Help in query required – Insert, Select in same table

Hi All
I need your help on writing the queries effectively.
Oracle Version:
I have a table METRICS_TBL as mentioned below.
08/17/2008     COST-TV     100
08/17/2008     COST-NEWSPAPER     50
08/17/2008     COST-POSTALMAIL     25
08/17/2008     PROD-TV     10
08/17/2008     PROD-NEWSPAPER     25
08/17/2008     PROD-POSTALMAIL     5
Based on the above data, I need to append (Insert into METRICS_TBL select from METRICS_TBL) the same table with the records as mentioned below.
08/17/2008     COSTPERPROD-TV     10
08/17/2008     COSTPERPROD-NEWSPAPER     2
08/17/2008     COSTPER PROD-POSTALMAIL     5
Basically, I need to calculate Cost per Product for each category. Depending upon the available metrics, metrics also should be changed like COSTPERPROD and values should be Cost/prod under each category.
Can somebody help me with the query.

  2       (
  4            FROM DUAL
  5          UNION ALL
  6          SELECT TO_DATE('08/17/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'COST-NEWSPAPER', 50
  7            FROM DUAL
  8          UNION ALL
  9          SELECT TO_DATE('08/17/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'COST-POSTALMAIL', 25
10            FROM DUAL
11          UNION ALL
12          SELECT TO_DATE('08/17/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'PROD-TV', 10
13            FROM DUAL
14          UNION ALL
15          SELECT TO_DATE('08/17/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'PROD-NEWSPAPER', 25
16            FROM DUAL
17          UNION ALL
18          SELECT TO_DATE('08/17/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'PROD-POSTALMAIL', 5
19            FROM DUAL)
22    FROM t COST, t prod
24     AND COST.metrics LIKE 'COST-%'
25     AND prod.metrics LIKE 'PROD-%'
26     AND SUBSTR(COST.metrics, 6) = SUBSTR(prod.metrics, 6)
27  /
CYCLE_DA METRICS                                    COSTPERPROD
17.08.08 COSTPERPROD-NEWSPAPER                                2
17.08.08 COSTPERPROD-POSTALMAIL                               5
17.08.08 COSTPERPROD-TV                                      10

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  • Reason for Deadlock Insert Select on same table

    I have obtained the deadlock graph. However, I still don't understand why a deadlock occurs. Can someone
    explain it to me? Thanks in advance.
    deadlock victim=process3a59438
      process id=process3a58c58 taskpriority=0 logused=1093420 waitresource=PAGE: 60:1:1113 waittime=203 ownerId=245203560 transactionname=implicit_transaction lasttranstarted=2014-05-06T09:46:41.930 XDES=0xbe3bd8370 lockMode=IX
    schedulerid=9 kpid=11368 status=suspended spid=223 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 transcount=2 lastbatchstarted=2014-05-06T09:46:55.933 lastbatchcompleted=2014-05-06T09:46:55.933 clientapp=jTDS hostname=CINAM1103 hostpid=123 loginname=clienta isolationlevel=read
    committed (2) xactid=245203560 currentdb=60 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128058
        frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=320 sqlhandle=0x0200000013d63b16b7180b66ed9196aa2502a611a28bac73
    insert into [TableA] (version_id, tuple_signature, start_time_member_id, end_time_member_id, member_list, type_cd, delta, ordinal, dollar_value, delta_id) values ( @P0 ,  @P1 ,  @P2 ,  @P3 ,  @P4 ,  @P5
    ,  @P6 ,  @P7 ,  @P8 ,  @P9 )     
    (@P0 nvarchar(4000),@P1 nvarchar(4000),@P2 nvarchar(4000),@P3 nvarchar(4000),@P4 nvarchar(4000),@P5 int,@P6 float,@P7 int,@P8 nvarchar(4000),@P9 nvarchar(4000))insert into [TableA] (version_id, tuple_signature, start_time_member_id,
    end_time_member_id, member_list, type_cd, delta, ordinal, dollar_value, delta_id) values ( @P0 ,  @P1 ,  @P2 ,  @P3 ,  @P4 ,  @P5 ,  @P6 ,  @P7 ,  @P8 ,  @P9 )    
      process id=process3a59438 taskpriority=0 logused=0 waitresource=PAGE: 60:1:11867 waittime=703 ownerId=245205763 transactionname=SELECT lasttranstarted=2014-05-06T09:46:55.407 XDES=0x45b5132b0 lockMode=S schedulerid=9
    kpid=10300 status=suspended spid=243 sbid=0 ecid=2 priority=0 transcount=0 lastbatchstarted=2014-05-06T09:46:55.407 lastbatchcompleted=2014-05-06T09:46:54.783 clientapp=jTDS hostname=CINAM1103 hostpid=123 isolationlevel=read committed (2) xactid=245205763
    currentdb=60 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128056
        frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=40 sqlhandle=0x020000002811a70d11559b907ff33e99750ba56c92d1db68
    select deltadefin0_.delta_id as delta1_38_, deltadefin0_.version_id as plan2_38_, deltadefin0_.tuple_signature as tuple3_38_, deltadefin0_.start_time_member_id as start4_38_, deltadefin0_.end_time_member_id as end5_38_,
    deltadefin0_.member_list as member6_38_, deltadefin0_.type_cd as type7_38_, as delta38_, deltadefin0_.ordinal as ordinal38_, deltadefin0_.dollar_value as dollar10_38_ from [TableA] deltadefin0_ where deltadefin0_.version_id= @P0     
      pagelock fileid=1 pageid=1113 dbid=60 objectname=aa_core_clienta_totalga_q1_i01_p.dbo.TableA id=lock8ad856080 mode=S associatedObjectId=72057594040680448
        owner id=process3a59438 mode=S
        waiter id=process3a58c58 mode=IX requestType=wait
      pagelock fileid=1 pageid=11867 dbid=60 objectname=aa_core_clienta_totalga_q1_i01_p.dbo.TableA id=lock8b3af0a80 mode=IX associatedObjectId=72057594040680448
        owner id=process3a58c58 mode=IX
        waiter id=process3a59438 mode=S requestType=wait

    process 3a58c58 was running an insert and had an intent exclusive lock on page 11867 but also needed one on 1113 unfortunately process 3a59438 had a shared lock on that same page and wanted to push a shared lock on page 11867. Each held the resource the
    other wanted which is a classic "deadlock" situation. Since the way victims are determined in SQL Server is based on transaction log usage, the select (process 3a59438) was the victim and killed. Shared locks and Intent Exclusive locks are not compatible.
    It's interesting to note that the insert process had 2 open transactions. If this is a problem I'd have the software company that makes it look into their processes and make the transactions shorter or opt for some type of optimistic currency instead of
    The trancount often shows two when there's only one transaction explicitly opened on the connection (grouping the two inserts), the second is simply the execution of the current statement.
    But for the rest, there are two questions any developer has to ask.  First, why is a select in the default read-committed isolation taking locks at all and then second, why doesn't it take whatever locks it wants atomically, because apparently it took
    one, was interrupted, then tried to take the second, thus getting lost in the deadlock.
    And then third - what can they *do* about it?  Breaking the transaction in the first process does not seem relevant.
    ps - the answer, "well try to make everything go faster with the right index for the select etc" is something, but is it enough?

  • Insert data in same table based on some condition

    Hi. I am new to this forum.
    I have to write a stored procedure to Insert Data into a table say MYTABLE ,having structure as:
    Col1 Col2 Col3 ................ TotalInstallments CurrentInstallment PaidAmount MonthYear
    I have to insert all the data as it is in the same table(MYTABLE) except changing some fields on basis of some conditions:
    1. if PaidAmount>0 && CurrentInstallment<TotalInstallment then
    2. In the MonthYear field I am having data in formate(month/year)ex. 01/2012, 11/2012 ....
    So I have to insert data by incrementing month and year. for example:
    if currentdata is 11/2012 then next data will be 12/2012
    But next will be 01/2013
    I have to select all the records which belongs to previous month(through MonthYear field ) and put checking & changes on each record of the selected data and then insert them into same table(MYTABLE).
    How to achive that?

    978184 wrote:
    Every thing is working fine but some strange result as:
    when i run my Procedure TRANSFERDATATONEXTMONTH
    1. by Passing Value as : CUSTOMERID_var ='ABX101' and MONTHYEAR_var='12/2012' it insurts 5 rows
    which is correct , since I have 5 records where CUSTOMERID='ABX101' and MONTHYEAR='12/2012' and
    new 5 rows has CUSTOMERID='ABX101' and MONTHYEAR='01/2013' (all other values are as expected)
    2. now when i again run by passing values: CUSTOMERID='ABX101' and MONTHYEAR='01/2013' it inserts 10 records(just double )
    and new records has value CUSTOMERID='ABX101' and MONTHYEAR='02/2013' (while on the basis of condition CUSTOMERID='ABX101' and MONTHYEAR='01/2013' i have in my table only 5 records)
    and all records are duplicate. Some times it inserts three times , while on condition basis it should no. What is happening?Probably, meanwhile you were trying to Insert the First time and the second time, someone did run the procedure that Inserted 5 More records for 01/2013. And, hence your Second run inserted 10 records instead of 5.
    Why it is inserting double of records while i have only 5 records on given condition? Am I missing some thing?Yes, you are. You are missing your Tables, Your Dummy/Sample Data, Working Procedure/Function that can be replicated.
    Without this, we cannot simply believe on assertions that Oracle is behaving incorrectly.
    In addition to this, the GetMonthYear function, should be scrapped. It is un-necessary, when the same logic can be achieved using Oracle ADD_MONTHS function (See my previous post). And you are storing the MonthYear in a Varchar field, which ideally should be a Date field. This eradicates the un-wanted need to cast from VARCHAR - DATE - VARCHAR.
    Please do make some time to read {message:id=9360002} and mentioned relevant details.
    And notice, the code difference in my previous post and in your code.
    Please use
    (exactly as shown) above and below your code, that indents the code properly for better readability.

  • Possible solution to avoid deadlock when two inserts happen on same table from two different machines.

    Possible solution to avoid deadlock when two inserts happen on same table from two different machines.
    Below are the details from deadlock trace.
    Deadlock encountered .... Printing deadlock information
    Wait-for graph
    KEY: 8:72057594811318272 (ffffffffffff) CleanCnt:3 Mode:RangeS-S Flags: 0x1
    Grant List 2:
    Owner:0x00000013F494A980 Mode: RangeS-S Flg:0x40 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:376 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0x000000055014F400
    SPID: 376 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 70
    Input Buf: RPC Event: Proc [Database Id = 8 Object Id = 89923542]
    Requested by:
    ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR'Xdes:0x0000002AA53383B0 Mode: RangeI-N SPID:238 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy:(0x00000027669B4538) Value:0x10d8d500 Cost:(0/38828)
    KEY: 8:72057594811318272 (ffffffffffff) CleanCnt:3 Mode:RangeS-S Flags: 0x1
    Grant List 2:
    Owner:0x0000000B3486A780 Mode: RangeS-S Flg:0x40 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:238 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0x0000002AA53383F0
    SPID: 238 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 70
    Input Buf: RPC Event: Proc [Database Id = 8 Object Id = 89923542]
    Requested by:
    ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR'Xdes:0x000000055014F3C0 Mode: RangeI-N SPID:376 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy:(0x000000080426E538) Value:0x30614e80 Cost:(0/41748)
    Victim Resource Owner:
    ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR'Xdes:0x0000002AA53383B0 Mode: RangeI-N SPID:238 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy:(0x00000027669B4538) Value:0x10d8d500 Cost:(0/38828)
    deadlock victim=process5daddc8
    process id=process5daddc8 taskpriority=0 logused=38828 waitresource=KEY: 8:72057594811318272 (ffffffffffff) waittime=2444 ownerId=2994026815 transactionname=user_transaction lasttranstarted=2014-07-25T12:46:57.347 XDES=0x2aa53383b0 lockMode=RangeI-N schedulerid=43 kpid=14156 status=suspended spid=238 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=2 lastbatchstarted=2014-07-25T12:46:57.463 lastbatchcompleted=2014-07-25T12:46:57.463 clientapp=pa hostname=pa02 hostpid=1596 loginname=myuser isolationlevel=serializable (4) xactid=2994026815 currentdb=8 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128056
    frame procname=mydb.dbo.SaveBill line=70 stmtstart=6148 stmtend=8060 sqlhandle=0x03000800d61f5c056bd3860170a300000100000000000000
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Prod1] .....
    Proc [Database Id = 8 Object Id = 89923542]
    process id=process5d84988 taskpriority=0 logused=41748 waitresource=KEY: 8:72057594811318272 (ffffffffffff) waittime=2444 ownerId=2994024748 transactionname=user_transaction lasttranstarted=2014-07-25T12:46:57.320 XDES=0x55014f3c0 lockMode=RangeI-N schedulerid=39 kpid=14292 status=suspended spid=376 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=2 lastbatchstarted=2014-07-25T12:46:57.440 lastbatchcompleted=2014-07-25T12:46:57.440 clientapp=pa hostname=pa01 hostpid=1548 loginname=myuser isolationlevel=serializable (4) xactid=2994024748 currentdb=8 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128056
    frame procname=pa.dbo.SaveBill line=70 stmtstart=6148 stmtend=8060 sqlhandle=0x03000800d61f5c056bd3860170a300000100000000000000
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Prod1]....
    Proc [Database Id = 8 Object Id = 89923542]
    keylock hobtid=72057594811318272 dbid=8 objectname=pa.dbo.prod1 indexname=PK_a id=lock1608ee1380 mode=RangeS-S associatedObjectId=72057594811318272
    owner id=process5d84988 mode=RangeS-S
    waiter id=process5daddc8 mode=RangeI-N requestType=convert
    keylock hobtid=72057594811318272 dbid=8 objectname=pa.dbo.prod1 indexname=PK_a id=lock1608ee1380 mode=RangeS-S associatedObjectId=72057594811318272
    owner id=process5daddc8 mode=RangeS-S
    waiter id=process5d84988 mode=RangeI-N requestType=convert

    Don't know. Perhaps these can help. I scanned the second link but didn't see much about Ending Deadlocks. I'd say the Fourth link probably has better information than the first three links. But maybe read them all just in case the Fourth is missing something
    one of the first three have.
    Detecting and Ending Deadlocks
    Minimizing Deadlocks
    Handling Deadlocks in SQL Server
    Google search for "SQL Deadlock"
    La vida loca

  • Sinlge select query in different schemas for same table(Indentical Structu)

    Scenario :
    Table XYZ is created in Schema A
    After an year, the old data from the previous year would be moved to different schema. However in the other schema the same table name would be used.
    For eg
    Schema A contains table XYZ with data of 2012 yr
    Schema B contains table XYZ with data of 2011 yr
    Table XYZ in both the schemas have identical structure.
    So can we fire a single select query to read the data from both the tables in effective way.
    Eg select * from XYZ where date range between 15-Oct-2011 to 15-Mar-2012.
    However the data resides in 2 different schema altogether.

    Thanks for the reply
    Creating an view is an option.
    But my problem, there is ORM layer(either Hibernate or Eclipse Top Link) between the application and the database.
    So the queries would be formed by the ORM layer and are not hand generated.
    So i cannot use view.
    So is there any option that would allow me to use single query on different schema's ?

  • Sinlge select query in diff schemas for same table(Indentical Structure)

    Scenario :
    Table XYZ is created in Schema A
    After an year, the old data from the previous year would be moved to different schema. However in the other schema the same table name would be used.
    For eg
    Schema A contains table XYZ with data of 2012 yr
    Schema B contains table XYZ with data of 2011 yr
    Table XYZ in both the schemas have identical structure.
    So can we fire a single select query to read the data from both the tables in effective way.
    Eg select * from XYZ where date range between 15-Oct-2011 to 15-Mar-2012.
    However the data resides in 2 different schema altogether.
    Creating an view is an option.
    But my problem, there is ORM layer(either Hibernate or Eclipse Top Link) between the application and the database.
    So the queries would be formed by the ORM layer and are not hand generated.
    So i cannot use view.
    So is there any option that would allow me to use single query on different schema's ?

    970773 wrote:
    Scenario :
    Table XYZ is created in Schema A
    After an year, the old data from the previous year would be moved to different schema. However in the other schema the same table name would be used.
    For eg
    Schema A contains table XYZ with data of 2012 yr
    Schema B contains table XYZ with data of 2011 yr
    Table XYZ in both the schemas have identical structure.
    So can we fire a single select query to read the data from both the tables in effective way.That depends on what you mean by "effective".
    Eg select * from XYZ where date range between 15-Oct-2011 to 15-Mar-2012.
    However the data resides in 2 different schema altogether.You can do a UNION, so the data from the two years appears together. The number of actual tables may make the query slower, but it won;t change the results.
    Given that you have 2 tables, the fact that they are in different schemas doesn't matter. Just make sure the user running the query has SELECT privileges on both of them.
    Creating an view is an option.Is it? You seem to say it is not, below.
    But my problem, there is ORM layer(either Hibernate or Eclipse Top Link) between the application and the database.
    So the queries would be formed by the ORM layer and are not hand generated.
    So i cannot use view.So creating a view is not an option. Or is it?
    So is there any option that would allow me to use single query on different schema's ?Anything that you can do with a view, you can do with sub-queries. A view is merely a convenience; it just saves a sub-query, so you don't have to re-code it every time you use it. Assuming you have privilges to query the base tables, you can always avoid using a view by repeating the query that defines the view in your own query. It will not be any slower

  • Sql query with multiple joins to same table

    I have to write a query for a client to display business officers' names and title along with the business name
    The table looks like this
    90% of the businesses have exactly 4 officer records, although some have less and some have more.
    There is a separate table that has the AcctNumber, BusinessName about 30 other fields that I don’t need
    An individual account can have 30 or 40 records on the other table.
    The client wants to display 1 record per account.
    Initially I wrote a query to join the table to itself:
    Select A.OfficerTtitle, A.OfficerName, B.OfficerTitle, B.OfficerName, C.OfficerTtitle, C.OfficerName, D.OfficerTitle, D.OfficerName where A.AcctNumber = B.AcctNumber and A.AcctNumber = C.AcctNumber and A.AcctNumber = D.AcctNumber
    This returned tons of duplicate rows for each account ( number of records * number of records, I think)
    So added
    And A.RecKey > B.RecKey and B.RecKey > C. RecKey and C.RecKey . D.RecKey
    This works when there are exactly 4 records per account. If there are less than 4 records on the account it skips the account and if there are more than 4 records, it returns multiple rows.
    But when I try to l join this to the other table to get the business name, I get a row for every record on the other table
    I tried select distinct on the other table and the query runs for ever and never returns anything
    I tried outer joins and subqueries, but no luck so far. I was thinking maybe a subquery - if exists - because I don't know how many records there are on an account, but don't know how to structure that
    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Welcome to the forum!
    user13319842 wrote:
    I have to write a query for a client to display business officers' names and title along with the business name
    The table looks like this
    90% of the businesses have exactly 4 officer records, although some have less and some have more.
    There is a separate table that has the AcctNumber, BusinessName about 30 other fields that I don’t need
    An individual account can have 30 or 40 records on the other table.
    The client wants to display 1 record per account.As someone has already mentioned, you should post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for both tables (relevant columns only). You don't have to post a lot of sample data. For example, you need to pick 1 out of 30 or 40 rows (max) for the same account, but it's almost certainly enough if you post only 3 or 4 rows (max) for an account.
    Also, post the results you want from the sample data that you post, and explain how you get those resutls from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using. This sounds like a PIVOT problem, and a new SELECT .... PIVOT feature was introduced in Oracle 11.1. If you're using Oracle 11, you don't want to have to learn the old way to do pivots. On the other hand, if you have Oracle 10, a solution that uses a new feature that you don't have won't help you.
    Whenever you have a question, please post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for some sample data, the results you want from that data, an explanation, and your Oracle version.
    Initially I wrote a query to join the table to itself:
    Select A.OfficerTtitle, A.OfficerName, B.OfficerTitle, B.OfficerName, C.OfficerTtitle, C.OfficerName, D.OfficerTitle, D.OfficerName where A.AcctNumber = B.AcctNumber and A.AcctNumber = C.AcctNumber and A.AcctNumber = D.AcctNumber Be careful, and post the exact code that you're running. The statement above can't be what you ran, because it doesn't have a FROM clause.
    This returned tons of duplicate rows for each account ( number of records * number of records, I think)
    So added
    And A.RecKey > B.RecKey and B.RecKey > C. RecKey and C.RecKey . D.RecKey
    This works when there are exactly 4 records per account. If there are less than 4 records on the account it skips the account and if there are more than 4 records, it returns multiple rows.
    But when I try to l join this to the other table to get the business name, I get a row for every record on the other table
    I tried select distinct on the other table and the query runs for ever and never returns anything
    I tried outer joins and subqueries, but no luck so far. I was thinking maybe a subquery - if exists - because I don't know how many records there are on an account, but don't know how to structure that
    Any suggestions would be appreciatedDisplaying 1 column from n rows as n columns on 1 row is called Pivoting . See the following link fro several ways to do pivots:
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    Pivoting requires that you know exactly how many columns will be in the result set. If that number depends on the data in the table, then you might prefer to use String Aggregation , where the output consists of a huge string column, that contains the concatenation of the data from n rows. This big string can be formatted so that it looks like multiple columns. For different string aggregation techniques, see:
    The following thread discusses some options for pivoting a variable number of columns:
    Re: Report count and sum from many rows into many columns

  • Concurrency when inserting in the same table

    I have a report used by several users and in this record there is a sentence to insert in a z table. My question is, what happens whether two or more users are inserting records in that table at the same time?  There is a concurrency problem, isn't there?
    How does SAP manage this issue? or, what must I do in this case?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi David,
    As SAP applications are accessed by many end users at same time, SAP has concept called LOCKING of particular tables involved in the transaction.
    You can achieve your requirement as below
    Go to t-code SE11, and create a lock object for your Ztable
    Now, system create 2 function modules - 1 for locking ENQUEUE_* & other for un-locking DEQUEUE_*  ( search for function module in SE37 )
    Before saving data to ZTABLE, call function module ENQUEUE_* to lock the table for writing data, if locking fails, means there is somebody already working on it, hence you can display error message
    After Save action, you can unlock the table by using FM ... DEQUEUE_*
    Note: you can lock and unlock event during DISPLAY/CHANGE mode if your requirement requires.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Insert query for insert all data into table in vb6 but it insert 1 row in table

    This is My insert query in vb6 but it insert 1 row in table
    But i want insert all data in the table which contain the id =1.
    Note that billtabsuport is blank
    i want solution for this
    strSQL = " select * from billtabsuport1 where StockID=" & lblid.Caption
    Set DBrecordset = DBConnection.Execute(strSQL)
    strSQL = " Insert into billtabsuport values('" & DBrecordset("StockID") & "','" & DBrecordset("C_Name") & "','" & DBrecordset("C_Add") & "','" & DBrecordset("C_Mobile") & "','" & DBrecordset("Invoice_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("Date") & "','" & DBrecordset("Order_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("T_Name") & "','" & DBrecordset("Dest") & "','" & DBrecordset("D_Date") & "','" & DBrecordset("Tyres_Serial_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("P_Desc") & "','" & DBrecordset("PR") & "','" & DBrecordset("Branded_NonBranded") & "','" & DBrecordset("Claim_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("Qty") & "','" & DBrecordset("U_Price") & "','" & DBrecordset("I_Value") & "','" & DBrecordset("V_Rate") & "','" & DBrecordset("V_Amt") & "','" & DBrecordset("Size") & "','" & DBrecordset("Pattern") & "','" & DBrecordset("TypesOfStock") & "','" & DBrecordset("TypesOfTube_Flap") & "','" & DBrecordset("VatAmount") & "')"
    DBConnection.Execute (strSQL)

    The syntax for inserting from one set of tables to a new table is:
    insert into newtable
    (field1, field2, etc)
    select somefield1, somefield2, etc
    from some other tables
    where whatever

  • Problem in Master-Details  - Inserting Records to same Table

    I have 3 column of one table in master as primary key and 3 column of same table in detail as primay key. These 6 column collection as the composite primary key. when i try to insert the records in detail table it showing me Too many objects match the primary key oracle.jbo.Key Error.
    I have done the Following things:
    In HR Schema, I have created one Transient View Object for Master and Employee View Object for Details.
    I have taken EmployeeId, FirstName and LastName columns in the Master i.e., From Transient View Object and droped it as the Form.
    And I have taken E-mail, JobId, ManagerId columns in Details i.e From and droped it as the Table.
    When I entered values in master and click CreateInsert in the details record. It showing me Too many objects match the primary key errors.
    Help me out!!! for this problem.

    Hi Kumar,
    I was not in office for couple of days. Thats you couldnt reply for your earlier post. You had mentioned how can we set the value of the import parameter.
    What i wanted to tell you is not to set the value for that Binary_flag, but that flag influences the data download in ASCII FORMAT.
    You just try this: Try attaching a file through CL_CRM_DOCUMENTS~CREATE_WITH_TABLE. Before read the contents of a file into SAP using GUI_DOWNLOAD and read it in ASCII mode. Now when you try to pass this to Ascii internal table of the method specifing the MIME type, it will attach the document to the opportunity, but the document content will be still in ASCII.
    If you try to download this file using GET_WITH_TABLE, then you can see BINARY_FILE is not set to 'X' and the content gets downloaded to Ascii internal table.
    This is my observation.
    I think when attaching documents in Opportunities by default, it reads the file in Binary mode. Because when i tried to attach a file directly in Opportunity transaction, and tried the method GET_WITH_TABLE, the BINARY_FLAG was set.
    Hope now you understood, why i was mentioning that BINARY_FLAG influences the download of content in binary and Ascii format.


    How can I update/insert mutiple rows into the same table from one form ?

    Using the portal form on table you can insert only a single row. You can use master-detail form to insert multiple rows.

  • Query Builder - 2 occurrences of same table and Show Related Tables

    In SQL Developer 1.5 the Query Builder still does not allow you to drag two copies of the same table onto the canvas. Additionally the Show Related Tables does not appear to do anything even after Hide Related Tables. Both of these operations sets the cursor to the hourglass although you can continue working as if the commands completed OK. Query Builder is a great time saver but with limitations like this it is really hobbled.
    Additionally, in order to get join conditions you have to double-click the join in the diagram before the appropriate WHERE clause appears. I have not found any reference to how to use the Query Builder in any documentation. This forum has stated that the Query Builder is supposed to be intuitive and easy to use but this is not the case so far.
    The rest of SQL Developer is a pleasure to use!

    Thanks for your feedback. There are a number of things we want to do to the Query Builder. The issue about dragging 2 copies of a table onto the work surface is a logged enhancement request that we want to address. The Show Related tables and hourglass issues are bugs and need to be addressed. I'll document those.
    Better documentation is also important and we can add that into the product for a future release.
    In the short term, I have on previous occasion said I'd do a demo for using the Query Builder, so I'll make that a priority.

  • To insert values in same table

      based on date difference  i want insert the data  in same table
    eg: if date diff is 2
      i want insert 2 rows in a same table
    how to resolve this
    Edited by: hareeshKR on Oct 1, 2011 9:10 AM

    Please explain further what is your goal, what table are trying to add?
    Because inserting data in a table is not supported.

  • Query Designer: diferent selection for same key figure

    I have some queries that compare many key figures (Total sales, margins,...) between different periods for the same plant or between different plant for the same period or between different periods and plants. For do that I have 2 key figures for each concept (Total sales 1, Total sales 2, Margin 1, Margin 2,....) And two selection variable for each characteristic (plant 1, plant 2, period 1, period 2).
    So I put a selection for "1 characteristics" for each "1 key figures" and a selection for "2 characteristics"  for each "2 key figures". Simple but laborious.
    My customer, than want to maintain queries himself, ask me for a more "smart" way to do that. Can anybody help me?

    What i can suggest you is to make three new columns and respectively name then small team medium tam and big team.
    For first column wirte a condiiton like (SPOC < 10 ) * 1
    Second column condition (SPOC >10 AND SPOC < 30 )*1
    Third column condition (SPOC >30 )*1
    Make use of boolean operators to make these conditions.
    SO whenever your conditions satisfies it will give 1 there in there respective columns and for rest it will be blank.
    If your requirement is different then please sample output of your report.
    Hope it helps.

  • Need help with query that uses 'SELECT INTO'

    Hi guys,
    I am trying to duplicate the values of a table to another by using the script below:
    ACCEPT TBSNAME           CHAR PROMPT 'Tablespace name>'
    PROMPT Connect As System
    Connect system
         TABLESPACE_NAME          VARCHAR(20)          NOT NULL,
         TOTAL_FREE_STORAGE     NUMBER(10)          NOT NULL
    However, when I execute this script, I was prompted with the 'missing keyword' error which happens at the third line of the select statment. Any idea what's missing here?
    Thanks in advance.

    If you mean "fill up the table FREESPACE" by using "select...into..." then it is totally wrong. You cannot do it in plsql also.
    Use this:
    insert into freespace(tablespace_name,total_free_storage)
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