HELP!!! Failed validation for emueration value which IS in the schema!

I am so troubled by this and hope someone can shed some light:
I have a schema which has StateCode element . We have all the states from "AL" to "WY" listed as enumeration values...but the xml instance failed to pass validation with "MO", which is part of the enumeration list.
Any one can think of any reasons? We are going live next week with this.

Mike, here is the xsd...the table is created via DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xdb="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
     <xs:element name="BranchRegulatoryFiling" xdb:defaultTable="BRNCH_XML_STG_50">
                    <xs:element name="FileControl">
                              <xs:attribute name="AsOfDate" type="xs:date" use="required"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="FileNumber" type="xs:int" use="required"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="FileTotal" type="xs:int" use="required"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="FirmCRDNumber" type="CRDNUM" use="required"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="SchVer" type="xs:double" use="required" fixed="5.0"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="TrackingNumber" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                    <xs:element name="Branches" xdb:defaultTable="BRANCHES50">
                                   <xs:element name="Branch" type="BranchType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:defaultTable="BRANCH50"/>
     <xs:complexType name="BranchType">
               <xs:element name="LastAnnualInternalCompVisitDate" type="xs:date" default="1900-01-01">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B3</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="Address" type="AddressType">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B4</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="Supervisor" type="SupervisorType">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B20</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="BranchStatistics" type="BranchStatisticsType"/>
          <xs:attributeGroup ref="BranchCodeAttributeGroup"/>
     <xs:complexType name="SupervisorType">
               <xs:element name="AsOfMonthEnd" type="AsOfMonth">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B50</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="PersonIncharge">
                              <xs:documentation>Ref # B22</xs:documentation>
                                   <xs:element name="TotalComm" type="dollarAmount" minOccurs="0">
                                             <xs:documentation>Ref # B65</xs:documentation>
                                   <xs:element name="OffSiteSupervisor">
                                             <xs:documentation>Ref # B25</xs:documentation>
                                                  <xs:element name="TotalComm" type="dollarAmount" minOccurs="0">
                                                            <xs:documentation>Ref # B65</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:attribute name="ProducingIndicator" type="YN" use="required">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B26</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:attributeGroup ref="RegisteredRepType"/>
                                             <xs:attribute name="InternalProductionNumber" type="InternalProdNbr" use="required">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B80</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:attribute name="ProducingIndicator" type="YN" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Ref # B23</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:attributeGroup ref="RegisteredRepType_optional"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="InternalProductionNumber" type="InternalProdNbr" use="required">
                                        <xs:documentation>Ref # B80</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="OnSiteSupervisor">
                              <xs:documentation>Ref # B28</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:attribute name="ProducingIndicator" type="YN" use="required">
                                        <xs:documentation>Ref # B29</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:attributeGroup ref="RegisteredRepType"/>
                              <xs:attribute name="InternalProductionNumber" type="InternalProdNbr" use="required">
                                        <xs:documentation>Ref # B80</xs:documentation>
     <xs:attributeGroup name="BranchCodeAttributeGroup">
          <xs:attribute name="NYSEBranchCode" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B1</xs:documentation>
     <xs:attributeGroup name="RegisteredRepType">
          <xs:attribute name="RRLastName" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B14</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="RRFirstName" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B15</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="RRCRDNumber" type="CRDNUM" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B16</xs:documentation>
     <xs:attributeGroup name="RegisteredRepType_optional">
          <xs:attribute name="RRLastName" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B14</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="RRFirstName" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B15</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="RRCRDNumber" type="CRDNUM" use="optional">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B16</xs:documentation>
     <xs:attributeGroup name="FilingAttributeGroup">
          <xs:attribute name="AsOfDate" type="xs:date"/>
          <xs:attribute name="FirmCRDNumber" type="CRDNUM" use="required"/>
     <xs:complexType name="BranchStatisticsType">
               <xs:element name="CurrentNumberOf90DayRestrictedAccounts" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B55</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="NumberOfIndependentContractors" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B56</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="TotalNumbersOfRRs" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B57</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="TotalNumberOfRRDiscretionaryAccounts" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B58</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="TotalAssetsUnderMgmt" type="positivedollarAmount">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B59</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="ActiveAccounts">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B60</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:element name="ActiveAccountsByMonth" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="3">
                                             <xs:element name="AsOfMonthEnd" type="AsOfMonth">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B50</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="NumberOfActiveAccounts" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B61</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:attribute name="AvgNumberOfActiveAccounts" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                                   <xs:documentation>Ref # B62</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="GrossRevenues">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B63</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:element name="GrossRevenueByMonth" minOccurs="12" maxOccurs="12">
                                             <xs:element name="AsOfMonthEnd" type="AsOfMonth">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B50</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="GrossRevenue" type="dollarAmount">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B64</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:attribute name="TotalGrossRevenueForLast12Months" type="positivedollarAmount" use="required">
                                   <xs:documentation>Ref # B66</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="TradeCorrections">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B67</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:element name="TradeCorrectionsByMonth" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="3">
                                             <xs:element name="AsOfMonthEnd" type="AsOfMonth">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B50</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="NumberOfTradeCorrections" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B68</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:attribute name="AvgNumberOfTradeCorrections" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                                   <xs:documentation>Ref # B69</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="RegTExtensions">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B70</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:element name="RegTExtensionsByMonth" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="3">
                                             <xs:element name="AsOfMonthEnd" type="AsOfMonth">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B50</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="NumberOfRegTExtensions" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B71</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:attribute name="AvgNumberOfRegTExtensions" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                                   <xs:documentation>Ref # B72</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="BouncedChecks" minOccurs="0">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B73</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:element name="BouncedChecksByMonth" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="3">
                                             <xs:element name="AsOfMonthEnd" type="AsOfMonth">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B50</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="TotalNumberOfBouncedChecks" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B74</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="TotalAmountOfBouncedChecks" type="positivedollarAmount">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B74a</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:attribute name="AvgNumberOfBouncedChecks" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                                   <xs:documentation>Ref # B75</xs:documentation>
               <xs:element name="SSByFirm">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B77</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:element name="SS" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                             <xs:element name="SSRegisteredRep" type="RegisteredRepType">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B77</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="SSEffectiveDate" type="xs:date">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B84</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="SSReason" type="xs:string">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B85</xs:documentation>
                                             <xs:element name="RRCode" type="InternalProdNbr">
                                                       <xs:documentation>Ref # B80</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:attribute name="TotalNumberOfSSbyFirm" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                                   <xs:documentation>Ref # B78</xs:documentation>
     <xs:complexType name="AddressType">
               <xs:element name="StreetAddress1">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B4</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
               <xs:element name="StreetAddress2" minOccurs="0">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B5</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
               <xs:element name="City">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B6</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
               <xs:element name="State">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B7</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:restriction base="stateCodeType">
                              <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
               <xs:element name="Country">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B8</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="2"/>
                              <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
                              <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
               <xs:element name="ZipCode">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B9</xs:documentation>
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
               <xs:element name="IsBankLocation" type="YN" minOccurs="0">
                         <xs:documentation>Ref # B4a</xs:documentation>
     <!-- Future use
<xs:complexType name="NameType">
<xs:attribute name="LastName" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Ref # BXX</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="FirstName" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Ref # BXX</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="CRDNumber" type="CRDNUM">
<xs:documentation>Ref # BXX</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType name="TelephoneNumberType">
<xs:element name="AreaCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Ref # Bxx</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="TelNumber" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Ref # Bxx</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType name="WebSiteAddressType">
<xs:element name="WebSiteAddress" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
     <xs:complexType name="RegisteredRepType">
          <xs:attribute name="RRCRDNumber" type="CRDNUM" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B81</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="RRLastName" type="xs:string">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B82</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="RRFirstName" type="xs:string">
                    <xs:documentation>Ref # B83</xs:documentation>
     <xs:simpleType name="stateCodeType">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:minLength value="2"/>
               <xs:maxLength value="2"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AL"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AK"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AR"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AZ"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="CA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="CO"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="CT"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="DC"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="DE"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="FL"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="GA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="HI"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="IA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="ID"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="IL"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="IN"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="KS"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="KY"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="LA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MD"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="ME"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MI"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MN"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MO"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MS"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MT"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NC"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="ND"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NE"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NH"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NJ"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NM"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NV"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="NY"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="OH"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="OK"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="OR"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="PA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="PR"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="RI"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="SC"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="SD"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="TN"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="TX"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="UT"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="VA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="VT"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="WA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="WI"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="WV"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="WY"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AS"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="VI"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="PR"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AA"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AE"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AP"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="FM"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="GU"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="MP"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="PW"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="CZ"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="TT"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="AB"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="PQ"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="SK"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="ON"/>
     <xs:simpleType name="YN">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:enumeration value="Y"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="N"/>
     <xs:simpleType name="dollarAmount">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:long"/>
     <xs:simpleType name="positivedollarAmount">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:long">
               <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
     <xs:simpleType name="CRDNUM">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"/>
     <xs:simpleType name="AsOfMonth">
               <xs:documentation>Format [YYYYMM]</xs:documentation>
          <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:length value="6"/>
               <xs:pattern value="20[0-5][0-9][0-1][0-9]"/>
     <xs:simpleType name="InternalProdNbr">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

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    Hi Christiane,
    I do not know a solution for that using SP03, but SP04 will have aggregation functions. You can apply these functions e.g. to the non-qualifier fields in order to sum them up. The bad news is, that you will have to wait until August....
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    30037348237  983743  9837423098  98347 
    10108472398   98034702398409238 9838472398   09823409238
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    You can make use of "conditionValue" or "startsWith" attributes while designing you native XSD.
    Check this example - Native Format Builder Wizard - 11g Release 1 ( for better understanding.

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    $key = "HKCU:\software\microsoft\office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook"
    Get-ChildItem $key -rec -ea SilentlyContinue | foreach {
    $CurrentKey = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PsPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    if ($CurrentKey -match "001f6700") {
    $data = $CurrentKey.PSPath
    $data2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path . -Name "001f6700"
    echo $data2
    # $data3 = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.getString($data2)
    echo $data3

    Finally got it working with this code:
    $x = Get-ChildItem HKCU:\software\microsoft\office -rec -ea SilentlyContinue |
    Where-Object {(Get-ItemProperty -path $_.PSPath) -match "001f6700"} |
    select -Property Property, Name, PSPath
    $y = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $X.PSPath -Name 001f6700
    for($i = 0; $i -clt $x.Count; $i++)
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    In program RFFOEDI1 subroutine EDI has logic of creating edi messages.
    If you are replacing edi functionality with custom file creation then replace call to this form with you own form.
    Program use logical database and FIELD-GROUPS to retreive and process data. I would recommend get familarise youself with FIELD-GROUPS.

  • Need help on IDoc for Picking, Packing and PGI against the Sale order

    Hi All,
    I am new to this IDoc stuffs. Below is the scenario for which I would like to know the details of the IDoc...
    Business Case:
    1. Storage location is a HU Managed but not WM managed.
    2. This storage locations is managed by a third party
    3. Outbound delivery document against the SO will be created by our personnels in SAP for this storage location.
    4. Picking, Packing and PGI needs to happen/post via Idoc. (By packing here, i refer to assign the HUs that are already created for the materials and is available in the storage location and not repacking)
    Is there any standard IDoc that can be used here to Pick, Pack and post PGI. We would like to have picking and packing in a first idoc and PGI on the second idoc.

    Hi Typewriter,
    Thanks for your reply on this post..
    The business process is as below (it was changed recently to have the creation of OBD, pick HUS and then post GI via single IDOC)
    1. We have a storage loc in our enterprise structure that is HU managed but not WM managed.
    2. This storage loc is being maintained by a third party.
    3. SO will be created to be shipped out of this plant/sloc.
    3. The stocks at this storage loc will be Special stock "E" against the sales order. And the stocks will be Packed in HUs.
    4. The third party is informed to deliver the stocks (HUs - that do have the special stock number which internally refers to the the SO number and the line item number) directly to ship to party address in SO.
    5. The 3rd party will physically ship the HUs to customer and send in the details that they have shipped goods against the sales order.
    6. The details sent by the 3rd party will be received in SAP to create OBD for the sales order, Pick, Pack and post GI. This can happen via a single IDOC..
    I am now planning to create a custom IDOC type referring to the standard IDOC type DELVRY03 and message type DESADV and to use a custom BAPI/FM.
    Do you think I am using the right ones?
    Prashant Kumar

  • Need help: Belkin Flip for Mac mini doesn't support the new Intel chip?!

    Hi folks,
    I recently purchased a Mac mini Intel Core Duo and planned to use a Belkin KVM Flip switch for it and my Sony VAIO.
    However, the current Belkin KVM Flip switch for the Mac Mini does NOT support the Intel Core Duo. Until Belkin comes up with a switch that does, I have to unplug and replug my monitor, keyboard and mouse into the appropriate computer to use either one. Obviously, that isn't very convenient. Has anyone else encountered this problem and come up with a better solution?
    Mac mini Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4)   KVM switch for a Sony VAIO

    I think what you're saying is that I should just swap out the monitor cable from one computer to the other when I want to use that computer. Not elegant, as you say, but workable.
    Given you want to use a Flip I gather you're wanting both of your computers permanently connected to your TV/display at the same time. To do that without a KVM you will need to, for instance, connect your Mac mini to the RGB input and then your Vaio to HDMI. So, to select which computer you want you actually want to view you use the display remote just like you would if you were swapping from your cable box to your DVD player. I would suggest you play around with whatever combination gives you the best quality for both computers as not all inputs to your TV have the same quality.
    That takes care of video. Now, for USB, yes you will have to physically swap a cable although there are many ways you can do this which does in some way depend on how you place your computer and the peripherals you want connect to one or both computers. What you do is use a USB hub with everything connected (keyboard, mouse scanner etc) to it and which ever computer you want to use you connect it to the hub.
    It's all about finding a solution that suits you the best.
    PS As for the Flip, you might want to note that the Flip does NOT have digital DVI connectors. It has two analog VGA connectors which at high resolution does not perform at all well. I would suggest you ensure that the VGA performance to your 1080i TV is acceptable before buying this product.

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