Help at this hour?

New to Mac, How can I get help at this hour? (0240)  I've been googleing since 1000.  Seems Apple is the new Microsoft.  Bogus phone numbers to real estate and ***** ads.  On hold from 1 am to 2:10 then disconnected "just as typed" a negative inquiry about Apple.  And just now (as I typed that) my external keyboard became inactive.  I paid for 2 years of Applecare and what I thought was 24/7 support, not to mention that this thing is only 1 month old (within the 90 day freebie).  The advertized 24 hour phone number basically just say's "we're busy - call back some other time.  The support page is down "for maintainence" and I have school work to do and Im locked out.
Oh and I guess I'm not allowed to copy what I just typed to paste elsewhere so that I don't have to write it again after it all lost when I attempt to submit this.

Apple has never advertised "24/7" phone support. I think it's 6AM to 9 or 10 PM central time, though not sure of the hours. If you live in a country that supports it you will be better off starting your support request through the Express Lane web site.
Best of luck.

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    Sorry to say it, but I think you can see from Bob's response that there's no way to solve this rapidly.
    Did you take an image of your Mountain Lion install before upgrading to Yosemite? Roll back to that. If you're not in the habit of taking a snapshot of your system before performing operating system upgrades - get in that habit. If you are dependent on anything at all on hour computer, having a reliable backup method in place is essential. If you don't have a Time Capsule, or some other way to run Time Machine onto a disk that's not in your computer, go set that up yesterday.
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    You say it only happens when you work on raw.  Is this only when you’re using the Camera Raw plug-in?  If you work on a small JPG in the ACR plug-in, does it happen? 
    Have you tried turning off the OpenGL acceleration in PS / Preferences / Performance as Mylenium suggested? 
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    I ahve  a query that outputs the total time between two periods in one column , total number of days between two periods  in onne column. I want to combine those together and show it in hours . For example if the time column shows 7:41(7 hours  and 41 minutes ) and teh days column shows 1 day , I want to combine those two columns and show as one column i.e 24 hours plus 7 hours and 41 minutes as a total of 31 hours and 41 minutes. I had written the follwwing code in the query that calculated the two seprately , can anyone please tell me how to go about converting this hour into time format and then adding the two to get it in total number of hours and minutes in my query.
    concatenate vttk-datbg vttk-uatbg into lv_start_time.
        concatenate vttk-daten vttk-uaten into lv_end_time.
        gv_ftstm = lv_end_time - lv_start_time.
        gv_total_time = gv_ftstm+8(6).
        if not ( vttk-datbg is initial
              or vttk-daten is initial ).
          gv_total_days = gv_ftstm+0(8).
          clear: gv_total_days.
        if not p_bl_lns is initial.
          read table gt_vttk with key tknum = vttk-tknum.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
            append vttk to gt_vttk .
            clear: vttk-distz,
    The gv_total_days have been declared as type P lenght 6, outlenth 10 and decimal 02, and
    gv_time as VTTK-FAHZTDA.

    Does this help ?
    CONVERT DATE par_date TIME par_time INTO
              TIME STAMP par_timestamp TIME ZONE par_time_zone.
    also use fm:  SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE
    output:                             365
    365 * 24 = tine in Hrs + 23 hrs

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    Release: 4/25/2012

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    any help regarding this

    Thanks BKBK for ur help but i had problem with this
    because i had a componet that is used to select date ie datepicker so when i try to do this i am getting
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    <cfform name="dateForm" id="dateForm">
        <td width="440">
        <cfinput type="text"
                       message="Job Available Date missing - please reenter in the mm/dd/yyyy format."
                       size="10" > <cf_calendar datefield="avDateFrom">
        <span id="label"> through </span>
        <cfinput type="Text"
                       message="Position Available date is missing, please reenter in the mm/dd/yyyy format.  "
                       size="10" bind="javascript:addDays({dateForm:avDateFrom})" ><img align="absbottom" src="/media/701/calendar.gif" alt="date"/>

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    Is there an iPhone involved ?
    If not, what happens  if you remove the Apple ID on the iPad and then set it in Airplane Mode (allow a couple of minutes at this point) followed by re-adding the Apple ID ?
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    9:14 pm      Friday; April 11, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
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    They error message I get is "An unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred. Photoshop will now exit."
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    The upgrade has been know to break Photoshop CS5 installs. An Uninstall/Reinstall may be necessary.

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    At the present time I'm having lots of problems with the router so I was looking in to some info , and come across one web site regarding : port forwarding , IP addresses .
    In my frustration , amongst lots of open web pages tutorials and other useless information , I come across innocent looking link and software to installed called Genieo , which suppose to help with any router .
    Software ask for permission to install , and about 30 % in , my instinct was telling me , there is something not right . I stop installation . Delete everything , look for any
    trace in Spotlight , Library . Nothing could be find .
    Now , every time I open Safari , Firefox or Chrome , it will open in my home page , but when I start looking for something in steed of Google page , there is
    '''' page acting like a Google . I try again to get raid of this but I can not find solution .
    With more research , again using search eng. there is lots of articles and warnings . From that I learn do not use uninstall software , because doing this will install more things where it come from.
    I do have AppleCare support but its to late to phone them , so maybe there some people with knowledge , how to get this of my computer
    Any help is welcome , English is my learned language , you may notice this , so I'm not that quick with the respond

    Genieo definitely doesn't help with your router. It's just adware, and has no benefit to you at all. They scammed you so that they could display their ads on your computer.
    To remove it, see:
    Do not use the Genieo uninstaller!

  • Search criteria is not working in Responsible Group field in sap crm could you please help me this how to achieve.

    search criteria is not working in Responsible Group field in sap crm could you please help me this how to achieve.I have writen code on EH_ONSEARCH .as per below...what changess i need to do..and through partner function and adding the selection params please send the sample .
    code. partner funtction - ZRG DATA :
    DATA : lv_partner_fct type .
    types: begin of ty_resp,
           partner    type but000-partner,
           name_last  type but000-name_last,
           name_first type but000-name_first,
           mc_name1   type but000-mc_name1,
           mc_name2   type but000-mc_name2,
           end of ty_resp.
    DATA: lv_resp_bp type STANDARD TABLE OF ty_resp INITIAL SIZE 0,
           lw_resp_bp type ty_resp.
    IF lv_attr_name = 'Rgroup'.
    lr_entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = if_crm_srqm_uiu_const=>gc_attr_low
                                       IMPORTING ev_result = lv_low ).
    IF lv_low IS INITIAL.
    SELECT partner
    FROM but000 INTO table lv_resp_bp
    WHERE mc_name2 = lv_low and bu_group = '0010'.
    loop at lv_resp_bp into lw_resp_bp.
        lv_low = lw_resp_bp-mc_name2.
      lr_query_service2->add_selection_param( iv_attr_name = 'Rgroup'
                                                iv_sign = lv_sign
                                                iv_option = lv_option
                                                iv_low = lv_low
                                                iv_high = lv_high ).
    if lv_partner_fct = 'ZRG'.
      lr_entity = lr_iterator->get_next( ).
    lv_attr_name = 'BU_PARTNER'.

    <b>You can acheive   this .... first by creating the search help exit    ... by  creating the maintaince  view   then   using it in the   Creation of the search help </b> ...
    see the link for attaching the view   to the serach help .
    <a href="http://"></a>
    reward  points if it is usefull...

  • My firefox crashes every 2-5 minutes for unknown reasons. its getting really annoying and i really need help with this :( i cant seem to get an ID on the crash report, its giving a different reason everytime.. i think. please help !

    i have many many crash reports and they all seem different. yet, whenever i search the support pages for help on those crash IDs it shows 0 results. alot of people are having the same problems, and i hope we ALL can get help on this. its getting really frustrating and annoying :(

    i doubt it is from skype. i havent used skype in 2 days or so.
    here are the crash reports IDs from JUST today..
    bp-8c7fab55-79c8-4db1-9527-4ba072111013 10/13/2011 4:51 PM
    bp-db6bf6c4-cf34-4eae-a742-105842111013 10/13/2011 4:51 PM
    bp-f28611cf-3ff0-4658-a843-05da92111013 10/13/2011 4:32 PM
    bp-03fa57ef-580d-4f1d-8fb4-52ac72111013 10/13/2011 4:21 PM
    bp-d07e0d82-df2a-41c8-a19b-bb99e2111013 10/13/2011 4:19 PM
    bp-fafbd8cf-6769-4b76-8153-c17242111013 10/13/2011 4:06 PM
    bp-ee9694ab-585b-4963-8b94-e46432111013 10/13/2011 3:47 PM
    bp-773242e1-a87d-4e19-90cb-ce4e52111013 10/13/2011 3:37 PM
    bp-6bae0db3-895b-4239-8a71-758ce2111013 10/13/2011 3:36 PM
    bp-6dfc1b57-5a8f-4244-baa1-8d0642111013 10/13/2011 3:36 PM
    bp-9a6589cd-0e2f-4299-b517-a6c862111013 10/13/2011 3:31 PM

  • It just doesn't work and help is needed, hence why I'm on a Forum? Brownie points for whoever can help on this one...

    So. As always, it's about iTunes - as Apple is the most inconvenient corporation ever founded. Anyway! I've had this problem for about 6 months and haven't bothered to ask anyone. I've restored the computer numerous times and tried to fix the issue with help from other nonsensical forums. The problem is that 'apple mobile device service' is eating up a large amount of CPU, and therefore tends to make the computer run like a log. I have uninstalled it before but then iTunes won't recognize my iPod - funnily enough. As well as this, iTunes won't connect to the store? However, it doesn't say it's not, it just doesn't load. It states that it is 'accessing iTunes store', but it's not. I'm running all of this on a windows 7 Acer extensa 5235 - just in case that helps. It probably won't, but you guys are clever, right? I mean, I could probably ask you to peel an orange for me, and you'd do it without even physically touching it. Just with the power of your omnipotent minds. Anyway yeah, if anyone can help on this one, would be much appreciated.

    Wow what a rambling mess and complete waste of time.
    Did you try a search of the forums for similar issues?  Doing so would have revealed multiple similar issues with valid troubleshooting, saved you time, and saved those that have read that crap from being subject to your rambling psychosis.
    FYI, in the future, get to the point and cut the crap when asking for help.
    Oh, completely uninstall iTunes and reinstall the current version of iTunes.

  • My calendar will no longer let me add new event or delete them, it comes up with an error saying "cannot save event, no end date set" or "event does not belong to that event store". can anyone help with this?

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    To configure your ODBC DataSource, go to Control Panel ---> DataSources(ODBC) (If you are in a Windows environment).
    Select the tab System DSN. If you have not added your data source, then do so by clicking on the Add button. If you have added the datasource, click on the Configure button to configure it.
    Give the datasource name, then the database name.
    You have to give the hostname, service name and server name. I guess, in most cases, the datasource name and host name will be the same, service name and server name will be the same. If you are using TCP/IP, the protocol will be onsoctcp.
    There will be a file named Services under C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc where you have to give the port number for accessing this server.
    It will be like this <service name> <portnumber>/tcp
    Hope this helps...
    best wishes,

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