Have tables names changed from CF6/7 to CF 8/9?

<<Edit>>I might have just answered my question, sort of.  I had already exported the data from the hosted SQL 2000 DB to my local SQL 2000 DB and then backed up and restored it to an empty DB in SQL 2008 Express.  The tables have the dbo. prefix instead of the "xx." prefix in the other DB which went from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008.  The site runs with the dbo. prefix.  Any links to articles/videos/summaries of simple differences between version still appreciated."<</Edit>>
I built a CF6/7 based site about 5 years ago and I'm trying to move it to the current versions of MSSQL (2008R2 Express) and CF9.  I believe the SQL DB is fine, I have setup the site on the local server, and am getting the following error when trying to view a page that access the DB.
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC  Driver][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'client_info'.
I exported the DB data from the live DB server into my local SQL 2008 Express and tables now have names like "xx.client_info"  Is it correct to assume that this is a new naming convention so that you can access easily access tables in multiple DBs?  Would I simply need to rename the tables to exclude the "xx." at the begining?  Or would it be advised to export the data into SQL 2000 and then backup/restore the DB to SQL 2008 Express?
Thanks for any help, and if there's a video or link to simple differences/improvements in CF from 6/7 to 8/9 any link would be greatly appreciated.

It's not CF-related, it's a SQLServer thing. In SQL 2008 they introduced the concept of Schemas, which I think is what you're seeing here. Rather than dbo.tablename, you now have schema.tablename.
I don't know the details to be honest, but that's what you need to be looking at.

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    Edited by: user007009 on Apr 27, 2013 8:33 PM

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    Sample Data Creation::::::::::::::*
    drop table table_ASERCARE purge;
    drop table table_MEDCARE purge;
    drop table table_group purge;
    drop table tablex purge;
    -- select distinct TABLE_NAME from ALL_TAB_COLS where TABLE_NAME like 'EMP%';
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    insert into table_asercare values  (20110111, 01, 55, 1200);
    insert into table_asercare values  (20110131, 01, 31, 1223);
    insert into table_asercare values  (20120131, 15, 24,1224);
    insert into table_ASERCARE values  (20130131, 03, 555,1200);
    -- Truncate table table_MEDCARE
    create table table_medcare (time number(30), location_number number(5), value number(5),catg_id number(5));
    insert into table_medcare values  (20110113, 01, 23, 1200);
    insert into table_medcare values  (20110128, 02, 78, 1223);
    insert into table_medcare values  (20110130, 03, 100, 1224);
    insert into table_medcare values  (20120111, 04, 57, 1200);
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    insert into table_LOCATION values  (02, 'atlanta2');
    insert into table_LOCATION values  (03, 'atlanta3');
    insert into table_LOCATION values  (04, 'atlanta4');
    insert into table_LOCATION values  (05, 'atlanta5');
    insert into table_location values  (15, 'atlanta15');
    create table table_category (catg_id number(5), catg_name varchar2(30));
    insert into table_category values (1200, 'EMS');
    insert into table_category values (1223, 'LJM');
    insert into table_category values (1224, 'LIO');
    create table table_TIME (YEAR_MONTH_DATE number(30), YEAR_VAL number(4), MONTH_VAL number(2),DATE_VAL number(2));
    insert into table_TIME values  (20110111, 2011, 01,11 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20110131, 2011, 01,31);
    insert into table_TIME values  (20120131, 2012, 01,31);
    insert into table_TIME values  (20130131, 2013, 01,31);
    insert into table_TIME values  (20110128, 2011, 01,28 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20110130, 2011, 01,30 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20120111, 2012, 01,11 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20120221, 2012, 02,21 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20130321, 2013, 03,21 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20100113, 2010, 01,13 );
    insert into table_TIME values  (20130128, 2013, 01,28 );
    --Truncate table table_group
    CREATE TABLE table_group (group_key number,table_name VARCHAR2(30), group_name VARCHAR2(30), catg_name varchar2(30));
    insert into table_group values (1,'table_ASERCARE', 'GROUP_ONE','EMS');
    insert into table_group values (2,'table_MEDCARE', 'GROUP_ONE','LJM');
    create table TABLEX (YEAR_VAL number(4) ,LOCATION_NAME varchar2(50),tablename VARCHAR2(30), cnt number ); --> Proc data will be inserted into this...
    Stored Procedure++++++++_
    type c1 is ref cursor;
        sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200);
        v_sql    VARCHAR2(30000);
        c1_cv c1;
        table_name_f VARCHAR2(30);
        c1_rec TABLE_GROUP%rowtype;
          fetch c1_cv  INTO c1_rec;
        exit when c1_cv%notfound;
    --    forall i in c1_rec.FIRST ..c1_rec.last loop
        table_name_f := c1_rec.table_name;
    --      END LOOP;
       EXECUTE immediate
       'INSERT  INTO tablex (YEAR_VAL,LOCATION_NAME, tablename, cnt)
    t.YEAR_VAL,l.location_name, :table_name, count(*) as cnt
    FROM '
        ' variable_table
    ,table_time t
    , table_location l
    ,table_group g
    ,table_category ctg
    WHERE t.year_month_date = variable_table.TIME
    and variable_table.location_number = l.location_number
    and ctg.catg_id = variable_table.catg_id
    --and ctg.catg_name = g.catg_name
    GROUP BY t.YEAR_VAL,l.location_name,g.catg_name' USING table_name_f;
        --dbms_output.put_line ( 'The SQL is'|| v_sql);
        --dbms_output.put_line ( c1_rec.table_name||','||c1_rec.group_name );
        --dbms_output.put_line ( 'The table name is '|| c1_rec.table_name );
      end loop;
        CLOSE c1_cv;
    END ABC;
    Parallel Execution Code++++++++++_
    exception when others then null;
    DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.CREATE_CHUNKS_BY_SQL(task_name => 'TASK_NAME', sql_stmt =>'select distinct group_key, group_key from table_group', by_rowid => false);
    sql_stmt =>'declare
    s varchar2(16000); vstart_id number := :start_id; vend_id number:= :end_id;
    table_name varchar2(30);
    select table_name into table_name from group_table where group_key=vstart_id;
    s:=''INSERT  INTO tablex (YEAR_VAL,LOCATION_NAME, tablename, cnt)
    t.YEAR_VAL,l.location_name, :table_name, count(*) as cnt
    FROM ''||table_name||'' variable_table
    ,table_time t
    , table_location l
    ,table_group g
    ,table_category ctg
    WHERE t.year_month_date = variable_table.TIME
    and variable_table.location_number = l.location_number
    and ctg.catg_id = variable_table.catg_id
    and ctg.catg_name = g.catg_name
    and g.group_key =:vstart_id
    GROUP BY t.YEAR_VAL,l.location_name,g.catg_name'';
    execute immediate s using vstart_id;
    language_flag => DBMS_SQL.NATIVE, parallel_level => 2 );
    / thanks in advance for your time.
    Edited by: user007009 on Apr 28, 2013 12:25 PM

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    This is an issue with SAP BW promotion process. SAP BASIS team should not turn on setting to suffix systemid with the table names during promotion.

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    Select * from a;
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    Kindly guide me.

    SQL> declare
      a     varchar2 (5) := 'emp';
      v     varchar2 (100);
      cur   sys_refcursor;
      open cur for 'Select ename from ' || a;
      fetch cur into v;
      while cur%found
        dbms_output.put_line (v);
        fetch cur into v;
      end loop;
      close cur;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Edited by: Soundappan on Nov 1, 2012 7:04 PM

    I'm not sure to understand what kind of module you're talking about.
    Anyway, there are several docs available in MOS which shows the features differences over the versions, have a look :
    PeopleTools Cumulative Feature Overview Tool ID 793143.1*
    But I didn't find any starting by your (very old) Peopletools version.

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    I've seen this on two handsets, both after updating the IOS from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 so I presume the Tesco operator logo has now been included in the OS where it wasn't before. Tesco is an MVNO operating on the o2 network, you can set your own logo to be displayed without jailbreaking, a quick search on google returned a couple of results. Post back if you have any success!

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    Use the trackpad to scroll, thats what it was designed for. The scroll bars automatically disappear when not being used and will appear if you scroll up or down using the trackpad.
    This is a user-to-user forum and most people will post on here if they have problems. You very rarely get people posting to say there update went smooth. The fact is the vast majority of Mountain Lion users will not be experiencing any major problems with the OS, or maybe with apps which are not compatible, but thats hardly Apple's fault if developers don't update their apps.

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    version: BOXI 3.1
    I have change the table name in my Database for some particular reason.
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    Manaul correction is the only way for it? Can this be updated automatically.
    What is the way to achieve it through SDK.
    Kindly any member guide me.
    I have number of tables to change and each have number of securities applied in universe.
    Thanks in advance

    Universe access security is encapsulated separate from the Universe unv itself.
    Rather, it's a SI_KIND='Overload' InfoObject instance, accessible using the BusinessObjects Enterprise SDK.
    Ted Ueda

  • Table name changed in Reports 3.0

    My DBA asked me to change the table name from SA_AWARDS to SAFETY_AWARDS.
    I had already developed a report using table name SA_AWARDS.
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    How can I fix it ?

    As i understand your problem , you have changed the table name in the query wizard and then tried to compile and it is giving errors ....
    well anytime you modify the sql (even add a space) the column names are renamed ... ie if you originaly had column Customer_name it would be renamed as customer_name1 ....
    now if in the original report you are using the columns for any computation etc it will not find the old column and will give compilaiton errors .... one way is to change the column names back to original names ... or better modify the sql once more by adding space and you will get back the original names most of the times .....
    the best way to avoid this is give alias name in the sql first time around , so it dosnt create problems ....
    once you take care of this i think your problem should be solved .....
    if not do let me know in more detail

  • Handling table name changes

    Because of a change in naming convention, all our source table names are changing (only the prefix: The rest of the name and the table structures will remain the same). We already have developed a significant number of OWB mappings based on the old naming convention. What is the OWB equivalent of doing a global search replace of table names ? Is there a script available for doing this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    The name changing part should be relatively simple to handle. I have included a script that should do the renaming with the prefix 'WH_'. The reconcile will have to be done by you. The script should go something like this (please test your scripts in a test environment as I will not provide support for this).
    # Update the connection information here.
    # The connect string format is repository_user/repository_pwd@hostname:port:service_name
    # Connecting to the repository:
    OMBCONNECT owb/owb@localhost:1521:ora9201
    puts "Connected to repository."
    # Setting the project and prefix variables (set project name here):
    set MProject MY_PROJECT
    # Everything will be prefixed by WH_:
    set wh WH_
    #Open the project
    # Entering into the Project (CC = Changing Context):
    OMBCC '$MProject'
    set module_list [OMBLIST ORACLE_MODULES]
    # Loop to enter into each project module:
         foreach i in {$module_list}{
              puts "Working on module: $module_list ."
              OMBCC '$module_list'
              set table_list [OMBLIST TABLES]
    # Loop to prefix the name of each table in the current module:
                   foreach j in {$table_list}{
                        puts "     Working on table: $table_list ."
                        OMBALTER TABLE '$j'
                             RENAME TO '$wh$j'
    # Loop to prefix the name of each dimension in the current module:
              set dim_list [OMBLIST DIMENSION_TABLES]
                   foreach l in {$dim_list}{
                   puts "     Working on dimension: $dim_list ."
                        OMBALTER DIMENSION_TABLE '$l'
                             RENAME TO '$wh$l'
    # Loop to prefix the name of each cube in the current module:
              set cube_list [OMBLIST CUBE_TABLES]
                   foreach m in {$cube_list}{
                   puts "     Working on cube: $cube_list ."
                        OMBALTER CUBE_TABLE '$m'
                             RENAME TO '$wh$m'
    # Loop to prefix the name of each mapping in the current module:
              set mapping_list [OMBLIST MAPPINGS]
                   foreach k in {$mapping_list}{
                   puts "     Working on mapping: $mapping_list ."
    # Reconcile your mapping here by using OMBRECONCILE ...
    # this will have to be done by you...     
    puts "Done."
    # Saving the changes:
    # Disconnecting from the repository:

  • Admin advice: table name changes, etc.

    Our Discoverer system is still evolving and there are instances when a change, say to a table name that users have build workbooks on, is required. Is there a way to scan the workbooks and make this change for the users?

    No, this is not possible. You have to be extremely careful making changes to an EUL after workbooks exist. Mind you, just because you change a table name does not mean you need to change the folder name or identifier. You can change the table pointer without making any other changes, so long that is that the new table has the same data items and data types as the original. If it doesn't you could be in deep trouble.
    As a note, you do need to make sure that you correctly maintain both the folder name and the folder identifier and not allow these to take generic names and defaults such as NEWFOLDER1 etc. This is bad EUL design and you will end up with issues in the future.
    If you have a copy of my Oracle Discoverer 10g Handbook, available from good bookstores or amazon.com via http://learndiscoverer.com/books/books.htm, take a look at chapters 17 and 18 which describe in detail how to get going in and maintain business areas. In particular, pages 640 and 641 cover folder management and discuss the impact of changing names and / or identifiers.
    I hope this helps
    Best wishes
    Michael Armstrong-Smith
    URL: http://learndiscoverer.com
    Blog: http://learndiscoverer.blogspot.com

  • Table name in from clause

    Hi Gurus,
    Each day I am creating a table dynamically and the table name is stored in log table.
    End of the day I want to see that tables data(want to create a report based on that table).
    select * from (
    select table_name from my_log
    where created_on=sysdate and table_name like '%sunil%');
    As we know, it will not work in sql, and I dont want to use plsql.
    Is there any way to get my requirements only using sql.

    Sunil Jena wrote:
    Each day I am creating a table dynamically and the table name is stored in log table.Not the best of options. If you have purchased the Partitioning Option, use that instead. If not - give serious consideration to getting it as it is worth every cent.
    End of the day I want to see that tables data(want to create a report based on that table).
    select * from (
    select table_name from my_log
    where created_on=sysdate and table_name like '%sunil%');Not possible like that.
    It can be done using a pipeline table functions. Which would be the wrong choice IMO.
    A better option would be a partitioned view. This feature has been introduced with Oracle 7.3 I think it was. It supports partition-like pruning and enables you to have a view on several tables, but only the relevant table being hit for the actual query.
    Here's an example on Note how the CBO uses the filter condition NULL is not NULL to remove no-relevant tables from the query.
    SQL> declare
      2          tabName         varchar2(30);
      3          nameList        TStrings;
      4          pviewSql        varchar2(32767);
      6          procedure W( line varchar2 ) is
      7          begin
      8                  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( nvl(line,chr(10) ) );
      9          end;
    11          procedure ExecSQL( sqlStmnt varchar2 ) is
    12          begin
    13                  W( 'SQL> '||sqlStmnt );
    14                  W( '' );
    15                  execute immediate sqlStmnt;
    16          exception when OTHERS then
    17                  W( SQLERRM(SQLCODE) );
    18          end;
    19  begin
    20          --// need to create some sample tables - will grab dictionary objects from
    21          --// the following schemas to populate the sample tables
    22          nameList := new TStrings( 'XDB','SYS','BILLY','APEX_040100','FLOWS_FILES' );
    24          --// format of the sampe table, e.g. TAB_1
    25          tabName := 'TAB_%n';
    27          --// drop the sample table if exists
    28          for i in 1..nameList.Count loop
    29                  ExecSQL( 'drop table '||replace(tabName,'%n',i)||' purge' );
    30          end loop;
    32          --// create the sample tables
    33          for i in 1..nameList.Count loop
    34                  ExecSQL(
    35  'create table '||replace(tabName,'%n',i)||'(
    36          object_id primary key,
    37          object_owner not null check(object_owner='''||nameList(i)||'''),
    38          object_type not null,
    39          object_name not null
    40  )
    41  nologging as
    42  select
    43          object_id,
    44          owner,
    45          object_type,
    46          object_name
    47  from       all_objects
    48  where      owner = '''||nameList(i)||''''
    49                  );
    50          end loop;
    52          --// create the partition view
    53          pviewSql := 'create or replace view PVIEW_TAB as ';
    54          for i in 1..nameList.Count loop
    55                  pviewSQL := pviewSQL || 'select * from '||replace(tabName,'%n',i);
    56                  if i < nameList.Count then
    57                          pviewSQL := pviewSQL || ' union all ';
    58                  end if;
    59          end loop;
    61          ExecSQL( pviewSQL );
    62  end;
    63  /
    SQL> drop table TAB_1 purge
    SQL> drop table TAB_2 purge
    SQL> drop table TAB_3 purge
    SQL> drop table TAB_4 purge
    SQL> drop table TAB_5 purge
    SQL> create table TAB_1(
            object_id primary key,
            object_owner not null check(object_owner='XDB'),
            object_type not null,
            object_name not null
    from    all_objects
    where   owner = 'XDB'
    SQL> create table TAB_2(
            object_id primary key,
            object_owner not null check(object_owner='SYS'),
            object_type not null,
            object_name not null
    from    all_objects
    where   owner = 'SYS'
    SQL> create table TAB_3(
            object_id primary key,
            object_owner not null check(object_owner='BILLY'),
            object_type not null,
            object_name not null
    from    all_objects
    where   owner = 'BILLY'
    SQL> create table TAB_4(
            object_id primary key,
            object_owner not null check(object_owner='APEX_040100'),
            object_type not null,
            object_name not null
    from    all_objects
    where   owner = 'APEX_040100'
    SQL> create table TAB_5(
            object_id primary key,
            object_owner not null check(object_owner='FLOWS_FILES'),
            object_type not null,
            object_name not null
    from    all_objects
    where   owner = 'FLOWS_FILES'
    SQL> create or replace view PVIEW_TAB as select * from TAB_1 union all select * from TAB_2 union all select * from TAB_3 union all select * from TAB_4 union all select * from TAB_5
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> set autotrace on explain
    SQL> --// example of using the partition view, but querying only a single table in it
    SQL> select count(*) from pview_tab where object_owner = 'BILLY' and object_type = 'TABLE';
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3160219530
    | Id  | Operation             | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |           |     1 |    28 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE       |           |     1 |    28 |            |          |
    |   2 |   VIEW                | PVIEW_TAB |    31 |   868 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    UNION-ALL          |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  4 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  5 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_1     |     1 |    28 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  6 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  7 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_2     |     2 |    56 |    51   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  8 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL | TAB_3     |    27 |   756 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  9 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |* 10 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_4     |     1 |    28 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 11 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |* 12 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_5     |     1 |    28 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
       6 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
       9 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
      11 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SQL> select count(*) from pview_tab where object_owner = 'SYS' and object_type = 'TABLE';
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 1404131350
    | Id  | Operation             | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |           |     1 |    28 |    51   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE       |           |     1 |    28 |            |          |
    |   2 |   VIEW                | PVIEW_TAB |    15 |   420 |    51   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    UNION-ALL          |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  4 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  5 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_1     |     1 |    28 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  6 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL | TAB_2     |    11 |   308 |    51   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  7 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  8 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_3     |     1 |    28 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  9 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |* 10 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_4     |     1 |    28 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 11 |     FILTER            |           |       |       |            |          |
    |* 12 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_5     |     1 |    28 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
       5 - filter("OBJECT_OWNER"='SYS' AND "OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       6 - filter("OBJECT_OWNER"='SYS' AND "OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       7 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
       8 - filter("OBJECT_OWNER"='SYS' AND "OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       9 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
      10 - filter("OBJECT_OWNER"='SYS' AND "OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
      11 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
      12 - filter("OBJECT_OWNER"='SYS' AND "OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SQL> select count(*) from pview_tab where object_type = 'TABLE';
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 1006798202
    | Id  | Operation            | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |           |     1 |    11 |    62   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE      |           |     1 |    11 |            |          |
    |   2 |   VIEW               | PVIEW_TAB |    57 |   627 |    62   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    UNION-ALL         |           |       |       |            |          |
    |*  4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_1     |    17 |   187 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_2     |    11 |   121 |    51   (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  6 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_3     |    27 |   297 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  7 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_4     |     1 |    11 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  8 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB_5     |     1 |    11 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - filter("OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       5 - filter("OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       6 - filter("OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       7 - filter("OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       8 - filter("OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SQL> set autotrace offPartition views are no longer actively supported. It could be removed in future Oracle versions. However, it is a useful and existing feature, that is worth considering in some cases.

  • Table Name-Changes in SO

    Dear All,
    As we all know that any changes done in Sales order, we can see them by going to Va02-->Environment -->Changes...
    According to our client's requirement, we need to generate a report which can show all the changes done to a SO. For this I want to know the TABLE name in which the changes that we have done to the SO are going to be stored.(Kindly let me know if there is any Standard Report exists in SAP R/3 for this kind of requirement)
    Points assured for Helpful answers
    Thanks & regards
    Krishna Chaitanya

    Please refer the following tables.
    Header : CDHDR
    Item: CDPOS
    Reward points

  • Table name change in procedure dynamically

    create table tab1(x number);
    create table dynamic_table (x number);
    insert into tab1 values (1);
    insert into dynamic_table values (1);
    create procedure proc1
    v_x number;
    execute immediate 'create table mytab
    as select tab1.*
    from tab1, tabc
    where tab1.x = dynamic_table.x';
    /dynamic_table --> should be dynamically replaced in the procedure
    There are two more tables in this scenario - tabe and tabf, In the above procedure, I have to dynamically replace dynamic_table first with tabe, call it, then then replace with tabf and execute procedure again
    Is there a way I can do that ? any dynamic sql that will prompt me to call proc1 twice, 1st time replace dynamic_table with tabe, then with tabf
    the structure of tabe and tabf is the same, I am currently passing a parameter to the procedure and replacing dynamic_table with the input parameter, and then
    calling the procedure twice by passing the table names, wanted to follow a better approach
    Currently, I am doing somethig like this:
    create procedure proc1 (i_param in varchar2)
    v_x number;
    execute immediate 'create table mytab
    as select tab1.*
    from tab1, tabc
    where tab1.x = i_param.x';

    Why are you trying to do this?
    Good database design practice means that you don't create tables dynamically within your code.
    Why do you have tables of the same structure with different names?
    Dynamic table names are not a good idea because it means all your code has to be dynamic.
    So whilst it's perfectly possible to do what you are asking, showing you how to do it would be like me showing you how to fly a plane into the ground, i.e. not something that's clever or wise.
    So, better you explain what problem you are trying to solve rather than ask us how to improve on the poor code you are already trying to do.

  • How Discoverer Reports cope with table name changes

    I want to change the name of an oracle table that is queried by a number of Discoverer reports owned by various users.
    I have been told that Discoverer might have the smarts to handle this without manual intervention of users having to open their reports and repoint them to the new tablename. Would someone be able to enlighten me?

    Thanks Guys for help.
    Additionally I'd like to add for the purpose of the name change is business driven and therefore it is important that business (report writers) see the new name so.....
    For each simple folder in the EUL there are there 3 attributes you need to be aware of:
    (1) Folder Name (the name as seen in Discoverer)
    (2) Identifier
    (3) Physical Database Object name
    (1) and (2) are used by a Disco workbook to resolve back to the physical object name.
    Therefore, you can change either (1) or (2) [but not both] and still have the workbook resolving back to the physical object name on the folder (ie (3)).
    In summation, I changed (1) and (3) while leaving (2) unchanged to resolve the whole glorious mess....

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