Hanging NI USB 8451 in continuous polling I2C Read

Hello Everyone,
I'am just curios on how to fix this issue, I have a state machine below is the flow,
can someone please help me to check if my delAy time is enough, or someone help me on how to properly reset NI USB 8451/how to handle this case in nice way witout USB hangup.thanks

1sec delay is a large delay so you should be fine.
Other than that, I'm not sure what you're asking... There are plenty of examples that ship with LabVIEW for DAQmx communication. Go to Help > Find Examples in LabVIEW.

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    Does anyone has example VI using USB-8451 with analog devices isensor? I am new to SPI interface and very slowly learning how to use labview in conjunction with USB-8451 to do SPI sensor reading.
    Any help would be appreciated. I'm using labview 8.5. 

    elpiar wrote:
    It's working!
    Well, I realized I made a small mistake in the example. The number of bytes in the array constant should be 4, not 2. The device is full duplex, meaning you can write and read from it at the same time. The NI-845x SPI Write Read VI returns the same number of bytes as the number of bytes that were written. Thus, with just 2 bytes you will not actually get the current value of the register. You would get the values from the previous command. See attached mod.
    Now if I read the data is burst mode, will the output be automatically be arranged in an array of 8-bit length words? You mention something about send out out 8 clock burst. I'm not sure how I do this. 
    For burst mode you have to send out more bytes so you get clocks generated for the read to occur. The burst mode command is 3E00. That needs to be followed by 12 16-bit numbers for the device to return all the registers from SUPPLY_OUT to AUX_ADC. The actual bytes after the 3E00 are irrelevant for a write. The NI-845x SPI Write Read VI should then return 26 bytes (2 bytes that line up with the 3E00 command, followed by 2 bytes per register, for 12 registers). You can convert this into an array of U16 values and do the conversions based on which register you're actually reading. I've attached a VI to get you started. The example converts the SUPPLY_OUT register and each of the GYRO_OUT registers. You can finish the VI. Note that you should make the 14-bit to 16-bit extension a subVI so you're not duplicating code. 
    NOTE: As with all example code that is provided you should verify that the numbers you get are correct. We don't have the hardware, so we can't verify correct operation. 
    ADIS16400 XGYRO_OUT v2.vi ‏29 KB
    ADIS16400 Burst Read Example.vi ‏36 KB

  • Need help - I2C write/read with TAOS TCS3414 light sensor using USB-8451

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    Pleae keep in mind that i am completely new to labVIEW. I really do want to learn from this but need quick results so the more help the better. It would greately appreciate any help or explaination. 
    TCS3414_Datasheet_EN_v1.pdf ‏1806 KB

    Hi Aaron,
    Here you go, this is made with a USB-8452.
    When you run the code tick the power en dac enable box on.
    Maybe you can help me with my problem, I want to use a fiber to sense light from a led.
    Do you use any fiber hardware with the TCS3414?
    TCS3414.vi ‏63 KB

  • Usb-8451 i2c developement

    Generated a simple program to talk to i2c on NSE5310 using usb-8451.  I get the following error.
    Error -301742 occurred at NI-845x I2C Write Read.vi:1
    Possible reason(s):
    NI-845x:  The slave did not acknowledge an address+direction byte transmitted by the I2C master. Reasons include the incorrect address set in the I2C configuration or the incorrect use of the 7-bit address. When entering an address to access a 7-bit device, do not include the direction bit. The NI-845x Basic I2C API internally sets the direction bit to the correct value, depending on the function (write or read). If your datasheet specfies the 7-bit device address as a byte, discard the direction bit (bit 0) and right-shift the byte value by one to create the 7-bit address.
    I do have pullup resistors of 1.5k on both SDA and SCL.  I've attached the data sheet for the device and a sample program. 
    THANKS FOR YOUR TIME.   Happy Holidays.............................
    NI-8451 Testing ver2.vi ‏13 KB
    NSE-5310_Datasheet_v1_0.pdf ‏1569 KB

    You are providing the wrong address. As the error message says, you must provide the 7-bit address, excluding the read/write bit. . You are providing the full value of the first byte, including the read/write bit. In other words, you are doing the exact opposite of what the error message tells you to do. If you've set the user-bits to 0 then the correct address is 0x40.
    Side-note: When you set a front panel numeric control to hex display you should also display the radix so that others know that it refers to "81" hex, and not "81" decimal, which are two different values.

  • USB 8451 I2C acknowledge bit problem

    I'm in the middle of developing a I2C interface for a Xilinx Vertex-5 evaluation board.  This is a standard Philips I2C interface and I'm able to view the SCL and SDA lines and everything looks like it should be working but I'm not getting the acknowledge returned on the SDA line. 
    We have flags output on other pins and the acknowledge is working but it seem the SDA line isn't releasing the line to allow the acknowledge to go low. 
    I have tired the write program examples that came with 8.6 but they are for a serial PROM and I don't believe serial PROM return an acknowledge during programming.  I have also tried the example from the "Using I2C with LabVIEW and the USB-8451" and even though all the clocks and data looks good at the proper pins the acknowledge bit stay high. 
    The Discussion Forum has a similar question about acknowledge on a "smbus_Read_Block" (11-9-06) where "newbieLBW" ask about this for a block read.  I have tried that example and created it for a write but I'm still not getting a acknowledge bit to go low.
    I have attached my I2C development vi that is just to prove functionality. And the write routine is in case loop 2.
    Go to Solution.
    I2C PortCofig_3.vi ‏70 KB

    Yes we have verified that the Xilinx is getting the information it needs and it returning a acknowledge pulse on the 9th SCL clock pulse.  I see this because we brought out the signal to a extra pin on the connector along with start and stop flags to make sure things inside the Xilinx were seeing the input properly.  When I run this program in a debug mode and highlight the data path the only errors I received is from the 'run script' function when the 8451 tried to write the address.
    Quick question for you.  I had mention a discussion forum question about the acknowledge bit on a smbus which is quite like the I2C interface.  In that
    example the read multi-byte function starts with a create script, script clock rate,script issue start, address+write, script write, then another script issue
    start, then it go on to another address+write.  My question is, it seem to me that nothing happens on the I2C SDA line until your data enters the 'run script'
    and I'm not seeing why they have two starts without a run.  I have tried to duplicate the multi read front section to see what it does but mine doesn't seem
    to run in as much as the SDA line never starts unless I have the run script in the read path.  My understanding is that the 'script start and address+write are
    just setup for the run script and without the run script nothing executes.  Yes or No?
    I want to thank you for taking the time to view this question I have.  The purpose for this interface is a future chip we are designing and we are using the I2C for reading and writing control registers within the chip.  I need to get the development platform working before I move onto the full interface and all the registers are 32 bits wide so I'm going to have to do all multi-byte reads and writes.
    I hope I have answer some of your question and will be looking forward to any information you can pass along.  I'm going to be out of the office until the 28th but I'll keep and eye on this forum from home where I'll be working on the full interface design but without the read and writes for now.
    Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years to you and your family!
    Gary Tyrna
    Tahoe RF Semiconductor, Inc.

  • USB 8451 simultaneo​us I2C and IO

    I am using the NI USB8451 to communicate with a TI BQ77910A by I2C. The I2C communication works for reading right now but in order to write in the EEPROM registers I need to provide 3.3V using the IO signals. 
    I've tested the IO and generated a signal successfully. My question is: is it possible to simultaneously run I2C and IO on the USB8451. Do they need to be on the same VI in order to operate?
    Go to Solution.

    Yes it works with the NI USB 8451. Though it is worth mentioning only ports P.04 to P.06 are capable of delivering a true steady output voltage of 3.3V.  The other ports seem to struggle in my experience but it is not a bad thing considering that the NI8451 is supposedly only capable of delivering 3.3V. 

  • I2C communication with USB 8451

    I am measuring capacitance using AD7746. I have 10 such CDC's connected through two PCA9547 multiplexers(to avoid address conflict). Can I use USB8451 to collect data instead of a microcontroller. Also Is there is another DAQ with 2 wire I2C communication or is this the only one with I2C.  Also is there some part with 10 I2C channels so I can collect data without using the multiplexer which adds complexity to code.

    hello krtiruth,
    If I understand your question correctly, you would like to know if the USB-8451 is a good choice for your particular chip( AD7746). As long as your chips allowing for different addressing, for you 10 different addresses, the 8451 can be connected to all the chips at once, an address each one individually through their particular address.This should allow you to not need the multiplexers to distribute communication to your various chips. As of right now the USB-8451 is the only I^2C device that National Instruments sells.  Thanks again and have a great day!
    Nicholas K
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • How to isolate USB-8451, I2C/SPI Interface

    How can I protect the SCL & SDA lines on a USB-8451 from overvoltage?  The User Guide says:
    Caution Take special care with respect to the I2C SDA and SCL lines. To allow for external
    pull-ups, the circuit protection has been removed. Do not exceed the specified voltages for
    these signals. 
    I've had several instances where my UUT applied 28 volts to one/both of these lines and destroyed my I2C interface.  What can I do to protect these lines?
    You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice

    There are several ways to this. I often use this simple circuit is based on zener diodes and the basic idea is quite similar to some commercial circuits also. The zener diode react quite fast to the surges. Zener diodes also have Low capacitance, so they are suited for high speed data lines. Unfortunately the surge capacity of those zener diodes is not very high, so that they can't handle the large spikes by themselves. That's why I have added 10 ohm resistors in series with data line before the zener diodes. This resistor limits the surge current to safer value for zener diode. The resistor must be always be between the data line and zener diode, so you must plug this circuit in the way where the computer goes to the connector on the right and the data line to the connector on the left. It is possible to make this circuit "bidirectional" just by adding also resistors to the computer side of the zener diodes, but this increased the series resistance in the data line.
    As mentioned there are more advanced circuits. Like active circuits. As an example the ADG467BR. Another option is Zener Transient voltage suppressors like the P6KE11CA. The P6KE11CA is bipolar so you only need 1 diode. But for a low voltage system like yours the zener solution may work fine. Remember to select a zener which can handle the current. If you 28 volt and use a 10 ohm resistor the current will not be higher than  28/10 ampere as a thumb rule. Probably lower.
    Message Edited by t06afre on 01-23-2009 03:41 PM
    Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
    (Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
    sample.PNG ‏2 KB

  • USB 8451 for I2C

    I am looking for a starting point.
    My problem is I need to communicate with the PCA9555 (http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/pca9555.pdf). I have searched the NI website and have come across a USB-8451 that seems to be the answer to my problem.  However, I need to also measure current and this device seems to lack that ability.
    First off, would this be the device I would want to use to communicate via I2C? The only reason I question this is because I cannot access the examples that would give me a good sense that I found what I was looking for.
    Secondly, is there a device like this offered by NI that would be able to communicate via I2C and be able to measure current? Or do I have to purchase 2 separate devices?
    Thirdly, is there anybody out there who has encountered the same problem (possibly with the same PCA9555)? 
    Thank you,
    Gerardo Hernandez 
    Go to Solution.

    I have a USB-8451 on my desk in use, and for ease of use in LabVIEW, you cannot beat it; some example code from one of my apps:
    Here I am just transmitting an constant sequence (an initialisation sequence for my hardware) to a Slave with address 112 (actually an I2C bus all-call address for my devices).
    If you want to keep things easy, I would suggest 2 seperate devices, one being a USB-8451. You can bit-bang I2C, etc at the cost of complexity and dev time.
    Mark B
    ===If this fixes your problem, mark as solution!===

  • I2C Gyro NI USB-8451

    I have finally gotten my Gyro to work with NI USB-8451, but for some reason i get lot of noise out of my signal outputs. I am guessing that i am doing some bit-operation wrong somewhere, attached i have my VI, can one you experts out there take a look and see if i am doing things right?
    ( You can look at my previous thread for reference)
    Thanks in advance
    Go to Solution.
    I2C Read-INDIVIDUAL.vi ‏28 KB

    Never mind got it right it was just unsigned bit instead of signed.

  • Using USB-8451 device to drive two i2c busses

    Is it possible to use a single USB-8451 device to drive two seperate i2c busses at the same time or do I need to get a second 8451

    I believe these devices act as single bus controller and if you want to control two separate buses, get two devices. An alternative (depending on the scope of your application) would be to use an FPGA device to implement as many controllers as you require.
    Hope this helps.

  • Usb 8451 I2C

    I am using LabView 8.0 with an NI USB 8451 I2C device. The problem I'm
    having is once a DUT fails it causes the next DUT to fail also. Very
    repeatable. Its as if there is a buffer that still has some data in it
    from the first failure or an error flag has been set. I have to restart
    the program to clear up the problem. I'm not sure if its a LabView
    error flag or an I2C "buffer" problem. Also, is there a way to
    initialize the 8451 so I can always start from a known good status? I
    have the same problem with the GPIB driver and the HP meter buffer but
    I've done a workaround by reading the meter twice. The first read is
    garbage but it clears the HP buffer so the second read is valid.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Larry Clifford
    Precision Linear Systems

    I had the same problem in 8.2 that I was never able to resolve.  Is the 8451 the only master on the bus or are you tapping into a line that already has a master?  I found the 8451 worked very well when it was the only master but problems popped up on a multi-master setup.  I contacted NI tech support and they assured me the 8451 adheres to the I2C multi-master specs.  Scope traces I took seemed to verify that.  I believe the problem was that the native master on the bus didn't handle multi-master mode correctly.
    Link to thread

  • USB-8451 I2C bus 5V tolerant

    Trying to use the NI-USB-8451 and Labview 2010.
    The 8451 device has option for pull-up resistors (I2C bus) up to 3.3V.
     Are the I2C SCL and SDA pins 5V tolerant?
    Thank you

    the appendix at the end of the manual states
    "Absolute voltage range ...........................–0.5 to +5.8 V with respect to
    GND"  pg A3

  • USB 8451 I2C error 301740 during a write

    I have this USB-8451 I2C device and I do not see any clock activity on the scope on the SCL line (always high). The SDA line is always low when I power-up the device which is an indication of a Start Condition if SCL is high. I have 2K pull-ups on both; the SCL and SDA lines. Without connecting any slave device to it, I do not see any activity on the SCL when I do a write. With the slave device attached, I still get the same error message and on the scope I do not see any activity on the SCL line.
    Any ideas?  The basic vi I wrote is attached.
    Norberto Collado
    I2C_NI_driver.zip ‏11 KB

    I have spoken with Austin, the AE who you were speaking to on Service Request 1728007, and he has indicated that you have sent this device in for an RMA.  Is this correct?
    Is there any other way I can help you in this?
    Drew T.
    NIC AE Specialist

  • NI 845x USB: Error -301713 occurred at Property Node (arg 2) in General I2C Read.vi

    I am currently working  with digital accelerometer LIS35DE from ST Microelectronics. I want to start with tests of this device. For that purpose I used NI 845x USB to connect with accelerometer via I2C. Unfortunately, when I made electrical connections and set up parameters of communication and run the program (I found it in examples) the following error occured:
    Error -301713 occurred at Property Node (arg 2) in General I2C Read.vi
    Possible reason(s):
    NI-845x:  An input parameter, or combination of parameters, is invalid. An example of this error may be setting an invalid baud rate or enabling I2C ACK polling while using 10-bit addressing.
    The code can be found in attachements. I couldn't find any extended description of this problem. What could be a problem: incorrect device address, register address, configuration parameters?
    Any help is appreciated!
    Best regards,
    General I2C Read.vi ‏24 KB

    Hi MicMac89!
    First of all could you please post which version of LabView are you using?
    Could you please tell me which version of 845X hw are you using? (8451 or 8452)
    I opened the example you attached. As you wrote the error occurs at the second argument of the property node. (I guess this is the first property node where the error occurs.)
    This argument of the property node enables the onboard pull-up resistors. But not all NI-845x hardware support pull-up resistors. (Because of this is important to know which hw version are you using.)
    Did you try the example with disabling the pull-up resistors?
    I suggest you to go through the Manual of this product, (if you did this not yet) This could make it clear where and when to use what kind of pull-up resistors.
    For example: If you are using 8452, you must enable pull-up resistors, for Vref ≤ 1.8 V for the FPGA to properly detect a low-to-high transition
    Manual: http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371746d.pdf
    HW specification: http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/290598a.pdf
    Please post if my suggestions helped. Of course if you have any questions, don't hesitate to post them.
    Best regards, 
    Balazs Nagy

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