HD - SD - starting from upload

I have read the lengthy "debugging" threads about having a HD project uploaded and edited (100s of hours invested into the project, too late to start over) and I see that there are issues with downscaling. (I had already ascertained this from a quick little test.)
So, if a person were just starting from the tape upload from a prosumer HD camera, and was wanting a reasonable SD finished product (having the entire Master Collection installed), what would be the best course of action?
(film was shot in 1080i).
Please advise.

Hi Michelle --
I know the thread is lengthy. There are a lot of other suggested workflows using the CS3 tools. I think you'll find that none of these will give you the results you're looking for.
Please take the time took look at my posts in that thread. I suggest using some freeware tools that will make much nicer looking output than using the Adobe products alone.
I know it's not as simple as 1,2,3... but it really is not too hard to follow. I am certain you'll be pleased with final result!
-- Dan

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    Hello there, Elena Lyubina.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting issues with an application not functioning as expected:
    iOS: An app you installed unexpectedly quits, stops responding, or won’t open
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    BY seeing the error message I think you might have not registered the task in the Portal, as you are have mentioned easy web screen
    1. When ever you are trying to execute the workitem from the UWL and you are able to See the SBWP SAP inbox in the browser then it means that the task of the workflow is not registered in the portal.
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    You cannot execute a leave workitem from the Inbox. if you try to execute then it prompts the error message that you have mentioned.
    Try to do check all the below points.
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    APPLICATION     LeaveRequestApprover
    DYNPARAM     wi_id=${item.externalId}
    PACKAGE     sap.com/ess~lea
    2. Second thing is make the task as  General Task from the PFTC txn. so that the agent can approve
    3. Ask the portal guys to register this task in the XML file where all the application specific task's are registred. and then try to execute the workitem, this time it will show you the leave request application.

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    BINGO !
    works like a charm
    I used this at compReady. Loads all the animated thumbnails with image, jersey number and full name.
    $.getJSON('images/profiles.json', function(json)
                sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable('data', eval(json));
                var data = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable('data');
                for ( i = 1 ; i < 17; i++){
                    sym.getSymbol("thumb"+[i]).$("thumb1").css("background-image","url("+data.player[i].thumb +")");
                    sym.getSymbol("thumb"+[i]).$("p_name").html((data.player[i].f_name)+"<br>"+(data.player[i ].l_name));
    and this on all the "display on click" profile sheets. Right now just gets the larger player pic but will get all the other "fields" also when complete
    var i = 1 // this var identifies the player
    var data = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable('data');
    sym.play("profile" + [i]);
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    I. Pages
    1. is
    (1) nice
    (2) tool
    (3) to type in English
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    (4) how
    (5) the ****
    (6) can I
    (7) solve it?
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    Looks like your region in tab1 is not refreshing.
    have an input parameter to the region/TF embedded in tab1 , set refreshIfNeeded ="true" and toggle the parameter value in the disclosureListener of the tab.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == After removing Firefox and Reinstalling it. ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6.4; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; MS-RTC LM 8)

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    I have confirmed that Shuffle and Repeat are both OFF. This issue occurs whether I have recently charged/synced my iPod or not. It also occurs after I perform a hard restart on the iPod. I have not tried restoring it, because I have not had time to dedicate the several hours it would take to re-install iOS and copy all of my stuff back onto it.
    My computer is running Windows 7, 32-bit. My iTunes is version
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone has questions relating to this issue, I'd be happy to answer them.

    I didn't mention this in my initial post because I didn't think it was relevant, but the Home button on my iPod doesn't work. I've been using the virtual home button provided by turning Assistive Touch on.
    I did try the first solution you suggested, but nothing happened. I'll make another post when I try the second method.
    On a side note, and if it makes any difference, the device in question is not a phone. It's an iPod Touch.

  • Ctrl-c in bash kill openbox started from rc file as background job

    Ctrl-c in bash kill openbox started from rc file as background job.
    strange, isn't it ?

    I want to have openbox in the job list of a bash. as if my xinitrc was "exec xterm" and I manualy enter the "openbox &" commande in the xterm window. I suppose this is a common wish : telling bash to read from file then from keyboard, but that not exactly what bashrc do.
    "ps j" for openbox started in bashrc
    1769  1773  1773   845 pts/0     1752 S     1000   0:00 xterm -e bash  --rcfile ~/bin/xsession.sh
           1  1780  1773   845 pts/0     1752 S     1000   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
    1773  1783  1783  1783 pts/2     1805 Ss    1000   0:00 bash --rcfile ~/bin/xsession.sh
    1783  1795  1783  1783 pts/2     1805 S     1000   0:00 /usr/bin/openbox --startup /usr/lib/openbox/openbox-autostart OPENBOX
    1783  1805  1805  1783 pts/2     1805 R+    1000   0:00 ps j
    "ps j" for openbox started by keyboard or PROMPT_COMMAND
    1718  1722  1722   845 pts/0     1701 S     1000   0:00 xterm -title Login -e bash  --rcfile ~/bin/xsession.sh
           1  1729  1722   845 pts/0     1701 S     1000   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
    1722  1732  1732  1732 pts/2     1747 Ss    1000   0:00 bash --rcfile ~/bin/xsession.sh
    1732  1744  1744  1732 pts/2     1747 S     1000   0:00 openbox
    1732  1747  1747  1732 pts/2     1747 R+    1000   0:00 ps j
    ps have PGID equal to the bash TPGID, so it is foreground. openbox from PROMPT_COMMAND have his own PGID, so it is background. openbox from bashrc share PGID wish bash ... so if bash do not consume Ctrl-c signal openbox receive it ? I assume it is some things like this, but why ? INVOCATION and JOB CONTROL sections in bash manpage do not seems describe this, so that's a strange behaviour.

  • Finding the value of the text starting from x1 and ending at x2

    Dear All,
    While reading a notepad's each line, I need to take the each lines value starting from say 15th position to 20th position. If i use it_notepad-text+14(5) and the text does not contains any data, it generates dump.
    pl. guide. Is there any function module to get the value of the string with starting and ending position.

    I think the best is what G@urav suggested. Simple catching this exception will solve your issue
    data: word type string.
    loop at it_notepad.
           word = is_notepad-text+11(4). "get the required word
       catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds.  "and catch the exception in case the word is too short
    This way you won't get dump and will be able to skip the line which don't have required number of chars.

  • How To "Start From Scratch" and Build a Clean iTunes Library on a Portable USB External Drive?

    A while ago I posted about my confused (and confusing) mess of an iTunes:
    While dozens looked I guess eveyone agreed with me "what a mess" and moved on.
    So ... someone at the Apple Store suggested that what I should do is start from scratch. But I'm not sure if I understand all the steps.  He said I should:
    * create a folder of all my songs and just the song files not all the other iTunes stuff -- copy all the mp3 and m4a files that I have in Music > iTunes > iTunes Music > Music to a temp folder let's call it "all my music"
    * launch iTunes and tell it to move to / always look at / whatever the terms my new portable external USB drive
    * click on file / add to library and tell iTunes I want to add that "all my music" folder to iTunes
    At this point I don't care if we lose playlists, artwork, play counts and all that stuff.
    Does this approach make sense?
    Is there another way?
    So how do I tell iTunes to only look to the external?  How do I get rid of the old stuff I have on the internal that is offering duplicates and phantom entries?  Do I need to delete iTunes and then download a new copy?  Should I delete the iTunes foilder? ...?
    Any advice would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks!

    jayessemm wrote:
    So how do I tell iTunes to only look to the external?  How do I get rid of the old stuff I have on the internal that is offering duplicates and phantom entries?  Do I need to delete iTunes and then download a new copy?  Should I delete the iTunes foilder? ...?
    the simplest and working way.
    go to iTunes -> Preferences -> Advanced
    On there change the iTunes Media Folder location to your external hard drive
    Check that the rest of the preference pane looks similar to the following picture.
    After doing so, on menu bar go to File -> Library -> Organize Library
    This will force iTunes to copy all songs and playlist's to the new place and to build up a new database for the Library.
    Empty or corrupted files will left behind on the old location.
    After checking that all is on place and working at the new location, you may delete all files at the former location.
    Cheers - Lupunus

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    I would like to know if after I erase all my data, empy hard drive inside the macbook, the time machine will erase all my files that I have saved in my "WD "My passport" external hard drive

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Time Machine has to erase the external disk in order to make backups. Before setting Time Machine up, copy the files of your external disk to the hard disk of the Mac in order not to lose them, and then, set up Time Machine. The first backup will start automatically.
    If you want more information about Time Machine, read the Pondini's site > http://pondini.org

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    Complete guide to using iOS 6
    Guide to Built-In Apps on iOS
    https://sites.google.com/site/appleclubfhs/support/advice-and-articles/guide-to- built-in-apps-ios
    You can download a complete iOS 5 iPad User Guide and iOS 6 iPad User Guide here: http://support.apple.com/manuals/ipad/
    Also, Good Instructions http://www.tcgeeks.com/how-to-use-ipad-2/
    Apple - iPad - Guided Tours
    Apple iPad Guided Tours - Watch the videos see all the amazing iPad apps in action. Learn how to use FaceTime, Mail, Safari, Videos, Maps, iBooks, App Store, and more.
    How to - Articles & User Guides & Tutorials
    iPad How-Tos  http://ipod.about.com/lr/ipad_how-tos/903396/1/
    You can download this guide to your iPad.
    iPad User Guide for iOS 5
     Cheers, Tom

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