Group view by bcs column

I have following problem. When i group a list view by a bcs column the list items are grouped but the group name (BCS Name) is missing. Only the item count for the group is displayed.
Anyone else experiencing this problem?
Thank you!

I have also come across this in an upgraded MOSS 2007 to SPS2010 RTM environment.  Although I haven't got to the root of the issue, I did create a JQuery work around.
I have just posted a blog article about it here:
Code Example:
<script type="text/javascript">
function updateGroupNameValues_Level1()
var currentGroupString = unescapeProperly(($(this).attr("groupstring")));
currentGroupString = currentGroupString.replace(';', '');
var groupStringArray = currentGroupString.split("#");
var groupLevel1 = groupStringArray[1];
var groupLevel2 = groupStringArray[2];
var currentSpan = $(this).find("span").text();
var newSpan;
if (groupLevel2 == "")
newSpan = groupLevel1 + " " + currentSpan;
newSpan = groupLevel2 + " " + currentSpan;
//alert("groupLevel1: " + groupLevel1 + " | groupLevel2: " + groupLevel2);
Please be aware that this requires JQuery to work.
Kind Regards
Giles Hamson MCTS, MCITP SharePoint 2010 | Blog: | Twitter:

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    Hi All,
    I have a document library with a managed metadata column. Now I need to create a view in which i need to group by the metadata column but I'm not able to see the managed metadata column in the Group By Columns list. Is it possible to accomplish this? Can
    anyone pls help me out. Thank you.

    It's kind of a lot of code... but here goes!
    This all goes into a separate JS file:
    (Tip, to copy this code chunk, it's easiest to start your selection outside the code block)
    var js_MultiFilter = (function () {
    function js_MultiFilter(listName, site) {
    this.document = document; f (typeof listName == "undefined") { listName = 'Documents'; }if (typeof site == "undefined") { this.useCurrentSite = true; }else { this.useCurrentSite = false; }this.listName = listName;this.listRootfolder = ""; = site;this.notificationEnabled = true;this.filterFields = []; this.filterNames = []; this.selectModes = []; this.filterValueLists = []; this.displayFields = []; this.displayNames = []; this.displayModes = []; this.items = []; this.potentialFilters = []; this.queryFields = []; this.selectedFilters = []; this.sortField = "Title"; this.sortDesc = false; this.selectMode = "checkbox"; this.filterHeadingClass = "js_MFFilterHeading"; this.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable"; this.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn"; this.innerFilterColumnClass = "js_MFInnerFilterColumn"; this.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell"; this.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter"; this.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable"; this.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow";
    this.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader"; this.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell"; this.filterLabelClass = "js_MFFilterLabel"; this.filterLabelHoverClass = "js_MFFilterHoverLabel"; this.filterLabelSelectClass = "js_MFFilterSelectLabel"; this.filterLabelUnusedClass = "js_MFFilterUnusedLabel"; this.resultCountClass = "js_MFResultCount"; this.maxResultHeight = "270px"; this.rowLimit = 100; this.divId; this.evenColumnWidths = true; this.evenFilterColumnWidths = true; this.resultsId = "js_MultiFilterResults1"; this.showMetadataGuids = false; this.maxFilterHeight = 13;
    /*Methods*/ this.containsString = containsString; this.getIndexOf = getIndexOf; this.addDisplayField = addDisplayField; this.addStaticDisplayField = addStaticDisplayField; this.addFilterField = addFilterField; this.bindToDiv = bindToDiv; this.onQuerySucceeded = onQuerySucceeded; this.onQueryFailed = onQueryFailed; this.getValueAsString = getValueAsString; this.showLoading = showLoading; this.removeLoading = removeLoading; this.toggleAndApplyFilter = toggleAndApplyFilter; this.applyFilter = applyFilter; this.insertDefaultCss = insertDefaultCss; this.get_defaultCss = get_defaultCss; this.isPageInEditMode = isPageInEditMode; this.HoverFilterLabel = HoverFilterLabel; this.DeHoverFilterLabel = DeHoverFilterLabel;
    /*Interface Functions*/
    function isPageInEditMode() { return (document.forms[0].elements["MSOLayout_InDesignMode"].value == "1") }
    function addFilterField(fieldName, displayName, selectMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = fieldName; } if (typeof (selectMode) == "undefined") { selectMode = this.selectMode; } this.filterFields.push(fieldName); this.filterNames.push(displayName); this.selectModes.push(selectMode.toString().toLowerCase()); var filterValueList = []; this.filterValueLists.push(filterValueList); var potFilterValueList = []; this.potentialFilters.push(potFilterValueList); if (!this.containsString(this.queryFields, fieldName)) { this.queryFields.push(fieldName); } }
    function addDisplayField(fieldName, displayName, displayMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = fieldName; } if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } this.displayFields.push(fieldName); this.displayNames.push(displayName); this.displayModes.push(displayMode); if (!this.containsString(this.queryFields, fieldName)) { this.queryFields.push(fieldName); } }
    function addStaticDisplayField(displayText, displayName, displayMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = displayText; } if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } this.displayFields.push("@" + displayText); this.displayNames.push(displayName); this.displayModes.push(displayMode); }
    function insertDefaultCss(RevertToDefaultStyles) { var js_style = this.document.createElement("style"); js_style.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js_style); var newCss = this.get_defaultCss(RevertToDefaultStyles); if (typeof js_style.styleSheet != "undefined") { js_style.styleSheet.cssText = newCss; } else { js_style.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(newCss)); } }
    function bindToDiv(divId) { /* Causes the control to appear in the specified div.*/ if (typeof (divId) != "undefined") { this.divId = divId; } if (this.notificationEnabled) { showLoading(this); } var clientContext; if (this.useCurrentSite) { clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); } else { clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(; } var web = clientContext.get_web(); var lists = web.get_lists(); var list = lists.getByTitle(this.listName); var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery(); var descending = ""; if (this.sortDesc) { descending = " Ascending='False'"; } var camlString = '<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'' + this.sortField + '\'' + descending + '/></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>' + this.rowLimit + '</RowLimit></View>'; camlQuery.set_viewXml(camlString); this.collListItem = list.getItems(camlQuery); var strFields = "ID,"; if (containsString(this.displayModes, "fileref", true)) { strFields += "FileRef," }
    for (var i = 0; i < this.queryFields.length; i++) { strFields += this.queryFields[i] + ","; } strFields = strFields.substring(0, strFields.length - 1); this.listRootfolder = list.get_rootFolder(); clientContext.load(this.listRootfolder); clientContext.load(this.collListItem, "Include(" + strFields + ")"); clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed)); }
    function showLoading(parent) { parent.notifyId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification("Loading...", true); }
    function removeLoading(parent) { SP.UI.Notify.removeNotification(parent.notifyId); }
    function getValueAsString(fieldValue, activeHyperlinks, showLinkUrl, displayMode, additionalFieldValue) { var localNull = null; if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } /*wraps hyperlink text in <a> tag*/ if (typeof (activeHyperlinks) == "undefined") { activeHyperlinks = false; } /*causes hyperlinks to display URL by default instead of description*/ if (typeof (showLinkUrl) == "undefined") { showLinkUrl = true; } var returnValue = []; var isArray = false if (typeof (fieldValue) == "object" && fieldValue != localNull) { if (fieldValue[0] != localNull) { if (fieldValue.length) { for (var i = 0; i < fieldValue.length; i++) { returnValue.push(this.getValueAsString(fieldValue[i])); isArray = true; } } } } if (!isArray) { if (fieldIsText(fieldValue)) { if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "link") { returnValue = '<a href="' + fieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; }
    else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "display") { returnValue = '<a href="' + this.listRootfolder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + '/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "edit") { returnValue = '<a href="' + this.listRootfolder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + '/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "fileref") { returnValue = '<a href="' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else { returnValue = fieldValue; } } else { if (fieldValue == localNull) { returnValue = ""; } else { if (fieldIsDate(fieldValue)) { returnValue = fieldValue._toFormattedString(); } else { if (fieldIsHyperlink(fieldValue)) { var desc = fieldValue.get_description(); var url = fieldValue.get_url(); if (showLinkUrl) { if (url != localNull) { returnValue = url; } else { if (desc != localNull) { returnValue = desc; } } }
    else { if (desc != localNull) { returnValue = desc; } else { if (url != localNull) { returnValue = url; } } } if (activeHyperlinks && url != localNull) { returnValue = '<a href="' + url + '">' + returnValue + '</a>'; } } else { if (fieldIsLookup(fieldValue)) { if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "link") { returnValue = '<a href="' + fieldValue.get_lookupValue() + '">' + fieldValue.get_lookupValue() + '</a>'; } else { if(fieldValue.get_lookupValue() == ""){ /* When doing a lookup count, the lookup ID is used */ returnValue = fieldValue.get_lookupId(); }else{ returnValue = fieldValue.get_lookupValue(); } } } else { returnValue = ""; } } } } } } return returnValue; }
    function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) { var listItemEnumerator = this.collListItem.getEnumerator(); while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) { var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current(); var localNull = null; var item = new Object(); item.filterValues = []; item.displayValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var filterValue = []; /*Collect all filter values*/ var rawValue = this.getValueAsString(oListItem.get_item(this.filterFields[i])); if (typeof (rawValue) == "string") { filterValue.push(rawValue); } else { filterValue = rawValue; } for (var k = 0; k < filterValue.length; k++) { /*if this value hasn't been encountered before, add it to our filter value list for this filter field*/ var thisvalue = filterValue[k]; if (this.showMetadataGuids == false) { if (thisvalue.indexOf('|') != -1) { thisvalue = thisvalue.split('|')[0]; } } if (!containsString(this.filterValueLists[i], thisvalue)) { this.filterValueLists[i].push(thisvalue); } } item.filterValues.push(filterValue); }
    for (var j = 0; j < this.displayFields.length; j++) { var initialValue = this.displayFields[j]; if (initialValue.startsWith("@")) { initialValue = initialValue.substring(initialValue.indexOf("@") + 1); } else { initialValue = oListItem.get_item(this.displayFields[j]) } /*Collect all display values*/ if (this.displayModes[j] == "fileref") { var displayValue = this.getValueAsString(initialValue, true, false, this.displayModes[j], oListItem.get_item("FileRef")); } else { var displayValue = this.getValueAsString(initialValue, true, false, this.displayModes[j], oListItem.get_item("ID")); } item.displayValues.push(displayValue); } this.items.push(item); } var filterSelectBoxes = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var selectbox = this.document.createElement("div"); selectbox.className = this.filterColumnClass; selectbox.setAttribute("index", i); var heading = this.document.createElement("div"); heading.className = this.filterHeadingClass;
    heading.innerHTML = this.filterNames[i]; selectbox.appendChild(heading); var columnContainer = document.createElement("div"); selectbox.appendChild(columnContainer); var innerColumns = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.filterValueLists[i].length; j += this.maxFilterHeight) { var innerColumn = document.createElement("div"); innerColumn.className = this.innerFilterColumnClass; innerColumns.push(innerColumn); columnContainer.appendChild(innerColumn); } this.filterValueLists[i].sort(); for (var j = 0; j < this.filterValueLists[i].length; j++) { var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = this.selectModes[i]; input.className = this.filterCheckboxClass; var checkboxText = this.filterValueLists[i][j]; input.setAttribute("name", this.filterFields[i]); = "js_mf_" + i + "_" + j; var labelid = "label_" + i + "_" + j; input.setAttribute("label", labelid); input.value = checkboxText; var checkboxlabel = document.createTextNode(checkboxText); var checkboxlabelspan = document.createElement("span");
    checkboxlabelspan.className = this.filterLabelClass; = labelid; checkboxlabelspan.setAttribute("checkbox",; checkboxlabelspan.appendChild(checkboxlabel); var parent = this;
    /*ADD EVENT HANDLER*/ if (input.addEventListener) { /*chrome, firefox, and new IE*/ input.addEventListener("change", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); input.addEventListener("click", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("click", function (element) { parent.toggleAndApplyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (element) { parent.HoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("mouseout", function (element) { parent.DeHoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); } else { /*legacy internet explorer*/ input.attachEvent("onchange", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); input.attachEvent("onclick", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onclick", function (element) { parent.toggleAndApplyFilter(element, parent) });
    checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onmouseenter", function (element) { parent.HoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onmouseout", function (element) { parent.DeHoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); } var currentColumnIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < innerColumns.length; k++) { if (j >= k * this.maxFilterHeight) currentColumnIndex = k; } var currentColumn = innerColumns[currentColumnIndex]; currentColumn.appendChild(input); currentColumn.appendChild(checkboxlabelspan); currentColumn.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } filterSelectBoxes.push(selectbox); } var htmlToWrite = document.createElement("div"); htmlToWrite.className = this.filterTableClass; for (var i = 0; i < filterSelectBoxes.length; i++) { htmlToWrite.appendChild(filterSelectBoxes[i]); }
    /*clear the loading image and add our filters*/ document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(this.divId).appendChild(htmlToWrite);
    /*Create the div to display the results*/ var detailsDiv = document.createElement("div"); detailsDiv.className = this.displayOuterClass; var detailIdstring = "Details"; iterator = 0; var detailsId = detailIdstring + iterator; while (this.document.getElementById(detailsId) != localNull) { iterator = iterator + 1; detailsId = detailIdstring + iterator; } = detailsId; this.resultsId = detailsId;
    /*create a div for a row within the results table*/ var detailDiv = document.createElement("div"); detailDiv.className = this.displayRowClass; detailDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<img src='/_layouts/images/loading.gif' />")); detailsDiv.appendChild(detailDiv);
    /*Add the results below the filters*/ document.getElementById(this.divId).appendChild(detailsDiv); for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var selectedFieldArray = []; this.selectedFilters.push(selectedFieldArray); } if (this.notificationEnabled) { this.removeLoading(this); } applyFilter(null, this); }
    function DeHoverFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else if (sourcelabel.getAttribute("unused") == "unused") { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelClass; } }
    function SelectFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; hover = false; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } }
    function HoverFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; var hover = true; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else if (sourcelabel.getAttribute("unused") == "unused") { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; } else if (hover) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelHoverClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelClass; } }
    function toggleAndApplyFilter(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); var select = false; if (el.checked) { el.checked = false; } else { el.checked = true; select = true; } parent.applyFilter(el, parent); if (select) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelHoverClass; } }
    function applyFilter(el, parent) { var localNull = null; var resultcount = 0; if (el != localNull) { var element = el.srcElement; if (typeof (element) == "undefined") { element = el; } SelectFilterLabel(document.getElementById(element.getAttribute("label")), parent); var filter = element.value; var parentNode = element.parentNode; var tempElement = element.parentNode; while (tempElement.getAttribute("index") == localNull) { tempElement = tempElement.parentNode; } var fieldIndex = tempElement.getAttribute("index"); var elements = document.getElementsByName(element.getAttribute("name")); for (var inc = 0; inc < elements.length; inc++) { var thisel = elements[inc]; if (typeof (thisel.getAttribute("label")) != "undefined") { DeHoverFilterLabel(document.getElementById(thisel.getAttribute("label")), parent); } } if (element.checked) {
    if (parent.selectModes[fieldIndex] == "radio") { /*remove all other filters in this field.*/ parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex] = []; } if (!containsString(parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex], filter)) { parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex].push(filter); } } else { var index = getIndexOf(parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex], filter); if (typeof (index) != "undefined") { parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex].splice(index, 1); } } } var resultsOuterDiv = document.createElement("div"); resultsOuterDiv.className = parent.displayTableClass; document.getElementById(parent.resultsId).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(parent.resultsId).appendChild(resultsOuterDiv); var resultsHeaderDiv = document.createElement("div"); resultsHeaderDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; for (var i = 0; i < parent.displayNames.length; i++) { var headerCell = document.createElement("div"); headerCell.className = parent.displayHeaderClass; headerCell.innerHTML = parent.displayNames[i]; resultsHeaderDiv.appendChild(headerCell); }
    resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(resultsHeaderDiv); for (var i = 0; i < parent.potentialFilters.length; i++) { parent.potentialFilters[i] = []; /*initialize an array of empty arrays (one per filter)*/ } for (var i = 0; i < parent.items.length; i++) { /*for each item...*/ var itemfields = parent.items[i].filterValues var itemContainsAllSelectedValues = true; for (var j = 0; j < parent.selectedFilters.length; j++) { /*for each filter field*/ for (var k = 0; k < parent.selectedFilters[j].length; k++) { /*for each selected filter value*/ if (parent.selectedFilters[j].length == 0) continue; /*skip it if nothing is selected.*/ var thisvalue = parent.items[i].filterValues[j]; /*check if the item has that value within that field*/ if (!containsString(thisvalue, parent.selectedFilters[j][k], this.showMetadataGuids)) { itemContainsAllSelectedValues = false; break; } if (!itemContainsAllSelectedValues) break; } }
    if (itemContainsAllSelectedValues) { resultcount++; var rowDiv = document.createElement("div"); rowDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; for (var j = 0; j < parent.items[i].displayValues.length; j++) { var cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.className = parent.displayCellClass; cellDiv.innerHTML = parent.items[i].displayValues[j]; rowDiv.appendChild(cellDiv); } for (var j = 0; j < parent.items[i].filterValues.length; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < parent.items[i].filterValues[j].length; k++) { parent.potentialFilters[j].push(parent.items[i].filterValues[j][k]); } } resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(rowDiv); } } if (resultcount == 0) { var rowDiv = document.createElement("div"); rowDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; var cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.className = parent.displayCellClass; cellDiv.innerHTML = "No results were found for the specified criteria."; rowDiv.appendChild(cellDiv); resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(rowDiv); }
    /*Stylize dead-end filter options*/ for (var i = 0; i < parent.filterValueLists.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < parent.filterValueLists[i].length; j++) { var labelid = "label_" + i + "_" + j; var checkboxid = "js_mf_" + i + "_" + j; var filterCheck = document.getElementById(checkboxid); var fieldValue = parent.filterValueLists[i][j]; var tempElement = filterCheck.parentNode; while (tempElement.getAttribute("index") == localNull) { tempElement = tempElement.parentNode; } var fieldIndex = tempElement.getAttribute("index"); if (!containsString(parent.potentialFilters[fieldIndex], fieldValue, parent.showMetadataGuids)) { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; document.getElementById(labelid).setAttribute("unused", "unused"); } else { if (document.getElementById(checkboxid).checked) { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelClass; }
    document.getElementById(labelid).setAttribute("unused", "false"); } } } var resultCountId = "js_mf_resultcount"; var resultCountDiv; if (document.getElementById(resultCountId) == null) { resultCountDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "js_mf_resultcount"; resultCountDiv.className = parent.resultCountClass; document.getElementById(parent.divId).appendChild(resultCountDiv) } else { resultCountDiv = document.getElementById(resultCountId); } if (resultcount == 1) { resultCountDiv.innerHTML = resultcount + " result"; } else { resultCountDiv.innerHTML = resultcount + " results"; } }
    function onQueryFailed(sender, args) { this.removeLoading(this); this.document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = 'The page was unable to populate the data this time.' + '<br/><span style="color:white">' + args.get_message() + '</span>\n'; }
    function get_defaultCss(useTheseClasses, includeStyleTags) { if (typeof useTheseClasses != "boolean") useTheseClasses = true; if (useTheseClasses) { this.filterHeadingClass = "js_Heading"; this.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable"; this.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn"; this.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell"; this.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter"; this.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable"; this.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow"; this.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader"; this.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell"; this.filterLabelClass = "js_MFFilterLabel"; } if (typeof includeStyleTags != "boolean") includeStyleTags = false; var openstyletag = ""; var closestyletag = ""; if (includeStyleTags) { openstyletag = "<style>"; closestyletag = "</style>"; } var leftright_padding = "padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;"; var tableLayoutFixed = ""; var filterTableLayoutFixed = ""; if (this.evenColumnWidths || this.dockResultHeaders) { tableLayoutFixed = "table-layout:fixed; "; }
    if (this.evenFilterColumnWidths) { filterTableLayoutFixed = "table-layout:fixed; "; } return openstyletag + "." + this.filterHeadingClass + "{font-weight:bold;background:#DDDDDD;text-align:center;}." + this.filterTableClass + "{background:#EEEEEE;display:table;width:100%;"+filterTableLayoutFixed+"}." + this.filterColumnClass + "{ display:table-cell;border-left:1px solid #CCC; border-right:1px solid #CCC;}." + this.filterCheckboxClass + "{padding-left: 5px;}." + this.displayOuterClass + "{height:" + this.maxResultHeight + "; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #CCC;}." + this.displayTableClass + "{display:table; " + tableLayoutFixed + "width:100%; text-align:left;}." + this.displayRowClass + "{width:100%;text-align:left;display:table-row;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;}." + this.displayHeaderClass + "{background:gray;color:white;display:table-cell; padding:5px; font-weight:bold;}." + this.displayCellClass + "{border-right:solid #CCC 1px; " + "border-left:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;"
    + "display:table-cell;padding:5px;}." + this.innerFilterColumnClass + "{float:left;}." + this.filterLabelClass + "{margin:1px; cursor:pointer;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelHoverClass + "{cursor:pointer; margin:1px;text-decoration:underline;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelSelectClass + "{background: #555; color:white; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #555;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelUnusedClass + "{color:#bbb;margin:1px;cursor:default;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.resultCountClass + "{text-align:right;font-weight:bold;}" + closestyletag; }
    function fieldIsLookup(field) { return (typeof field.get_lookupValue == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsDate(field) { return (typeof field._toFormattedString == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsHyperlink(field) { return (typeof field.get_url == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsText(field) { return (typeof field == 'string'); }
    /* Helper function to imitate Array.contains() method */ function containsString(strArray, text, showMetadataGuids) { if (typeof (showMetadataGuids) == "undefined") { showMetadataGuids = true; } var contains = false; for (i in strArray) { if (strArray[i] == text) { contains = true; break; } else if (showMetadataGuids == false) { if (strArray[i].indexOf('|') != -1) { if (strArray[i].split('|')[0] == text) { contains = true; break; } } } } return contains; }
    /* Helper function to imitate Array.indexOf() method */ function getIndexOf(strArray, text) { for (i in strArray) { if (strArray[i] == text) return i; } }
    return js_MultiFilter;})();
    Then you can reference the JS file and put the filter control on your page like so:
    <div id="js_MultiFilterExample"><img src="/_layouts/images/loading.gif"/></div>
    <script src="/[wherever you saved your js file]/js_MultiFilter.js"></script>
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(newInstance, "sp.js");
    function newInstance(){
    var mf = new js_MultiFilter("Library Name"); // pass the list display name
    //// Optional Parameters
    //mf.maxResultHeight = "100%"; // set the max height of the results (default: "270px")
    mf.sortField = "FileLeafRef"; // specify internal name of field to sort results by (default: Title)
    //mf.sortDesc = true; // sort descending (default: false)
    //mf.evenColumnWidths = false; // equal result column widths (disable at own risk) (default: true)
    mf.evenFilterColumnWidths = false; // equal filter column widths (default: true)
    //mf.rowLimit = 500; // increase the result row limit imposed on the query (default: 100)
    //mf.notificationEnabled = false; // show the fly-out Loading notification (default: true)
    //mf.selectMode = "radio"; // Specify the default select mode i.e. checkbox or radio (default: checkbox)
    //mf.showMetadataGuids = true; // Do not trim the GUID suffix from managed metadata filters (default: false)
    //mf.maxFilterHeight = 20 ; // Specify the maximum number of options to display in a column before adding another column (default: 13)
    //// Filter and Display Fields
    mf.addFilterField("Category","Category","radio"); // (internal name, display name (optional), select mode (optional))
    //// addDisplayField() displays an additional field from each list item
    //// addStaticDisplayField() adds a column that displays the same text for every item
    mf.addDisplayField("FileLeafRef","Link to Doc","fileref"); // (internal name, display name (optional), display mode (optional))
    mf.addStaticDisplayField("View Properties","Display Form","display"); // (display text, display name (optional), display mode (optional))
    mf.addDisplayField("Author","Created By");
    //// Valid display modes are: default (display value as text), link (treat the value as a hyperlink),
    //// display (link to library display form), edit (link to library edit form), and fileref (link to document)
    //// CSS classes used by the control
    //mf.filterHeadingClass = "js_MFFilterHeading";
    //mf.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable";
    //mf.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn";
    //mf.filterInnerColumnClass = "js_MFInnerFilterColumn";
    //mf.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell";
    //mf.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter";
    //mf.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable";
    //mf.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow";
    //mf.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader";
    //mf.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell";
    //mf.filterLabelHoverClass = "js_MFFilterHoverLabel";
    //mf.filterLabelSelectClass = "js_MFFilterSelectLabel";
    //mf.filterLabelUnusedClass = "js_MFFilterUnusedLabel";
    //mf.resultCountClass = "js_MFResultCount";
    Uncomment anything you need to change!

  • GROUP BY: determinstic function column of group by expression 10g vs 11g

    The following works in 10g but now fails in 11g.
    Simple description: If I create a view of a number and subtract 2 from that number
    and I group by the first column and include the 2nd column, it works in 10g and gives "not a group by column" in 11g.
    It seems that 10g knew the 2nd column was derived by the first column so grouping by the 1st column gave an automatic pass to the 2nd column.
    11g seems to be more strict (though I don't know why, if the 2nd column's function is purely deterministic as you would expect subtracting by 2 would be. Same is true for UPPER())
    Is there a reason for this change in behaviour in 11g?
    Is there some explicit reason for the change in functionality?
    Exact versions and results below
    Line: -----
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    SQL> drop view v1;
    View dropped.
    SQL> drop view v2;
    View dropped.
    SQL> create view v1 as
    2 select '0' c1, 0 c2 from dual
    3 union all
    4 select '1', 1 from dual
    5 union all
    6 select '2', 2 from dual
    7 union all
    8 select '3', 3 from dual;
    View created.
    SQL> create view v2
    2 as select c1, upper(c1) c1u, c2, c2-2 c3
    3 from v1;
    View created.
    SQL> select c1, c1u
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1;
    C C
    1 1
    3 3
    0 0
    2 2
    SQL> select c1, c2, c3
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1, c2;
    C C2 C3
    1 1 -1
    3 3 1
    2 2 0
    0 0 -2
    -- =============================================================================================
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> drop view v1;
    View dropped.
    SQL> drop view v2;
    View dropped.
    SQL> create view v1 as
    2 select '0' c1, 0 c2 from dual
    3 union all
    4 select '1', 1 from dual
    5 union all
    6 select '2', 2 from dual
    7 union all
    8 select '3', 3 from dual;
    View created.
    SQL> create view v2
    2 as select c1, upper(c1) c1u, c2, c2-2 c3
    3 from v1;
    View created.
    SQL> select c1, c1u
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1;
    select c1, c1u
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    SQL> select c1, c2, c3
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1, c2;
    select c1, c2, c3
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    Edited by: joriotis on Jul 25, 2011 11:01 AM
    Edited by: joriotis on Jul 25, 2011 11:03 AM

    Just 4 hours ago, someone else had a very similar question:
    Group by fails on ORA-00979
    Personally, I consider that a bug in Oracle 10. When you do a GROUP BY on a view, you can't expect the SQL engine to look at the view definition, and determine if one of the columns can be derived from another.
    In practice, it's easy enough to add c1u to the GROUP BY clause, or to use MAX (c1u) instead of c1u, to make your query work.

  • What happened to Group View?

    You can see it referred to here:
    It is extremely useful. Are there any alternatives to this?

    When performing a search or viewing a smart folder, the Column view button in the toolbar *changes into a Group view button*. Since smart folders group together items from multiple locations in the filesystem, Column view navigation could be confusing to the user (since the hierarchy shown would change as you selected different items). Files will be grouped by kind and sorted within their groups alphabetically by default (you can change these behaviors in the folder's View Options). Unfortunately, Group view is restricted to searches and smart folders only - _you cannot switch to Group view in regular folders_.

  • Grouping By a Calculated Column Issue

    I have 2 issues when I try to group by a view using a calculated column:
    It will show the number of items under each group but you expand is not showing any items at all
    It will show the item reproduced 333 times.
    The first one it happens to all the lists and libraries on SharePoint 2013. However the second issue happened only in a document library that holds the employee Documents. The view is grouped by Document type column and the Employee column ( which is the
    calculated column). It shows multiple versions of the same document as stated above.
    Any help is very much appreciated.

    According to your description, there is an issue when grouping by Calculated column.
    It was a known issue in the early build version of SharePoint 2013, it is already fixed in the August 2013 CU:
    I suggest you install August 2013 CU or the later versions and then create new list for a test.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • To get list of materialized views/views using a column of a table

        I am removing sal column from table tab_emp;
    i want to check whether any materialized view or view using this column by  querying using data dictionary :-
    if i use like condition against query column of all_mviews it is throwing error sicne it is long data type.
    is there a way to search it without creating any function and use it in a query

    start with select * from dictionary where table_name like '%VIEW%'
    to identify appropriate dictionary views.
    Then read: Ask Tom &amp;quot;Converting Longs to LOBS&amp;quot; and Ask Tom &amp;quot;Long to Varchar2 conversion.... &amp;quot;
    to be able to search LONG descriptions for column names.
    For example:
    create table check_table as
    select owner,view_name,text_length,to_lob(text) text_lob from all_views
    Column Name
    Data Type
    Primary Key
    select * from check_table where instr(upper(text_lob),'SAL') > 0

  • Customizing Sharepoint Calendar Week Group View to display multiple weeks in a single row

    SharePoint Calendar's Week Group View is useful for comparing multiple co-worker's schedule, and we have a business needs to be able to view the schedule for with the date range of more than one week at a time between co-workers for planning purposes, is
    there a way (code or no-code) to manipulate the date/week range so that the calendar display more than 7 days in a single row?

    As there is no such OOTB feature, I would suggest that you can change the calendar scope to “Month” or create a Gantt view to display more weeks in a view.
    Or you can try to create a custom calendar web part to meet your requirement.
    Here are some samples of custom calendar web part for your reference:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • "I would like to know how to set the default view for the columns. Somewhere I read it could be done in by music icon under Library.  Can't find it.  Thanks

    "I would like to know how to set the default view for the columns that are shown in iTunes. Every time I open it, I have to either go to the options, or right-click to get the pop-up options, and delete "rating" and add "composer." I'd really like to just do it once and be done with it."  Somewhere I read you could do this by clicking on the Music icon under LIBRARY then arramge the columns.  Trouble is, I can't find a Musi Folder or icon in my user library.
    Any help would be appreiated.  OSX 10.9.2  iTunes version 11.1.5  Thanks!!! CW!

    From the iTunes menu bar try View>Show View Options.  Make sure what you want to see is checked and what you don't is unchecked.  You can do this (may need to do this) for any playlists, your main Library, etc.
    Good luck

  • Where is "group view" in Finder search?

    When I do a search in Finder I no longer have the option to view results in "group view," which would separate files into collapsible groups according to their kind. Can I add this option somehow? It doesn't seem to be a choice when I click to customise the Finder toolbar.
    If it's been ditched by Apple they need to bring it back ASAP, searching through lots of files is virtually impossible without it!

    I only use the list view if I have a small number of search results. For larger numbers, being able to collapse whole groups of files out of sight is far more useful, and makes searching 100 times quicker. Without it I'm faced with endless scrolling

  • How Both View Selector and Column Selector in one report dashboard section

    Can we use a view selector and column selector inside a report in one section of the dashboard?
    env: obiee 10g
    Appreciate any links and pointers
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: user566193 on Mar 22, 2011 10:18 PM

    hi kris,
    Can we use a view selector and column selector inside a report in one section of the dashboard?Here view selector is nothing but having multiple views and selecting depends on what end user want to see.You are saying in a single report in once section only.
    If it is a single report you can go with using a column selector.
    Note:-View selector and column selector combination can be used.....but it looks wierd as you need to select view at the same time the corresponding column.
    Yes you can have it by creating different compound layouts with pivots in it.
    Edited by: Kranthi.K on Mar 22, 2011 11:27 PM

  • Group by for one column

    there is a scenario in informatica..where we can select more than one rows and group by on only one row..its possible in informatica..
    so can any one tell how to sql for those type of scenarios
    For example there are
    HE IS SELECTING ALL THE COLUMNS AND GROUPING BY ON SAT_ID do any one tell how to write sql in that scenario

    in oracle you can have groupings without having to group all of the columns in the select clause by using an analytic query.
      select a.*
        from (select sequence_id,
                     row_number() over (partition by mfg_id order by sold_dt) rn
                from <table>
               where <conditions>) a
       where a.rn = 1
    try to post some sample data and output. we might be able to come up with some simple query that might be compatible or supported by informatica queries.

  • Group Currency In BCS

    We have  group currency is USD. There are  some company codes whose company codes currency is also USD.
    Insuch cases how do we get the group currency field filled for these company codes as USD, since unless we fill the group currency we cannot create the consolidated reporting by group currency.
    BCS experts please let me know your inputs.

    Hi Dan,
    I don't agree with this your paragragh:<i>
    If a group currency is provided with data collection, as suggested by Eugene, the exchange rates are not always what is required for reporting (Generally Accepted Accounting Practice- GAAP). Thus translation task is used in this case as well.</i>
    I mean if I provide, say, in a flat file data for upload where I have
    -- amount in local currency, which equals the group currency ($ZZZ)
    -- amount in group currency ($ZZZ)
    then there is no exchange rate (and moreover the wrong rate) and currency translation execution.
    Do you remember the system information after the currency translation which says that data not all consolidation units were translated?
    It's exactly our case. The system finds out that the local currency equals to group currency and doesn't perform the CT.
    BUT, it makes check if both amounts are equal. Though, not sure that the check is made in case of missing completely amount in GC.
    Do you agree?

  • Custom Folder View w/ Movable Columns

    I created very simple custom folder view. How can I make my custome folder view to display Movable Columns?
    When adding elements into Folder View, the section Standard Form Elements does contain only the element Discussion Folder (Standard View), no movable columns
    I need in my custom folder view movable columns, Heeeeeeeeelp!!
    In Folder Options in Configure Columns, one can choose what columns of an entry to display.
    I found the order of chosen columns inconsistent.
    Is there a way how to specify the order of the chosen columns?

    1. When in the folder, click on Manage > Configure. Do you not see an option for selecting the default folder view?
    2. No, currently there is no way to specify the column order.
    -- Khurram

  • Calender Group view restrictions

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a way when you use the Calender Group view, to restrict the users to see the Manager's calender?
    Thanks for your help.

    Group View show only the current user's calender group. He can't able to see Manager's.
    What is ur problem?
    Thanga Raj.K

  • Error in nested group function used with column name.

    Hi Team,
    If i used nested group function with column name its not working. Could you please any one suggest me.
    How to use it.
    Please find Spool ........
    SQL> select user_name,max(max(CNT)) from (select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    2 group by user_name,CNT;
    select user_name,max(max(CNT)) from (select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00937: not a single-group group function
    SQL> select max(max(CNT)) from(select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    2 group by user_name;

    Venkat wrote:
    Hi Sayan
    Its giving output like below, but not given maximum CNT.
    SQL> select user_name,max(CNT)from (select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    2 group by user_name;
    USER3 339
    DBUS 106
    VEL_USER 37
    SYS 597
    6 rows selected.Check it - Re: Error in nested group function used with column name.
    and previous post

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