Illustrator, with numerous challenges). I do not have the native document nor Illustrator software, only Acrobat. When I previously loaded the InDesign-created pdf file(s) into Acrobat, I was unable to use the Text TouchUp Tool because I do not have the fonts on my system that were used to create the documents in InDesign, thus I am denied access to the text. With this file, created in Ilustrator; I assume because the text resides within the image created that encompasses the entire page, the Text TounchUp Tool and Object Tool have no response when I click on the page after activating the tools with a click, although the Tool Bar allows me to click on the icons to activate the functions.
    I have read elsewhere that InDesign and Illustrator files are exported as images, thus requiring either Photoshop or Illustrator to fully edit outside of the originating software. However, I was hoping that I could create interactive forms by overlaying fields with Live Cycle Designer - I did not anticipate the default setting of the check box labels being unchangeable. Sounds like I am at a dead-end with this issue??

  • Setting tab order in a check box group

    I am running a 508 accessibility test on forms created in Adobe.  The issue that I am having is that when I verify the tab order, it skips the second or any other check boxes in a check box group.  Does anyone know where to set it to recognize all the boxes in a check box group?

    Thank you.  You were correct, it was a version issue.  When I opened the form in Reader 9 with JAWS 10, I was aable to arrow through all of the check boxes with correct identification of each field.  Thanks again for all your help.

  • How to create a message check boxes group dynamically in OA Framework

    Hi all,
    I am developing a custom OAF page. It is a master-detail page. And I am having some difficulties to build that.
    Firstly, I need to create a dynamic message check boxes group. These check boxes will get the prompt from a standard database table's column. Let's say I have table X with description column and it has 7 rows. Values of description column are A,B,C, ...etc. Then my master region on the page will have 7 check boxes with the prompts of A,B, C... Check box number will depend on the row/rows that this table has.
    The other requirement is to create master and detail rows that depends on the number of any checked check boxes. If 2 check boxes are checked then we need to create 2 rows of master data and detail data too.
    Does any of you have any ideas or suggestions to do that?
    It is urgent, any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance and regards
    PS: Is it possible to do that? Can anyone put some light on this thread please?
    Edited by: user1742330 on Aug 12, 2012 4:23 PM

    Please help me out with this issue...
    I am in a very urgent situation. Any idea about this thread???

  • Re: Retrieving data from the check box group.....

    Hi all,
    I am new to webdynpro Java. I'm facing a problem while retrieving data from the check box group..
    I've taken a simple type "Status" and Node with value attribute named status and set the property of that attribute as the simple type. This attribute is bound to the checkboxgroup.The cardinality of the Node is 0..n
    But i am unable to read the checked items of the group.
    Please help me out in solving my problem........

    Use the following
    for (int x=0; x< wdContext.nodeTest().size(); x++)
         if( wdContext.nodeTest().isMultiSelected(x) )
                     // Selected Element
              IWDNodeElement nodeElement = wdContext.nodeTest().getElementAt(x);
               nodeElement.setAttributeValue("<Your Attribute> ", <Value>);
              //Ex setting value for attribute called Name
              nodeElement.setAttributeValue("Name", "Test");

  • Refreshing the 'Check Box Group' UI element

    Hi ,
    The requirement is the 'Check Box Group' UI element should be refreshed automatically . I am dynamically creating the 'Check Box Group' UI element and want to refresh it once I transfer the checked values from the Check Box group.
    How this can be realized !!!
    Best Regards

    Hi Sid,
    CheckBoxGroup UI element`s content is done by binding property <i>texts</i> with appropriate attribute in context node. So, if you change data node and node elements, this will affect UI element immediately.
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

  • Spry Check Box Group

    I am setting up a form to use the Spry check box field and
    need to have a check box grouping to have a minimum and maximum
    number of check boxes that can be selected. How is this done. I
    have got individual spry check boxes with their own spry fields but
    can't seem to find any documentation which shows me how to set up a
    spry check box group. Could someone please tell me how to do this?

      You can use the following code.
      String[] monthNames = new String []
       "January", "February", "March", "April",
      List Year = new ArrayList();
       for (int i =  0; i < monthNames.length; ++i)
      IPrivateWebdyn_tableView.IYearElement month = wdContext.createYearElement();
    Bind the Checkbox group element to the node attribute.
    Madhavi A.

  • How to Show data in grouping with check boxes.

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to ADF and want to resolve one issue for my urgent project requirement.
    My Problem is :
    In Employee, Department relationship i need to show data in a grouping of departments like for Marketing department all the related employees should come in a single column.
    eg .
    Dept Name Emp Name
    Marketing Akshay Nitin Ritu
    Sales Neeraj Vikas Venu
    * All these department names and employees should come with check boxes and if i select one department all the employees should be checked.
    Please Please suggest any solution asap.
    Many Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: user10980736 on Feb 7, 2011 8:32 AM

    You can create two value nodes for storing these collections. The first one would be singleton node as it is the main list. Under that create the second node with singleton = false.
        --NodeB(singleton = false)
    Now populate collection of object A in NodeA and after adding element in NodeA populate respective elements in NodeB.
    IPrivate<View>View.INodeANode nodeA = wdContext.NodeAnode();
    for (Iterator  it = collectionA.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
         ObjectA objA=;
         IPrivate<View>View.INodeAElement nodeAElem= nodeA.createNodeAElement();
         wdCopyservice.copy Corresponding(objA,nodeAElem);
         Collection collectioB =objA.getCollectionB();
         for (Iterator  it1 = collectionB.iterator(); it1.hasNext(); )
             ObjectB objB=;
            IPrivate<View>View.INodeBNode nodeB = nodeAElem.nodeBnode();
            IPrivate<View>View.INodeAElement nodeBElem= nodeB.createNodeBElement();
            wdCopyservice.copy Corresponding(objB,nodeBElem);
    Bind NodeA to the first table and NodeB to second one.
    After that when you select record in first table automatically its corresponding records will be populated in second table.
    Hope this helps!

  • Help in Check box group

    I have created a check box Group
    texts = Mydata.Interest.Interests
    Mydata is  a node , Interests is of type Simple type Interests.
    It has 3 enumerations.
    But when i run, I am able to only one check box with out any text.
    Where am i wrong?

    Hi you cannot use symple type to name the check boxes.
    create a node(Say CheckBox) of cardinality 0..N
    with a context variable(Say CheckValue) of type String. Bind this attribute(CheckValue) to "texts" property of CheckBoxGroup.
    Now, to add 5 checkboxes from code, use the following code
    IPrivate<View>.ICheckBoxNode lNode=wdContext.nodeCheckBox();
    IPrivate<View>.ICheckBoxElement lEl;
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
    Edited by: Armin Reichert on May 21, 2008 7:58 PM

  • Check box group

    Hi experts,
    I am new to webdynpro, i want to add one more check box in a check box group,
    can anyone help me,(but default it is coming 3)
    thanks in advance

        if it is limiting to three what you can do is create a two views with three check boxs each and create a view conatiner element in one view and embed the second view inside the view conatiner element.
    so by doing this you can have more than three checkbox

  • Automate check box group selections.

    Hello there, 
         Is there a way to programmatically select checkbox group items and save them into the context.

    Hi Srinivas,
       You are doing the selection part completely wrong.
    wdContext.nodeCheckbox_GroupList().setSelected(adminOfficeIndex, true);
    The above code will not select a check  box. This is used to select elements in a table.
    First you have to check to which attributes the checkboxes are bound in the context. Let us know the context structure.
    You should also know that Checkbox will take data only from the lead selected element of the context node. For instance you have a context node Checkbox_GroupList. The node should have a cardinality 1:1. If you have six checkboxes then you need to have six attributes of type boolean in that node. Each checkbox's checked property need to be bound to an attribute in the node Checkbox_GroupList node.
    For selecting the checkbox the code should be some thing like this.
    Like wise all the six attribute values need to be checked.
    In your case I guess you are comparing the attribute value with the contents of an array. If you know exactly what the names in officeList array is going to be then you can name the context attribute with the exact name then use your code like this,
    String[] officeList;
                   officeList = wdContext.currentUser_Search_ResultsElement().getOffice_List().split(",");     
              int adminOfficeIndex = -1;     
                   String adminOffice =;          ;          
                        IPublicRepNetAdminComp.ICheckbox_GroupListElement officeNames =
                                       //loop through user group to compare, if present make the selection
                        for(int i =0; i < officeList.length ; i++){     
                                  wdContext.nodeCheckbox_GroupList().currentCheckbox_GroupListElement().setAttributeValue(adminOffice.trim(), Boolean(true));
    Make sure that you make the node Checkbox_GroupList cardinality 1:1 and name the attributes exactly the values in officeList.

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